* 3-D cues from a single view: detection of elliptical arcs and model-based perspective backprojection
* 3-D object recognition and orientation from both noisy and occluded 2-D data
* Active contours in medical image processing using a networked SIMD array processor
* Active intelligent vision using the dynamic generalized Hough Transform
* analysis of hole detection schemes, An
* application of active contour models to head boundary location, An
* Arc Tree: An Approximation Scheme to Represent Arbitrary Curved Shapes, The
* Automatic inspection of surface mount solder joints using X-ray images
* Boundary and Object Labelling in Three-Dimensional Images
* Calculating the surface topography of integrated circuit wafers from SEM images
* Combining cues for mammographic abnormalities
* computation of deformation and rotation in stereopsis, The
* Computation of Discontinuous Optical Flow by Domain Decomposition and Shape Optimization
* Contour Tracking and Corner Detection in a Logic Programming Environment
* Decision Analysis Using Belief Functions
* Depth extraction by focal/aperture variation
* Determining Motion from 3D Line Segment Matches: A Comparative Study
* Digital or Analog Hough Transform
* Edge Contours using Multiple Scales
* Edge-region integration for segmentation of MR images
* empirical study on the effects of spatial discretization error in a stereo vision system, An
* Epipolar geometry for trinocular active range-sensors
* ERNEST: A Semantic Network System for Pattern Understanding
* Evaluation of a real-time kinetic depth system
* Extensions of Scale-Space Filtering to Machine Sensing Systems
* Extracting Second-Order Topographic Surface Features From Range Data
* fast algorithm for computing optic flow and its implementation on a Transputer array, A
* Fast object recognition using a hybrid optical/digital processor
* Feature grouping by relocalisation of eigenvectors of the proximity matrix
* Feature Grouping in a Hierarchical Probabilistic Network
* Filter based estimates of depth
* Generalized Multidimensional Orthogonal Polynomials with Applications to Shape Analysis
* Global Processing of Visual Stimuli in a Neural Network of Coupled Oscillators
* head called Richard, A
* Inference of K-Testable Languages in the Strict Sense and Application to Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Inferring Surface Trace and Differential Structure from 3-D Images
* Integrating stereo and photometric stereo to monitor the development of glaucoma
* Integrating visual search with visual memory in a knowledge directed image interpretation system
* Integration of stereo and motion
* intelligent visual task system for lateral skull X-ray images, An
* Interpreting trihedral vertices by using assumptions about the angles between the edges
* Kalman filtering of pose estimates in applications of the RAPID video rate tracker
* knowledge based system for measuring faces, A
* Mathematical Morphology: A Tool for Automated GIS Data Acquisition from Scanned Thematic Maps
* Method and apparatus for processing camera an image produced by a video camera to correct for undesired motion of the video camera
* Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues
* Model based segmentation of radiological images of the cranium
* model-based approach to the reconstruction of three dimensional arteries from biplane angiograms, A
* Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in cranial MR images
* Morphological Segmentation
* multiprocessor 3D vision system for pick and place, A
* Networks for Approximation and Learning
* Object Detection by Step-Wise Analysis of Spectral, Spatial, and Topographic Features
* On recognition of features in polyhedral scenes
* On the Computation of a Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* On the computational neurobiology of curve detection
* Optimal Combination of Stereo Camera Calibration from Arbitrary Stereo Images
* Optimal probabilistic relaxation labeling
* Parabolic and hermite cubic finite elements: a flexible technique for deformable models
* Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems
* parallel path planning algorithm for mobile robots, A
* Prediction of stereo disparity using optical flow
* probabilistic approach to the Hough Transform, A
* RAPID: A video rate object tracker
* Reconstruction of visual appearance
* Recovering Partial 3D Wire Frame Descriptions from Stereo Data
* Refining Edges Detected by a LoG Operator
* Relative motion and pose from invariants
* Resolution of the Bas-relief ambiguity in structure-from-motion under orthographic projection
* Robust ego-motion estimation
* Robust estimation of shape parameters
* Robust grouping of intensity changes in outdoor scenes by a histogram and graph based method
* Segmentation coding using edge detection and region merging
* Segmentation of planar curves using local and global behaviour analysis
* Semi-Analytic Method of Determining Stereo Camera Geometry from Matched Points in a Pair of Images: Coincident Meridional Planes, Exact or Noisy Data, A
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method 1. Planar Motion
* Shape from texture: textural invariance and the problem of scale in perspective images of textured surfaces
* Shape verification using belief updating
* Simultaneous region and edge segmentation of infrared images using non-maximal suppression for edge thinning
* Stereoscopic Recovery and Description of Smooth Textured Surfaces
* System for producing dithered images from continuous-tone image data
* Technology innovations and product design issues in machine vision: The Technical Arts Corporation experience
* Template Quadtrees for Representing Region and Line Data Present in Binary Images
* test of camera noise models, A
* Texture segmentation for defining driveable regions
* Towards qualitative vision: motion parallax
* Transformational Invariance: A Primer
* uncalibrated stereo visual servo system, An
* Uranus Mobile Robot, The
* use of the grey level SAT to find the salient cavities in echocardiograms, The
* Using Dynamic Programming for Solving Variational Problems in Vision
* Using Geometrical Rules and a Priori Knowledge for the Understanding of Indoor Scenes
* Using Probabilistic Domain Knowledge to Reduce the Expected Computational Cost of Template Matching
* Wavelet Transform, Time-Frequency Localization and Signal Analysis, The
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