Update Dates 9207

9207 * Active and Exploratory Perception
* Adaptive Recursive 2-D Filter for Removal of Gaussian Noise in Images, An
* Apparatus and method for compressing still images without multiplication
* At the Frontiers of OCR
* Automatic focusing device having a settable focus detection area
* Bending and Stretching Models for LV Wall Motion Analysis from Curves and Surfaces
* Celesstin: CAD Conversion of Mechanical Drawings
* Characterization of Signals for Multiscale Edges
* Classification with Spatio-Temporal Interpixel Class Dependency Contexts
* Combination Median Filter
* Compact Object Recognition Using Energy-Function-Based Optimization
* Computer Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals
* Computerized Flow Field Analysis: Oriented Texture Fields
* Document Analysis: From Pixels to Contents
* Dynamic Aspects in Active Vision
* Early Image Representation Using Regions Defined by Maximum Gradient Paths Between Singular Points
* Estimation of Quaternion Parameters from Two Dimensional Image Moments
* Even Degree B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
* Exploiting World Structure To Efficiently Search for Objects
* Finding Convex Edge Groupings in an Image
* From Paper to Office Document Standard Representation
* From Voxel to Intrinsic Surface Features
* Generalized Fuzzy C-Shells Clustering and Detection of Circular and Elliptical Boundaries
* HANDEY: A Robot Task Planner
* Head-Eye System: Analysis and Design, A
* High-Accuracy Rotation of Images
* High-Performance Reading Machines
* Historical Review of OCR Research and Development
* Hypercube Algorithms for Operations on Quadtrees
* Identification, characterization, and segmentation of Halftone or stippled regions of binary images by growing a seed to a clipping mask
* Implementation and Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Photometric Sampler
* Interpretation System for Land Register Maps, An
* Investigations of Image Contrast Space Defined by Variations on Histogram Equalization
* Learning of Visual Modules from Examples: A Framework for Understanding Adaptive Visual Performance
* Linear Discriminants and Image Quality
* Major Components of a Complete Text Reading System
* Massively Parallel Neural Network Fingerprint Classification System
* Measuing and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection
* Measurement and Integration of 3-D Structures by Tracking Edge Lines
* Meta-Pi Network: Building Distributed Knowledge Representations for Robust Multisource Pattern Recognition, The
* Method for automatic semiconductor wafer inspection
* Method for video-to-printing image resolution conversion
* Modified Metric to Compute Distance, A
* Modular System for Image Analysis Using a Game-Theoretic Framework
* Monitoring system employing infrared image
* Morphological Autocorrelation Transform: A New Representation and Classification Scheme for Two-Dimensional Images
* Motion Analysis from First-Order Properties of Optical Flow
* New Three-Dimensional Connected Components Labeling Algorithm with Simultaneous Object Feature Extraction Capability, A
* Nonlinear Filter for Film Restoration and Other Problems in Image Processing, A
* Object and Texture Classification Using Higher Order Statistics
* Off-Line Cursive Word Recognition
* Omnidocument Technologies
* On Achievable Accuracy in Edge Localization
* On Piecewise-Linear Classification
* On the Estimation of Noisy Binary Markov Random Fields
* On-Line Algorithm for Constrained Delaunay Triangulation, An
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Pascal Triangle Transform Approach to the Calculation of 3D Moments
* Postal Address Block Location in Real Time
* Principles of Animate Vision
* Projectively Invariant Structures in Multi-Sensor Imagery
* Prototype Document Image Analysis System for Technical Journals, A
* Purposive, Qualitative, Active Vision
* Qualitative Constraints for Structure-from-Motion
* Qualitative Recognition of Motion Using Temporal Texture
* Qualitative Surface Shape from Deformation of Image Curves
* Reforming the Theory of Invariant Moments for Pattern Recognition
* Scale and Segmentation of Grey-Level Images Using Maximum Gradient Paths
* Scale and the Differential Structure of Images
* Segmentation Methods for Character Recognition: From Segmentation to Document Structure Analysis
* Segmentation of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Shortcuts in Shape Classification from Two Images
* Special Issue on Optical Character Recognition
* Stereo Vision for Planetary Rovers: Stochastic Modeling to Near Real-Time Implementation
* Surface modeling with Oriented Particle Systems
* Texture Classification Using the Cortex Transform
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Noisy and Textured Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Data Using the Covariance Matrix
78 for 9207

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.