Update Dates 9803

9803 * 2-D Object Recognition Using Invariant Contour Descriptor and Projective Refinement
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes from Image Sequences
* 3D Reconstruction of Straight and Curved Pipes Using Digital Line Photogrammetry, The
* 3D-GIS for Urban Purposes
* Accurate 3d Measurement Using A Structured Light System
* Adaptive motion-compensated interpolation based on spatiotemporal segmentation
* Adaptive Smoothing Respecting Feature Directions
* Adaptive Thresholding By Variational Method
* Advanced Target Recognition
* Affine Plane Curve Evolution: A Fully Consistent Scheme
* Affine-Invariant Active Contour Model (AI-Snake) for Model-Based Segmentation, An
* Analysis of the Superposition of Periodic Layers and Their Moire Effects Through the Algebraic Structure of Their Fourier Spectrum
* Apparatus and method for detecting motion in a video signal
* Area and Length Minimizing Flows for Shape Segmentation
* Automated template design method for print enhancement
* Automatic Background Recognition and Removal (ABRR) in Computed Radiography Images
* Automatic Correction of Motion Artifacts in Magnetic-Resonance Images Using an Entropy Focus Criterion
* Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress and Rest Reoriented SPECT Images
* Automatic Target Recognition For Naval Traffic Control Using Neural Networks
* Averaging of Random Sets Based on Their Distance Functions
* Axiomatic Approach to Image Interpolation, An
* Brightness adjustment of images using digital scene analysis
* Calibration of Digitized Aerial Photographs for Forest Stratification, The
* Change Vector Analysis: A Technique for the Multispectral Monitoring of Land-Cover and Condition
* Characterization of Neuropathological Shape Deformations
* Classifier Design with Incomplete Knowledge
* Close-Loop Object Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning
* Color and Luminance Information in Natural Scenes
* Color quantization with genetic algorithms
* Color TV: Total Variation Methods for Restoration of Vector-Valued Images
* Computer-Aided Breast-Cancer Detection and Diagnosis of Masses Using Difference of Gaussians and Derivative-Based Feature Saliency
* Computing 3-Dimensional Project Invariants from a Pair of Images Using the Grassmann-Cayley Algebra
* Computing Running Discrete Cosine/Sine Transforms Based on the Adaptive LMS Algorithm
* Contrast Mapping and Evaluation for Electronic X-Ray Images on CRT Display Monitor
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for Curve Fitting
* Crust and the -Skeleton: Combinatorial Curve Reconstruction, The
* CT Image-Enhancement with Wavelet Analysis for the Detection of Small Airways Disease
* DCT Transform Coding of Stereo Images for Multimedia Applications
* Decomposition of Arbitrarily Shaped Binary Morphological Structuring Elements Using Genetic Algorithms
* Derivative Computation By Multiscale Filters
* Detection and Concealment of Transmission Errors in H.261 Images
* Detection and Correction of Transmission Errors in Pyramid Images
* Differentiation-Based Edge-Detection Using the Logarithmic Image-Processing Model
* Digital Elevation Model Data Analysis Using the Contact Surface Area
* Efficient and Reliable Schemes for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Efficient Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of Nonrigid Objects via Optimization of Mesh Models
* Efficient True-Motion Estimator Using Candidate Vectors from a Parametric Motion Model, An
* End-To-End Modeling and Simulation of MPEG-2 Transport Streams over ATM Networks with Jitter
* Enhancing Videoconferencing Using Spatially Varying Sensing
* Estimating Fractal Dimension with Fractal Interpolation Function Models
* Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration
* Estimating the Accuracy of Coarse Scale Classification Using High Scale Information
* Example-Based Learning for View-Based Human Face Detection
* Extracting 3D Vortices in Turbulent Fluid-Flow
* Fast Corner Detection
* Focus of Expansion Estimation by an Error Backpropagation Neural-Network
* Foldover-Free Image Warping
* Fractal Modeling and Segmentation for the Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms
* Fusion by the IHS Transform: Should We Use Cylindrical or Spherical Coordinates
* Fuzzy Artmap Supervised Classification of Multispectral Remotely Sensed Images
* Gabor Filter Based Method for Recognizing Handwritten Numerals, A
* General Framework for Low-Level Vision, A
* Generalized Queries on Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars
* Generic Grouping Algorithm and Its Quantitative Analysis, A
* Geometry Based Computer Vision
* Grouping-Based Nonadditive Verification
* Hardware Design of a 2-D Motion Estimation System Based on the Hough Transform
* Image Compression Using Modified Block Truncation Coding Algorithm
* Image noise reduction system using a wiener variant filter in a pyramid image representation
* Image Transforms as a Tool for the Study of Soil-Salinity and Alkalinity Dynamics
* Image-Reconstruction for Dynamic PET Based on Low-Order Approximation and Restoration of the Sinogram
* Image/Video Spatial Scalability in Compressed Domain
* Implicit Surface-Based Geometric Fusion
* Improved Feature-Extraction by Use of a Joint Wavelet Transform Correlator
* Improving the performance of edge localization techniques through error compensation
* Inspection system and process
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Partial-Differential Equations and Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Image-Processing and Analysis
* Inverting Optical Reflectance to Estimate Surface /Properties of Vegetation Canopies
* Investigation of Wavelet-Based Image-Coding Using an Entropy-Constrained Quantization Framework, An
* Linear-Programming Fitting of Implicit Polynomials
* Machine dynamic selection of one video camera/image of a scene from multiple video cameras
* Managing, Modeling, and Visualizing High-dimensional Spatio-temporal Data in an Integrated System
* Markov Random-Field Segmentation of Brain MR-Images
* Measures of Acutance and Shape for Classification of Breast-Tumors
* Method and apparatus for detecting motion vectors of pixel blocks of a digitized video signal
* Method for Quantization Scale Factor Selection in MPEG2 Video Sequence Encoding Using a Bilayer Fuzzy Expert-System, A
* Method for segmenting and estimating a moving object motion using a hierarchy of motion models
* Method for Segmenting Chest CT Image Data Using an Anatomical Model: Preliminary-Results
* Migration Processes I: the Continuous Case
* Migration Processes II: the Discrete Case
* Model-Based Articulated Hand Motion Tracking For Gesture Recognition
* Modified Box-Counting Method: Analysis of Some Characteristic Parameters, The
* Modified Curvature Motion for Image Smoothing and Enhancement
* Morphological, Affine, and Galilean Invariant Scale-Space for Movies, A
* Mosaicking of Orthorectified Aerial Images
* Multi-Stroke Relaxation Matching Method For Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition
* Multigrid Anisotropic Diffusion
* Multimodality Bayesian Algorithm for Image-Reconstruction in Positron-Emission-Tomography: A Tissue Composition Model
* Multiresolution Imaging: An End-to-End Assessment
* Neural Network-Based Face Detection
* New Results on the Theory of Morphological Filters by Reconstruction
* New Supervised Classification Method for Quantitative-Analysis of Remotely Sensed Multispectral Data, A
* Noisy Texture Classification: A Higher Order Statistics Approach
* Nonlinear Wavelet Image-Processing: Variational-Problems, Compression, and Noise Removal Through Wavelet Shrinkage
* Note on the Complexity of Dijkstras Algorithm for Graphs with Weighted Vertices, A
* Novel Blind Deconvolution Scheme for Image Restoration Using Recursive Filtering, A
* On Modeling, Extraction, Detection and Classification of Deformable Contours from Noisy Images
* On Pattern Classification with Sammons Nonlinear Mapping: An Experimental-Study
* On the Correspondence Problem for Wide Angular Separation of Noncoplanar Points
* Optimizing the Cost Matrix for Approximate String Matching Using Genetic Algorithms
* Orientation Diffusions
* Planar Homologies as a Basis for Grouping and Recognition
* Planar Shape Enhancement and Exaggeration
* Polynomial/Rational Approximation of Minkowski Sum Boundary Curves
* Practical Postprocessing Technique for Real-Time Block-Based Coding System, A
* predictive image coding scheme using a smaller codebook, A
* Preserving Topology by a Digitization Process
* Probabilistic Approach to the Coupled Reconstruction and Restoration of Underwater Acoustic Images, A
* Projective Analysis of 2-D Images
* Proper Scale for Modeling Visual Data
* Quantitative Comparison of Change-Detection Algorithms for Monitoring Eelgrass from Remotely-Sensed Data
* Rate-Distortion Optimization of Hierarchical Displacement-Fields
* Real-Time Algorithm for Accurate Collision Detection for Deformable Polyhedral Objects, A
* Recent Progress in CAD-Based Computer Vision: An Introduction to the Special Issue
* Recognition of Human Head Orientation Based on Artificial Neural Networks
* Reconstruction of Vascular Networks Using 3-Dimensional Models
* Reduced Multidimensional Cooccurrence Histograms in Texture Classification
* Registration and Integration of Multiple Object Views for 3D Model Construction
* Registration of Multiple-Range Views Using the Reverse-Calibration Technique
* Relation Between 3D Invariants and 2D Invariants
* Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images
* Robust Anisotropic Diffusion
* Robust Estimation of Rotation Angles from Image Sequences Using the Annealing M-Estimator
* Rule-based Approach for the Conflation of Attributed Vector Data, A
* Scene Adaptive Hybrid Video Coding Scheme Based on the LOT, A
* Scene change detecting method for video and movie
* Seeing Behind the Scene: Analysis of Photometric Properties of Occluding Edges by the Reversed Projection Blurring Model
* Segmentation and Factorization-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Long Image Sequences
* Selective prediction error transmission using motion information
* Set-Theoretical Algebraic Approaches to Connectivity in Continuous Or Digital Spaces
* Signal Analysis and Compression Performance Evaluation of Pathological Microscopic Images
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views for Use in Reverse Engineering of CAD Models
* Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow
* Sorting Spatial Data for Sampling and Other Geographic Applications
* Space Envelope: A Representation for 3D Scenes, The
* Special Issue On High Fidelity Media Processing: Part 2
* SPOT and Landsat Stereo Fusion for Data Extraction over Mountainous Areas
* Suppression of Speckle in Synthetic-Aperture Radar Images Using Wavelet
* Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Motion Compensation and Feature Extraction by Means of a Relaxation Based Algorithm
* System for Model-Based Object Recognition in Perspective Aerial Images, A
* Task-Oriented Generation of Visual Sensing Strategies in Assembly Tasks
* Thinning Algorithm for Arabic Characters Using Art2 Neural-Network, A
* Total Variation Blind Deconvolution
* Using Geometric-Properties For Automatic Object Positioning
* Variational Approach for Edge-Preserving Regularization Using Coupled PDEs
* Variational-Principles, Surface Evolution, PDEs, Level Set Methods, and the Stereo Problem
* vector quantization scheme using prequantizers of human visual effects, A
* Volterra Type Model for Image-Processing, A
* Volumetric Object Reconstruction Using the 3D-MRF Model-Based Segmentation
* Wavelet Transform Method to Merge Landsat TM and SPOT Panchromatic Data, A
* What Size Test Set Gives Good Error Rate Estimates?
161 for 9803

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.