Update Dates 0010

0010 * 3-D Image Processing Algorithms
* Accessing the Authorship Confidence of Handwritten Items
* Accuracy Evaluation of Ground Points from IKONOS High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Achieving Accurate Colour Image Segmentation in 2D and 3D with LVQ Classifiers and Partial ACSR
* Acquiring a Complete 3D Model from Specular Motion under the Illumination of Circular-Shaped Light Sources
* Active Vision System for Real-Time Traffic Sign Recogntition, An
* Activity monitoring and summarization for an intelligent meeting room
* Adaptive Polyphase Subband Decomposition Structures for Image Compression
* Adaptive-Focus Deformable Model Using Statistical and Geometric Information, An
* Adaptive-Scale Filtering and Feature Detection Using Range Data
* Agent Network for Microburst Detection, An
* Algorithms for coplanar camera calibration
* Algorithms for Defining Visual Regions-of-Interest: Comparison with Eye Fixations
* Algorithms for Fractal Image Compression on Massively Parallel SIMD Arrays
* Analysis of traffic flow in urban areas using web cameras
* Anatomical Modeling with Fuzzy Implicit Surface Templates: Application to Automated Localization of the Heart and Lungs in Thoracic MR Volumes
* Apparent 3-D Camera Velocity: Extraction and Applications
* Application of H.263+ Video Coding Modes in Lossy Packet Network Environments
* Application of image and sound analysis techniques to monitor the condition of cutting tools
* Approach for Recognition and Interpretation of Mathematical Expressions in Printed Document, An
* Architectural Issues on Vision-Based Automatic Vehicle Guidance: The Experience of the ARGO Project
* Augmented Geophysical Data Interpretation Through Automated Velocity Picking in Semblance Velocity Images
* Automated Analysis of DNA Hybridization Images
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation
* Automated Reading of Cheque Amounts
* automatic assessment scheme for steel quality inspection, An
* Automatic computation of speckle standard deviation in SAR images
* Automatic Description of Complex Buildings with Multiple Images
* Automatic IC orientation checks
* Automatic Image Segmentation and Classification Using On-line Shape Learning
* Automatic mine detection by textural analysis of COTS sidescan sonar imagery
* Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions, A
* Bayesian Winner-Take-All Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images
* Bootstrap a Statistical Brain Atlas
* Building a color classification system for textured and hue homogeneous surfaces: system calibration and algorithm
* C-Conditional Density Propagation for Visual Tracking
* calibration method for continuous video quality (SSCQE) measurements, A
* Call Admission for MPEG Video Streams
* Camera Handoff Tracking in Multiple Uncalibrated Stationary Cameras
* Capturing and Modeling Geographic Object Change: A SpatioTemporal Gazetteer Framework
* Characterization of natural illuminants in forests and the use of digital video data to reconstruct illuminant spectra
* Classifying Hills and Valleys in Digitized Terrain
* Coding Ecology: Image Coding via Competition Among Experts, The
* Color transformation system based on target color image
* Communication of pictorial data by encoded primitive component pictures
* computational model for motion detection and direction discrimination in humans, A
* Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing in Left Ventricle Segmentation: The Last 50 Years
* Consistent Partition and Labelling of Text Blocks
* Contour coding through stretching of discrete circular arcs by affine transformation
* Contributions to a Quality Description of Areal Objects in Spatial Data Sets
* Cooperative Computation of Stereo Disparity
* Coregistration of Interferometric SAR Images Using Spectral Diversity
* Creating 3D Models with Uncalibrated Cameras
* Cursive handwriting recognition using hidden Markov models and a lexicon-driven level building algorithm
* Customizable MPEG-4 Face Player Using Real-time 2D Image Sequence
* Data Allocation and Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Video Storage Server
* Decision Combination of Multiple Classifiers for Pattern Classification: Hybridisation of Majority Voting and Divide and Conquer Techniques
* Design and implementation of a high level programming environment for FPGA-based image processing
* Design and implementation of an estimator of fractal dimension using fuzzy techniques
* Design and Performance Analysis of Linear Phase Para-Unitary M Band Filter Banks for Image Coding
* Design of New Optimized Architecture Processor for DWT
* Detecting Independent Motion: The Statistics of Temporal Continuity
* Detecting Salient Motion by Accumulating Directionally-Consistent Flow
* Detecting Symmetry in Grey Level Images: The Global Optimization Approach
* Detection of Coastlines in SAR Images Using Wavelet Methods
* Detection of Side-View Faces in Color Images
* Differential Absorption Techniques and Radiometric Satellite Calibration for Measuring Air-Sea Interactions
* Digital Topology of Sets of Convex Voxels, The
* Discovery and Segmentation of Activities in Video
* Discrete wavelet transform based image compression: a correction
* Disparity measurement with variably sized interrogation regions
* Document Image Compression by Nonlinear Binary Subband Decomposition and Concatenated Arithmetic Coding
* Document Skew Detection Method Using the Hough Transform, A
* Drawing Nice Projections of Objects in Space
* DSPs for image and video processing
* Echelon Approach to Characterize and Understand Spatial Structures of Change in Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery
* Editorial: Geographic Information Systems and Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Effective Image Segmentation with Flexible ICM-Based Markov Random Fields in Distributed Systems of Personal Computers
* Effective Source Recognition Algorithm: Extraction of Significant Binary Words, An
* Effects of Various Factors on the Accuracy of DEMs: An Intensive Experimental Investigation
* Efficient CAD-based triangulation of unordered 3D data
* Efficient Codebook Post-Processing Technique and a Window-Based Fast-Search Algorithm for Image Vector Quantization, An
* Efficient Coding and Mapping Algorithms for Software-Only Real-Time Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* Efficient Image Segmentation for Region-Based Motion Estimation and Compensation
* Eigenhill vs. Eigenface and Eigenedge
* ELEVIEW An Active Elevator Video Surveillance System
* EM/MPM Algorithm for Segmentation of Textured Images: Analysis and Further Experimental Results, The
* Embedding Image Watermarks in DC Components
* Encoding and Reconstruction of Incomplete 3-D Video Objects
* Entropy-coded pyramid vector quantisation for interband wavelet image coding
* Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Image Features for Image Retrieval, An
* Extraction and Delineation of Alluvial Fans from Digital Elevation Models and Landsat Thematic Mapper Images
* Face Detection and Attentional Frames for Visually Mediated Interaction
* Face Recognition Using Holistic Fourier Invariant Features
* Fast Full-Search Motion-Estimation Algorithm Using Representative Pixels and Adaptive Matching Scan, A
* Film scratch removal using Kalman filtering and Bayesian restoration
* Filtering Requirements for Gradient-Based Optical Flow Measurement
* Finding Similar Consensus Between Trees: An Algorithm and a Distance Hierarchy
* Fingerprint image matching by minimization of a thin-plate energy using a two-step iterative algorithm with auxiliary variables
* First Absolute Central Moment in Low-Level Image Processing, The
* First Demonstration of Airborne SAR Tomography Using Multibaseline L-Band Data
* Flame recognition in video
* Flexible and Robust Model Matching based on Association Graph for Form Image Understanding
* Flexible Eyetracker for Psychological Applications, A
* Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equations for Noise Removal
* Frame-Layer Bit Allocation for H.263+, A
* Framework for Motion Recognition with Applications to American Sign Language and Gait Recognition, A
* framework for the modelling of uncertainty between remote sensing and geographic information systems, A
* Fusion of correlated decisions for writer verification
* Fuzzy active contour model
* Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach to Scene Description Involving Spatial Relationships, A
* Fuzzy spatial objects and their dynamics
* Generalized Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology and its Application in Robust 2-D and 3-D Object Representation, A
* Generalized Interframe Vertex-Based Shape Encoding Scheme for Video Sequences
* Generalized Rate-Distortion Optimization for Motion-Compensated Video Coders
* Generation of High Precision DEMs of the Wadden Sea with Airborne Interferometric SAR
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Segmentation of Markov Random Field Modeled Images, A
* geometric correction of SAR imagery for the analysis of lineaments, The
* Global Matching Criterion and Color Segmentation Based Stereo
* Globally Adaptive Pixel-Decimation Algorithm for Block-Motion Estimation, A
* golden-template self-generating method for patterned wafer inspection, A
* Ground-Based Parasitic SAR Experiment, A
* Hand Shape Estimation Using Image Transition Network
* Handwriting Numeral Character Classification Using Tolerant Rough Set, A
* Head tracking using stereo
* Hierarchical Bayesian Image Restoration from Partially Known Blurs
* Human Activity Detection in MPEG Sequences
* Human Motion from Active Contours
* Human Motion Tracking System Based on Skeleton and Surface Integration Model Using Pressure Sensors Distribtuion Bed
* Image Compression Using a New Discrete Multiwavelet Transform and a New Embedded Vector Quantization
* Image feedback path tracking control using an uncalibrated CCD camera
* Image indexing using compressed colour histograms
* Image processing apparatus
* Image restoration for frame- and object-based video coding using an adaptive constrained least-squares approach
* Image Retrieval: Current Techniques, Promising Directions, and Open Issues
* Image Sequence Analysis for Real-Time Underwater Cable Tracking
* Implementation of a real-time digital watermarking process for broadcast monitoring on a TriMedia VLIW processor
* Improvement of Anthropomery and Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Image, The
* Improving Gamut Mapping Color Constancy
* Incremental Approach Towards Automatic Model Acquisition for Human Gesture Recognition, An
* Incremental circle transform and eigenvalue analysis for object recognition: an integrated approach
* Indexed retrieval by shape appearance
* Individual recognition from periodic activity using hidden markov models
* Integrating Graphics and Vision for Object Recognition
* Interactive Learning and Probabilistic Retrieval in Remote Sensing Image Archives
* Interferometric SAR Signal Analysis in the Presence of Squint
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Picture Compression
* Introduction to the Special Section on Video Surveillance
* Isometry-Based Shape-Adaptive Fractal Coding for Images
* Joint Rate Control with Look-Ahead for Multi-Program Video Coding
* Knowledge-Aided Line Network Oriented Vectorisation Method for Engineering Drawings, A
* Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieval of Large-Scale AVHRR Data Sets
* Lagrangian Optimization Approach to Complexity-Constrained TSVQ, A
* lapped directional transform for spectral image analysis and its application to restoration and enhancement, A
* Learning and Classification of Complex Dynamics
* Learning Partitioned Least Squares Filters for Fingerprint Enhancement
* Learning Patterns of Activity Using Real-Time Tracking
* Limited Color Display for Compressed Image and Video
* Line-Oriented Approach to Word Spotting in Handwritten Documents, A
* Linear estimation method for three-dimensional position with affine camera correction
* Linear Spectral Mixture Models and Support Vector Machines for Remote Sensing
* Local discriminative learning for pattern recognition
* Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
* Location similarity of regions
* Lossless acceleration of fractal image encoding via the fast Fourier transform
* Lossless Coding of Multichannel Signals Using Optimal Vector Hierarchical Decomposition
* Low computational complexity enhanced zerotree coding for wavelet-based image compression
* Machine Vision Algorithms in Java: Techniques and Implementation
* Matching Pursuits Video Coding: Dictionaries and Fast Implementation
* Mathematical Analysis of the DCT Coefficient Distributions for Images, A
* Measuring the complexity of non-fractal shapes by a fractal method
* Merging and Splitting Eigenspace Models
* Method and apparatus for determination and visualization of player field coverage in a sporting event
* Method and apparatus for reconstructing geometry using geometrically constrained structure from motion with points on planes
* Minimum-Drift Digital Video Downconversion
* Mobile Robot Relocation from Echolocation Constraints
* Model-Based Brightness Constraints: On Direct Estimation of Structure and Motion
* Model-Based Despeckling and Information Extraction from SAR Images
* Modeling 3-D Complex Buildings With User Assistance
* Modeling and Efficient Optimization for Object-Based Scalability and Some Related Problems
* Modeling the Constraints of Human Hand Motion
* Modulus Quantization for Matching-Pursuit Video Coding
* Monitoring Activities from Multiple Video Streams: Establishing a Common Coordinate Frame
* Monitoring landscape change in the National Parks of England and Wales using aerial photo interpretation and GIS
* Motion compensation method for moving pictures with binary shape
* Motion estimation in the presence of illumination variations
* Motion Segmentation and Pose Recognition with Motion History Gradients
* Motion Vector Size-Compensation Based Method for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Multi-Metric Objective Picture-Quality Measurement Model for MPEG Video, A
* Multibody Grouping from Motion Images
* Multidimensional Morphable Models: A Framework for Representing and Matching Object Classes
* Multimodal Image Registration Using Local Frequency
* Multiobject Behavior Recognition by Event Driven Selective Attention Method
* Neural Networks for Oil Spill Detection Using ERS-SAR Data
* New Fast Binary Pyramid Motion Estimation for MPEG2 and HDTV Encoding
* New Invariant Moments for Non-Uniformly Scaled Images
* new lossless compression scheme based on Huffman coding scheme for image compression, A
* new method for sparsity control in support vector classification and regression, A
* Next-Best-View System for Autonomous 3-D Object Reconstruction, A
* Noise Estimation for Blocking Artifacts Reduction in DCT Coded Images
* Nonlinear Subsidence Rate Estimation Using Permanent Scatterers in Differential SAR Interferometry
* Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation
* Novel multiple-stage approach to the recognition of handwritten words extracted from British cheques
* O(N^2/log2 N) Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction Algorithm for Tomography
* Obtaining functional parametric models using active vision strategies
* On a Neural Network that Performs an Enhanced Nearest-Neighbour Matching
* On End-to-End Architecture for Transporting MPEG-4 Video Over the Internet
* On Reversible Skeletonization Using Anchor-Points from Distance Transforms
* On Spatial Adaptation of Motion-Field Smoothness in Video Coding
* On the Geometries of Conic Section Representation of Noisy Object Boundaries
* Optical recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by hierarchical radical matching method
* Optimal 2-D Hierarchical Content-Based Mesh Design and Update for Object-Based Video
* Optimal Use of Markov Models for DPCM Picture Transmission over Noisy Channels
* Parallelizable Bayesian Tomography Algorithms with Rapid, Guaranteed Convergence
* Perceptual correction for colour grading of random textures
* Performance evaluation of cross-diagonal texture matrix method of texture analysis
* Person Counting Using Stereo
* Phase in Model-Free Perception of Gait
* Polarimetric SAR Data Compensation for Terrain Azimuth Slope Variation
* Polyphase back-projection filtering for image resolution enhancement
* Predicting Performance of Object Recognition
* Probabilistic Cost Functions for Network Flow Phase Unwrapping
* Programmable 3.2-GOPS Merged DRAM Logic for Video Signal Processing, A
* Progressive Video Coding for Noisy Channels
* Quantitative analysis of error bounds in the recovery of depth from defocused images
* Quasi-Euclidean Norm to Speed Up Vector Median Filtering, A
* Rate-Constrained Hierarchical Grid Interpolation for Object-Based Motion Compensation, A
* Rate-Distortion Based Image Segmentation Using Recursive Merging
* Rate-Scalable Object-Based Wavelet Codec with Implicit Shape Coding
* Rationalizing the Coefficients of Popular Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters
* Ray Carving with Gradients and Motion
* Real-Time CAM-Based Hough Transform Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation
* Real-time Human Motion Analysis and IK-based Human Figure Control
* Real-Time Inverse Kinematics Techniques for Anthropomorphic Limbs
* Real-time multiple vehicle detection and tracking from a moving vehicle
* Real-Time Tracking of Moving Persons by Exploring Spatio-Temporal Image Slices
* Real-time Visually Guided Human Figure Control Using IK-based Motion Synthesis
* Realistic Synthesis of Novel Human Movements from a Database of Motion Capture Examples
* Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera
* Recognition of Visual Activities and Interactions by Stochastic Parsing
* Reconstructing ellipsoids from three projection contours
* Recovery of Drawing Order from Single-Stroke Handwriting Images
* Registration of Technical Drawings and Calibrated Images for Industrial Augmented Reality
* Reliable and Efficient Computation of Optical Flow
* Removal of Interfering Strokes in Double-Sided Document Images
* Restoration of Multiple Images with Motion Blur in Different Directions
* Robust Background Subtraction Method for Changing Background, A
* Robust direct motion estimation considering discontinuity
* Robust Fingerprint Authentication Using Local Structural Similarity
* Robust Head Motion Computation by Taking Advantage of Physical Properties
* Robust Joint Source-Channel Coding for Image Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* Robust Linear and Support Vector Regression
* Robust Optic Flow Computation
* Robust Real-Time Periodic Motion Detection, Analysis, and Applications
* Rotation, Translation, and Scale-Invariant Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Scalable Rate Control for MPEG-4 Video
* Scale trees for stereo vision
* Scheme for Road Extraction in Rural Areas and its Evaluation, A
* Semantic Event-Detection Approach and Its Application to Detecting Hunts in Wildlife Video, A
* Shape Recovery from Equal Thickness Contours
* Shape-VQ-based lossless hybrid ADPCM/DCT coder
* Signature verification
* Signature Verification: Increasing Performance by a Multi-Stage System
* Significant scene detection and frame filtering for a visual indexing system
* Sketch-Based Image Queries in Topographic Databases
* Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
* Solar Based Navigation for Robotic Explorers
* Some Modifications of Gradient Weighted Filters
* Spatial Resolution Improvement of Remotely Sensed Images by a Fully Interconnected Neural Network Approach
* Spatial Scalable Video Coding Using a Combined Subband-DCT Approach
* Spatio-Frequency Trade-Off Scale for Scale-Space Filtering, A
* Spatio-Temporal Scalability for MPEG Video Coding
* Special issue on digital signal processing in audiovisual communication
* Specialized Mappings and the Estimation of Human Body Pose from a Single Image
* Statistical model-based video segmentation and its application to very low bit-rate video coding
* Stereo Matching Algorithm for Urban Digital Elevation Models, A
* Stereo Matching Using Optic Flow
* Suitability Analysis of Techniques for Flaw Detection in Textiles using Texture Analysis
* Survey on the Automatic Indexing of Video Data, A
* Syntactic methodology of pruning large lexicons in cursive script recognition
* Synthesized Virtual View-Based EigenSpace for Face Recognition
* System for determining the position of an object
* Talking Heads: Introducing the tool of 3D motion fields in the study of action
* Taxonomy of space tessellation
* TCP-Friendly Internet Video Streaming Employing Variable Frame-Rate Encoding and Interpolation
* Technical Map Interpretation: A Distributed Approach
* Telepresence teaching visual equipment
* Template-based online character recognition
* Texture Classification Using Logical Operators
* Theme Issue on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS
* Theory of spatiochromatic image encoding and feature extraction
* Towards the global GIS
* Tracking and Pose Estimation for Computer Assisted Localization in Industrial Environment
* Tracking Groups of People
* Tracking Multiple Objects in the Presence of Articulated and Occluded Motion
* Transfer of Fixation Using Affine Structure: Extending the Analysis to Stereo
* tunable algorithm to update a reference image, A
* Two-channel spatial interpolation of images
* Two-Layered Wavelet-Based Algorithm for Efficient Lossless and Lossy Image Compression, A
* Urban Street Grid Description and Verification
* Use of Decision Tree and Multiscale Texture for Classification of JERS-1 SAR Data over Tropical Forest, The
* Using Motion-Compensated Frame-Rate Conversion for the Correction of 3:2 Pulldown Artifacts in Video Sequences
* Using Physical and Logical Constraints for Invoice Understanding
* Using Shape and Layout Information to Find Signatures, Text, and Graphics
* Video motion detector with global insensitivity
* Video signal processing and apparatus therefor
* View Cube: An Efficient Method of View Planning for 3d Modelling from Range Data, The
* W4: Real-Time Surveillance of People and Their Activities
* Web-Based Secure System for the Distributed Printing of Documents and Images, A
309 for 0010

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.