Update Dates 0800

0800 * *Human Motion Understanding, Modelling, Capture, and Animation
* *LHI Segmentation Dataset
* *LHI Sports Activity Dataset
* *LHI Surveillance Dataset
* *Shape Analysis and Structuring
* Active Sensor Planning for Multiview Vision Tasks
* Advances in Biometrics Sensors, Algorithms and Systems
* Applied Pattern Recognition
* Approximation to the Fisher-Rao metric for the focus of expansion
* Area Distances Of Convex Plane Curves And Improper Affine Spheres
* Automated Multi-Camera Surveillance
* Automatic tropical cyclone eye fix using genetic algorithm
* Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision
* Cardiac MRI dataset
* Cascadic Multiresolution Methods For Image Deblurring
* Combining Image Reconstruction And Image Analysis With An Application To Two-Dimensional Tomography
* Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation
* Contour-based Separation of Vertically Attached Traffic Signs, A
* Data-Driven 3D Facial Animation
* Digital Image Processing, Third Edition
* Digital Watermarking and Steganography
* Digitally Archiving Cultural Objects
* Direct Elastic Imaging Of A Small Inclusion
* Edge Illumination And Imaging Of Extended Reflectors
* Edge-preserving decompositions for multi-scale tone and detail manipulation
* Efficient Reconstruction Of Piecewise Constant Images Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization
* Electrical resistance imaging of a time-varying interface in stratified flows using an unscented Kalman filter
* Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
* Evaluation and comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques and band selection
* FAB-MAP: probabilistic localization and mapping in the space of appearance
* Finding Paths through the World's Photos
* Finite Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Applications to Image and Video Foreground Segmentation
* Fragments Tracker
* From Gestalt Theory to Image Analysis: A Probabilistic Approach
* Gamma-SLAM: Using Stereo Vision and Variance Grid Maps for SLAM in Unstructured Environments
* Generalized Curvatures
* Handbook of Biometrics
* Handbook of Texture Analysis
* Human Ear Recognition by Computer
* Image Interpolation by Blending Kernels
* Image Processing, Analysis and and Machine Vision: A MATLAB Companion
* Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision
* Inpainting By Flexible Haar-Wavelet Shrinkage
* Intellegent Scissors: Interactive tool for image segmentation
* Interactive Curve Modeling With Applications to Computer Graphics, Vision and Image Processing
* Introduction to Video Search Engines
* Line Drawing Interpretation
* Machine Learning in Multi-frame Image Super-resolution
* Mathematical Methods in Signal Processing and Digital Image Analysis
* Matlab toolbox for Level Set Methods
* Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice
* Motion Planning in Medicine: Optimization and Simulation Algorithms for Image-Guided Procedures
* Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text
* Multimodal User Interfaces: From Signals to Interaction
* Multiresolution Shape Codes with Applications to Image Retrieval
* New Alternating Minimization Algorithm For Total Variation Image Reconstruction, A
* Nonlinear Inverse Scale Space Method For A Convex Multiplicative Noise Model, A
* Nouvelles Applications des Parametres Continus a la Theorie des Formse Quadratiques. Duesieme Memoire: Recherches sur les Paralleloderes Primitifs
* Numerical Geometry of Non-Rigid Shapes
* Object-Based Image Analysis: Spatial Concepts for Knowledge-Driven Remote Sensing Applications
* On object selection in gaze controlled environments
* Parallel Implementation of the Color-Based Particle Filter for Object Tracking, A
* Passive Eye Monitoring: Algorithms, Applications and Experiments
* Pattern Recognition Theory of Humour, The
* Precision Landmark Location for Machine Vision and Photogrammetry: Finding and Achieving the Maximum Possible Accuracy
* Quality Assessment for CRT and LCD Color Reproduction Using a Blind Metric
* Quantitative Object Reconstruction Using Abel Transform X-Ray Tomography And Mixed Variable Optimization
* Query-Adaptive locality sensitive hashing
* Real time detection of lane markers in urban streets
* Real-time gradient-domain painting
* Regionalization of Watersheds: An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis
* Representations for Cognitive Vision: A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches
* Robust Camera Pan and Zoom Change Detection Using Optical Flow
* Robust Model for Traffic Signs Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines, A
* Scale-Space
* Segmentation Under Occlusions Using Selective Shape Prior
* shape aware model for semi-supervised learning of objects and its context, A
* Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing
* Simultaneous dimensionality reduction and denoising of yperspectral imagery using bivariate wavelet shrinking and PCA
* Sparse And Redundant Modeling Of Image Content Using An Image-Signature-Dictionary
* Statistical Models of Shape: Optimisation and Evaluation
* Stepping into Virtual Reality
* Subdivision Surfaces
* Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission, Display
* Topology Preserving Linear Filtering Applied To Medical Imaging
* Tracking Vector Magnetograms with the Magnetic Induction Equation
* Traffic sign classification using invariant features and Support Vector Machines
* Traffic sign recognition by fuzzy sets
* Unifying Perspectives in Computational and Robot Vision
* Variational Assimilation Of Fluid Motion From Image Sequence
* VC-1 and H.264 Video Compression Standards for Broadband Video Services, The
* Video Google Demo
92 for 0800

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.