Journals starting with amdo

* 3D Body Reconstruction for Immersive Interaction
* aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Human Actions
* Computational Algebraic Topology Model for the Deformation of Curves, A
* Computer Visual System Analyzing the Influence of Stimulants on Human Motion
* Eyebrow Movement Analysis over Real-Time Video Sequences for Synthetic Representation
* Face Recognition Based on Efficient Facial Scale Estimation
* g-HDAF Multiresolution Deformable Models
* Gesture and Posture Estimation by Using Locally Linear Regression
* Human Body Model Acquisition and Motion Capture Using Voxel Data
* Model Acquisition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects from Perspective Views
* Muscle-Driven Motion Simulation Based on Deformable Human Model Constructed from Real Anatomical Slice Data
* Novel Approach to Generate Multiple Shape Models for Tracking Applications, A
* P3DMA: A Physical 3D Deformable Modelling and Animation System
* Real-Time Human Motion Analysis Based on Analysis of Silhouette Contour and Color Blob
* Recognition, Tracking, and Reconstruction of Human Motion
* Recovering Non-rigid 3D Shape Using a Plane+Parallax Approach
* Software Laboratory for Physical Based Human Body Animation
* Tracking the Human Body Using Multiple Predictors
* Virtual Clay: Haptics-Based Deformable Solids of Arbitrary Topology
* Wide-Range Tracking of Hands in Real-Time
22 for AMDO02

* 2D Human Tracking by Efficient Model Fitting Using a Path Relinking Particle Filter
* 3D Human Walking Modeling
* Adaptation of Mesh Morphing Techniques for Avatars Used in Web Applications
* Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
* Application of Repeated GA to Deformable Template Matching in Cattle Images
* Comparison of Algorithm Design Paradigms in Active Contours for Muscle Recognition, A
* Complex Articulated Object Tracking
* Deformable Object Matching Based on Multi-scale Local Histograms
* Detecting Human Heads and Face Orientations Under Dynamic Environment
* Discrete Techniques for Real-Time Inspection and Interaction in Virtual Reality
* Ear Biometrics Based on Geometrical Method of Feature Extraction
* Haptic Sculpting Technique Based on Volumetric Representation, A
* Human Body Analysis with Biomechanics Criteria
* Image Cues Fusion for Object Tracking Based on Particle Filter
* Improvement of Modal Matching Image Objects in Dynamic Pedobarography using Optimization Techniques
* Multiple Facial Feature Tracking Using Multi-cue Based Prediction Model
* Neuroanatomy Registration: An Algebraic-Topology Based Approach
* On-the-Fly Training
* Probabilistic Framework for Articulated Shape Recognition, A
* Progress in Sign and Gesture Recognition
* Real Time Segmentation and Tracking of Face and Hands in VR Applications
* Recognition and Tracking of the Members of a Moving Human Body
* System for Choreographic Simulation of Ballet Using a 3D Motion Archive on the Web, A
* Using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model to Study the Configuration Space of a PCA+LDA Human Face Recognition Algorithm
* Variant Design in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Markup Language for Scalable CSG Parts
26 for AMDO04

* 3D Shape Reconstruction of Trunk Swaying Human Body Segments
* Acquisition of Articulated Human Body Models Using Multiple Cameras
* Action Recognition Using Motion Primitives and Probabilistic Edit Distance
* Adaptive 3D Surface Mesh Cutting Operation, An
* Automatic Pose Correction for Local Feature-Based Face Authentication
* Ballistic Hand Movements
* Boundary Fragment Matching and Articulated Pose Under Occlusion
* Carrying Object Detection Using Pose Preserving Dynamic Shape Models
* Cascade of Fusion for Adaptive Classifier Combination Using Context-Awareness
* Certain Object Segmentation Based on AdaBoost Learning and Nodes Aggregation Iterative Graph-Cuts
* Collision Detection Through Deconstruction of Articulated Objects
* Combined Head, Lips, Eyebrows, and Eyelids Tracking Using Adaptive Appearance Models
* Composition of Complex Motion Models from Elementary Human Motions
* Face Modeling and Wrinkle Simulation Using Convolution Surface
* Facetoface: An Isometric Model for Facial Animation
* Facial Expression Recognition in Various Internal States Using Independent Component Analysis
* Further Developments in Geometrical Algorithms for Ear Biometrics
* Gender Identification on the Teeth Based on Principal Component Analysis Representation
* Generalized SCODEF Deformations on Subdivision Surfaces
* Grasp Motion Synthesis Based on Object Features
* Learning Deformations of Human Arm Movement to Adapt to Environmental Constraints
* Matching Deformable Features Based on Oriented Multi-scale Filter Banks
* Matching Two-Dimensional Articulated Shapes Using Generalized Multidimensional Scaling
* Mobile Path and Spin 3D Tracking and Reconstruction
* Modeling Relaxed Hand Shape for Character Animation
* Monocular Tracking with a Mixture of View-Dependent Learned Models
* Object Tracking and Elimination Using Level-of-Detail Canny Edge Maps
* Person Recognition Using Human Head Motion Information
* Predicting 3D People from 2D Pictures
* Principal Spine Shape Deformation Modes Using Riemannian Geometry and Articulated Models
* Probabilistic Spatio-temporal 2D-Model for Pedestrian Motion Analysis in Monocular Sequences
* Recovering Articulated Non-rigid Shapes, Motions and Kinematic Chains from Video
* Robust Fake Iris Detection
* Shape-Motion Based Athlete Tracking for Multilevel Action Recognition
* Spatio-temporal Metric for Dynamic Mesh Comparison, A
* Study on Fast Iris Restoration Based on Focus Checking, A
* Study on Human Gaze Detection Based on 3D Eye Model, A
* Three-Dimensional Mapping from Stereo Images with Geometrical Rectification
* Towards Hands-Free Interfaces Based on Real-Time Robust Facial Gesture Recognition
* Transferring a Labeled Generic Rig to Animate Face Models
* Upper Body Tracking for Interactive Applications
* Viewpoint Insensitive Posture Representation for Action Recognition
* Virtual Characters as Emotional Interaction Element in the User Interfaces
44 for AMDO06

* 2D Articulated Body Tracking with Self-occultations Handling
* 3D Modeling for Deformable Objects
* 3D Shape Descriptor for Human Pose Recovery, A
* Accurate Human Motion Capture Using an Ergonomics-Based Anthropometric Human Model
* Active-Vision System Reconfiguration for Form Recognition in the Presence of Dynamic Obstacles
* Analysis of Human Motion, Based on the Reduction of Multidimensional Captured Data: Application to Hand Gesture Compression, Segmentation and Synthesis
* Analytical Simulation of B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Apperance-Based Tracking and Face Identification in Video Sequences
* Applying Space State Models in Human Action Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Audiovisual Talking Head for Augmented Speech Generation: Models and Animations Based on a Real Speaker's Articulatory Data, An
* Automatic Adjustment of Rigs to Extracted Skeletons
* Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Body-Part Templates for Recovery of 2D Human Poses under Occlusion
* Bone Glow: An Improved Method for the Assignment of Weights for Mesh Deformation
* Comparative Study on Using Zernike Velocity Moments and Hidden Markov Models for Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition in the Learned Hierarchical Latent Variable Space
* Dealing with Self-occlusion in Region Based Motion Capture by Means of Internal Regions
* Deformable Surface Model with Volume Preserving Springs, A
* Deformable Volumetric Simplex Meshes
* Effective Emotional Classification Combining Facial Classifiers and User Assessment
* Estimating Human Skeleton Parameters and Configuration in Real-Time from Markered Optical Motion Capture
* Estimation of Dense, Non-rigid Motion Fields from a Multi-camera Array Using a Hierarchical Mixture Model
* Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture
* Fast Detection and Modeling of Human-Body Parts from Monocular Video
* Fusing Edge Cues to Handle Colour Problems in Image Segmentation
* Generative Model for Motion Synthesis and Blending Using Probability Density Estimation, A
* Gestural Interaction Using Feature Classification
* Improved Algorithm for Estimating the ICA Model Concerning the Convergence Rate, An
* Interactive Constrained Deformations of NURBS Surfaces: N-SCODEF
* Inverse Kinematics Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Kinetic Pseudo-energy History for Human Dynamic Gestures Recognition
* Learning to Look at Humans: What Are the Parts of a Moving Body?
* Manipulable Vision-Based 3D Input Device for Space Curves, A
* Mesh Vertex Pose and Position Interpolation Using Geometric Algebra
* Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Time-Varying Mesh
* Online and Offline Fingerprint Template Update Using Minutiae: An Experimental Comparison
* Predicting Missing Markers to Drive Real-Time Centre of Rotation Estimation
* Real-Time 3D Body Pose Tracking from Multiple 2D Images
* Real-Time Recognition of Human Gestures for 3D Interaction
* Temporal Nearest End-Effectors for Real-Time Full-Body Human Actions Recognition
* Towards Efficiency in Cloth Simulation
* Two-Step Approach for Detecting Individuals within Dense Crowds, A
* Users with Disabilities: Maximum Control with Minimum Effort
* View-Invariant Human Action Detection Using Component-Wise HMM of Body Parts
45 for AMDO08

* 3D Head Pose Estimation and Tracking Using Particle Filtering and ICP Algorithm
* Adjusting Animation Rigs to Human-Like 3D Models
* Analysing the Influence of Vertex Clustering on PCA-Based Dynamic Mesh Compression
* Analytical Simulation of Non-planar B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Automatic 3D Facial Model and Texture Reconstruction from Range Scans
* Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Automatic Motion Segmentation for Human Motion Synthesis
* CageIK: Dual-Laplacian Cage-Based Inverse Kinematics
* Combining Edge Detection and Region Segmentation for Lip Contour Extraction
* Compatible Particles for Part-Based Tracking
* Cyclic and Non-cyclic Gesture Spotting and Classification in Real-Time Applications
* Data-Driven On-Line Generation of Interactive Gait Motion
* Estimating 3D Pose via Stochastic Search and Expectation Maximization
* Evaluation of Wavelet Kernels for Palmprint Based Recognition, An
* Faking Dynamics of Cloth Animation for Animated Films
* Finding Optimal Parameter Configuration for a Dynamic Triangle Mesh Compressor
* High-Realistic and Flexible Virtual Presenters
* Identity Recognition-Based Correction Mechanism for Face Tracking
* Inelastic Deformation Invariant Modal Representation for Non-rigid 3D Object Recognition
* Learning Generic Human Body Models
* Model-Based Hand Gesture Tracking in ToF Image Sequences
* Multiple-Activity Human Body Tracking in Unconstrained Environments
* Novel Representations, Techniques and Error Evaluation for 3D Reconstruction
* Proposal for Local and Global Human Activities Identification, A
* Real-Time Motion Transition by Example
* Retrieving Articulated 3D Objects Using Normalized Distance Function
* Reusable Model for Emotional Biped Walk-Cycle Animation with Implicit Retargeting, A
* Silhouette Area Based Similarity Measure for Template Matching in Constant Time
* Skeleton and Shape Adjustment and Tracking in Multicamera Environments
30 for AMDO10

* Automatic Detection of Unconscious Reactions to Illuminance Changes in Illumination
* Automatic Estimation of Movement Statistics of People
* Avatar Acceptance Study for Home Automation Scenarios, An
* Combining Skeletal Pose with Local Motion for Human Activity Recognition
* Comparative Study of Surface Representations Used in Statistical Human Models, A
* Compression Techniques for 3D Video Mesh Sequences
* Continuous Level of Detail for Large Scale Rendering of 3D Animated Polygonal Models
* Deformation Measurement of a Human Chest Experiencing Global Motion
* Evaluation of the Reproducibility of Non-verbal Facial Animations
* Event-Based Architecture to Manage Virtual Human Non-Verbal Communication in 3D Chatting Environment, An
* Experimental Results on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* Fast 3D Structure From Motion with Missing Points from Registration of Partial Reconstructions
* Granular Material Deposition for Simulation and Texturing
* Human Behavior Analysis from Depth Maps
* Human Context: Modeling Human-Human Interactions for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* Improving Gestural Communication in Virtual Characters
* Modeling Deformable Filament Bundles by Means of Mass-Spring Systems for the Design of Carbon Reinforced Materials
* Motion Capture for Clinical Purposes, an Approach Using PrimeSense Sensors
* Multi-view Body Tracking with a Detector-Driven Hierarchical Particle Filter
* New Image Dataset on Human Interactions, A
* New Marker-Less 3D Kinect-Based System for Facial Anthropometric Measurements, A
* NVC Emotional Model for Conversational Virtual Humans in a 3D Chatting Environment, An
* Real-Time 4D Reconstruction of Human Motion
* Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Resampling
* Real-Time Pose Estimation Using Constrained Dynamics
* Spatial Measures between Human Poses for Classification and Understanding
* Tennis Training Application Using 3D Gesture Recognition, A
* User Identification and Object Recognition in Clutter Scenes Based on RGB-Depth Analysis
29 for AMDO12

* 3D Human Motion Analysis for Reconstruction and Recognition
* Fast Upper Body Joint Tracking Using Kinect Pose Priors
* From a Serious Training Simulator for Ship Maneuvering to an Entertainment Simulator
* Geometric Surface Deformation Based on Trajectories: A New Approach
* Graph Based Segmentation Strategy for Baggage Scanner Images, A
* Holistic Human Pose Estimation with Regression Forests
* Human Hand Motion Recognition Using an Extended Particle Filter
* Human Pose Estimation in Stereo Images
* Interactive Multimodal Platform for Digital Signage
* Label Consistent Multiclass Discriminative Dictionary Learning for MRI Segmentation
* Mood and Its Mapping onto Facial Expressions
* Multimodal Interface Towards Smartphones: The Use of Pico Projector, Passive RGB Imaging and Active Infrared Imaging
* Non-rigid Object Segmentation Using Robust Active Shape Models
* Real-Time Hand-Painted Graphics for Mobile Games
* Rigging and Data Capture for the Facial Animation of Virtual Actors
* Supporting Annotation of Anatomical Landmarks Using Automatic Scale Selection
* Using Webcam to Enhance Fingerprint Recognition
* Video Segmentation of Life-Logging Videos
19 for AMDO14

* 3D Morphable Face Models and Their Applications
* 3D Object Recognition Based on Volumetric Representation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Balance Clinical Measurement Using RGBD Devices
* Characterization of Multiresolution Models for Real-Time Rendering in GPU-Limited Environments
* Convolutional Neural Network Super Resolution for Face Recognition in Surveillance Monitoring
* CUDA Achievements and GPU Challenges Ahead
* Erythrocytes Morphological Classification Through HMM for Sickle Cell Detection
* Evaluation of K-SVD Method in Facial Expression Recognition Based on Sparse Representation Problems
* Head-Pose Estimation In-the-Wild Using a Random Forest
* Implementing Elements of Fear Invoking Anxiety Using a Game Platform
* Interactive Acquisition of Apparel for Garment Modeling
* Leveraging Orientation Knowledge to Enhance Human Pose Estimation Methods
* Localized Verlet Integration Framework for Facial Models
* On Combining Edge Detection Methods for Improving BSIF Based Facial Recognition Performances
* Providing Physical Appearance and Behaviour to Virtual Characters
* Realistic Crowds via Motion Capture and Cell Marking
* RGB-D Segmentation of Poultry Entrails
* Robot-Aided Cloth Classification Using Depth Information and CNNs
* Spatiotemporal Facial Super-Pixels for Pain Detection
* Type P63 Digitized Color Images Performs Better Identification than Other Stains for Ovarian Tissue Analysis
21 for AMDO16

* Capturing Industrial Machinery into Virtual Reality
* Comparison of Text String Similarity Algorithms for POI Name Harmonisation, A
* Controlling a Smartphone with Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Preliminary Study
* How Can Deep Neural Networks Be Generated Efficiently for Devices with Limited Resources?
* Image Colorization Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Leishmaniasis Parasite Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Learning
* Mammographic Mass Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-means and Decision Trees
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Advanced Driving Systems
* Optical Recognition of Numerical Characters in Digital Images of Glucometers
* Refining the Pose: Training and Use of Deep Recurrent Autoencoders for Improving Human Pose Estimation
* Robust Pedestrian Detection for Semi-automatic Construction of a Crowded Person Re-Identification Dataset
* Shape and Appearance Based Sequenced Convnets to Detect Real-Time Face Attributes on Mobile Devices
13 for AMDO18

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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