Update Dates 9109

9109 * 3-D Shape from a Shaded Textural Surface Image
* 3D Grouping by Viewpoint Consistency Ascent
* Accurate Parameter Estimation of Quadratic Curves from Grey-Level Images
* Active Stereo Probe: Dynamic Video Feedback, The
* Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape
* Adaptive image segmentation system
* Amplification of Textural Differences, The
* Automated analysis of retinal images
* Automated Approach to Stereo Matching Seasat Imagery, An
* Bi-tonal image non-text matter removal with run length and connected component analysis
* Boundary Detection Using Bayesian Nets
* Classification of Breast Tissue by Texture Analysis
* Colour and Texture Analysis for Automated Sorting of Eviscera
* Combinatorics of Heuristic Search Termination for` Object Recognition in Cluttered Environments, The
* Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Determining the Peak Position of a Stripe to Subpixel Accuracy, A
* Computation of Smoothed Local Symmetries on a MIMD Architecture
* Computer Vision: Volume 2 - Advances and Applications
* Computerized dynamic tomography system
* Computing with Uncertainty: Intervals versus Probabilities
* Connective Hough Transform
* Cooperating Motion Processes
* Data Fusion Using an MLP
* Decision Fusion Strategies in Multi-sensor Environments
* Design and Use of Steerable Filters, The
* Design of an Anthropomorphic Robot Head
* Detecting and Classifying Intruders in Image Sequences
* Detection of highlighted regions
* Digital halftoning with error diffusion
* Distributed Dynamic Processing for Edge Detection
* Edge Labelling by Fusion of Intensity and Range Data
* Efficient and Robust Local Boundary Operator, An
* Ellipse Detection and Matching with Uncertainty
* Error diffusion of subcells in digital halftoning
* Experimental Evaluation of Motion Constraint Equations
* Finding Image Features Using Deformable Templates and Detailed Prior Statistical Knowledge
* Fractal Shape Signature, A
* Gaze Control for a Two-Eyed Robot Head
* Heuristically Guided Polygon Finding
* Hierarchical Curvature Estimation in Computer Vision
* Image Coding Based on Contour Models
* Image Motion Analysis Made Simple and Fast, One Component at a Time
* Imaging Polarimetry for Industrial Inspection
* Inference of Structure in Images Using Multi-local Quadrature Filters, The
* Invariants of a Pair of Conics Revisited
* Kalman Filter Approach for Accurate 3-D Motion Estimation from a Sequence of Stereo Images, A
* Kalman Filters in Constrained Model Based Tracking
* Kinematics and Eye Movements for a Two-Eyed Robot Head, The
* Linear Time Distance Transforms for Quadtrees
* Local Method for Curved Edges and Corners
* Locating Overlapping Flexible Shapes Using Geometrical Constraints
* Manipulating Surfaces Differentially
* Method and apparatus for checking pattern
* Method and apparatus for thinning alphanumeric characters for optical character recognition
* Method for the automatic resetting of images
* Method of Obtaining the Relative Positions of Four Points from Three Perspective Projections, A
* Modal Approach to Feature-Based Correspondence
* Model-Based Image Interpretation Using Genetic Algorithms
* Monocular Ground Plane Estimation System, A
* Movement compensation predictive coding/decoding method
* New Approaches to Robotics
* New Aproach to Active Illumination, A
* New Method for Vanishing Point Detection
* Novel Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* On Quantization Errors in Computer Vision
* Optic Disk Boundary Detection
* Optical character recognition neural network system for machine-printed characters
* Optimal Surface Fusion
* Parallel Implementation of Lagrangian Dynamics for Real-time Snakes
* Parameterising Images for Recognition and Reconstruction
* Passive Estimation of Range to Objects from Image Sequences
* Photometric Motion
* Polygon-based technique for the automatic classification of text and graphics components from digitized paper-based forms
* Properties of Local Geometric Constraints
* Qualitative Approach to Dynamic Scene Understanding, A
* Recognising Cortical Sulci and Gyri in MR Images
* Recognizing Parameterized Objects Using 3D Edges
* Recursive Updating of Planar Motion
* Region Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm, A
* Registration of Multiple Overlapping Range Images: Scenes without Distinctive Features
* Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition from Single 2D Monochromatic Image
* Segmentation of MR images using neural nets
* Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Complex Data
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
* Shape from Shading as a Partially Well-Constructed Problem
* SRI Image Understanding Research in Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Structure from Constrained Motion Using Point Correspondences
* Supervised Segmentation Using a Multiresolution Data Representation
* Synthetic Images of Faces: An Approach to Model-Based Face Recognition
* Texture Boundary Detection: A Structural Approach
* Tracking Curved Objects by Perspective Inversion
* Trainable Method of Parametric Shape Description
* Using Motion from Orthographic Views to Verify 3-D Point Matches
* Using Projective Invariants for Constant Time Library Indexing in Model Based Vision
* Visual Evidence Accumulation in Radiograph Inspection
* Visual Modelling
* Voronoi Diagrams: A Survey of a Fundamental Geometric Data Structure
96 for 9109

Index for "9"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:08:17
Use price@usc.edu for comments.