Kost, H.[Henning]
Co Author Listing * Combined Categorization and Localization of Logistic Goods Using Superquadrics
* Towards Interactive Breast Tumor Classification Using Transfer Learning
Kosta, A.[Adarsh]
Co Author Listing * HALSIE: Hybrid Approach to Learning Segmentation by Simultaneously Exploiting Image and Event Modalities
Kosta, A.K.[Adarsh Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Live Demonstration: ANN vs SNN vs Hybrid Architectures for Event-based Real-time Gesture Recognition and Optical Flow Estimation
* Spike-flownet: Event-based Optical Flow Estimation with Energy-efficient Hybrid Neural Networks
Kosta, G.
Co Author Listing * Group Behavior Recognition for Gesture Analysis
* Modelization of Limb Coordination for Human Action Analysis
Kosta, Y.P.
Co Author Listing * seeded region growing algorithm for spot detection in medical image segmentation, A
Kostadinov, D.[Dimche]
Co Author Listing * Local Active Content Fingerprint: Solutions for general linear feature maps
* Local active content fingerprinting: Optimal solution under linear modulation
* multi-layer image representation using regularized residual quantization: Application to compression and denoising, A
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for Event Data: Direct vs. Inverse Problem Formulation
Kostadinov, I.
Co Author Listing * Vertical Distribution of Lower Tropospheric NO2 Derived From Diffuse Solar Radiation Measurements: A Geometrical Retrieval Approach
Kostakos, V.[Vassilis]
Co Author Listing * Kinship verification from facial images and videos: human versus machine
* Mobile Near-infrared Sensing: A Systematic Review on Devices, Data, Modeling, and Applications
Kostamo, P.
Co Author Listing * New Approach to Land-Based Cloud Classification, A
Kostamovaara, J.
Co Author Listing * Single Photon Lidar in Mobile Laser Scanning: The Sampling Rate Problem And Initial Solutions Via Spatial Correlations
Kostanic, I.
Co Author Listing * Path Loss Models for Low-Power, Low-Data Rate Sensor Nodes for Smart Car Parking Systems
Kostashki, B.[Bilyana]
Co Author Listing * Severe Convection at Burgas Airport: Case Study 17 September 2022
Kostavelis, I.
Co Author Listing * Body-part tracking from partial-view depth data
* Hybrid Geometric Similarity and Local Consistency Measure for GPR Hyperbola Detection
* RAMCIP Robot: A Personal Robotic Assistant: Demonstration of a Complete Framework
* Road Tracking in Semi-structured Environments Using Spatial Distribution of Lidar Data
* Robot's Workspace Enhancement with Dynamic Human Presence for Socially-Aware Navigation
* SPARTAN system: Towards a low-cost and high-performance vision architecture for space exploratory rovers
* Spatially-Constrained Semantic Segmentation with Topological Maps and Visual Embeddings
* Towards life-long mapping of dynamic environments using temporal persistence modeling
* V-disparity Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Path Planning of a Robot-trailer
Includes: Kostavelis, I. Kostavelis, I.[Ioannis]
9 for Kostavelis, I.
Kostek, B.[Bozena]
Co Author Listing * Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment
* Reversible video stream anonymization for video surveillance systems based on pixels relocation and watermarking
* Rough Set Based Modeling and Visualization of the Acoustic Field Around the Human Head
* Visual Data Encryption for Privacy Enhancement in Surveillance Systems
Kostelbauer, F.[Felix]
Co Author Listing * Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Neolithic Circular Ditch Enclosure of Velm (Lower Austria)
Includes: Kostelbauer, F.[Felix] Köstelbauer, F.[Felix] (Maybe also Koestelbauer, F.)
Kostelecky, J.
Co Author Listing * New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
Includes: Kostelecky, J. Kostelecký, J.
Koster, A.[Arian]
Co Author Listing * MUPCOS: A multi-purpose coding scheme
Koster, A.S.E.[Andre S.E.]
Co Author Listing * email: Koster, A.S.E.[Andre S.E.]: Andre Koster AT machtech com
* Comparison of Multiscale Image Representations for Image Segmentation, A
* Heuristic Linking Models In Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Linking Models for Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Probabilistic Hyperstack Segmentation of MR Brain Data
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation: Setup and First Results
* Probabilistic Segmentation of Partial Volume Voxels
* Task-directed evaluation of image segmentation methods
Includes: Koster, A.S.E.[Andre S.E.] Koster, A.S.E.
9 for Koster, A.S.E.
Koster, F.
Co Author Listing * Concept of controlling the usage of nomadic devices in highly automated vehicles
* Image And Laser Scanner Processing As Confident Cues For Object Detection In Driving Situations
* InflateSAR Campaign: Developing Refugee Vessel Detection Capabilities with Polarimetric SAR, The
* InflateSAR Campaign: Evaluating SAR Identification Capabilities of Distressed Refugee Boats, The
* InflateSAR Campaign: Testing SAR Vessel Detection Systems for Refugee Rubber Inflatables, The
* Reevaluating the Safety Impact of Inherent Interpretability on Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
Includes: Koster, F. Köster, F. (Maybe also Koester, F.)Köster, F.[Frank] (Maybe also Koester, F.)
Koster, K.[Klaus]
Co Author Listing * MIR: An Approach to Robust Clustering-Application to Range Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Segmentation of 3D and 2D Seismic Reflection Data
Includes: Koster, K.[Klaus] Köster, K.[Klaus] (Maybe also Koester, K.)
Koster, U.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive application of spatial filters on raw CT images
* Natural image statistics: Energy-based models estimated by score matching
Kosters, W.
Co Author Listing * Selection of DNA Markers
Kosters, W.A.[Walter A.]
Co Author Listing * Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Discrete Tomography, A
* Reasoning Framework for Solving Nonograms, A
* Solving Nonograms by combining relaxations
Kosti, R.[Ronak]
Co Author Listing * Adapt Everywhere: Unsupervised Adaptation of Point-Clouds and Entropy Minimization for Multi-Modal Cardiac Image Segmentation
* ARIN: Adaptive Resampling and Instance Normalization for Robust Blind Inpainting of Dunhuang Cave Paintings
* Context Based Emotion Recognition Using EMOTIC Dataset
* EMOTIC: Emotions in Context Dataset
* Emotion Recognition in Context
* ICC++: Explainable feature learning for art history using image compositions
* ODOR: The ICPR2022 ODeuropa Challenge on Olfactory Object Recognition
* One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
* Supervised Contrastive Learning for Robust and Efficient Multi-modal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis
9 for Kosti, R.
Kostiainen, T.
Co Author Listing * Efficient proposal distributions for MCMC image segmentation
Kostianaia, E.A.[Evgeniia A.]
Co Author Listing * Interannual Variability of Water Level in Two Largest Lakes of Europe
Kostianoy, A.[Andrey]
Co Author Listing * Self- and Inter-Crossover Points of Jasons' Missions as New Essential Add-on of Satellite Altimetry in the Sub-Arctic Seas and the Southern Ocean
* Spatio-Temporal Variability in Bio-Optical Properties of the Southern Caspian Sea: A Historic Analysis of Ocean Color Data
Kostianoy, A.G.[Andrey G.]
Co Author Listing * Chronic Oil Pollution from Vessels and Its Role in Background Pollution in the Southeastern Baltic Sea
* Interannual Variability of Water Level in Two Largest Lakes of Europe
* Remote Sensing of Ice Conditions in the Southeastern Baltic Sea and in the Curonian Lagoon and Validation of SAR-Based Ice Thickness Products
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Wind Energy in the Caspian Sea: An Ecosystem Service Modeling Approach
* Water Dynamics and Morphometric Parameters of Lake Sevan (Armenia) in the Summer-Autumn Period According to Satellite Data
Kostic, B.
Co Author Listing * Embedding Data into Pictures by Modulo Masking
Kostic, D.
Co Author Listing * Motion in human and machine: a virtual fatigue approach
Kostic, T.
Co Author Listing * MBO Scheme on Graphs for Classification and Image Processing, An
Kostic, Z.
Co Author Listing * AIC2018 Report: Traffic Surveillance Research
* Smart City Intersections: Intelligence Nodes for Future Metropolises
* What Image Features Boost Housing Market Predictions?
Includes: Kostic, Z. Kostic, Z.[Zoran]
Kostin, A.
Co Author Listing * Comparative Study of Automatic Face Verification Algorithms on the BANCA Database, A
* Edge Preserving in Generalized Smoothing of Signals and Images
* Elastic transformation of the image pixel grid for similarity based face identification
* Face authentication test on the BANCA database
* Memory Architecture and Contextual Reasoning Framework for Cognitive Vision, A
* Novel Data Association Algorithm for Object Tracking in Clutter with Application to Tennis Video Analysis, A
* Object recognition by symmetrised graph matching using relaxation labelling with an inhibitory mechanism
* simple and fast multi-class piecewise linear pattern classifier, A
* Support object classifiers with rigid and elastic kernel functions for face identification
* Variational Methods in Signal and Image Analysis
Includes: Kostin, A. Kostin, A.[Alexey] Kostin, A.[Alexander]
10 for Kostin, A.
Kostina, V.[Victoria]
Co Author Listing * How to Query an Oracle? Efficient Strategies to Label Data
Kostinger, M.[Martin]
Co Author Listing * Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A large-scale, real-world database for facial landmark localization
* Automatic Detection and Reading of Dangerous Goods Plates
* Dense appearance modeling and efficient learning of camera transitions for person re-identification
* Discriminative Hough Forests for Object Detection
* Efficient Retrieval for Large Scale Metric Learning
* Joint Learning of Discriminative Prototypes and Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Large scale metric learning from equivalence constraints
* Learning to recognize faces from videos and weakly related information cues
* Multiple Instance Boosting for Face Recognition in Videos
* Optimizing 1-Nearest Prototype Classifiers
* Relaxed Pairwise Learned Metric for Person Re-identification
* Synergy-based Learning of Facial Identity
Includes: Kostinger, M.[Martin] Kostinger, M. Köstinger, M.[Martin] (Maybe also Koestinger, M.)
12 for Kostinger, M.
Kostinski, A.[Alexander]
Co Author Listing * Secular Changes in Atmospheric Turbidity over Iraq and a Possible Link to Military Activity
Kostis, W.J.
Co Author Listing * On Measuring the Change in Size of Pulmonary Nodules
* Three-dimensional segmentation and growth-rate estimation of small pulmonary nodules in helical CT images
Kostiuk, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Voice Communication-Augmented Simulation Framework for Aircraft Trajectory Simulation, A
Kostiukhin, A.[Anton]
Co Author Listing * KappaMask: AI-Based Cloudmask Processor for Sentinel-2
Kostka, R.[Robert]
Co Author Listing * Dhamek Stupa: Documentation of a Cultural Heritage in India
Kostkova, J.
Co Author Listing * 3D Geometry from Uncalibrated Images
* Affine Invariants of Vector Fields
* Affine Moment Invariants of Vector Fields
* Blur Invariants for Image Recognition
* Combined Invariants to Gaussian Blur and Affine Transformation
* Dense Stereomatching Algorithm Performance for View Prediction and Structure Reconstruction
* Handling Gaussian blur without deconvolution
* Image Invariants to Anisotropic Gaussian Blur
* Non-separable rotation moment invariants
* On the Null-Space of the Shape-Color Moment Invariants
* Recognition of patterns in vector fields by Gaussian-hermite invariants
* Robust Histogram Estimation Under Gaussian Noise
* Rotation invariants of vector fields from orthogonal moments
* Stratified Dense Matching for Stereopsis in Complex Scenes
Includes: Kostkova, J. Kostková, J. Kostková, J.[Jitka] Kostková, J.[Jana]
14 for Kostkova, J.
Kostler, H.[Harald]
Co Author Listing * 3D optical flow computation using a parallel variational multigrid scheme with application to cardiac C-arm CT motion
* Adaptive variational sinogram interpolation of sparsely sampled CT data
* Development of Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Mouse Hearts at 9.4 Tesla: Simulations and First Application
* Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Histological Image Reconstruction, A
* Geometric Multigrid Solver on Tsubame 2.0, A
* matrix-free approach to efficient affine-linear image registration on CPU and GPU, A
* Performance engineering to achieve real-time high dynamic range imaging
Includes: Kostler, H.[Harald] Kostler, H. Köstler, H. (Maybe also Koestler, H.)Köstler, H.[Harald] (Maybe also Koestler, H.)
7 for Kostler, H.
Kostliva, J.[Jana]
Co Author Listing * Fairing of Discrete Surfaces with Boundary That Preserves Size and Qualitative Shape
* Feasibility Boundary in Dense and Semi-Dense Stereo Matching
Includes: Kostliva, J.[Jana] Kostlivá, J.[Jana]
Kostoeva, R.
Co Author Listing * Indoor 3d Interactive Asset Detection Using a Smartphone
Kostopoulos, A.[Alexandros]
Co Author Listing * New Measure for Analyzing and Fusing Sequences of Objects, A
Kostopoulos, I.[Ioannis]
Co Author Listing * Automated detection and classification of nuclei in PAX5 and H&E-stained tissue sections of follicular lymphoma
* Automated Evaluation of Her-2/neu Status in Breast Tissue From Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Images
* model for the assessment of watermark quality with regard to fidelity, A
* Using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems for the detection of centroblasts in microscopic images of follicular lymphoma
Includes: Kostopoulos, I.[Ioannis] Kostopoulos, I.
Kostopoulos, K.[Konstantinos]
Co Author Listing * Haptic Access to Conventional 2D Maps for the Visually Impaired
Kostopoulos, S.[Spiros]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analysis of Breast Tissue Specimens and Pattern Recognition Methods
* Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Peak Selection Method, for Identifying Biomarkers Related to Prostate Cancer
* Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microarray Spot Segmentation
Kostopoulou, E.[Eirini]
Co Author Listing * 2D-GE image analysis focusing on elimination of spurious spots
* Spot Segmentation Approach for 2D Gel Electrophoresis Images Based on 2D Histograms, A
Kostoulas, T.
Co Author Listing * Recognizing Induced Emotions of Movie Audiences from Multimodal Information
Kostousov, V.B.[Victor B.]
Co Author Listing * Flexible Net Approach for Stereo Matching
Kostrikov, I.[Ilya]
Co Author Listing * Depth Sweep Regression Forests for Estimating 3D Human Pose from Images
* Efficient Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation, An
* PlaNet: Photo Geolocation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Probabilistic Labeling Cost for High-Accuracy Multi-view Reconstruction
* Surface Networks
Kostrikov, S.[Sergiy]
Co Author Listing * ELiT, Multifunctional Web-Software for Feature Extraction from 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
Kostromin, R.[Roman]
Co Author Listing * Integration of Web Processing Services with Workflow-Based Scientific Applications for Solving Environmental Monitoring Problems
Kostromov, N.
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Face Identification via CNN and Boosted Hashing Forest
Kostrykin, L.[Leonid]
Co Author Listing * Superadditivity and Convex Optimization for Globally Optimal Cell Segmentation Using Deformable Shape Models
Kostsov, V.[Vladimir]
Co Author Listing * Trends of Key Greenhouse Gases as Measured in 2009-2022 at the FTIR Station of St. Petersburg State University
Kostuch, A.[Aleksander]
Co Author Listing * SafeSO: Interpretable and Explainable Deep Learning Approach for Seat Occupancy Classification in Vehicle Interior
Kostur, M.[Marcin]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Meets Particle Swarm Optimization For Aortic Valve Calcium Scoring From Cardiac Computed Tomography
Kostyn, A.[Alexey]
Co Author Listing * Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
Kostyukhin, V.[Vadim]
Co Author Listing * ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polarization Laser Sensing of High-Level Clouds