Index for kwok

Kwok, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carneiro, G.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Frame...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framewo...
     with: Elliott, M.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framew...
     with: Frazer, H.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framewo...
     with: Liu, F.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framework ...
     with: McCarthy, D.J.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Fra...
     with: Pena Solorzano, C.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis...
     with: Wang, C.: Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framework...
8 for Kwok, C.F.

Kwok, C.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Au, O.C.: Alternative Anti-Forensics Method for Contrast Enhancement
     with: Au, O.C.: convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
     with: Au, O.C.: Image rectification for single camera stereo system
     with: Chui, S.H.: Alternative Anti-Forensics Method for Contrast Enhancement
     with: Chui, S.H.: convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
     with: Chui, S.H.: Image rectification for single camera stereo system
     with: Li, Y.J.: convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
     with: Li, Y.J.: Image rectification for single camera stereo system
     with: Sun, W.X.: convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
     with: Sun, W.X.: Image rectification for single camera stereo system
     with: Xu, L.F.: convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
     with: Xu, L.F.: Image rectification for single camera stereo system
12 for Kwok, C.W.

Kwok, C.Y.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbas, S.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi-...
     with: Chan, P.W.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 C...
     with: Chin, D.C.W.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5...
     with: Heo, J.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Conc...
     with: Huang, J.W.: Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environm...
     with: Hui, K.K.W.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using b...
     with: Kan, Z.H.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Co...
     with: Kan, Z.H.: Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environmen...
     with: Kwan, M.P.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 C...
     with: Kwan, M.P.: Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environme...
     with: Li, Z.L.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi-m...
     with: Ng, K.T.K.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi...
     with: Nichol, J.E.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5...
     with: Peng, Q.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi-m...
     with: Wang, J.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi-m...
     with: Wong, M.S.: Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi...
     with: Wong, M.S.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 C...
     with: Wong, M.S.: Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environme...
     with: Yu, X.Y.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Con...
     with: Yu, X.Y.: Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environment...
     with: Zhu, R.: COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Conc...
21 for Kwok, C.Y.T.

Kwok, H.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fung, Y.M.: Machine Recognition of the Cantonese Digits Using Bandpass...
     with: Tai, L.C.: Machine Recognition of the Cantonese Digits Using Bandpass ...

Kwok, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, X.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale...
     with: Gou, Y.H.: Leveraging per Image-Token Consistency for Vision-Language ...
     with: Han, J.H.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scal...
     with: Huang, R.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scal...
     with: Ko, T.: Leveraging per Image-Token Consistency for Vision-Language Pre...
     with: Li, C.L.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale...
     with: Li, S.T.: Text detection in images using sparse representation with di...
     with: Liang, X.D.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-sc...
     with: Sarukkai, R.: Accurate Deep Direct Geo-Localization from Ground Imager...
     with: Shet, V.: Accurate Deep Direct Geo-Localization from Ground Imagery an...
     with: Shi, H.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale ...
     with: Sun, S.: Accurate Deep Direct Geo-Localization from Ground Imagery and...
     with: Wang, M.X.: Leveraging per Image-Token Consistency for Vision-Language...
     with: Xu, H.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale C...
     with: Yang, H.: Leveraging per Image-Token Consistency for Vision-Language P...
     with: Zhang, W.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scal...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Leveraging per Image-Token Consistency for Vision-Language ...
     with: Zhao, M.: Text detection in images using sparse representation with di...
     with: Zhao, S.: GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale...
19 for Kwok, J.

Kwok, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, X.: Searching a High Performance Feature Extractor for Text Recog...
     with: Barezi, E.J.: Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
     with: Cheng, V.: Dissimilarity learning for nominal data
     with: Gui, J.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Re...
     with: Gui, J.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-res...
     with: Hu, E.L.: Efficient Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming With Robust Loss...
     with: Hwang, B.W.: Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-nois...
     with: Kang, D.S.: Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
     with: Law, M.H.: Rival Penalized Competitive Learning for Model-based Sequen...
     with: Lee, S.W.: Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
     with: Li, C.H.: Dissimilarity learning for nominal data
     with: Li, C.K.: Dissimilarity learning for nominal data
     with: Li, M.: Online multiple instance learning with no regret
     with: Li, M.: Time and space efficient spectral clustering via column sampling
     with: Li, S.T.: Multifocus image fusion using artificial neural networks
     with: Li, S.T.: Multimodal Registration using the Discrete Wavelet Frame Tra...
     with: Li, S.T.: Texture classification using the support vector machines
     with: Lian, X.C.: Time and space efficient spectral clustering via column sa...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Large-Scale Low-Rank Matrix Learning with Nonconvex Regular...
     with: Lu, B.L.: Online multiple instance learning with no regret
     with: Lu, B.L.: Time and space efficient spectral clustering via column samp...
     with: Ni, L.M.: Generalized Convolutional Sparse Coding With Unknown Noise
     with: Ni, L.M.: Scalable Online Convolutional Sparse Coding
     with: Park, J.Y.: Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
     with: Peng, J.L.: Multimodal Registration using the Discrete Wavelet Frame T...
     with: Qu, L.: Improving de-noising by coefficient de-noising and dyadic wave...
     with: Rabiee, H.R.: Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
     with: Tang, M.: Accelerated Convergence Using Dynamic Mean Shift
     with: Tang, M.: Applying Neighborhood Consistency for Fast Clustering and Ke...
     with: Wang, F.: Face recognition using spectral features
     with: Wang, F.: Unsupervised Maximum Margin Feature Selection with manifold ...
     with: Wang, J.D.: Face recognition using spectral features
     with: Wang, T.F.: Large-Scale Low-Rank Matrix Learning with Nonconvex Regula...
     with: Wang, Y.: Generalized Convolutional Sparse Coding With Unknown Noise
     with: Wang, Y.: Scalable Online Convolutional Sparse Coding
     with: Wang, Y.N.: Multifocus image fusion using artificial neural networks
     with: Wang, Y.N.: Texture classification using the support vector machines
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-...
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-r...
     with: Wu, H.P.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-R...
     with: Wu, H.P.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-re...
     with: Yang, H.: Efficient Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming With Robust Loss...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Incremental PCA based face recognition
     with: Yao, Q.M.: Bilinear Scoring Function Search for Knowledge Graph Learning
     with: Yao, Q.M.: Efficient Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming With Robust Los...
     with: Yao, Q.M.: Large-Scale Low-Rank Matrix Learning with Nonconvex Regular...
     with: Yao, Q.M.: Scalable Online Convolutional Sparse Coding
     with: Yao, Q.M.: Searching a High Performance Feature Extractor for Text Rec...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Incremental PCA based face recognition
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Novel Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Its App...
     with: Zhang, C.S.: Face recognition using spectral features
     with: Zhang, C.S.: Unsupervised Maximum Margin Feature Selection with manifo...
     with: Zhang, H.: Searching a High Performance Feature Extractor for Text Rec...
     with: Zhang, J.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-...
     with: Zhang, J.: Multimodal Registration using the Discrete Wavelet Frame Tr...
     with: Zhang, J.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-r...
     with: Zhang, K.: Accelerated Convergence Using Dynamic Mean Shift
     with: Zhang, K.: Applying Neighborhood Consistency for Fast Clustering and K...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Bilinear Scoring Function Search for Knowledge Graph Lear...
     with: Zhao, B.: Unsupervised Maximum Margin Feature Selection with manifold ...
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Incremental PCA based face recognition
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Novel Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Its App...
     with: Zhu, H.L.: Improving de-noising by coefficient de-noising and dyadic w...
     with: Zhu, H.L.: Texture classification using the support vector machines
67 for Kwok, J.T.

Kwok, J.T.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, B.W.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment R...
     with: Cao, J.X.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment R...
     with: Cao, Y.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for ...
     with: Cong, X.F.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Cong, X.F.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupe...
     with: Fang, L.T.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clusteri...
     with: Ge, J.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering L...
     with: Gui, J.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Rel...
     with: Gui, J.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Gui, J.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupervi...
     with: Gui, J.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering ...
     with: Gui, J.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for ...
     with: He, L.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Rela...
     with: He, L.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupervis...
     with: Huang, L.G.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Cluster...
     with: Li, K.Q.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for...
     with: Lin, M.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering ...
     with: Liu, B.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Rel...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clusterin...
     with: Luo, B.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering ...
     with: Peng, C.W.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Qi, H.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for I...
     with: Shen, J.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Re...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment ...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupe...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer f...
27 for Kwok, J.T.Y.

Kwok, K.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Phillips, I.T.: Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table...
     with: Sy, B.: Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table Structu...
     with: Wasserman, H.: Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table ...
     with: Yukawa, K.: Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table Str...

Kwok, K.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Althoefer, K.: Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Inte...
     with: Arezzo, A.: Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interve...
     with: Cavusoglu, M.C.: State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guid...
     with: Chang, H.C.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-...
     with: Cheung, C.L.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR...
     with: Cleary, K.: State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guided Ro...
     with: Desai, J.P.: State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guided R...
     with: Fang, G.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Bas...
     with: Fischer, G.S.: State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guided...
     with: Ho, J.D.L.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-B...
     with: Iordachita, I.: State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guide...
     with: Liang, L.Y.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-...
     with: Lin, F.H.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Ba...
     with: Menciassi, A.: Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Inte...
     with: Su, H.: State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guided Robot-...
     with: Tan, K.V.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Ba...
     with: Wu, M.J.: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Bas...
     with: Wurdemann, H.: Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Inte...
18 for Kwok, K.W.

Kwok, L.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Robust Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh Models, A
     with: Yu, Z.Q.: Robust Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh Models, A

Kwok, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, G.N.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression ba...
     with: Jiang, G.N.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-c...
     with: Lin, C.F.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-com...
     with: Lin, S.C.F.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression ba...
     with: Liu, S.C.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-com...
     with: Liu, S.L.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression base...
     with: Liu, S.L.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-com...
     with: Rahman, M.A.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression b...
     with: Rahman, M.A.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-...
     with: Shi, H.Y.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression base...
     with: Shi, H.Y.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-com...
     with: Wong, C.Y.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression bas...
     with: Wong, C.Y.: Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-co...
     with: Wu, T.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression based a...
     with: Yu, Y.H.: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression based...
15 for Kwok, N.

Kwok, N.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bennamoun, M.: Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Featur...
     with: Chen, P.Y.: On-chip real-time feature extraction using semantic annota...
     with: Fang, G.: Effect of Color Space on Color Image Segmentation
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature De...
     with: Ha, Q.P.: Chip-Based Design for Real-Time Moving Object Detection Usin...
     with: Ha, Q.P.: Effect of Color Space on Color Image Segmentation
     with: He, X.: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest De...
     with: Jiang, G.: Finger identification using hand boundary decomposition
     with: Jiang, G.N.: Basic Shape Classification Using Spatially Normalised Fou...
     with: Lee, T.T.: On-chip real-time feature extraction using semantic annotat...
     with: Li, R.W.: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest ...
     with: Lin, S.C.F.: Basic Shape Classification Using Spatially Normalised Fou...
     with: Lin, S.C.F.: Finger identification using hand boundary decomposition
     with: Liu, S.C.: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest...
     with: Liu, S.L.: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest...
     with: Lu, M.: Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descr...
     with: Rahman, M.A.: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steep...
     with: Ren, T.R.: Restricted Coulomb Energy (RCE) Neural Network System for H...
     with: Sohel, F.A.: Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature ...
     with: Sui, C.: Restricted Coulomb Energy (RCE) Neural Network System for Han...
     with: Wan, J.W.: Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature De...
     with: Wong, C.Y.: Basic Shape Classification Using Spatially Normalised Four...
     with: Wong, C.Y.: Finger identification using hand boundary decomposition
     with: Wu, H.K.: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest ...
     with: Yu, Y.H.: Chip-Based Design for Real-Time Moving Object Detection Usin...
     with: Yu, Y.H.: On-chip real-time feature extraction using semantic annotati...
26 for Kwok, N.M.

Kwok, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Archibald, C.: Research in Computer and Robot Vision

Kwok, P.C.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arcelli, C.: Parallel Pattern Compression by Octagonal Propagation
     with: Chan, F.H.Y.: Brain tumor boundary detection in MR image with generali...
     with: Chan, F.H.Y.: Normalization of contrast in document images using gener...
     with: Chan, F.H.Y.: Thyroid Cancer Cells Boundary Location by a Fuzzy Edge D...
     with: Chen, W.F.: Brain tumor boundary detection in MR image with generalize...
     with: Chen, W.F.: Thyroid Cancer Cells Boundary Location by a Fuzzy Edge Det...
     with: Fang, B.: Off-line signature verification by the tracking of feature a...
     with: Fang, B.: Offline signature verification with generated training samples
     with: Lam, K.Y.: Thyroid Cancer Cells Boundary Location by a Fuzzy Edge Dete...
     with: Leung, C.C.: Brain tumor boundary detection in MR image with generaliz...
     with: Leung, C.C.: Normalization of contrast in document images using genera...
     with: Leung, C.C.: Thyroid Cancer Cells Boundary Location by a Fuzzy Edge De...
     with: Leung, C.H.: Off-line signature verification by the tracking of featur...
     with: Leung, C.H.: Offline signature verification with generated training sa...
     with: Leung, C.H.: Segmentation and recognition of Chinese bank check amounts
     with: Sanniti di Baja, G.: Parallel Pattern Compression by Octagonal Propaga...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Off-line signature verification by the tracking of feature...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Offline signature verification with generated training sam...
     with: Tse, K.W.: Off-line signature verification by the tracking of feature ...
     with: Tse, K.W.: Offline signature verification with generated training samp...
     with: Tse, K.W.: Segmentation and recognition of Chinese bank check amounts
     with: Tsui, W.K.: Normalization of contrast in document images using general...
     with: Wong, Y.K.: Off-line signature verification by the tracking of feature...
     with: Wong, Y.K.: Offline signature verification with generated training sam...
     with: Yu, M.L.: Segmentation and recognition of Chinese bank check amounts
25 for Kwok, P.C.K.

Kwok, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andrews, M.J.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0...
     with: Armitage, T.W.K.: Multi-peak Retracking of CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms O...
     with: Belgiovane, D.J.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity Wit...
     with: Bringer, A.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5...
     with: Brogioni, M.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0....
     with: Chen, C.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5-2 ...
     with: Davidson, M.W.J.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land...
     with: Demir, O.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5-2...
     with: di Bella, A.: Multi-peak Retracking of CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms Over ...
     with: Forsberg, R.: Multi-peak Retracking of CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms Over ...
     with: Gogineni, S.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land and...
     with: Gomez Garcia, D.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land...
     with: Harbeck, J.: Comparing Coincident Elevation and Freeboard From IceBrid...
     with: Hendricks, S.: Comparing Coincident Elevation and Freeboard From IceBr...
     with: Jezek, K.C.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5...
     with: Johnson, J.T.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0...
     with: Kaleschke, L.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0...
     with: Key, J.R.: Comparison of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from Satellites, Air...
     with: Kurtz, N.: Comparing Coincident Elevation and Freeboard From IceBridge...
     with: Leduc Leballeur, M.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity ...
     with: Leuschen, C.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land and...
     with: Macelloni, G.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0...
     with: Paden, J.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land and Se...
     with: Panzer, B.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land and S...
     with: Patel, A.: Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land and Se...
     with: Ricker, R.: Comparing Coincident Elevation and Freeboard From IceBridg...
     with: Skourup, H.: Multi-peak Retracking of CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms Over A...
     with: Tan, S.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5-2 G...
     with: Tsang, L.: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5-2...
     with: Wang, X.: Comparison of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from Satellites, Airc...
     with: Yi, D.: Comparing Coincident Elevation and Freeboard From IceBridge an...
     with: Zhang, J.L.: Comparison of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from Satellites, A...
39 for Kwok, R.

Kwok, R.Y.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, L.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint C...
     with: Guo, L.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Vehi...
     with: Guo, L.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urba...
     with: Guo, Y.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Vehi...
     with: Hu, B.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint Co...
     with: Hu, B.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Vehic...
     with: Hu, B.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urban...
     with: Hu, X.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint Co...
     with: Hu, X.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Vehic...
     with: Hu, X.P.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urb...
     with: Huang, J.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint...
     with: Ning, Z.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint ...
     with: Ning, Z.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Veh...
     with: Ning, Z.L.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in U...
     with: Obaidat, M.S.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet o...
     with: Sadoun, B.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of V...
     with: Sun, S.M.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Ur...
     with: Wang, X.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint ...
     with: Wang, X.J.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of V...
     with: Wang, X.J.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in U...
     with: Zhang, K.: Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint...
     with: Zhang, K.Y.: Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of ...
     with: Zhou, M.C.: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in U...
23 for Kwok, R.Y.K.

Kwok, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Constantindies, A.G.: Scalable and Adaptive Temporal Segmentation Algo...
     with: Constantinides, A.G.: Efficient Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree Algor...
     with: Constantinides, A.G.: Fast Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree for Image ...
     with: Siu, W.C.: Efficient Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree Algorithm Using ...
     with: Siu, W.C.: Scalable and Adaptive Temporal Segmentation Algorithm for V...
     with: Zhao, J.L.: Content-based object organization for efficient image retr...

Kwok, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ip, W.H.: Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Contro...
     with: Kaynak, O.: Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Cont...
     with: Li, Y.: Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Control ...
     with: Liu, O.: Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Control...
     with: Zhan, Z.H.: Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Cont...
     with: Zhang, J.: Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Contr...

Kwok, S.K.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lo, K.C.: Recognition of 3D planar objects in canonical frames

Kwok, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Attikiouzel, Y.: Automatic assessment of mammographic positioning on t...
     with: Attikiouzel, Y.: Automatic Pectoral Muscle Segmentation on Mediolatera...
     with: Chandrasekhar, R.: Automatic assessment of mammographic positioning on...
     with: Chandrasekhar, R.: Automatic Pectoral Muscle Segmentation on Mediolate...
     with: Rickard, M.T.: Automatic Pectoral Muscle Segmentation on Mediolateral ...

Kwok, T.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sheung, H.: Fast Query for Exemplar-Based Image Completion
     with: Wang, C.C.L.: Fast Query for Exemplar-Based Image Completion
     with: Wang, C.C.L.: Interactive Image Inpainting Using DCT Based Exemplar Ma...

Kwok, T.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Perrone, M.P.: Adaptive N-best-list handwritten word recognition

Kwok, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chien, M.: MPEG Coding Performance Improvement by Jointly Optimizing C...
     with: Ju, C.H.J.: MPEG Coding Performance Improvement by Jointly Optimizing ...
     with: Raychaudhuri, D.: Error concealment algorithms for robust decoding of ...
     with: Sun, H.F.: Architectures for MPEG compressed bitstream scaling
     with: Sun, H.F.: Concealment of damaged block transform coded images using p...
     with: Sun, H.F.: Error concealment algorithms for robust decoding of MPEG co...
     with: Sun, H.F.: MPEG Coding Performance Improvement by Jointly Optimizing C...
     with: Zdepski, J.W.: Architectures for MPEG compressed bitstream scaling
     with: Zdepski, J.W.: Error concealment algorithms for robust decoding of MPE...
9 for Kwok, W.

Kwok, Y.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Au, J.S.: robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic ide...
     with: Au, S.C.: Parameter Free Approach for Clustering Analysis, A
     with: Huang, H.Q.: Parameter Free Approach for Clustering Analysis, A
     with: Huang, H.Q.: robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic ...
     with: Mok, P.Y.: Parameter Free Approach for Clustering Analysis, A
     with: Mok, P.Y.: robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic id...

Index for "k"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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