* 3-Dimensional Realization of Anomalous Pictures: An Application of Picture Interpretation Theory to Toy Design
* Adaptive Image-Enhancement Algorithm, An
* Adaptive Methods for Dithering Color Images
* Adaptive Morphological Representation of Signals: Polynomial and Wavelet Methods
* Adaptive quantization
* Analysis of Evidence Theoretic Decision Rules for Pattern-Classification
* Arbitrary viewpoint three-dimensional imaging method using compressed voxel data constructed by a directed search of voxel data representing an image of an object and an arbitrary viewpoint
* Automatic Video Data Structuring Through Shot Partitioning and Key-Frame Computing
* Basics of stereoscopic video, new compression results with MPEG-2 and a proposal for MPEG-4
* Classification of Ships in Airborne SAR Imagery Using Backpropagation Neural Networks
* Clustering by Competitive Agglomeration
* Color Image-Processing Using Adaptive Multichannel Filters
* Comparison and Optimization of Methods of Color Image Quantization
* Computing Illumination-Invariant Descriptors of Spatially Filtered Color Image Regions
* Digital Color Imaging
* Direction-Selective Filters for Egomotion Estimation
* Efficiency of displacement estimation techniques
* Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Knowledge Acquisition, An
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Full-Search Block Matching Algorithms, An
* Embedded Multilevel Error Diffusion
* Enhancement of Images Containing Subsampled Chrominance Information, The
* Evaluation of 3D Reconstruction Algorithms for a Small Animal PET Camera
* Evolving Descriptors for Texture Segmentation
* Expressive Language and Interface for Image Querying, An
* Fast Full-Search Block-Matching Algorithm for Motion-Compensated Video Compression
* Fast General Algorithm for Extracting Image Features on SIMD Mesh-Connected Computers, A
* Fast Iterative Segmentation of High-Resolution Medical Images
* Figures of Merit for Color Scanners
* From Volume Medical Images to Quadratic Surface Patches
* fuzzy logic system for content-based bit-rate allocation, A
* Gaze tracking using optical coherence tomography
* General Comparative-Study of the Multiplicative Homomorphic, Log-Ratio and Logarithmic Image-Processing Approaches, A
* Generalized Multichannel Image-Filtering Structures
* Geometric Interpretations of Algebraic Invariants in Images of 3D Scenes
* How Many 2D Silhouettes Does it Take to Reconstruct a 3D Object
* Hybrid object-based/block-based coding in video compression at very low bit-rate
* Image and Video Indexing Using Vector Quantization
* Image Thresholding Based on Ali-Silvey Distance Measures
* Indexing Pictures by Key Objects for Large-Scale Image Databases
* Investigation of Mountain Method Clustering for Large Data Sets, An
* Method for high-dimensionality indexing in a multi-media database
* Method for the estimation of rotation between two frames via epipolar search for use in a three-dimensional representation
* Method of inferring sensor attitude through multi-feature tracking
* Model-Based Half-Toning of Color Images
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences under Orthographic Projection
* Multiscale Retinex for Bridging the Gap Between Color Images and the Human Observation of Scenes, A
* New Approach to Vector Median Filtering Based on Space-Filling Curves, A
* New Bit-Rate Control of MPEG with Predictive and Adaptive Perceptual Quantization, A
* Noniterative Methods and Their Noise Characteristics in 2D SPECT Image-Reconstruction
* Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel Algorithm for Noncoplanar and Coplanar Camera Calibration with Convergence Analysis, A
* Novel Block Truncation Coding of Color Images Using a Quaternion-Moment-Preserving Principle, A
* Optimal disparity estimation for stereoscopic video coding
* Optimizing Line Finder Using a Hough Transform Algorithm, An
* Partitions: A taxonomy of types and representations and an overview of coding techniques
* Predictive Median Threshold Filter with Robust Prediction Estimation, A
* Psychophysical Evaluation of Gamut Mapping Techniques Using Simple Rendered Images and Artificial Gamut Boundaries
* Radar Processing, Technology, and Applications II
* Reconstruction and Visualization of 3D Models of Colonic Surface
* Recovering the 3D Structure of Tubular Objects from Stereo Silhouettes
* Recursive Hierarchical Radical Extraction for Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Region Growing and Merging Algorithm to Color Segmentation, A
* region-based subband coding scheme, A
* Residues of Morphological Filtering by Reconstruction for Texture Classification
* Segmentation and Classification of Edges Using Minimum Description Length Approximation and Complementary Junction Cues
* Set Operations on Constant Bit-Length Linear Quadtrees
* Ship Silhouette Recognition Using Principal Components Analysis
* Software architecture for flexible and extensible image decoding
* Special Issue: Digital Color Imaging
* Speckle Filtering of SAR Images: A Comparative Study Between Complex-Wavelet-Based and Standard Filters
* Spectral Covariance and Fuzzy Regions for Image Indexing
* Study of Efficiency and Accuracy in the Transformation from RGB to CIELAB Color Space, A
* System for automatically aligning images to form a mosaic image
* System for monitoring the front or rear parking space of a motor vehicle
* Tabu Search
* Template Matching of Binary Targets in Gray-Scale Images: A Nonparametric Approach
* Thin-Plate as a Regularizer in Bayesian SPECT Reconstruction, The
* Towards MPEG4: An improved H.263-based video coder
* Tracking a face for knowledge-based coding of videophone sequences
* Triangular active mesh for motion estimation
* Ultrasound Imaging Based on Multiple Beamforming with Coded Excitation
* Uniformity correction and threshold or halftoning conversion unit and method
* Use of the Area Under the ROC Curve in the Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms, The
* Using Bilateral Symmetry to Improve 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequences
* Using Consensus Sequence Voting to Correct OCR Errors
* Video Coding Using Motion Compensation with Polynomial Motion Vector Fields
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