Index for tuyt

Tuytelaars, T.[Tinne] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Tuytelaars, T.[Tinne]: Tinne Tuytelaars AT esat kuleuven be
* 3D Modeling and Registration Under Wide Baseline Conditions
* Action in chains: A chains model for action localization and classification
* Active Transfer Learning with Zero-Shot Priors: Reusing Past Datasets for Future Tasks
* Adaptive Similarity Bootstrapping for Self-Distillation based Representation Learning
* Adventurous Tourism for Couch Potatoes
* Aligning Names and Faces: Seeing the Problem in Different Ways
* All together now: Simultaneous Detection and Continuous Pose Estimation using a Hough Forest with Probabilistic Locally Enhanced Voting
* Allocentric Pose Estimation
* Analysis of Human-Centered Geolocation, An
* Attend and Segment: Attention Guided Active Semantic Segmentation
* Automatic annotation of unique locations from video and text
* Automatic Occlusion Removal from Facades for 3D Urban Reconstruction
* Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning
* Barlow constrained optimization for Visual Question Answering
* BlockCopy: High-Resolution Video Processing with Block-Sparse Feature Propagation and Online Policies
* Boosting masked dominant orientation templates for efficient object detection
* Camera-Based Fall Detection on Real World Data
* CAMETRON Lecture Recording System: High Quality Video Recording and Editing with Minimal Human Supervision, The
* Cascaded Hough Transform as an Aid in Aerial Image Interpretation, A
* Cascaded Hough Transform, The
* Class Representative Visual Words for Category-Level Object Recognition
* Color features for dating historical color images
* Combinator: Optimal Combination of Multiple Pedestrian Detectors, The
* Comparison of Affine Region Detectors, A
* Context-based object viewpoint estimation: A 2D relational approach
* Continual Learning Survey: Defying Forgetting in Classification Tasks, A
* Continual Prototype Evolution: Learning Online from Non-Stationary Data Streams
* Continuous Pose Estimation with a Spatial Ensemble of Fisher Regressors
* Contrastive Learning for Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers
* Coupling video segmentation and action recognition
* CrOC: Cross-View Online Clustering for Dense Visual Representation Learning
* Cross-Media Alignment of Names and Faces
* Cross-Modal Supervision for Learning Active Speaker Detection in Video
* Darwintrees for Action Recognition
* Dataset fingerprints: Exploring image collections through data mining
* Deep Learning for Apple Fruit Quality Inspection using X-Ray Imaging
* Deep Multi-Modal Explanation Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Deep Reflectance Maps
* Deeper Look at Dataset Bias, A
* DeepProposal: Hunting Objects by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers
* DeepProposals: Hunting Objects and Actions by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers
* Deformable part models revisited: A performance evaluation for object category pose estimation
* Dense interest features for video processing
* Dense interest points
* Dense matching of multiple wide-baseline views
* Depth-From-Recognition: Inferring Meta-data by Cognitive Feedback
* Discriminatively Trained Templates for 3D Object Detection: A Real Time Scalable Approach
* Dynamic Convolutions: Exploiting Spatial Sparsity for Faster Inference
* Editorial: Learning With Fewer Labels in Computer Vision
* Effective Use of Frequent Itemset Mining for Image Classification
* Efficient Dense and Scale-Invariant Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detector, An
* Efficient Grouping under Perspective Skew
* Efficient multi-camera detection, tracking, and identification using a shared set of haar-features
* Efficient multi-camera vehicle detection, tracking, and identification in a tunnel surveillance application
* Elastic Deformation Field Model for Object Detection and Tracking, An
* Encoder Based Lifelong Learning
* Error Correction for Dense Semantic Image Labeling
* Exemplar-based action recognition in video
* Expert Gate: Lifelong Learning with a Network of Experts
* Exploiting CLIP for Zero-shot HOI Detection Requires Knowledge Distillation at Multiple Levels
* Exploring the Challenges Towards Lifelong Fact Learning
* Fast Head Pose Estimation for Human-Computer Interaction
* Fast indexing for image retrieval based on local appearance with re-ranking
* Fast wide baseline matching for visual navigation
* Fine-Grained Categorization by Alignments
* Fitting Superellipses to Incomplete Contours
* From Pixels to Actions: Learning to Drive a Car with Deep Neural Networks
* Generative Negative Text Replay for Continual Vision-Language Pretraining
* Glimpse-Attend-and-Explore: Self-Attention for Active Visual Exploration
* Global-Local Self-Distillation for Visual Representation Learning
* Grouping via the Matching of Repeated Patterns
* Guiding the Long-Short Term Memory Model for Image Caption Generation
* H-Patches: A Benchmark and Evaluation of Handcrafted and Learned Local Descriptors
* How to Improve CNN-Based 6-DoF Camera Pose Estimation
* Image-Based Synthesis and Re-synthesis of Viewpoints Guided by 3D Models
* In Defense of LSTMS for Addressing Multiple Instance Learning Problems
* Integrating multiple model views for object recognition
* Invariant Color Features for Matching and Target Recognition
* Is 2D Information Enough For Viewpoint Estimation?
* Joint cross-domain classification and subspace learning for unsupervised adaptation
* Kernelized Sorting
* Learning Multi-instance Sub-pixel Point Localization
* Learning to Rank Based on Subsequences
* Learning Where to Position Parts in 3D
* Lightweight Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Convolutional Filter Reconstruction
* Local Alignments for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Local Invariant Feature Detectors: A Survey
* Location recognition over large time lags
* Matching Widely Separated Views Based on Affine Invariant Regions
* Memory Aware Synapses: Learning What (not) to Forget
* Mining Mid-level Features for Image Classification
* Mining Multiple Queries for Image Retrieval: On-the-Fly Learning of an Object-Specific Mid-level Representation
* Mix'em: Unsupervised Image Classification Using a Mixture of Embeddings
* Mixture Dense Regression for Object Detection and Human Pose Estimation
* Model estimation for photometric changes of outdoor planar color surfaces caused by changes in illumination and viewpoint
* Modeling Scenes with Local Descriptors and Latent Aspects
* Modeling shapes and textures from images: new frontiers
* Modeling Temporal Structure with LSTM for Online Action Detection
* Modeling video evolution for action recognition
* Moment invariants for recognition under changing viewpoint and illumination
* More Classifiers, Less Forgetting: A Generic Multi-classifier Paradigm for Incremental Learning
* Multimodal Distillation for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multiple Exemplars-based Hallucination for Face Super-resolution and Editing
* Naive Bayes Image Classification: Beyond Nearest Neighbors
* Naming People in News Videos with Label Propagation
* Naming persons in video: Using the weak supervision of textual stories
* NBNN kernel, The
* Neural Residual Radiance Fields for Streamably Free-Viewpoint Videos
* NeVRF: Neural Video-Based Radiance Fields for Long-Duration Sequences
* Non-Overlapping Multi-camera Detection and Tracking of Vehicles in Tunnel Surveillance
* Noncombinatorial detection of regular repetitions under perspective skew
* Novel Views of Objects from a Single Image
* Object Classification with Adaptable Regions
* Object Detection by Contour Segment Networks
* Omnidirectional Vision Based Topological Navigation
* Online Action Detection
* Pedestrian Detection at Warp Speed: Exceeding 500 Detections per Second
* Pooled NBNN Kernel: Beyond Image-to-Class and Image-to-Image, The
* Pose Estimation Errors, the Ultimate Diagnosis
* Rank Pooling for Action Recognition
* Real-Time Affine Region Tracking and Coplanar Grouping
* Real-Time Embedded Computer Vision on UAVs
* Recovering hard-to-find object instances by sampling context-based object proposals
* Reflectance and Natural Illumination from Single-Material Specular Objects Using Deep Learning
* Rehearsal revealed: The limits and merits of revisiting samples in continual learning
* relational kernel-based approach to scene classification, A
* Relational Kernel-Based Framework for Hierarchical Image Understanding, A
* Scalable 3D HOG Model for Fast Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation, A
* Scalable Semi-Automatic Annotation for Multi-Camera Person Tracking
* Scene-driven Cues for Viewpoint Classification for Elongated Object Classes
* Seeking the Strongest Rigid Detector
* SegBlocks: Block-Based Dynamic Resolution Networks for Real-Time Segmentation
* Shape-from-recognition: Recognition enables meta-data transfer
* SimGlim: Simplifying glimpse based active visual reconstruction
* Simultaneous Object Recognition and Segmentation by Image Exploration
* Simultaneous Object Recognition and Segmentation from Single or Multiple Model Views
* Spatial Consistency Loss for Training Multi-Label Classifiers from Single-Label Annotations
* Special issue on 3D representation for object and scene recognition
* Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)
* Subspace Alignment Based Domain Adaptation for RCNN Detector
* SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features
* Synchronizing video sequences
* Task-Free Continual Learning
* Ternary Feature Masks: zero-forgetting for task-incremental learning
* Testbed for Cross-Dataset Analysis, A
* Thousand Words in a Scene, A
* Towards a more discriminative and semantic visual vocabulary
* Towards Automatic Image Editing: Learning to See another
* Towards cautious collective inference for object verification
* Towards Multi-View Object Class Detection
* Towards Object Shape Translation Through Unsupervised Generative Deep Models
* Towards sign language recognition based on body parts relations
* Unbalanced Optimal Transport: A Unified Framework for Object Detection
* Unpaired Image-To-Image Shape Translation Across Fashion Data
* Unsupervised Model Personalization While Preserving Privacy and Scalability: An Open Problem
* Unsupervised Object Discovery: A Comparison
* Unsupervised Visual Domain Adaptation Using Subspace Alignment
* Using a Deformation Field Model for Localizing Faces and Facial Points under Weak Supervision
* Vector Quantizing Feature Space with a Regular Lattice
* Video object proposals
* Vision and Language Integration Meets Multimedia Fusion
* Weakly Supervised Detection with Posterior Regularization
* Weakly Supervised Face Naming with Symmetry-Enhanced Contrastive Loss
* Weakly supervised object detection with convex clustering
* What is Around the Camera?
* Who's that Actor? Automatic Labelling of Actors in TV Series Starting from IMDB Images
* Wide Baseline Stereo Matching based on Local, Affinely Invariant Regions
* Wide-baseline multiple-view correspondences
* Wildlife recognition in nature documentaries with weak supervision from subtitles and external data
Includes: Tuytelaars, T.[Tinne] Tuytelaars, T.
171 for Tuytelaars, T.

Index for "t"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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