Gou, A.[Aorui]
Co Author Listing * novel fast intra algorithm for VVC based on histogram of oriented gradient, A
Gou, B.[Bin]
Co Author Listing * Automatic centroid extraction method for noisy star image
Gou, C.[Chao]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Staying Point Recognition Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Characteristics Using Cellular Signaling Data, An
* Cascade learning from adversarial synthetic images for accurate pupil detection
* Cascaded Iterative Transformer for Jointly Predicting Facial Landmark, Occlusion Probability and Head Pose
* Cascaded learning with transformer for simultaneous eye landmark, eye state and gaze estimation
* Constrained Joint Cascade Regression Framework for Simultaneous Facial Action Unit Recognition and Facial Landmark Detection
* Coupled cascade regression for simultaneous facial landmark detection and head pose estimation
* Differential-Evolution-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Edge Detection
* Feature Aggregation Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Gaze-Aided Eye Detection via Appearance Learning
* Guided Cyclegan Via Semi-Dual Optimal Transport for Photo-Realistic Face Super-Resolution
* Hierarchical and Networked Vehicle Surveillance in ITS: A Survey
* IsGAN: Identity-sensitive generative adversarial network for face photo-sketch synthesis
* joint cascaded framework for simultaneous eye detection and eye state estimation, A
* Joint Cascaded Framework for Simultaneous Eye State, Eye Center, and Gaze Estimation, A
* Joint image-to-image translation with denoising using enhanced generative adversarial networks
* Learning from the Negativity: Deep Negative Correlation Meta-learning for Adversarial Image Classification
* Learning from the Web: Webly Supervised Meta-Learning for Masked Face Recognition
* Learning-by-synthesis for accurate eye detection
* MAL-Net: Multiscale Attention Link Network for Accurate Eye Center Detection
* PIT: Progressive Interaction Transformer for Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction
* Progressive Knowledge-Embedded Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding
* Robust Facial Landmark Detection Under Significant Head Poses and Occlusion
* Shape Augmented Regression for 3D Face Alignment
* Shape Augmented Regression Method for Face Alignment
* Simultaneous Facial Landmark Detection, Pose and Deformation Estimation Under Facial Occlusion
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification of Mass Region From Mammograms Using a Mixed-Supervision Guided Deep Model
* Vehicle License Plate Recognition Based on Extremal Regions and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Webly Supervised Knowledge Embedding Model for Visual Reasoning
Includes: Gou, C.[Chao] Gou, C.
28 for Gou, C.
Gou, D.D.[Duo Duo]
Co Author Listing * novel retinal vessel extraction method based on dynamic scales allocation, A
* Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
Includes: Gou, D.D.[Duo Duo] Gou, D.D.[Duo-Duo]
Gou, F.[Fen]
Co Author Listing * Vegetation Growth Response and Trends after Water Deficit Exposure in the Loess Plateau, China
Gou, F.F.[Fang Fang]
Co Author Listing * Image segmentation technology based on transformer in medical decision-making system
* Two-stage coarse-to-fine method for pathological images in medical decision-making systems
Includes: Gou, F.F.[Fang Fang] Gou, F.F.[Fang-Fang]
Gou, G.
Co Author Listing * Video face recognition via combination of real-time local features and temporal-spatial cues
Gou, G.H.[Guo Hua]
Co Author Listing * CDSFusion: Dense Semantic SLAM for Indoor Environment Using CPU Computing
* Fast and Robust Heterologous Image Matching Method for Visual Geo-Localization of Low-Altitude UAVs, A
* LIMOFilling: Local Information Guide Hole-Filling and Sharp Feature Recovery for Manifold Meshes
* Recurrent Residual Deformable Conv Unit and Multi-Head with Channel Self-Attention Based on U-Net for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Gou, G.H.[Guo Hua] Gou, G.H.[Guo-Hua]
Gou, G.X.[Gui Xia]
Co Author Listing * Deep Hash Remote Sensing Image Retrieval with Hard Probability Sampling
Includes: Gou, G.X.[Gui Xia] Gou, G.X.[Gui-Xia]
Gou, H.[Haosong]
Co Author Listing * Unveiling Social Relations: Leveraging Interpersonal Similarity Learning for Social Relation Recognition
Gou, H.M.[Hong Mei]
Co Author Listing * Data hiding in curves for collusion-resistant digital fingerprinting
* Fingerprinting Curves
* Improving Embedding Payload in Binary Images with Super-Pixels
* Noise Features for Image Tampering Detection and Steganalysis
Includes: Gou, H.M.[Hong Mei] Gou, H.M.[Hong-Mei]
Gou, J.[Jin]
Co Author Listing * Double anchor embedding for accurate multi-person 2D pose estimation
* Implicit Three-Dimensional Geo-Modelling Based on HRBF Surface
* Learning Super-Resolution Coherent Facial Features Using Nonlinear Multiset PLS for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Learning Unsupervised and Supervised Representations via General Covariance
Includes: Gou, J.[Jin] Gou, J.
Gou, J.P.[Jian Ping]
Co Author Listing * Collaborative Q-Learning Based Routing Control in Unstructured P2P Networks
* Cross-Modal Generation and Pair Correlation Alignment Hashing
* Dictionary-induced least squares framework for multi-view dimensionality reduction with multi-manifold embeddings
* Hierarchical Graph Augmented Deep Collaborative Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Hierarchical Locality-Aware Deep Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Intra- and Inter-Class Induced Discriminative Deep Dictionary Learning for Visual Recognition
* Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
* Learning Canonical F-Correlation Projection for Compact Multiview Representation
* Multi-target Knowledge Distillation via Student Self-reflection
* Point completion by a Stack-Style Folding Network with multi-scaled graphical features
* Reciprocal Teacher-Student Learning via Forward and Feedback Knowledge Distillation
* Reconstructed Graph Constrained Auto-Encoders for Multi-View Representation Learning
* Robust discriminative nonnegative dictionary learning for occluded face recognition
* unified Bayesian mixture model framework via spatial information for grayscale image segmentation, A
* video semantic detection method based on locality-sensitive discriminant sparse representation and weighted KNN, A
Includes: Gou, J.P.[Jian Ping] Gou, J.P.[Jian-Ping]
15 for Gou, J.P.
Gou, J.X.[Ji Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognition in prevention and control of corona virus disease-19 pandemic
* Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet2 Image Descriptor
Includes: Gou, J.X.[Ji Xiang] Gou, J.X.[Ji-Xiang] Gou, J.X.[Jing-Xiang]
Gou, J.Y.[Jun Yang]
Co Author Listing * Modeling the Differences between Ultra-Rapid and Final Orbit Products of GPS Satellites Using Machine-Learning Approaches
Includes: Gou, J.Y.[Jun Yang] Gou, J.Y.[Jun-Yang]
Gou, L.[Liang]
Co Author Listing * CLIP-S4: Language-Guided Self-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Label-Free Robustness Estimation of Object Detection CNNs for Autonomous Driving Applications
Gou, L.J.[Li Jun]
Co Author Listing * Gaussian guided IoU: A better metric for balanced learning on object detection
Includes: Gou, L.J.[Li Jun] Gou, L.J.[Li-Jun]
Gou, M.
Co Author Listing * DukeMTMC4ReID: A Large-Scale Multi-camera Person Re-identification Dataset
* From the Lab to the Real World: Re-identification in an Airport Camera Network
* GraspNet-1Billion: A Large-Scale Benchmark for General Object Grasping
* InstaBoost: Boosting Instance Segmentation via Probability Map Guided Copy-Pasting
* moM: Mean of Moments Feature for Person Re-identification
* MoNet: Moments Embedding Network
Gou, M.H.[Ming Hao]
Co Author Listing * Graspness Discovery in Clutters for Fast and Accurate Grasp Detection
* InstaBoost++: Visual Coherence Principles for Unified 2D/3D Instance Level Data Augmentation
* Real World Dataset for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction, A
* Target-referenced Reactive Grasping for Dynamic Objects
Includes: Gou, M.H.[Ming Hao] Gou, M.H.[Ming-Hao]
Gou, M.R.[Meng Ran]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Temporal Sequence Comparison and Classification Using Gram Matrix Embeddings on a Riemannian Manifold
* Person Re-identification in Appearance Impaired Scenarios
* Person Re-Identification Using Kernel-Based Metric Learning Methods
* Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Contrastive Domain Alignment and Self-supervised Exploration for Face Anti-spoofing
* Source-Free Domain Adaptation With Domain Generalized Pretraining for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Systematic Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets, A
* Towards Unsupervised Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing
Includes: Gou, M.R.[Meng Ran] Gou, M.R.[Meng-Ran]
7 for Gou, M.R.
Gou, P.[Peng]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Reconstructed All-Weather Land Surface Temperature for Urban Heat Island Analysis
Gou, Q.[Qiang]
Co Author Listing * Assessment and Improvement of Urban Resilience to Flooding at a Subdistrict Level Using Multi-Source Geospatial Data: Jakarta as a Case Study
Gou, Q.A.[Qi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal Exploration of Chinese Spring Festival Population Flow Patterns and Their Determinants Based on Spatial Interaction Model
Includes: Gou, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Gou, Q.A.[Qi-Ang]
Gou, S.[Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Catalogue of Impact Craters and Surface Age Analysis in the Chang'e-6 Landing Area, A
* Chronology of the Basalt Units Surrounding Chang'e-4 Landing Area
* Descent Trajectory Recovery of Chang'e-4 Lander Based On Descent Images
* Geometric Quality Assessment of Chang'E-2 Global DEM Product
* Image super-resolution based on the pairwise dictionary selected learning and improved bilateral regularisation
* Implementation Strategy of Visible and Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer on Yutu-2 Rover Based on Vision Measurement Technology
* Lunar Terrestrial Analog Experiment on the Spectral Interpretations of Rocks Observed by the Yutu-2 Rover
* novel full-polarization SAR image ship detector based on scattering mechanisms and wave polarization anisotropy, A
* Study about the Temporal Constraints on the Martian Yardangs' Development in Medusae Fossae Formation, A
* Topographic Analysis of Chang'e-4 Landing Site Using Orbital, Descent And Ground Data
* Vision-Based Decision Support for Rover Path Planning in the Chang'e-4 Mission
Includes: Gou, S.[Sheng] Gou, S. Gou, S.[Shiquan]
11 for Gou, S.
Gou, S.P.[Shui Ping]
Co Author Listing * CAM-Enhancing Generative Person Re-ID Method Based Global and Local Features, A
* Classification of PolSAR Images Using Multilayer Autoencoders and a Self-Paced Learning Approach
* Eigenvalue Analysis-Based Approach for POL-SAR Image Classification
* Greedy optimization classifiers ensemble based on diversity
* L_1 Sparsity-Regularized Attention Multiple-Instance Network for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Mask-Guided Transformer Network with Topic Token for Remote Sensing Image Captioning, A
* Multi-Class Double-Transformation Network for SAR Image Registration
* Multi-Scale Fused SAR Image Registration Based on Deep Forest
* Multi-Scale Similarity Guidance Few-Shot Network for Ship Segmentation in SAR Images
* Multiscale Cross-Modal Homogeneity Enhancement and Confidence-Aware Fusion for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* New Approach to Unsupervised Image Segmentation Based on Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Tree Models, A
* Self-Paced Convolutional Neural Network for PolSAR Images Classification
* Self-Paced Feature Attention Fusion Network for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Image
* Semi-Supervised Deep Metric Learning Networks for Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data
* SPMHand: Segmentation-Guided Progressive Multi-Path 3D Hand Pose and Shape Estimation
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Feature Refinement Network for MMW Concealed Object Detection
* Weighted classifier ensemble based on quadratic form
Includes: Gou, S.P.[Shui Ping] Gou, S.P.[Shui-Ping]
17 for Gou, S.P.
Gou, T.[Tingyu]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring the Nitrogen Nutrition Index Using Leaf-Based Hyperspectral Reflectance in Cut Chrysanthemums
Gou, T.K.[Tian Kun]
Co Author Listing * Weakly-supervised cloud detection and effective cloud removal for remote sensing images
Includes: Gou, T.K.[Tian Kun] Gou, T.K.[Tian-Kun]
Gou, W.[Weiran]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
Gou, W.R.[Wei Ran]
Co Author Listing * SYENet: A Simple Yet Effective Network for Multiple Low-Level Vision Tasks with Real-time Performance on Mobile Device
Includes: Gou, W.R.[Wei Ran] Gou, W.R.[Wei-Ran]
Gou, X.Y.[Xin Ye]
Co Author Listing * Cascade Attention Blend Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Two-Phase Feature Fusion Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Includes: Gou, X.Y.[Xin Ye] Gou, X.Y.[Xin-Ye]
Gou, Y.[Yao]
Co Author Listing * CDF-net: A convolutional neural network fusing frequency domain and spatial domain features
* Dynamic Approach to Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Multiradar Multigauge Network, A
* Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Colombia's Forest Aboveground Biomass Using SAR and Optical Data
* Microphysical and Polarimetric Radar Signatures of an Epic Flood Event in Southern China
* Pavement network reliability: A dual-network based on fuzzy set methodology
* Polarimetric Radar Signatures and Performance of Various Radar Rainfall Estimators during an Extreme Precipitation Event over the Thousand-Island Lake Area in Eastern China
* Utilization of a C-band Polarimetric Radar for Severe Rainfall Event Analysis in Complex Terrain over Eastern China
Includes: Gou, Y.[Yao] Gou, Y. Gou, Y.[Yabin] Gou, Y.[Yang]
7 for Gou, Y.
Gou, Y.B.[Ya Bin]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Warm Clouds and Precipitation in South China during the Pre-Flood Season Using Datasets from a Cloud Radar, a Ceilometer, and a Disdrometer
* COMPLETER: Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Contrastive Prediction
* Comprehensive and Delicate: An Efficient Transformer for Image Restoration
* Dual Contrastive Prediction for Incomplete Multi-View Representation Learning
* Rethinking Image Super Resolution from Long-Tailed Distribution Learning Perspective
* You Only Look Yourself: Unsupervised and Untrained Single Image Dehazing Neural Network
* Zero-Shot Image Dehazing
Includes: Gou, Y.B.[Ya Bin] Gou, Y.B.[Ya-Bin] Gou, Y.B.[Yuan-Biao]
7 for Gou, Y.B.
Gou, Y.H.[Yun Hao]
Co Author Listing * Exploring Hierarchical Graph Representation for Large-Scale Zero-Shot Image Classification
* Language-Augmented Pixel Embedding for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Leveraging per Image-Token Consistency for Vision-Language Pre-Training
Includes: Gou, Y.H.[Yun Hao] Gou, Y.H.[Yun-Hao]
Gou, Y.Q.[Ya Qing]
Co Author Listing * Large Area Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Stock Mapping in Woodlands in Mozambique with L-Band Radar: Improving Accuracy by Accounting for Soil Moisture Effects Using the Water Cloud Model
* Near Real-Time Change Detection System Using Sentinel-2 and Machine Learning: A Test for Mexican and Colombian Forests
* Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Analysis Ready Data Preparation in Google Earth Engine
* Woody Aboveground Biomass Mapping of the Brazilian Savanna with a Multi-Sensor and Machine Learning Approach
Includes: Gou, Y.Q.[Ya Qing] Gou, Y.Q.[Ya-Qing]
Gou, Y.T.[Yi Ting]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Seasonal Movement Characteristics of the Landslide Based on Time-Series InSAR Technology: The Cheyiping Landslide Case Study, China
* Study of the Relationship between High Mountain Asia Snow Cover and Drought and Flood in the Yangtze River Basin during 1980-2019
Includes: Gou, Y.T.[Yi Ting] Gou, Y.T.[Yi-Ting]
Gou, Z.[Zhumei]
Co Author Listing * Lanczos method for spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks to forecast expressway flow