* *CVS
* 3D Saliency for Abnormal Motion Selection: The Role of the Depth Map
* Automatically Searching for Optimal Parameter Settings Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Cognitive Vision System for Nuclear Fusion Device Monitoring, A
* Efficient Use of Geometric Constraints for Sliding-Window Object Detection in Video
* Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Action Recognition in Videos
* Experimental Framework for Evaluating PTZ Tracking Algorithms, An
* Girgit: A Dynamically Adaptive Vision System for Scene Understanding
* Knowing What Happened: Automatic Documentation of Image Analysis Processes
* Knowledge Representation and Inference for Grasp Affordances
* Learning What Matters: Combining Probabilistic Models of 2D and 3D Saliency Cues
* Method for Asteroids 3D Surface Reconstruction from Close Approach Distances, A
* On the Spatial Extents of SIFT Descriptors for Visual Concept Detection
* Ontology-Based Realtime Activity Monitoring Using Beam Search
* Probabilistic Recognition of Complex Event
* Quantitative Comparison of Speed and Reliability for Log-Polar Mapping Techniques, A
* RT-SLAM: A Generic and Real-Time Visual SLAM Implementation
* Run Time Adaptation of Video-Surveillance Systems: A Software Modeling Approach
* Scene Understanding through Autonomous Interactive Perception
* Toward Accurate Feature Detectors Performance Evaluation
* Towards a General Abstraction through Sequences of Conceptual Operations
* Unsupervised Activity Extraction on Long-Term Video Recordings Employing Soft Computing Relations
* Unsupervised Discovery, Modeling, and Analysis of Long Term Activities
23 for CVS11
* *CVS
* 3D Object Pose Refinement in Range Images
* Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Multi-object Tracker
* Arabic-Latin Offline Signature Recognition Based on Shape Context Descriptor
* Bayesian Formulation of Gradient Orientation Matching
* Can Speedup Assist Accuracy? An On-Board GPU-Accelerated Image Georeference Method for UAVs
* CBIR Service for Object Identification
* Comparative Evaluation of 3D Pose Estimation of Industrial Objects in RGB Pointclouds
* Comparison of Statistical Features for Medical Colour Image Classification
* D2CO: Fast and Robust Registration of 3D Textureless Objects Using the Directional Chamfer Distance
* Differential Optical Flow Estimation Under Monocular Epipolar Line Constraint
* Efficient Eye Tracking Using POMDP for Robust Human Computer Interaction, An
* Efficient Media Retrieval from Non-Cooperative Queries
* Enhanced Residual Orientation for Improving Fingerprint Quality
* Estimating the Number of Clusters with Database for Texture Segmentation Using Gabor Filter
* Flexible High-Resolution Real-Time Low-Power Stereo Vision Engine, A
* General Object Tip Detection and Pose Estimation for Robot Manipulation
* Geostatistics for Context-Aware Image Classification
* How Good Is Kernel Descriptor on Depth Motion Map for Action Recognition
* Human Action Recognition Using Dominant Motion Pattern
* Human Action Recognition Using Dominant Pose Duplet
* Image Saliency Applied to Infrared Images for Unmanned Maritime Monitoring
* Improving FREAK Descriptor for Image Classification
* Including 3D-textures in a Computer Vision System to Analyze Quality Traits of Loin
* Informative Logistic Regression for Cross-Domain Image Classification, An
* Learning Appearance Features for Pain Detection Using the UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive Database
* Learning Human Priors for Task-Constrained Grasping
* Object Detection and Terrain Classification in Agricultural Fields Using 3D Lidar Data
* Object Detection Using a Combination of Multiple 3D Feature Descriptors
* Online Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering and Its Application for Background Suppression, An
* Online Re-calibration for Robust 3D Measurement Using Single Camera: PantoInspect Train Monitoring System
* Person Re-identification Based on Multi-directional Saliency Metric Learning
* Quantifying the Effect of a Colored Glove in the 3D Tracking of a Human Hand
* Quantitative Analysis of Surface Reconstruction Accuracy Achievable with the TSDF Representation
* Querying 3D Data by Adjacency Graphs
* Real Time Vision System for Obstacle Detection and Localization on FPGA
* Region-of-Interest Retrieval in Large Image Datasets with Voronoi VLAD
* Revisiting Robust Visual Tracking Using Pixel-Wise Posteriors
* Robust Facial Feature Localization using Data-Driven Semi-supervised Learning Approach
* Robust Marker-Based Tracking for Measuring Crowd Dynamics
* Saliency-Guided Object Candidates Based on Gestalt Principles
* Shape Dependency of ICP Pose Uncertainties in the Context of Pose Estimation Systems
* Sleep Pose Recognition in an ICU Using Multimodal Data and Environmental Feedback
* Soil Surface Roughness Using Cumulated Gaussian Curvature
* Surface Reconstruction from Intensity Image Using Illumination Model Based Morphable Modeling
* Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Objects for 6D Pose Estimation
* Towards a Robust System Helping Underwater Archaeologists Through the Acquisition of Geo-referenced Optical and Acoustic Data
* Vision-Based System for Movement Analysis in Medical Applications: The Example of Parkinson Disease, A
* Visual Estimation of Attentive Cues in HRI: The Case of Torso and Head Pose
49 for CVS15
* *CVS
* Automatic 3D Textured Model Building Method Using Stripe Structured Light System, An
* Body Emotion-Based Human-Robot Interaction, A
* Bridging Between Computer and Robot Vision Through Data Augmentation: A Case Study on Object Recognition
* Calibration of a Structured Light Measurement System Using Binary Shape Coding
* Cloud-Based Visual SLAM Framework for Low-Cost Agents, A
* Computer Vision System to Localize and Classify Wastes on the Streets, A
* Design and Implementation of the Three-Dimensional Observation System for Adult Zebrafish
* Design and Optimization of the Model for Traffic Signs Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dynamic Environments Localization via Dimensions Reduction of Deep Learning Features
* Edge Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Nematode Development and Adaptation Analysis
* Efficient Method to Find a Triangle with the Least Sum of Distances from Its Vertices to the Covered Point, An
* Fire and Smoke Dynamic Textures Characterization by Applying Periodicity Index Based on Motion Features
* Fully Convolutional Networks for Surface Defect Inspection in Industrial Environment
* Gesture Recognition Method Based on Binocular Vision System, A
* Global Localization for Future Space Exploration Rovers
* Hybrid Distance Metric Learning for Real-Time Pedestrian Detection and Re-identification
* Image Mosaic Method Based on Deviation Splitting and Transferring for Vehicle Panoramic System, An
* Integrating Stereo Vision with a CNN Tracker for a Person-Following Robot
* Learning the Floor Type for Automated Detection of Dirt Spots for Robotic Floor Cleaning Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Method for Improving Target Tracking Accuracy of Vehicle Radar, A
* Monocular Epipolar Constraint for Optical Flow Estimation
* Multi-view Shape from Shading Constrained by Stereo Image Analysis
* New Detection Algorithm for an Obstacle's Information in Low Speed Vehicles, The
* Novel Real-Time Gesture Recognition Algorithm for Human-Robot Interaction on the UAV, A
* Novel Visual Detecting and Positioning Method for Screw Holes, A
* On Scale Initialization in Non-overlapping Multi-perspective Visual Odometry
* On-Line Calibration Technique for General Infrared Camera, An
* Open-Source Development of a Low-Cost Stereo-Endoscopy System for Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery
* Pedestrian Detection Over 100 fps with C4 Algorithm
* Practical Visual Positioning Method for Industrial Overhead Crane Systems, A
* Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Embedded System for Intelligent ADAS with RNN-Based Deep Risk Prediction using Stereo Camera, A
* Recognition of Human Continuous Action with 3D CNN
* Resistance Welding Spot Defect Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
* RGB-D Saliency Detection by Multi-stream Late Fusion Network
* Robot's Workspace Enhancement with Dynamic Human Presence for Socially-Aware Navigation
* Robust Relocalization Based on Active Loop Closure for Real-Time Monocular SLAM
* Robust RGB-D Image-Based SLAM System, A
* Selection and Execution of Simple Actions via Visual Attention and Direct Parameter Specification
* Self-adaptive Feature Fusion Method for Improving LBP for Face Identification
* Semi-automatic Training of an Object Recognition System in Scene Camera Data Using Gaze Tracking and Accelerometers
* Speaker Identification System Based on Lip-Motion Feature
* Surface Defect Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Testbed for Vision-Based Networked Control Systems, A
* Towards a Cloud Robotics Platform for Distributed Visual SLAM
* Towards Space Carving with a Hand-Held Camera
* Trajectory-Pooled Deep Convolutional Networks for Violence Detection in Videos
* Two Effective Algorithms for Color Image Denoising
* Unsupervised Local Linear Preserving Manifold Reduction with Uncertainty Pretraining for Image Recognition
* Vision Inspection System for the Defects of Resistance Spot Welding Based on Neural Network, A
* Vision System for Robotized Weed Recognition in Crops and Grasslands
* Vision-Based Robot Path Planning with Deep Learning
* Visual Servo Tracking Control of Quadrotor with a Cable Suspended Load
* Visual Servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots Under Dynamic Environment
* Visual Tracking and Servoing System for Experiment of Optogenetic Control of Brain Activity
* Wi-Fi Indoor Positioning Modeling Based on Location Fingerprint and Cluster Analysis, A
* Wind Disturbance Rejection in Position Control of Unmanned Helicopter by Nonlinear Damping
57 for CVS17
* *CVS
* 3d Hand Tracking by Employing Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis to Model Action Priors
* 6d Gripper Pose Estimation from RGB-D Image
* Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection with Scale-restrictive Visual Features
* Augmented Reality Game for Energy Awareness, An
* Automated Mechanical Multi-sensorial Scanning
* Automatic Detection of Obstacles in Railway Tracks Using Monocular Camera
* Autonomous MAV Navigation in Underground Mines Using Darkness Contours Detection
* Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots for Surveillance Operations
* Can I Shift My Load? Optimizing the Selection of the Best Electrical Tariff for Tertiary Buildings
* Classification of Drones with a Surveillance Radar Signal
* Color Calibration on Human Skin Images
* Color-guided Adaptive Support Weights for Active Stereo Systems
* Comparing Ellipse Detection and Deep Neural Networks for the Identification of Drinking Glasses in Images
* Comparison of Computational Intelligence Techniques for Real-time Discrete Multivariate Time Series Classification of Conducting Gestures, A
* Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The Supermarket Case, A
* Critical Infrastructure Security Against Drone Attacks Using Visual Analytics
* Cross-domain Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
* Data Anonymization for Data Protection on Publicly Recorded Data
* Deep Network for Automatic Video-based Food Bite Detection, A
* Deep Residual Temporal Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition
* Deep-learning-based Computer Vision System for Surface-defect Detection
* Detecting Video Anomaly with a Stacked Convolutional LSTM Framework
* Dynamic Convergence Algorithm for Thermal Comfort Modelling, A
* Energy Consumption Patterns of Residential Users: A Study in Greece
* Estimation of Wildfire Size and Location Using a Monocular Camera on a Semi-autonomous Quadcopter
* Extracting the Inertia Properties of the Human Upper Body Using Computer Vision
* Feature-agnostic Low-cost Place Recognition for Appearance-based Mapping
* Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using Local Texture Descriptors
* Grasping Unknown Objects by Exploiting Complementarity with Robot Hand Geometry
* Hardware Accelerated Image Processing on an Fpga-soc Based Vision System for Closed Loop Monitoring and Additive Manufacturing Process Control
* Hierarchical Image Inpainting by a Deep Context Encoder Exploiting Structural Similarity and Saliency Criteria
* Hybrid Geometric Similarity and Local Consistency Measure for GPR Hyperbola Detection
* Image Enhancing in Poorly Illuminated Subterranean Environments for Mav Applications: A Comparison Study
* Improving Traversability Estimation Through Autonomous Robot Experimentation
* Intersection Recognition Using Results of Semantic Segmentation for Visual Navigation
* Leveraging Pre-trained CNN Models for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Leveraging Symmetries to Improve Object Detection and Pose Estimation from Range Data
* Minimal-time Trajectories for Interception of Malicious Drones in Constrained Environments
* Monte Carlo Tree Search on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Object Pose Verification
* Multi-disnet: Machine Learning-based Object Distance Estimation from Multiple Cameras
* Multi-scale Feature Fused Single Shot Detector for Small Object Detection in UAV Images
* Multi-scale Relation Network for Few-shot Learning Based on Meta-learning
* Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Enhanced Accuracy of UAV Detection
* Occupancy Inference Through Energy Consumption Data: A Smart Home Experiment
* Online Information Augmented SiamRPN
* Open Space Attraction Based Navigation in Dark Tunnels for Mavs
* Overview of Legacy AC Automation for Energy-efficient Thermal Comfort Preservation
* Planar Pose Estimation Using Object Detection and Reinforcement Learning
* Point Pair Feature Matching: Evaluating Methods to Detect Simple Shapes
* QuiltGAN: An Adversarially Trained, Procedural Algorithm for Texture Generation
* Real-time Binocular Vision Implementation on an Soc Tms320c6678 DSP
* Real-time Gestural Control of Robot Manipulator Through Deep Learning Human-pose Inference
* Real-time Lightweight CNN in Robots with Very Limited Computational Resources: Detecting Ball in NAO
* Reference-free Adaptive Attitude Determination Method Using Low-cost Marg Sensors
* Robust Optical Flow Estimation Using the Monocular Epipolar Geometry
* Robust Rotation Interpolation Based on So(n) Geodesic Distance
* Segmenting and Detecting Nematode in Coffee Crops Using Aerial Images
* Semi-semantic Line-cluster Assisted Monocular SLAM for Indoor Environments
* Sequential Approach for Pain Recognition Based on Facial Representations, A
* Short-term Biometric Based System for Accurate Personalized Tracking, A
* Single Fingertip Detection Using Simple Geometric Properties of the Hand Image: A Case Study for Augmented Reality in an Educational App
* Thermal Comfort Metabolic Rate and Clothing Inference
* Tillage Machine Control Based on a Vision System for Soil Roughness and Soil Cover Estimation
* Towards a Professional Gesture Recognition with RGB-D from Smartphone
* Towards Automated Order Picking Robots for Warehouses and Retail
* Towards Meaningful Uncertainty Information for CNN Based 6d Pose Estimates
* Two-stage Approach for Commonality-based Temporal Localization of Periodic Motions, A
* UAV Classification with Deep Learning Using Surveillance Radar Data
* UAV Localization Using Panoramic Thermal Cameras
* User-Centered Visual Analytics Approach for Interactive and Explainable Energy Demand Analysis in Prosumer Scenarios
* V-disparity Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Path Planning of a Robot-trailer
* Water Streak Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks for Scrubber Dryers
73 for CVS19