Coelen, V.
Co Author Listing * Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuated Road Vehicle
* Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
Coelho do Carmo, A.[Alisson]
Co Author Listing * Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient Retrieval in CDOM Dominated Inland Water with High Chlorophyll-a Concentrations
Coelho Silva, F.[Felipe]
Co Author Listing * Mangan: Assisting Colorization Of Manga Characters Concept Art Using Conditional GAN
Coelho, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Layered shape grammars for procedural modelling of buildings
Includes: Coelho, A.[Antonio] Coelho, A.[António]
Coelho, A.L.V.[Andre L.V.]
Co Author Listing * Clustering ensembles: A hedonic game theoretical approach
Includes: Coelho, A.L.V.[Andre L.V.] Coelho, A.L.V.[André L.V.]
Coelho, B.[Bruno]
Co Author Listing * ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations
Coelho, C.
Co Author Listing * Dual camera intelligent sensor for high definition 360 degrees surveillance
* Extraction of Vanishing Points from Images of Indoor and Outdoor Scenes
* Invariant Descriptors for 3-D Object Recognition and Pose
* Novel Pedestrian Classification Algorithm for a High Definition Dual Camera 360 Degrees Surveillance System, A
* Recovery and Understanding of a Line Drawing from Indoor Scenes, The
* Traffic monitoring in motorways by real-time number plate recognition
* Using Geometrical Rules and a Priori Knowledge for the Understanding of Indoor Scenes
7 for Coelho, C.
Coelho, C.J.[Clarimar Jose]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of extrasystolic ECG signal classifiers using discrete wavelet transforms
* Pancreatic Cancer Detection Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
Includes: Coelho, C.J.[Clarimar Jose] Coelho, C.J.[Clarimar José]
Coelho, D.F.G.[Diego F. G.]
Co Author Listing * Class of Low-Complexity DCT-Like Transforms for Image and Video Coding, A
* Radix-N Algorithm for Computing N^(2^(n))-Point DFT Approximations
Coelho, D.P.[Daniel Popp]
Co Author Listing * Parallel Implementation of the Drlse Algorithm
Coelho, F.[Frederico]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Objective Semi-Supervised Feature Selection and Model Selection Based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
Coelho, G.
Co Author Listing * Efficient CIEDE2000-Based Color Similarity Decision for Computer Vision
Coelho, G.P.
Co Author Listing * Predicting missing values with biclustering: A coherence-based approach
Coelho, H.[Hugo]
Co Author Listing * Systematic Review of Comparative Studies of the Impact of Realism in Immersive Virtual Experiences
Coelho, L.[Luiz]
Co Author Listing * Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
Coelho, L.C.R.[Lara C. R.]
Co Author Listing * Recovering Photometric Properties of Multiple Strongly-Reflective, Partially-Transparent Surfaces from a Single Image
Coelho, L.P.[Luis P.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Multiresolution Approach to Fingerprint Recognition, An
Coelho, L.S.
Co Author Listing * Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for real underwater image restoration
Coelho, M.A.N.[Mauricio Archanjo Nunes]
Co Author Listing * dual method for solving the nonlinear structured prediction problem, A
Includes: Coelho, M.A.N.[Mauricio Archanjo Nunes] Coelho, M.A.N.[Maurício Archanjo Nunes]
Coelho, P.[Paulo]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Approach for Red Lesions Detection in Video Capsule Endoscopies, A
Coelho, R.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Reverberation Absorption Using Non-Stationary Masking Components Detection for Intelligibility Improvement
* Blind Adaptive Mask to Improve Intelligibility of Non-Stationary Noisy Speech
* Colored Noise Based Multicondition Training Technique for Robust Speaker Identification
* EEMD-IF Based Method for Underwater Noisy Acoustic Signals Enhancement in Time-Domain
* F0-Based Gammatone Filtering for Intelligibility Gain of Acoustic Noisy Signals
* FRS: Adaptive Score for Improving Acoustic Source Classification From Noisy Signals
* On the Estimation of Fundamental Frequency From Nonstationary Noisy Speech Signals Based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform
* Speech Enhancement with Nonstationary Acoustic Noise Detection in Time Domain
* Time-Frequency Feature and AMS-GMM Mask for Acoustic Emotion Classification
9 for Coelho, R.
Coelho, R.C.
Co Author Listing * Classification of cat ganglion retinal cells and implications for shape-function relationship
* Shape-Based Features for Cat Ganglion Retinal Cells Classification
Includes: Coelho, R.C. Coelho, R.C.[Regina Celia]
Coelho, S.I.
Co Author Listing * simple and efficient method for global handwritten word recognition applied to Brazilian bankchecks, A
Coelho, V.N.[Vitor N.]
Co Author Listing * Convolutional Network for EEG-Based Biometric
Coelingh, E.
Co Author Listing * Driving tests for self-driving cars
* Lane Change Maneuvers for Automated Vehicles
* Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Automated Yielding Maneuvers
* Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions
Coello Coello, C.A.[Carlos A.]
Co Author Listing * Bias and Variance Multi-objective Optimization for Support Vector Machines Model Selection
* Evolutionary Multi-Objective Approach for Prototype Generation and Feature Selection
* Introduction to Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization with Some Applications in Pattern Recognition, An
Includes: Coello Coello, C.A.[Carlos A.] Coello-Coello, C.A.[Carlos A.]
Coello, G.[Grethel]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of K-SVD Method in Facial Expression Recognition Based on Sparse Representation Problems
Coello, Y.
Co Author Listing * New Computational Approach to Identify Human Social Intention in Action, A