JASP( Vol No. )
* *EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing
* Adaptive Filters with Error Nonlinearities: Mean-Square Analysis and Optimum Design
* Fuzzy Ordering Theory and Its Use in Filter Generalization
* Morphological Residues and a General Framework for Image Filtering and Segmentation
* Motion Compensation on DCT Domain
* Special Issue on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing: Part I
* Temporal Resolution Enhancement in Compressed Video Sequences
* 3-Step Algorithm Using Region-Based Active Contours for Video Objects Detection, A
* Active Model for Facial Feature Tracking, An
* Audio Classification in Speech and Music: A Comparison Between a Statistical and a Neural Approach
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using MPEG-4 Compliant Visual Features
* Automated Quality Assurance Applied to Mammographic Imaging
* Automatic Speechreading with Applications to Human-Computer Interfaces
* B-Spline Active Contour with Handling of Topology Changes for Fast Video Segmentation
* Bayesian Approach for Segmentation in Stereo Image Sequences, A
* Combined Frequency and Spatial Domain Algorithm for the Removal of Blocking Artifacts
* Compressive Data Hiding: An Unconventional Approach for Improved Color Image Coding
* Construction of Nonseparable Multiwavelets for Nonlinear Image Compression
* Content-Based Image Retrieval for Semiconductor Process Characterization
* Defect Detection on Inclined Textured Planes Using the Shape from Texture Method and the Delaunay Triangulation
* Detection of Noncircularity and Eccentricity of a Rolling Winder by Artificial Vision
* Digital Watermarks Enabling E-Commerce Strategies: Conditional and User Specific Access to Services and Resources
* Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Efficient Measurement of Shape Dissimilarity Between 3D Models Using Z-Buffer and Surface Roving Method
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on Second Directional Derivative of the Digital Image
* First 50 Years of Electronic Watermarking, The
* Image-Based Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Joint Audio-Visual Tracking Using Particle Filters
* Lossless Data Embedding: New Paradigm in Digital Watermarking
* M-Estimators of Roughness and Scale for GA0-Modelled SAR Imagery
* Machine Vision Quality Control System for Industrial Acrylic Fibre Production, A
* Median and Morphological Specialized Processors for a Real-Time Image Data Processing
* Mesh Simplification Using the Edge Attributes
* Model-Based Real-Time Head Tracking
* Moving-Talker, Speaker-Independent Feature Study, and Baseline Results Using the CUAVE Multimodal Speech Corpus
* Multiagent System for Edge Detection and Continuity Perception on Fish Otolith Images, A
* Multimedia Data Hiding and Authentication via Halftoning and Coordinate Projection
* Noise Adaptive Stream Weighting in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Note on Watermark Development from the Commercial Context, A
* Novel Hexagonal Search Algorithm for Fast Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Objective Evaluation Criteria for 2D-Shape Estimation Results of Moving Objects
* On the Relationship between Face Movements, Tongue Movements, and Speech Acoustics
* Ordinal-Measure Based Shape Correspondence
* Overview of the MPEG-7 Standard and of Future Challenges for Visual Information Analysis
* Parameterized Facial Expression Synthesis Based on MPEG-4
* Practical Challenges for Digital Watermarking Applications
* Real-Time Multi-Step View Reconstruction for a Virtual Teleconference System
* Robust Watermarking of Cartographic Images
* Segmentation and Content-Based Watermarking for Color Image and Image Region Indexing and Retrieval
* Separation of Audio-Visual Speech Sources: A New Approach Exploiting the Audio-Visual Coherence of Speech Stimuli
* Simulation of Specular Surface Imaging Based on Computer Graphics: Application on a Vision Inspection System
* Sliding Adjustment for 3D Video Representation
* Spatial and Spectral Methods for Weed Detection and Localization
* Special Issue on Applied Visual Inspection
* Special Issue on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
* Special Issue On Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services: Part II
* Special Issue on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing: Part II
* Special Issue on Signal Processing for 3D Imaging and Virtual Reality
* Special Issue: Emerging Applications of Multimedia Data Hiding
* Stand-Alone Objective Segmentation Quality Evaluation
* Standard-Compliant Virtual Meeting System with Active Video Object Tracking, A
* Statistical Lip-Appearance Models Trained Automatically Using Audio Information
* Support Vector Machine-Based Dynamic Network for Visual Speech Recognition Applications, A
* Survey of Watermarking Algorithms for Image Authentication, A
* Temporal Segmentation of MPEG Video Streams
* Three-Dimensional Facial Adaptation for MPEG-4 Talking Heads
* Tracking of Objects in Video Scenes with Time Varying Content
* Using Invariant Image Features for Synchronization in Spread Spectrum Image Watermarking
* Using MPEG-7 at the Consumer Terminal in Broadcasting
* Video Error Correction Using Steganography
* Video Segmentation Using Fast Marching and Region Growing Algorithms
* Visual Inspection of Machined Metallic High-Precision Surfaces
* Wafer Defect Detection Using Directional Morphological Gradient Techniques
* Watermark Detection and Extraction Using Independent Component Analysis Method
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* 3D Scan-Based Wavelet Transform and Quality Control for Video Coding
* Adaptive Video Coding Control Scheme for Real-Time MPEG Applications, An
* Automatic Hierarchical Color Image Classification
* Combined Wavelet Video Coding and Error Control for Internet Streaming and Multicast
* Comparison of Multiepisode Video Summarisation Algorithms
* Embedding Color Watermarks in Color Images
* GA-Based Image Restoration by Isophote Constraint Optimization
* Improved Facial-Feature Detection for AVSP via Unsupervised Clustering and Discriminant Analysis
* Motion Pattern-Based Video Classification and Retrieval
* Probabilistic Multimedia Retrieval Model and Its Evaluation, A
* Removing Impulse Bursts from Images by Training-Based Filtering
* Retrieval by Local Motion
* Search the Audio, Browse the Video: A Generic Paradigm for Video Collections
* Semantic Indexing of Multimedia Content Using Visual, Audio, and Text Cues
* Summarizing Audiovisual Contents of a Video Program
* Unbalanced Multiple-Description Video Coding with Rate-Distortion Optimization
16 for JASP(2003)
* Active Optical Lattice Filters
* Analysis of Spaceborne Tandem Configurations for Complementing COSMO with SAR Interferometry
* Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Galaxies by Multiscale Methods
* Application of Fractional Fourier Transform to Moving Target Indication via Along-Track Interferometry
* Application of MAP-MRF to Change Detection in Image Sequence Based on Mean Field Theory, An
* Attentional Mechanisms for Interactive Image Exploration
* Automated Building Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Urban Areas Using Structural, Contextual, and Spectral Information
* Caenorhabditis elegans Egg-Laying Detection and Behavior Study Using Image Analysis
* Characterizing Image Sets Using Formal Concept Analysis
* Clipped Input RLS Applied to Vehicle Tracking
* Coarse Fingerprint Registration Using Orientation Fields
* Color Histograms Adapted to Query-Target Images for Object Recognition across Illumination Changes
* Color Seal Extraction from Documents: Robustness through Soft Data Fusion
* Constrained Texture Restoration
* Cost-Effective Video Filtering Solution for Real-Time Vision Systems
* Design and Assessment of an Intelligent Activity Monitoring Platform
* Design of a Vision-Based Sensor for Autonomous Pig House Cleaning
* Design of Extended Depth-of-Focus Laser Beams Using Orthogonal Beam Expansions
* Detection of Point Sources on Two-Dimensional Images Based on Peaks
* DSP Approach to the Design of Nonlinear Optical Devices
* Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using the Skeleton of the Hand
* Embedded Application for Degraded Text Recognition, An
* Embedded Real-Time Architecture for Level-Set-Based Active Contours
* Fast Adaptive Nonuniformity Correction for Infrared Focal-Plane Array Detectors
* Fast Pattern Detection Using Normalized Neural Networks and Cross-Correlation in the Frequency Domain
* Fast Schemes for Computing Similarities between Gaussian HMMs and Their Applications in Texture Image Classification
* Feature Extraction Methods for Real-Time Face Detection and Classification
* Filtering of Interferometric SAR Phase Images as a Fuzzy Matching-Pursuit Blind Estimation
* FPGA-Based Configurable Systolic Architecture for Window-Based Image Processing
* FPGA-Based People Detection System, An
* Fractional Transforms in Optical Information Processing
* Fuzzy-Rule-Based Object Identification Methodology for NAVI System
* Higher-Order Permanent Scatterers Analysis
* Image Information Mining System Evaluation Using Information-Theoretic Measures
* Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
* Image-Based 3D Face Modeling System
* Interactive Exploration for Image Retrieval
* Iterative Approximation of Empirical Grey-Level Distributions for Precise Segmentation of Multimodal Images
* Joint Multi-baseline SAR Interferometry
* Low-Power Integrated Smart Sensor with on-Chip Real-Time Image Processing Capabilities, A
* Managing Algorithmic Skeleton Nesting Requirements in Realistic Image Processing Applications: The Case of the SKiPPER-II Parallel Programming Environment's Operating Model
* Mobile Robot Visual Navigation Using Multiple Features
* Model Order Selection in Multi-baseline Interferometric Radar Systems
* Multichannel SAR Interferometry via Classical and Bayesian Estimation Techniques
* Multidimensional Speckle Noise Model
* Multiplierless Implementation of Rotators and FFTs
* Multitarget Tracking Video System Based on Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques, A
* Multivariate Thresholding Technique for Image Denoising Using Multiwavelets, A
* Neural Network Combination by Fuzzy Integral for Robust Change Detection in Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Novel Prostate Cancer Classification Technique Using Intermediate Memory Tabu Search, A
* Object Recognition System-on-Chip Using the Support Vector Machines
* On the Performance Evaluation of 3D Reconstruction Techniques from a Sequence of Images
* Physics-Based Predictions for Coherent Change Detection Using X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Probabilistic Fusion Methodology for Face Recognition, A
* Real-Time Adaptive Foreground/Background Segmentation
* Recognition of Arabic Sign Language Alphabet Using Polynomial Classifiers
* Restoration of Astrophysical Images: The Case of Poisson Data with Additive Gaussian Noise
* Robot Path Generation Method for a Welding System Based on Pseudo Stereo Visual Servo Control
* Robust Background Subtraction with Foreground Validation for Urban Traffic Video
* Robust Recognition and Segmentation of Human Actions Using HMMs with Missing Observations
* Robust Vehicle and Traffic Information Extraction for Highway Surveillance
* Scalable IC Platform for Smart Cameras
* Selective Synthetic Aperture Radar and Panchromatic Image Fusion by Using the a Trous Wavelet Decomposition
* Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: Performance Analysis and Mission Concepts
* Spatio-temporal Background Models for Outdoor Surveillance
* Spatio-Temporal Graphical-Model-Based Multiple Facial Feature Tracking
* Statistical Detection of an Anomaly from a Few Noisy Tomographic Projections, A
* Stereovision-Based Object Segmentation for Automotive Applications
* Teager-Kaiser Energy and Higher-Order Operators in White-Light Interference Microscopy for Surface Shape Measurement
* Technique for Automated Recognition of Sunspots on Full-Disk Solar Images
* Topological Active Volumes
* Ultrasonic Periodontal Probing Based on the Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint
* Virtually Lossless Compression of Astrophysical Images
* Vision Systems with the Human in the Loop
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* Adaptive Markov Random Fields for Example-Based Super-resolution of Faces
* Adaptive Outlier Rejection in Image Super-resolution
* Application of Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction to Digital Holography
* Automated Video Object Extraction System Based on Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis and Multiscale Segmentation, An
* BeTrIS: An Index System for MPEG-7 Streams
* Content-Adaptive Analysis and Representation Framework for Audio Event Discovery from Unscripted Multimedia, A
* Discovering Recurrent Image Semantics From Class Discrimination
* Face Tracking in the Compressed Domain
* Fast Algorithm for Image Super-Resolution from Blurred Observations, A
* Frequency Domain Approach to Registration of Aliased Images with Application to Super-resolution, A
* Improving a Single Down-Sampled Image Using Probability-Filtering-Based Interpolation and Improved Poisson Maximum A Posteriori Super-Resolution
* Learning-Based Nonparametric Image Super-Resolution
* Manifold-Ranking-Based Keyword Propagation for Image Retrieval
* MPEG-2 Compressed-Domain Algorithms for Video Analysis
* Multimodal Semantic Analysis and Annotation for Basketball Video
* Resolution Enhancement by Prediction of the High-Frequency Image Based on the Laplacian Pyramid
* Robust Fusion of Irregularly Sampled Data Using Adaptive Normalized Convolution
* Semantic Context Detection Using Audio Event Fusion
* Semantic Identification: Balancing between Complexity and Validity
* Single-Frame Image Super-resolution through Contourlet Learning
* Stereo Image Coder Based on the MRF Model for Disparity Compensation
* Subpixel Registration Directly from the Phase Difference
* Super-Resolution for Synthetic Zooming
* Super-Resolution Using Hidden Markov Model and Bayesian Detection Estimation Framework
* Synobins: An Intermediate Level towards Annotation and Semantic Retrieval
* Video-to-Video Dynamic Super-Resolution for Grayscale and Color Sequences
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* Overcoming Registration Uncertainty in Image Super-Resolution: Maximize or Marginalize?