Index for cael

Caelles, S. Co Author Listing * Deep Extreme Cut: From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation
* One-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Video Object Segmentation without Temporal Information

Caelli, T. Co Author Listing * Automatic On-Site Fire Ant Screening System, An
* Hidden Markov Models: Applications in Computer Vision
* Matching non-aligned objects using a relational string-graph
* Parametric Manifold of an Object under Different Viewing Directions
* Primitive-based 3D structure inference from a single 2D image for insect modeling: Towards an electronic field guide for insect identification
* scale-invariant change detection method for land use/cover change research, A
Includes: Caelli, T. Caelli, T.[Terry] Caelli, T.[Terrence]

Caelli, T.M.[Terry M.] Co Author Listing * email: Caelli, T.M.[Terry M.]: tcaelli AT ualberta ca
* 3D Mapping of Surface Temperature Using Thermal Stereo
* 3D Shape Matching and Inspection Using Geometric Features and Relational Learning
* Adaptive Computational Model for Texture Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Gabor Filters for Texture Segmentation
* Adaptive iterative algorithm for image restoration
* Application of Agent-Oriented Techniques to Symbolic Matching and Object Recognition, An
* Approximating the problem, not the solution: An alternative view of point set matching
* Bayesian Contrast Measures and Clutter Distribution Determinants of Human Target Detection
* Bayesian Stereo Matching
* Boosted Band Ratio Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* CITE: A Trainable Image Annotation System
* Coding Images in the Frequency Domain: Filter Design and Energy Processing Characteristics of the Human Visual System
* Colour Adjustment and Specular Removal for Non-uniform Shape from Shading
* Combining NL Processing and Video Data to Query American Football
* comparison of junction tree and relaxation algorithms for point matching using different distance metrics, A
* Component Optimization for Image Understanding: A Bayesian Approach
* Components analysis of hidden Markov models in computer vision
* Computation of Surface Geometry and Segmentation Using Covariance Techniques
* Concurrent, Hierarchical Approach to Symbolic Dynamic Scene Interpretation, A
* Delaunay-supported edges for image graphs
* Diagnostic tools for evaluating and updating hidden Markov models
* Efficient subgraph matching using topological node feature constraints
* Efficient Visual Representation and Reconstruction from Generalized Curvature Measures
* Eigenspace Projection Clustering Method for Inexact Graph Matching, An
* Encoding Visual Information Using Anisotropic Transformations
* Entropy Production in Colour Images
* Entropy-based representation of image information
* Estimating the Parameters of an Illumination Model Using Photometric Stereo
* Fast Edge-Only Matching Techniques for Robot Pattern Matching
* Figural Synthesis
* Filter techniques for complex spatio-chromatic image processing
* Filter-Based Models for Pattern Classification
* Forestry Scene Geometry Estimation Via Statistical Learning
* Generalized Spatio-Chromatic Diffusion
* Generating Complete Depth Maps In Passive Vision Systems
* graph decomposition approach to least squares attributed graph matching, A
* Graphical Models and Point Pattern Matching
* Graphical models for graph matching
* Graphical models for graph matching: Approximate models and optimal algorithms
* High-Order Circular Derivative Pattern for Image Representation and Recognition
* Image Encoding, Labeling and Reconstruction from Differential Geometry
* Improved estimation of hidden Markov model parameters from multiple observation sequences
* improved rule generation method for evidence-based classification systems, An
* In-place covariance operators for computer vision
* information-theoretic approach to active vision, An
* Interactively Matching Hand-Drawings Using Induction
* Invariance Signatures: Characterizing Contours by Their Departures from Invariance
* Invariant Object Material Identification via Discriminant Learning on Absorption Features
* Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Multiple Filter Image Representations
* Inverting an Illumination Model from Range and Intensity Maps
* Learning how to find patterns or objects in complex scenes
* Learning Image Annotation: The Cite System
* Learning Image Feature Extraction: Modeling, Tracking and Predicting Human Performance
* Learning Relational Structures: Applications to Computer Vision
* Learning Structural Descriptions of Patterns: A New Technique for Conditional Clustering and Rule Generation
* Learning Task-Specific Object Recognition and Scene Understanding
* Local Structure in Images from Entropy Production
* Low-cost Interactive Active Monocular Range Finder
* Low-cost interactive active range finder
* Machine Learning and Image Interpretation
* Machine Learning Paradigms for Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
* model-based neural network for edge characterization, A
* Multiobject Pattern Recognition and Detection in Noisy Backgrounds Using a Hierarchical Approach
* On Learning the Shape of Complex Actions
* On Perceptual Analyzers Underlying Visual Texture Discrimination: Part I
* On Perceptual Analyzers Underlying Visual Texture Discrimination: Part II
* On the Classification of Image Regions by Colour, Texture, and Shape
* On the Extraction and Alignment of Image Edges
* On the Learning of Complex Movement Sequences
* On the Limits of Fourier Decompositions in Visual Texture Perception
* On the Minimum Number of Templates Required for Shift, Rotation and Size Invariant Pattern Recognition
* On the Relationship Between Surface Covariance and Differential Geometry
* On the Representation of Image Structures via Scale Space Entropy Conditions
* On the Representation of Visual Information
* On the Symbolic Interpretation of Traffic Scenes
* Online Discriminative Approach to Background Subtraction, An
* Parsing Scale-Space and Spatial Stability Analysis
* Picture Interpretation: A Symbolic Approach
* Range Image Segmentation by Dynamic Neural-Network Architecture
* Range Measurement from Defocus Gradient
* Real-Time Discriminative Background Subtraction
* Recovery of the 3-D Location and Motion of a Rigid Object Through Camera Image (An Extended Kalman Filter Approach)
* Region-Based Coding of Color Images Using Karhunen-Loeve Transform
* relational learning method for pattern and object recognition, A
* Road tracking in aerial images based on human-computer interaction and Bayesian filtering
* Robust and Efficient Road Tracking in Aerial Images
* Rulegraphs for Graph Matching in Pattern Recognition
* Rulegraphs for Pattern Recognition
* Scene Understanding by Rule Evaluation
* Sequential Adaptive Recursive Filter for Image Restoration, A
* Some new techniques for evidence-based object recognition: EB-ORS1
* Specular Free Spectral Imaging Using Orthogonal Subspace Projection
* Texture Classification and Segmentation Algorithms in Man and Machine
* Theory of spatiochromatic image encoding and feature extraction
* Three Processing Characteristics of Visual Texture Segmentation
* Topological features and iterative node elimination for speeding up subgraph isomorphism detection
* trainable hierarchical hidden markov tree model for color image annotation, A
* Unified Formulation of Invariant Point Pattern Matching, A
* Using Gabor Filters to Measure the Physical Parameters of Lines
* Using Gabor Filters to Measure the Physical Parameters of Lines
* Validation of Machine Learning Techniques: Decision Trees and Finite Training Set
* Variations on the Evidence-Based Object Recognition Theme
* Visual information from anisotropic transformations
* Visual Perception, Theory and Practice
Includes: Caelli, T.M.[Terry M.] Caelli, T.M.
105 for Caelli, T.M.

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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