Rush, B.
Co Author Listing * Automated Depth Video Monitoring For Fall Reduction: A Case Study
Rush, C.
Co Author Listing * Remote Distinction of A Noxious Weed (Musk Thistle: CarduusNutans) Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and the Support Vector Machine Classifier
Rush, K.[Keith]
Co Author Listing * Does Federated Dropout actually work?
Rush, S.A.[Scott A.]
Co Author Listing * Habitat-Suitability Model for the Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) in the Northern Gulf Coast of Alabama and Mississippi, USA
Rushby, R.J.[Robert J.]
Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for removing erroneous elements from digital images
Rushdi, M.[Muhammad]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Saliency-Weighted 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
* Affine-Constrained Group Sparse Coding and Its Application to Image-Based Classifications
* Color de-rendering using coupled dictionary learning
Rushdi, M.A.
Co Author Listing * Enhancement of low-resolution HEp-2 cell image classification using partial least-square regression
* Image encryption via discrete fractional Fourier-type transforms generated by random matrices
* Multiparameter discrete transforms based on discrete orthogonal polynomials and their application to image watermarking
Includes: Rushdi, M.A. Rushdi, M.A.[Muhammad A.]
Rushe, E.[Ellen]
Co Author Listing * From Scarcity to Understanding: Transfer Learning for the Extremely Low Resource Irish Sign Language
Rushforth, C.K.
Co Author Listing * Recognizing Patterns in Photographs
* Restoration, Resolution, and Noise
Rushinek, E.
Co Author Listing * Computer Vision System on a Chip: A case study from the automotive domain, A
Rushing, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Image segmentation using association rule features
* Using Association Rules as Texture Features
Includes: Rushing, J.A. Rushing, J.A.[John A.]
Rushingabigwi, G.[Gerard]
Co Author Listing * Enhancing Identification of Meteorological and Biological Targets Using the Depolarization Ratio for Weather Radar: A Case Study of FAW Outbreak in Rwanda
Rushiti, V.[Veton]
Co Author Listing * Drone-vs-Bird Detection Challenge at ICIAP 2021
* Image-Based Classification Module for Data Fusion Anti-Drone System, An
Rushmeier, H.[Holly]
Co Author Listing * AniCode: authoring coded artifacts for network-free personalized animations
* Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
* Evaluating physical and rendered material appearance
* integrated image and sketching environment for archaeological sites, An
* Project Anqa: Digitizing And Documenting Cultural Heritage in The Middle East
* Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Accurate Fire Severity Mapping in Northern Algeria
* steganalytic algorithm for 3D polygonal meshes, A
Includes: Rushmeier, H.[Holly] Rushmeier, H.
7 for Rushmeier, H.
Rushmeier, H.E.
Co Author Listing * 3D capture for computer graphics
* 3D model acquisition pipeline, The
* 3D Reconstruction by Shadow Carving: Theory and Practical Evaluation
* Ball-Pivoting Algoritm for Surface Reconstruction, The
* compact representation for scanned 3D objects, A
* Computing consistent normals and colors from photometric data
* Extending the Radiosity Method to Include Specularly Reflecting and Translucent Materials
* Guest Editors' Introduction: 3-D Reconstruction and Visualization
* Image Guided Geometry Inference
* Image-based object editing
* Implementation of a shadow carving system for shape capture
* Improved Explicit Radiosity Method for Calculating Non-Lambertian Reflections
* Problems Revealed by Applications in Art History and Archaeology
* Scanning and processing 3D objects for web display
* Shadow Carving
* System for Reconstructing Integrated Texture Maps for Large Structures, A
Includes: Rushmeier, H.E. Rushmeier, H.E.[Holly E.]
16 for Rushmeier, H.E.
Rushmore, R.J.[Richard Jarrett]
Co Author Listing * GradICON: Approximate Diffeomorphisms via Gradient Inverse Consistency
Rushton, C.[Christopher]
Co Author Listing * City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
Rushton, S.
Co Author Listing * Natural problems for stereoscopic depth perception in virtual environments
Rushton, S.K.[Simon K.]
Co Author Listing * Egocentric Direction and the Visual Guidance of Robot Locomotion Background, Theory and Implementation