Update Dates 9206

9206 * 3D Grouping by Viewpoint Consistency Ascent
* Analysis of Camera Noise, An
* Apparatus for performing gradation processing on image data
* Boundary Detection Using Bayesian Nets
* Classification of Breast Tissue by Texture Analysis
* Depth from Defocusing
* Detecting Texture Edges from Images
* Detection of barcodes in binary images with arbitrary orientation
* Digital image interpolator using a plurality of interpolation kernals
* Ellipse Detection and Matching with Uncertainty
* Fast Homotopy-Preserving Skeletons Using Mathematical Morphology
* Feature extracting method
* Feature-Based Correspondence: An Eigenvector Approach
* Focusing Mechanism in the KTH Head-Eye System, The
* Generation of Uniquely Encoded Light Patterns for Range Data Acquisition
* Generic Neighborhood Operators
* Inexact Bayesian Estimation
* Invariants of a Pair of Conics Revisited
* Iterative Composite Filtering for Image Restoration
* Markov Random Field Model-Based Approach to Image Interpretation, A
* Matching: Invariant to Translations, Rotations, and Scale Changes
* Method and apparatus for detecting the number of persons
* Method and apparatus for selectively encoding and decoding a digital motion video signal at multiple resolution levels
* Method of Obtaining the Relative Positions of Four Points from Three Perspective Projections, A
* Model-Based Image Interpretation Using Genetic Algorithms
* Morphological Shape Representation
* Passive Navigation in a Partially Known Environment
* Perceptual Organization for Scene Segmentation and Description
* Picture Data Encryption Using Scan Patterns
* Qualitative Motion Understanding
* Quantization Error in Hexagonal Sensory Configurations
* Real-time Gaze Holding in Binocular Robot Vision
* Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition from Single 2D Monochromatic Image
* Splitting-Integrating Method for Normalizing Images by Inverse Transformations
* Theory of Matrix Morphology
* Three-Dimensional Motion Determination from Real Scene Images Using Straight Line Correspondences
* Trainable Method of Parametric Shape Description
* Visual Monitoring and Surveillance of Wide-Area Outdoor Scenes
* Why Do We See Three-dimensional Objects?
39 for 9206

Index for "9"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.