Update Dates 0400

0400 * *BBC Motion Gallery
* *LHI Object Datasets
* *McGill University
* *PEIPA Computer Vision Software
* *Technion Israel Institute of Technology
* *VXL
* *Washington Ground Truth Image Database
* 3D Face Processing: Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis
* 3D LAMP: Layered Representation for Image-based Rendering
* All-Purpose Texture Sprites
* Alternative Extension of the k-Means Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data, An
* Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a Video Sequence
* block-based clustering technique for real time object detection on a static background, A
* Boundary following using gyroscopic control
* Camera Calibration
* CASEE: A Hierarchical Event Representation for the Analysis of Videos
* Champs de Markov Flous pour Imagerie Multispectrale-Fuzzy Markov Random Fields for Multispectral Images
* Computational Learning for Adaptive Computer Vision
* Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum
* Computer Vision In Visual Effects
* Computing the topology of three-dimensional algebraic curves
* Content-Based Analysis of Digital Video
* Content-Based Classification of 3D-Models by Capturing Spatial Characteristics
* Content-Based Image Retrieval: An Overview
* Cortical cartography using the discrete conformal approach of circle packings
* Could early visual processes be sufficient to label motions?
* Delaunay Triangulation Based Surface Reconstruction: A short survey
* Delaunay Triangulation Based Surface Reconstruction: Ideas and Algorithms
* Detailed building reconstruction from airborne laser data using a moving surface method
* Detecting and Removing Shadows
* Detecting Pornographic Images
* Detection of Linear Features in Synthetic-Aperture Radar Images by use of the Localized Radon Transform and Prior Information
* Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Picture Analysis
* Distance Transforms of Sampled Functions
* Efficient video object segmentation using adaptive background registration and edge-based change detection techniques
* Emerging Topics in Computer Vision
* Face Detection, Alignment, and Recognition
* Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
* Fast Shape-based Road Sign Detection for a Driver Assistance System
* Fingerprint Classification: A Review
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Minutiae Features: A Review
* Geometric Stability of Low-Cost Digital Consumer Cameras
* Geometry of Multiple Images: The Laws That Govern the Formation of Multiple Images of a Scene and Some of Their Applications, The
* Global and local parameter estimation of a model of the electrical activity of the heart
* Greedy learning of multiple objects in images using robust statistics and factorial learning
* Guide to Biometrics, The
* Hexagonal Image Processing: A Practical Approach
* High-quality linear interpolation for demosaicing of Bayer-patterned color images
* Human Eye Iris Recognition Using the Mutual Information
* Hyperspectral Imaging: Techniques for Spectral Detection and Classification
* Image Mosaicing and Super-resolution
* Image Processing Fundamentals
* Image-Based Lighting
* Implementation and Experimental Study on Fast Object Modeling Based on Multiple Structured Stripes
* Information limits on neural identification of coloured surfaces in natural scenes
* Initialization of Particle Filter and Posterior Cramér-Rao Bound for Bearings-Only Tracking in Modified Polar Coordinate System
* Interactive Digital Photomontage
* Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis
* Least Squares Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Curves and Surfaces in Space
* Machine Learning and Statistical Modeling Approaches to Image Retrieval
* Machine vision
* Models of the Unimodal and Multimodal Statistics of Adaptive Wavelet Packet Coefficients
* Motion Estimation from Image and Inertial Measurements
* Multiple View Geometry
* Non-linear voting in the space variant Hough transform
* Open Source Computer Vision Library
* Palmprint Authentication
* Pattern Recognition Approaches To Solving Combinatorial Problems in Free Groups
* Perceptual Interfaces
* Photogrammetric exploitation of Ikonos imagery for mapping applications
* Poisson matting
* Projective Geometry for Photogrammetric Orientation Procedures I
* Proof and Measurement of Association Between Two Things, The
* Reconstruction of Surface of Revolution from Multiple Uncalibrated Views: A Bundle-Adjustment Approach
* Recovering Dynamic Information from Static Handwritten Images
* Ridges and the medial axis: Smooth surfaces, umbilics, lines of curvatures, foliations: a concise overview
* Robust Techniques for Computer Vision
* Software Architecture For Computer Vision
* Spacetime Faces: High-Resolution Capture for Modeling and Animation
* Story tracking in video news broadcasts
* TABU Search Homepage
* Tensor Voting Framework, The
* Uncertain Projective Geometry: Statistical Reasoning for Polyhedral Object Reconstruction
* Unified Texture Management for Arbitrary Meshes
* Vector Quantization of Still Images Using Reflected Subcodevectors
* Vector Reconstruction and Mosaicing from Multiple Doppler Weather Radar Velocity Data
* Video Matching
* Voting-based separation of diffuse and specular pixels
* Watermarking 3D triangle meshes for authentication and integrity
* Weak feature size and persistent homology: Computing homology of solids in Rn from noisy data samples
* What the Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
92 for 0400

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.