Sari Barnacz, F.E.[Fruzsina Eniko]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Helicoverpa armigera Damage with PRISMA Hyperspectral Imagery: First Experience in Maize and Comparison with Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Suitability of Satellite Imagery for Surveillance of Maize Ear Damage by Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Larvae
Includes: Sari Barnacz, F.E.[Fruzsina Eniko] Sári-Barnácz, F.E.[Fruzsina Eniko]
Sari Sarraf, H.[Hamed]
Co Author Listing * Analysis Tool for Digitized Cervical and Lumbar Vertebrae Images
* Customized hough transform for robust segmentation of cervical vertebrae from X-ray images
* Feature-based transfer learning to train a novel cotton imaging system
* Hierarchical segmentation of cervical and lumbar vertebrae using a customized generalized Hough transform and extensions to active appearance models
* Interactive texture segmentation via IT-SNAPS
* Machine vision scheme for stain-release evaluation using Gabor filters with optimized coefficients
* machine vision system to estimate cotton fiber maturity from longitudinal view using a transfer learning approach, A
* new deformable model for analysis of X-ray CT images in preclinical studies of mice for polycystic kidney disease, A
* Novel Approach to Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Images, A
* Robust Defect Segmentation in Woven Fabrics
* Vision system for on-line characterization of paper slurry
* Volumetric segmentation via 3D active shape models
Includes: Sari Sarraf, H.[Hamed] Sari-Sarraf, H.[Hamed] Sari-Sarraf, H.
12 for Sari Sarraf, H.
Sari, A.N.[Atriany Nilam]
Co Author Listing * Posyandu Application for Monitoring Children Under-Five: A 3-Year Data Quality Map in Indonesia
Sari, C.T.
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Feature Extraction via Deep Learning for Histopathological Classification of Colon Tissue Images
Sari, D.K.[Dewi Kania]
Co Author Listing * Identification before-after Forest Fire and Prediction of Mangrove Forest Based on Markov-Cellular Automata in Part of Sembilang National Park, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Sari, E.[Eyyub]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Binary-Ternary Quantization
* Differentiable Mask for Pruning Convolutional and Recurrent Networks
* Foothill: A Quasiconvex Regularization for Edge Computing of Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Sari, E.[Eyyub] Sari, E.[Eyyüb] Sari, E.
Sari, H.[Hikmet]
Co Author Listing * Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Prediction Method for Secure Air Traffic
Sari, I.L.[Inggit Lolita]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Accuracy of Land Cover Change Maps Derived from Automated Digital Processing and Visual Interpretation in Tropical Forests in Indonesia
* Developing Multi-Source Indices to Discriminate between Native Tropical Forests, Oil Palm and Rubber Plantations in Indonesia
Sari, I.N.[Irawati Nurmala]
Co Author Listing * Human Pose Tracking Using Online Latent Structured Support Vector Machine
Sari, L.[Leda]
Co Author Listing * Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
* Texture Defect Detection Using Independent Vector Analysis in Wavelet Domain
Sari, T.[Toufik]
Co Author Listing * MLP for Binarizing Images of Old Manuscripts, An
* MOrpho-LEXical analysis for correcting OCR-genereted arabic words (MOLEX)
* Off-line handwritten Arabic character segmentation algorithm: ACSA
* Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Autoencoder for Remote Arabic Speech Recognition
* Structural feature-based evaluation method of binarization techniques for word retrieval in the degraded Arabic document images
* Tool for automatic tuning of binarisation techniques
Includes: Sari, T.[Toufik] Sari, T.
Sari, Y.A.[Yuita Arum]
Co Author Listing * Human tracking by using multiple methods and weighted products
Saria, S.[Suchi]
Co Author Listing * Scalable Joint Models for Reliable Uncertainty-Aware Event Prediction
Saribas, H.[Hasan]
Co Author Listing * Deep Discriminative Feature Models (DDFMs) for Set Based Face Recognition and Distance Metric Learning
* From anomaly detection to open set recognition: Bridging the gap
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking by Using Ranking Loss
Saribekyan, H.[Hayk]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Classification Clustering: An Efficient Multi-Object Tracking Technique for 3-D Instance Segmentation in Connectomics
Saric, J.[Josip]
Co Author Listing * Multi-domain semantic segmentation with overlapping labels *
* Multimodal Semantic Forecasting Based on Conditional Generation of Future Features
* On Advantages of Mask-level Recognition for Outlier-aware Segmentation
* Panoptic SwiftNet: Pyramidal Fusion for Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation
* Single Level Feature-to-Feature Forecasting with Deformable Convolutions
* Warp to the Future: Joint Forecasting of Features and Feature Motion
* Weakly Supervised Training of Universal Visual Concepts for Multi-Domain Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Saric, J.[Josip] aric, J.[Josip] aric, J.
7 for Saric, J.
Saridena, A.N.[Apoorva Nandini]
Co Author Listing * Theoretical-Empirical Approach to Estimating Sample Complexity of DNNs, A
Saridis, G.N.
Co Author Listing * Optimal and Suboptimal Motion Planning for Collision-Avoidance of Mobile Robots in Nonstationary Environments
Sarieddeen, H.[Hadi]
Co Author Listing * Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Terahertz Sensing: An overview
Sarieddine, K.[Khaled]
Co Author Listing * Data-Driven Framework for Improving Public EV Charging Infrastructure: Modeling and Forecasting, A
Sariel, S.[Sanem]
Co Author Listing * Continuous Visual World Modeling for Autonomous Robot Manipulation
Sarier, N.D.[Neyire Deniz]
Co Author Listing * New Approach for Biometric Template Storage and Remote Authentication, A
Sarif, M.O.[Md. Omar]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Local Climate Change by Spatiotemporal Seasonal LST and Six Land Indices, and Their Interrelationships with SUHI and Hot-Spot Dynamics: A Case Study of Prayagraj City, India (1987-2018)
* Assessment of Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperatures and Their Impact on Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomena in the Kathmandu Valley (1988-2018)
Includes: Sarif, M.O.[Md. Omar] Sarif, M.O.[M. Omar]
Sarifuddin, M.
Co Author Listing * Effective Approach Towards Content-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Similarity measures for efficient content-based image retrieval
Sarigai, S.[Sarigai]
Co Author Listing * Google Earth Engine and Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Comprehensive Review
Sarigianidis, G.H.
Co Author Listing * Motion Correspondence Using a Neural Network
Sarigul, M.[Mehmet]
Co Author Listing * Region contrastive camera localization
Includes: Sarigul, M.[Mehmet] Sarigül, M.[Mehmet] (Maybe also Sariguel, M.)
Sarikaya, D.
Co Author Listing * Detection and Localization of Robotic Tools in Robot-Assisted Surgery Videos Using Deep Neural Networks for Region Proposal and Detection
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark (BRATS), The
Sarikaya, M.S.[Mehmet Serif]
Co Author Listing * Site Selection of Natural Gas Emergency Response Team Centers in Istanbul Metropolitan Area Based on GIS and FAHP
Sarikhani, H.
Co Author Listing * Gaussian mixture model-based contrast enhancement
Sarikouch, S.[Samir]
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Domain Adaptation From Axial to Short-Axis Multi-Slice Cardiac MR Images by Incorporating Pretrained Task Networks
Sarim, M.[Muhammad]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction in Outdoor Environments
* Natural image matting for multiple wide-baseline views
* Non-parametric natural image matting
* Non-parametric patch based video matting
* Outdoor Dynamic 3-D Scene Reconstruction
* Stereoscopic content production of complex dynamic scenes using a wide-baseline monoscopic camera set-up
* Temporal trimap propagation for video matting using inferential statistics
* Wide-Baseline Multi-View Video Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
8 for Sarim, M.
Sarimveis, H.[Haralambos]
Co Author Listing * performance of pixel window algorithms in the classification of habitats using VHSR imagery, The
Sarin, K.[Konstantin]
Co Author Listing * SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition
Sarin, P.[Pinar]
Co Author Listing * Analyzing Newspaper Maps for Earthquake News through Cartographic Approach
Saringatin, S.[Siti]
Co Author Listing * Combination of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-1 SAR Time-Series Data for Mapping Paddy Fields in Parts of West and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia
Sarioglu, I..L.
Co Author Listing * Energy Management for Fuel-Cell Hybrid Vehicles Based on Specific Fuel Consumption Due to Load Shifting
Sarioz, D.[Deniz]
Co Author Listing * History Trees as Descriptors of Macromolecular Structures
Saripada, N.A.
Co Author Listing * Running To Safety: Analysis Of Disaster Susceptibility Of Neighborhoods And Proximity Of Safety Facilities In Silay City, Philippines
Saripalle, S.
Co Author Listing * Method for using visible ocular vasculature for mobile biometrics
Saripalle, S.K.
Co Author Listing * ICIP 2016 competition on mobile ocular biometric recognition
Saripalli, S.
Co Author Listing * Sampling-Based Path Planning for UAV Collision Avoidance
Saripan, M.I.[M. Iqbal]
Co Author Listing * Illumination Compensation for Document Images Using Local-Global Block Analysis
* New Hybrid form of Krawtchouk and Tchebichef Polynomials: Design and Application, A
* Review of brain MRI image segmentation methods
* review of wave-net identical learning and filling-in in a decomposition space of (JPG-JPEG) sampled images, A
Includes: Saripan, M.I.[M. Iqbal] Saripan, M.I.
Saris, A.E.C.M.[Anne E. C. M.]
Co Author Listing * Cardiac Motion Estimation Using Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging Tested in a Finite Element Model of Cardiac Mechanics
Saritas, E.[Erdi]
Co Author Listing * Analyzing the Effect of Combined Degradations on Face Recognition
* Analyzing the Feature Extractor Networks for Face Image Synthesis
Saritas, E.U.
Co Author Listing * Calibration-Free Relaxation-Based Multi-Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
* DEQ-MPI: A Deep Equilibrium Reconstruction With Learned Consistency for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Fast System Calibration With Coded Calibration Scenes for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Linearity and Shift Invariance for Quantitative Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Magnetic Particle Imaging With Tailored Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Tracers
* Magnetostimulation Limits in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Partial FOV Center Imaging (PCI): A Robust X-Space Image Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Projection onto Epigraph Sets for Rapid Self-Tuning Compressed Sensing MRI
* Projection X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Rapid TAURUS for Relaxation-Based Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Signal Compensation and Compressed Sensing for Magnetization-Prepared MR Angiography
* SNR Dependence of Optimal Parameters for Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements
* Statistically Segregated k-Space Sampling for Accelerating Multiple-Acquisition MRI
* TranSMS: Transformers for Super-Resolution Calibration in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Includes: Saritas, E.U. Saritas, E.U.[Emine Ulku]
14 for Saritas, E.U.
Saritha, M.
Co Author Listing * Classification of MRI brain images using combined wavelet entropy based spider web plots and probabilistic neural network
Saritha, S.[Saladi]
Co Author Listing * comprehensive review: Segmentation of MRI images: brain tumor, A
Sariyanidi, E.[Evangelos]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition
* Biologically Inspired Motion Encoding for Robust Global Motion Estimation
* Can Facial Pose and Expression Be Separated With Weak Perspective Camera?
* Discovering Synchronized Subsets of Sequences: A Large Scale Solution
* Inequality-Constrained 3D Morphable Face Model Fitting
* Inequality-constrained and Robust 3d Face Model Fitting
* Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition
* Let me tell you about your personality! -- Real-time personality prediction from nonverbal behavioural cues
* Local Zernike Moments: A new representation for face recognition
* LZM in Action: Realtime Face Recognition System
* Patterns of approximated localised moments for visual loop closure detection
* Probabilistic Subpixel Temporal Registration for Facial Expression Analysis
* Robust Registration of Dynamic Facial Sequences
Includes: Sariyanidi, E.[Evangelos] Sariyanidi, E.
13 for Sariyanidi, E.
Sariyildiz, E.
Co Author Listing * Active Compliance Control Reduces Upper Body Effort in Exoskeleton-Supported Walking
Sariyildiz, I.S.[I. Sevil]
Co Author Listing * Blur in Human Vision and Increased Visual Realism in Virtual Environments
Sariyildiz, M.B.[Mert Bulent]
Co Author Listing * Concept Generalization in Visual Representation Learning
* Fake it Till You Make it: Learning Transferable Representations from Synthetic ImageNet Clones
* Gradient Matching Generative Networks for Zero-Shot Learning
* Key protected classification for collaborative learning
* Learning Visual Representations with Caption Annotations
Sariyildiz, S.[Sevil]
Co Author Listing * Computational Workflow for Generating A Voxel-Based Design Approach Based on Subtractive Shading Envelopes and Attribute Information of Point Cloud Data, A