Index for tsot

Tsotras, V.J.[Vassilis J.] Co Author Listing * Editing and versioning for high performance network models in a multiuser environment
* High performance FPGA and GPU complex pattern matching over spatio-temporal streams
* SaIL: A Spatial Index Library for Efficient Application Integration

Tsotros, M. Co Author Listing * 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia

Tsotskas, C.[Christos] Co Author Listing * City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles

Tsotsos, J. Co Author Listing * Fast Pattern Recognition Using Gradient-descent Search in an Image Pyramid
* Fast Visual Object Tracking using Ellipse Fitting for Rotated Bounding Boxes
* Robust Motion Detection and Estimation Filter for Video Signals, A
* Why Does Data-Driven Beat Theory-Driven Computer Vision?

Tsotsos, J.K.[John K.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Tsotsos, J.K.[John K.]: tsotsos AT cs yorku ca
* 50 Years of object recognition: Directions forward
* Active Fixation Control to Predict Saccade Sequences
* Active Object Recognition
* Active Object Recognition Integrating Attention and Viewpoint Control
* Active stereo vision and cyclotorsion
* Active Stereo Vision System for Recognition of Faces and Related Hand Gestures, An
* Active Vision for Door Localization and Door Opening using Playbot: A Computer Controlled Wheelchair for People with Mobility Impairments
* Active vs. Passive Visual Search: Which Is More Efficient?
* Adaptive Enhancement of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Images
* Adaptive Step Size Window Matching for Detection
* ALVEN: A Study on Motion Understanding by Computer
* Ambient Illumination and the Determination of Material Changes
* Analyzing Vision at the Complexity Level
* Analyzing Vision at the Complexity Level: Constraints on an Architecture, An Explanation for Visual Search Performance, and Computational Justification for Attentive Processes
* Applying Ensembles of Multilinear Classifiers in the Frequency Domain
* Applying Temporal Constraints to the Dynamic Stereo Problem
* Are They Going to Cross? A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline for Pedestrian Crosswalk Behavior
* Attending to Motion: Localizing and Classifying Motion Patterns in Image Sequences
* Attending to visual motion
* Attending to visual motion: localizing and classifying affine motion patterns
* Attention for Vision-Based Assistive and Automated Driving: A Review of Algorithms and Datasets
* Attention links sensing to recognition
* Attentional Framework for Stereo Vision, An
* Attentional Prototype for Early Vision, An
* Automatic detection of abnormal gait
* Autonomous Vehicles That Interact With Pedestrians: A Survey of Theory and Practice
* Background subtraction via early recurrence in dynamic scenes
* Benchmark for Evaluating Pedestrian Action Prediction
* Biologically Motivated Local Contextual Modulation Improves Low-Level Visual Feature Representations
* Blocks World Revisited: The Effect of Self-Occlusion on Classification by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Cardiac MRI dataset
* Cognitive Vision Needs Attention to Link Sensing with Recognition
* Complexity Level Analysis of Immediate Vision, A
* Complexity of Perceptual Search Tasks, The
* Computational Learning Theory of Active Object Recognition Under Uncertainty, A
* Computational Model of View Degeneracy, A
* Computing Egomotion and Detecting Independent Motion from Image Motion Using Collinear Points
* Computing Egomotion and Shape from Image Motion Using Colinear Points
* Cooperative Computation and Time
* Definition and recovery of kinematic features for recognition of American sign language movements
* Design and Performance of TRISH, a Binocular Robot Head with Torsional Eye Movements
* Detecting Abnormal Gait
* Detecting Motion Patterns via Direction Maps with Application to Surveillance
* Detection and Tracking of Faces in Real Environments
* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Binocular Image Sequences
* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Monocular Image Sequences
* Different Binding Strategies for the Different Stages of Visual Recognition
* Directing attention to onset and offset of image events for eye-head movement control
* Dynamic Label Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-class Multi-label Classification
* Early Recurrence Improves Edge Detection
* Effects of Ambient Illumination on the Structure of Shadows in Chromatic Images, The
* Efficient Serial Associative Memory
* Empirically-derived estimates of the complexity of labeling line drawings of polyhedral scenes
* Eyes 'n Ears Face Detection
* Face Recognition with Weighted Locally Linear Embedding
* Fast pattern recognition using normalized grey-scale correlation in a pyramid image representation
* Fast, recurrent, attentional modulation improves saliency representation and scene recognition
* Feasibility Of Motion And Structure Computations, The
* Feasibility of Motion and Structure from Noisy Time-Varying Image Velocity Information, The
* Framework for Visual Motion Understanding, A
* From (R, G, B) to Surface Reflectance: Computing Color Constant Descriptors in Images
* Hand Gesture Recognition within a Linguistics-Based Framework
* Hierarchical Learning of Dominant Constellations for Object Class Recognition
* Highlight Identification Using Chromatic Information
* horoptor and active cyclotorsion, The
* Image Space I 3 and Eigen Curvature for Illumination Insensitive Face Detection
* importance of intermediate representations for the modeling of 2D shape detection: Endstopping and curvature tuned computations, The
* Improved Edge Representation via Early Recurrent Inhibition
* Incremental Learning Through Deep Adaptation
* Indoor Localization in Dynamic Human Environments Using Visual Odometry and Global Pose Refinement
* Indoor Place Recognition System for Localization of Mobile Robots
* Information Fusion for Multi-camera and Multi-body Structure and Motion
* Integrating Stereo Vision with a CNN Tracker for a Person-Following Robot
* Intriguing Properties of Randomly Weighted Networks: Generalizing While Learning Next to Nothing
* Introduction, Vision-Based Aids for the Disabled
* It's Not All About Size: On the Role of Data Properties in Pedestrian Detection
* Knowledge and the Visual Process: Content, Form and Use
* Knowledge Organization and Its Role in Representation and Interpretation for Time-Varying Data: The ALVEN System
* Modeling Visual-Attention Via Selective Tuning
* Motion Estimation Using a General Purpose Neural Network Simulator for Visual Attention
* Motion Understanding Meets Early Vision: An Introduction
* Motion Understanding: Task-Directed Attention and Representations that Link Perception with Action
* Novel Algorithm for Fitting 3-D Active Appearance Models: Applications to Cardiac MRI Segmentation, A
* On Classifying Time-Varying Events
* On Sensor Bias in Experimental Methods for Comparing Interest-Point, Saliency, and Recognition Algorithms
* On the Relative Complexity of Active vs. Passive Visual Search
* Parameterless Isomap with Adaptive Neighborhood Selection
* People Tracking using Robust Motion Detection and Estimation
* Person Following Robot Using Selected Online Ada-Boosting with Stereo Camera
* PIE: A Large-Scale Dataset and Models for Pedestrian Intention Estimation and Trajectory Prediction
* PLAYBOT: A Visually-Guided Robot for Physically Disabled Children
* Priming Neural Networks
* Prototype for Data-Driven Visual Attention, A
* Quantitative Analysis of View Degeneracy and its Use for Active Focal Length Control, A
* Recognizing planar curves using curvature-tuned smoothing
* Recurrent Refinement for Visual Saliency Estimation in Surveillance Scenarios
* Region Classification for Robust Floor Detection in Indoor Environments
* Representational Axes and Temporal Cooperative Processes
* Resampling 4-D Images Using Adaptive Filtering
* Robot Localization in Rough Terrains: Performance Evaluation
* role of feature visibility constraints in perspective alignment, The
* SAVI: an actively controlled teleconferencing system
* Scope of Motion Research: From Image Intensity Changes to Semantic Abstraction, The
* Sensitivity of Motion and Structure Computations, The
* Sensor Planning for 3D Object Search
* Sensor Planning for 3D Visual Search with Task Constraints
* Sensor Planning in 3D Object Search
* Separable Linear Classifiers for Online Learning in Appearance Based Object Detection
* Separable Linear Discriminant Classification
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Shape Representation and Recognition from Curvature
* Shape Representation and Recognition from Multiscale Curvature
* Some Notes on Motion Understanding
* Stereopsis of Time-Varying Images, The
* STNet: Selective Tuning of Convolutional Networks for Object Localization
* Subspace manifold learning with sample weights
* Techniques for Disparity Measurement
* theory of active object localization, A
* There Is no Way to Look at Vision: Reply
* Totally Looks Like: How Humans Compare, Compared to Machines
* Towards a Theory of Motion Understanding in Man and Machine
* Tracking a Person with Pre-Recorded Image Database by a Pan, Tilt, and Zoom Camera
* TRISH: The Toronto-IRIS Stereo Head
* Use of Color in Highlight Identification, The
* Using Collinear Points to Compute Egomotion and Detect Nonrigidity
* Vision-Based Fallen Person Detection for the Elderly
* Visual Correlates of Fixation Selection: A Look at the Spatial Frequency Domain
* Visual Place Categorization in Indoor Environments
* Visual Representation in the Determination of Saliency
* Visual Saliency Improves Autonomous Visual Search
* Visual search for an object in a 3D environment using a mobile robot
* Where to Look Next in 3D Object Search
Includes: Tsotsos, J.K.[John K.] Tsotsos, J.K.
134 for Tsotsos, J.K.

Tsotsos, K.[Konstantine] Co Author Listing * Learned Monocular Depth Priors in Visual-Inertial Initialization
* Simple Hierarchical Pooling Data Structure for Loop Closure, A

Index for "t"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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