Witt, A.
Co Author Listing * Detection of Bounded Weak Echo Regions in Meteorological Radar Images
Witt, C.[Christian]
Co Author Listing * Surround-View Fisheye Camera Perception for Automated Driving: Overview, Survey and Challenges
* Visual SLAM for Automated Driving: Exploring the Applications of Deep Learning
* WoodScape: A Multi-Task, Multi-Camera Fisheye Dataset for Autonomous Driving
Includes: Witt, C.[Christian] Witt, C.
Witt, G.J.
Co Author Listing * Driver State Monitor from DELPHI
* Efficient Real-Time Algorithms for Eye State and Head Pose Tracking in Advanced Driver Support Systems
* Study on the Display Positions for the Haptic Rotary Device-Based Integrated In-Vehicle Infotainment Interface
* Studying the Effects of Driver Distraction and Traffic Density on the Probability of Crash and Near-Crash Events in Naturalistic Driving Environment
* Vehicle situation alert system with eye gaze controlled alert signal generation
Includes: Witt, G.J. Witt, G.J.[Gerald J.]
Witt, J.[Jonas]
Co Author Listing * Sparse stereo by edge-based search using dynamic programming
Witt, M.
Co Author Listing * 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Using a Prototype Proton CT Scanner
Witt, M.J.[Matthew J.]
Co Author Listing * Tracking Fine-Scale Structural Changes in Coastal Dune Morphology Using Kite Aerial Photography and Uncertainty-Assessed Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
Witt, O.[Olaf]
Co Author Listing * Patient-by-Patient Deep Transfer Learning for Drug-Response Profiling Using Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Pediatric Patient-Derived Tumor-Cell Spheroids
Witt, R.[Raphael]
Co Author Listing * Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap
Witt, S.
Co Author Listing * Real-time video effects on a PlayStation2
Witt, S.C.
Co Author Listing * Characterization of growing lettuce from density contours: I. Head Selection
* Characterization of growing lettuce from density contours: II. Statistics
Witta, L.
Co Author Listing * Context Based Detection of Keypoints and Features in Eye Regions
Wittamperuma, I.
Co Author Listing * Remote-sensing-based Biophysical Models For Estimating LAI of Irrigated Crops In Murry Darling Basin
Wittbrodt, J.[Jochen]
Co Author Listing * Discrete Chain Graph Model for 3d+t Cell Tracking with High Misdetection Robustness, A
* Learning to segment dense cell nuclei with shape prior
Witte, C.
Co Author Listing * Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indicates potential variables for classification of individual trees or forest stands according to species
* Mapping Banana Plantations from Object-oriented Classification of SPOT-5 Imagery
Includes: Witte, C. Witte, C.[Christian]
Witte, H.[Herbert]
Co Author Listing * Fast Vector Quantizer on Neural Clustering Networks Providing Globally Optimal Cluster Solutions, A
* Feedforward Neural Networks for Bayes-Optimal Classification: Investigations on the Influence of the Composition of the Training Set on the Cost Function
* Frequency Tracking with Spline Based Chirp Atoms
* Time-Variant Modeling of Brain Processes
Includes: Witte, H.[Herbert] Witte, H.
Witte, J.
Co Author Listing * Bayesian optimization for refining object proposals
Witte, J.P.M.[Jan Philip M.]
Co Author Listing * Trait Estimation in Herbaceous Plant Assemblages from in situ Canopy Spectra
Includes: Witte, J.P.M.[Jan Philip M.] Witte, J.P.M.[Jan-Philip M.]
Witte, R.S.[Russell S.]
Co Author Listing * Current Source Density Imaging Using Regularized Inversion of Acoustoelectric Signals
Wittek, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Compactly Supported Basis Functions as Support Vector Kernels for Classification
Witten, I.H.
Co Author Listing * Arithmetic coding for data compression
Witten, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Partial Least Squares: A Method to Estimate Efficient Channels for the Ideal Observers
* Singular Vectors of a Linear Imaging System as Efficient Channels for the Bayesian Ideal Observer
Witten, M.[Matthew]
Co Author Listing * Compactification of information in R-color 2-dimensional rectangular patterns
Wittenberg, C.[Carsten]
Co Author Listing * Online User Analysis Regarding the Usage of Mobile Augmented and Virtual Reality Devices in the Field of Robotics, An
Wittenberg, L.
Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing Techniques To Assess Post-fire Effects at the Hillslope and Sub-Basin Scales Via Multi-scale Model
* Total Carbon Content Assessed by UAS Near-Infrared Imagery as a New Fire Severity Metric
Includes: Wittenberg, L. Wittenberg, L.[Lea]
Wittenberg, T.[Thomas]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Methods for Splitting of Touching and Overlapping Macrophages in Fluorescent Micrographs
* Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based on Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
* Multispectral Texture Analysis Using Interplane Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* New Structured Illumination Technique for the Inspection of High-Reflective Surfaces: Application for the Detection of Structural Defects without any Calibration Procedures
* Recording, Processing, and Analysis of Digital High-Speed Sequences in Glottography
Includes: Wittenberg, T.[Thomas] Wittenberg, T.
Wittenberg, V.[Veit]
Co Author Listing * Light Simulation in a Distributed Driving Simulator
Wittenbrink, C.M.
Co Author Listing * Cache Tiling for High Performance Morphological Image Processing
* Cache Write Generate for Parallel Image-Processing on Shared-Memory Architectures
* Coding of Spectrally Homogeneous Regions in Multispectral Image Compression
* Proteus: A Reconfigurable Computational Network for Computer Vision
* Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VI
Includes: Wittenbrink, C.M. Wittenbrink, C.M.[Craig M.]
Wittenburg, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Automatic sign language identification
* Automatic Signer Diarization: The Mover Is the Signer Approach
* Contribution of NLP to the Content Indexing of Multimedia Documents
Wittenburg, T.M.
Co Author Listing * Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System
Wittendorff, E.J.[Emil J.]
Co Author Listing * Effect of Multimodal Feedback on Perceived Exertion on a VR Exercise Setting, The
Witteveen, W.
Co Author Listing * Unmanned Aerial Systems in the Process of Juridical Verification of Cadastral Border
Wittevrongel, S.
Co Author Listing * Capacity Gain of Mixed Multicast/Unicast Transport Schemes in a TV Distribution Network
* Proposal of an integrated platoon-based Round-Robin algorithm with priorities for intersections with mixed traffic flows
Includes: Wittevrongel, S. Wittevrongel, S.[Sabine]
Witthuhn, J.[Jonas]
Co Author Listing * Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on the Levels of Surface Solar Radiation and Solar Energy in Cyprus
Wittich, C.E.[Christine E.]
Co Author Listing * Non-Temporal Point Cloud Analysis for Surface Damage in Civil Structures
Wittich, D.
Co Author Listing * Appearance based deep domain adaptation for the classification of aerial images
Wittig, B.A.[Benedict A.]
Co Author Listing * Fingerprint analyzing and encoding system
Wittig, R.M.[Roman M.]
Co Author Listing * PanAf20K: A Large Video Dataset for Wild Ape Detection and Behaviour Recognition
Wittke, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * DMCtrac: Distributed multi camera tracking
* MIDSCA: Towards a Smart Camera architecture of mobile internet devices
Wittke, S.
Co Author Listing * Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling From Multispectral and SAR Satellite Imagery
* Scalable Crop Yield Prediction with Sentinel-2 Time Series and Temporal Convolutional Network
Includes: Wittke, S. Wittke, S.[Samantha]
Wittkopf, S.[Stefan]
Co Author Listing * Development and Validation of a Photo-Based Measurement System to Calculate the Debarking Percentages of Processed Logs
Wittman, M.
Co Author Listing * Empirical Studies of the Existence of the Biometric Menagerie in the FRGC 2.0 Color Image Corpus
Wittman, T.[Todd]
Co Author Listing * Segmentation for Hyperspectral Images with Priors
* Variational Approach for Sharpening High Dimensional Images, A
Wittmann, B.[Bastian]
Co Author Listing * Link Prediction for Flow-Driven Spatial Networks
* Relationformer: A Unified Framework for Image-to-Graph Generation
Wittmann, D.[Dieter]
Co Author Listing * Pattern Recognition Combining De-noising and Linear Discriminant Analysis within a Real World Application
Wittmann, R.
Co Author Listing * Fixed-Point Quantization Technique for Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Weight Scaling, A
* Gradient Based Evolution to Optimize the Structure of Convolutional Neural Networks
Wittmann, S.
Co Author Listing * Frequency Selective Update for Video Coding
* New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professional-Quality Video Applications
* Novel Approach for the Test of Active Pedestrian Safety Systems, A
* Separable adaptive interpolation filter for video coding
* Transmission of Post-Filter Hints for Video Coding Schemes
* Video Coding Using a Simplified Block Structure and Advanced Coding Techniques
Includes: Wittmann, S. Wittmann, S.[Steffen]
Wittner, B.S.
Co Author Listing * Shape Analysis of Three Dimensional Objects Using the Method of Moments
Wittrock, U.[Ulrich]
Co Author Listing * Aberration balancing using an image-sharpness metric
Wittrowski, J.
Co Author Listing * 3D Implicit Shape Models Using Ray Based Hough Voting for Furniture Recognition
Witts, W.J.C.
Co Author Listing * Optimising Edge Detection
Wittstock, E.[Eckhart]
Co Author Listing * Framework for User Tests in a Virtual Environment, A
Wittstock, V.[Volker]
Co Author Listing * Framework for User Tests in a Virtual Environment, A
Wittstruck, L.[Lucas]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Stage Feature Fusion of Multispectral and SAR Satellite Images for Seasonal Crop-Type Mapping at Regional Scale Using an Adapted 3D U-Net Model
Wittwer, R.
Co Author Listing * Knowledge-based interpretation of thyroid scintigrams
Witty, C.
Co Author Listing * Dynamic Object Capture Using Fast Vision Tracking