Journals starting with bvai

BVAI07 * *Advances in Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence
* 3D Reconstruction and Mapping from Stereo Pairs with Geometrical Rectification
* Application of Neural Networks in Classification of Epilepsy Using EEG Signals, The
* Application of Vision Systems to the Path Planning of Industrial Robots, An
* Applying Neural Networks to Knowledge Representation and Determination of Its Meaning
* Bayesian Draughtsman: A Model for Visuomotor Coordination in Drawing, The
* Bounds of the Ability to Destroy Precise Coincidences by Spike Dithering
* Classification with Positive and Negative Equivalence Constraints: Theory, Computation and Human Experiments
* Coincidence Detector Properties of Small Networks of Interneurons
* Computing the Maximum Using Presynaptic Inhibition with Glutamate Receptors
* Decomposition Approach to Solve Dial-a-Ride Problems Using Ant Computing and Constraint Programming
* Different Binding Strategies for the Different Stages of Visual Recognition
* Diffuse Nerve Net of Hydra Revealed by NADPH-Diaphorase Histochemical Labeling
* Digital Removal of Blotches with Variable Semi-transparency Using Visibility Laws
* Excitatory Synaptic Interaction on the Dendritic Tree
* Genetic Algorithm for the Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem, A
* Ghost Stochastic Resonance for a Neuron with a Pair of Periodic Inputs
* Graph-Based Clustering Method and Its Applications, A
* Higher Order Color Mechanisms for Image Segmentation
* How Does the Brain Arrive at a Color Constant Descriptor?
* Human Robot Interactions: Towards the Implementation of Adaptive Strategies for Robust Communication
* Increasing Efficiency in Disparity Calculation
* Incremental Subspace Learning for Cognitive Visual Processes
* Independent Component Analysis of Layer Optical Flow and Its Application
* Independent Encoding of Position and Orientation by Population Responses in Primary Visual Cortex
* Input Identification in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Neuronal Model with Signal Dependent Noise
* Logic as Energy: A SAT-Based Approach
* Modeling Visual Information Processing in Brain: A Computer Vision Point of View and Approach
* Molecular Mechanism of Glutamate-Triggered Brain Glucose Metabolism: A Parametric Model from FDG PET-Scans
* Motion Planning for Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on Singularity Criteria
* Moving Creative Words
* Neural Model for Attentional Modulation of Lateral Interactions in the Visual Cortex, A
* Neural Network Model for a View Independent Extraction of Reach-to-Grasp Action Features, A
* Neural Object Recognition by Hierarchical Learning and Extraction of Essential Shapes
* Neuromimetic Indicators for Visual Perception of Motion
* Neurosymbolic Hybrid Approach for Landmark Recognition and Robot Localization, A
* New Frameworks to Boost Feature Selection Algorithms in Emotion Detection for Improved Human-Computer Interaction
* Noise Analysis for Depth Estimation
* Non-invasive Brain-Actuated Interaction
* Numerical Results on the Hodgkin-Huxley Neural Network: Spikes Annihilation
* On Global Geometry of Image on Eye's Back
* Patterns of Binocular Disparity for a Fixating Observer
* Physiology of Simple Photoreceptors in the Abdominal Ganglion of Onchidium
* Real-Time Robot Manipulation Using Mouth Gestures in Facial Video Sequences
* Recognition of Human Faces: From Biological to Artificial Vision
* Reversal of Cubic and Cylindric Figures
* Robotic Architecture with Innate Releasing Mechanism, A
* Self-organizing Approach to Detection of Moving Patterns for Real-Time Applications, A
* Significance of Empty Speech Pauses: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues, The
* Steady-State Properties of Coding of Odor Intensity in Olfactory Sensory Neurons
* Stimulus-Response Curves in Sensory Neurons: How to Find the Stimulus Measurable with the Highest Precision
* Temporal Characteristics of Artificial Retina Based on Bacteriorhodopsin and Its Variants
* Testing Viewpoint Invariance in the Neural Representation of Faces: An MEG Study
* Towards a Formal Approach to Generative Design: An Assistant System for the Creation of Artefact Models
* Tracking Trajectories with a Robotic Manipulator with Singularities
* Using Software Agent Negotiation for Service Selection
* Variational Bayes Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* Vision and Action in the Language-Ready Brain: From Mirror Neurons to SemRep
* Watershed Segmentation Via Case-Based Reasoning
59 for BVAI07

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Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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