Journals starting with 3dar

3DARCH09 * *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* 3D model for the documentation of Cultural Heritage: The wooden domes of St.Mark's Basilica in Venice
* 3D Modeling a Romanesque church in Tuscany: Geomatics techniques and archaeological aims
* 3D modeling of the St. Anthony abbot church in San Daniele del Friuli: from laser scanning and photogrammetry to vrml/x3d model, The
* 3D Modelling and visualization of Cultural Heritage using mobile phone cameras
* 3D real time visualization for the support of archaeological analysis
* 3D Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated video sequences
* 3D Virtual reconstruction and visualization of complex architectures: The 3D-ARCH project
* Acquisition and automatic extraction of facade elements on large sites from a low cost laser mobile mapping system
* Adaptive meshing and detail-reduction of 3D-point clouds from laser scans
* Advanced techniques for the studies of stones and paintings on walls: state of the art and open problems
* Automated 3D modeling of urban environments
* Automatic modeling of laser point clouds by statistical analysis of surface curvature values
* Automatic orientation of image sequences for 3-D object reconstruction: First results of a method integrating photogrammetric and computer vision algorithms
* Automatic structure recovery and visualization
* Calibration and registration framework for 3D reconstruction of the Kirche Seefeld
* CityFit: High-quality urban reconstructions by fitting shape grammars to images and derived textured point clouds
* Close range photogrammetry for measurement of the paintings surface deformations
* collaborative visualization environment for natural interaction with architectural content, A
* Combining genetic algorithms with imperfect and subdivided features for the automatic registration of point clouds (GAReg-ISF)
* Data integration from different sources to create 3D virtual model
* Definition of a transition surface with the purpose of integration between a laser scanner 3D model and a low resolution DTM
* Documentation of the roman bronze hand found in the site of El Tossal in Lucentum
* Embodied virtual communities: a new opportunity for the research in the field of Cultural Heritage
* Experiences about fusioning 3D digitalization techniques for Cultural heritage documentation in ceceres wall (Spain)
* funeral area in Ponte della lama-canosa (III-VI century): An hypothesis of 3d historical-monumental reconstruction, The
* Going to Shawbak (Jordan) and getting the data back: Toward a 3D GIS dedicated to medieval archaeology
* immersive time-machine: A virtual exploration of the history of Livorno, The
* Improved textures for 3D virtual reconstruction and visualization by a modified texture synthesis approach
* Information and knowledge systems for integrated models in Cultural Heritage
* information system for the integration, management and visualization of 3D reality based archaeological models from different operators, An
* Integration of photogrammetric and 3D laser scanning data as a flexible and effective approach for heritage documentation
* Interactive modeling by projection of oriented spherical panoramas. The case of Ad Deir-Petra
* Knowledge-based topological reconstruction for building facade surface patches
* Laser scanning in Ostia: A comparative study of accuracy of the drawings in 1950s and field survey on tall structures
* Localisation and augmented reality for mobile applications in Cultural Heritage
* Long focal length panoramic imaging for photogrammetric reconstruction
* Low cost methodology for 3D modeling and metric description in architectural heritage
* Lynx survey of the urban environment and historical heritage
* method for the 3D modelling of historic monuments: The case of a Gothic abbey church, A
* Methodologies capture three-dimensional high-definition of sixteenth wooden frames. The case of works by Correggio
* Modelling of virtual compressed structures through physical simulation
* Modular modeling of temple columns of the Angkor period
* Olerdola's cave, Catalonia: a virtual reality reconstruction from terrestrial laser scanner and GIS data
* Open source application for interactive exploration of Cultural Heritage 3D models on the web, An
* Optimal methods for 3d modeling of devastated architectural objects
* Out-Of-Core topologically constrained simplification for city modeling from Digital Surface Models
* Photogrammetric reconstruction of the My Son G1 temple in Vietnam
* RC-Heli and Structure and Motion techniques for the 3-D reconstruction of a Milan Dome spire
* Registering point clouds of polyhedral buildings to 2D maps
* SAMATS: Texture extraction explained
* Semantic approach to 3D historical reconstruction
* Space throughout time: Application of 3D virtual reconstruction and light projection techniques in the analysis and reconstruction of cultural heritage
* Spatial data integration in real-time cooperative systems
* Storage, manipulation and visualization of LiDAR data
* Survey applications using the Optech ILRIS 3D laser scanner and photogrammetry for a complete detailed CAD reconstruction of the objects
* systemic approach for 3D recognition of simple primitives in discrete models, A
* Toward automatic reconstruction of interiors from laser data
* Urban procedural modeling for real-time rendering
* Use of 3D modeling for archeological archiving in a sensible area
* virtual musealization of archaeological sites: between documentation and communication, The
* Virtual reconstruction of roman military Apulum camp
62 for 3DARCH09

3DARCH11 * *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* 360° Film Brings Bombed Church To Life
* 3D Documentation of Global Historic Sites: The Scottish Ten Project and Its Applications for Cultural Heritage
* 3D Models for the Restoration Project: Some Issues and a Case Study
* 3D Recording for 2D Delivering: The Employment of 3D Models for Studies and Analyses
* 3D Survey of the Early-Middle Bronze Age Workshop Complex and Cemetery Area at Erimi-Laonin Tou Porakou
* 3d Survey Of The San Carlo Theatre In Naples
* 3D Virtual Anastylosis And Reconstruction Of Some Buildings in the Site of Saint-Simeon, Syria
* 3d Virtual Reconstruction Of An Urban Historical Space: A Consideration on the Method
* 3D Virtual Reconstructions of Minoan Rural Sites: The Case Of Livari Cheromylia
* 3D WebGIS and Visualization Issues for Architectures and Large Sites
* Apero, An Open Source Bundle Adjusment Software For Automatic Calibration and Orientation of Set of Images
* Application For Cultural Heritage In Erasmus Placement. Surveys And 3D Cataloging Archaeological Finds In Mérida (Spain), An
* Approach Towards the Construction of a Digital Atlas for the Documentation of Cloister and Courtyards in Ascoli Piceno, An
* Architectural Historical Heritage: A Tridimensional Multilayers Cataloguing Method
* Architectural Information System SIArch3D-Univaq for Analysis and Preservation of Architectural Heritage, The
* Architectural Large Constructed Environment. Modeling And Interaction Using Dynamic Simulations
* Arcrange And Arcseer: Presenting A New Approach To Archaeological Data Management And Representation
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Complex Image Sequences
* Automatic Architectural Style Recognition
* Automatic Camera Orientation and Structure Recovery with Samantha
* Automatic Orientation Of Image Sequences In Cultural Heritage
* Automatic Point Cloud Generation and Registration with a Stereovision Slit-scanner
* Comparing Time-of-Flight and Phase-Shift. The Survey of the Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San Isidoro (LeÓn)
* Comparison Between Active and Passive Techniques for Underwater 3D Applications, A
* Comparison of Two Structure and Motion Strategies
* Complete Virtual 3d Reconstruction Of The East Pediment Of The Temple Of Zeus At Olympia, The
* Construction of a Geographical Database of Classical-Archaic Manufactures, Found in the Survey of the Greek Colony Himera (Sicily, Italy). Application and Methodologies for an Experimental Research
* Developing Parametric Building Models: The Gandis Use Case
* Diachronic 3D Reconstruction for Lost Cultural Heritage
* Digital Rebirth of the Greatest Church of Cluny Maior Ecclesia: From Optronic Surveys to Real Time Use of the Digital Model
* Digital Reconstruction of the Church of San Ildefonso at Zamora (Spain) Using Orthoware
* Effective 3D Digitization of Archaeological Artifacts for Interactive Virtual Museum
* Europeana and 3D
* Evaluating Parameters Affecting The Georeferencing Accuracy Of Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* From CAD to Digital Modeling: The Necessary Hybridization Of Processes
* From Real to ... real. A Review of Geomatic and Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Solid Modelling in Cultural Heritage Field
* From the Continuous to the Discrete Model: A Laser Scanning Application to Conservation Projects
* Generating Alternative Proposals For The Louvre Using Procedural Modeling
* GIS-Based Surface Analysis of Archaeological Finds
* High And Low Resolution Textured Models Of Complex Architectural Surfaces
* Historic Building Information Modelling: Adding Intelligence to Laser and Image Based Surveys
* Image-Based and Range-based 3D Modelling of Archaeological Cultural Heritage: The Telamon of the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Agrigento (Italy)
* Image-based Approach For The Architectural Modeling of Past States, An
* Image-based Modeling Experience About Social Facilities, Built During The Fascist Period In Middle Italy, An
* Integrated Strategies For The Modeling Very Large And Complex Architectures
* Interactive 3D Landscapes On Line
* Laser Scanning of a Monolithic Column During Processing in Middle Egypt
* Lynx Mobile Mapper For Surveying City Centers And Highways
* Matera città Narrata Project: An Integrated Guide For Mobile Systems
* Measured Model, Theoretical Model and Represented Model: The So-Called Arch of Drusus in Rome
* Metric Survey Of The Monument Of Queen Elisenda's Tomb In The Monastery Of Pedralbes, Barcelona
* MIC: My Ideal City
* Multiscale Interactive Communication: Inside And Outside Thun Castle
* New Instruments for Survey: On-Line Softwares for 3D Recontruction from Images
* Noviodunum Roman Fortress. A Survey On A City Wall Section
* Performance Evaluation of a Structure and Motion Strategy in Architecture and Cultural Heritage
* Point Cloud Visualization in an Open Source 3D Glob3
* Procedures And Methods of Digital Modeling in Representation Didactics
* Processing A Complex Architectural Sampling With Meshlab: The Case of Piazza Della Signoria
* Project Photofly: New 3D Modeling Online Web Service (Case Studies and Assessments)
* Range Based Method For Complex Facade Modeling, A
* Realtime Compositing Of Procedural Facade Textures on the GPU
* Reconstructing CCTV, Beijing
* Reconstruction of 3D Vector Models of Buildings by Combination of ALS, TLS and VLS Data
* Reverse Engineering and 3D Modelling for Digital Documentation of Maritime Heritage
* Space Moving Objects Spatio-temporal Modeling And Visualization
* SPIDERGL: A Graphics Library For 3d Web Applications
* Study On Height Information Extraction Of Cultural Features In Remote Sensing Images Based On Shadow Areas, The
* Survey Problems and Representation of Architectural Painted Surfaces
* Survey, Representation and Analysis of a War I Complex System of Surface and Underground Fortifications in the Gresta Valley, Italy
* Targetless Camera Calibration
* Three-dimensional Data and the Recording of Material Structure
* Urban Archaeology: How to Communicate a Story of a Site, 3D Virtual Reconstruction but not Only
* Use of 3D Models in Integrate Survey: The Church of St. Thomas of Villanova in Castel Gandolfo, The
* Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Lidar Data for Photo-Realistic Visualisation of Climate Impacts at Heritage Sites
* Variance Analysis and Comparison in Computer-Aided Design
* Virtual Exhibition and Fruition of Archaeological Finds
* Virtual Museum Applications and Their Public Perception in Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Virtual Presence and the Mind's Eye in 3-D Online Communities
* Virtual Reconstruction of the Almaqah Temple of Yeha in Ethiopia by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Web-based Interactive Tool for Multi-Resolution 3D Models of a Maya Archaeological Site, A
* X3dom as Carrier of the Virtual Heritage
83 for 3DARCH11

3DARCH13 * *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* 3D Model Visualization Enhancements in Real-Time Game Engines
* 3D Virtual Reconstruction of the Middle Stoa in the Athens Ancient Agora
* 3D-Antlers: Virtual Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Measurement
* Accurate 3D Textured Models of Vessels for the Improvement of the Educational Tools of a Museum
* Accurate Multiview Stereo Reconstruction with Fast Visibility Integration and Tight Disparity Bounding
* Advanced Representation Technologies Applied to the Temple of Neptune, the Sphinx and the Metope in the Archaeological Park of Paestum
* Advantages of Parametric Modeling for the Reconstruction of Historic Buildings. The Example of the in War Destroyed Church of St. Catherine (Katharinenkirche) in Nuremberg, The
* Art of War Frieze in Urbino: A Blend of Virtual Reconstruction and Scientific Accuracy, The
* Assessments for 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage Using Digital Technologies
* Automatic Façade Segmentation for Thermal Retrofit
* Autonomous Airship Equipped by Multi-Sensor Mapping Platform
* Combination of Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion Technology for Creation of Accurate Exterior and Interior Orthophotos of St. Nicholas Baroque Church, The
* Combination of Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion Technology for Creation of Accurate Exterior and Interior Orthophotos of St. Nicholas Baroque Church, The
* Comparison Between Laser Scanning and Automated 3D Modelling Techniques to Reconstruct Complex and Extensive Cultural Heritage Areas
* Crabnebula Digital Suite, an Algorithm of Survey and 3D Modelling for the Preservation and Management of Urban Heritage
* Creating Procedural Windowbuilding Blocks Using the Generative Fact Labeling Method
* Digital Reconstruction of an Archaeological Site Based on the Integration of 3D Data and Historical Sources
* Distribution of Semantic Annotations Towards a Set of Spatially-Oriented Photographs
* From Point Clouds to Architectural Models: Algorithms for Shape Reconstruction
* Image Acquisition and Model Selection for Multi-View Stereo
* Interior Reconstruction Using the 3D Hough Transform
* Interpretation of Topographic Data from Shape from Shading Method, Application in Villagarcía de Campos Castle
* Large Scale Urban Reconstruction from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Laser Scanning for the Geometric Study of the Alcántara Bridge and Coria Cathedral
* Local Adaptive Approach for Dense Stereo Matching in Architectural Scene Reconstruction, A
* New Systems for the Management of Data. The Case Study of the Chapter House of Santa Maria Novella in Florence
* Parametric Accuracy: Building Information Modeling Process Applied to the Cultural Heritage Preservation
* Photo-Modeling and Cloud Computing. Applications in the Survey of Late Gothic Architectural Elements
* Procedural Modeling for Rapid-Prototyping of Multiple Building Phases
* Reliable Exterior Orientation by a Robust Anisotropic Orthogonal Procrustes Algorithm
* Reverse Modelling Realized by Digital Scans and Fotomodellazione: Based on Post-Processing Compared Several Noteworthy Episodes Contained in the Basilical Complex of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura in Rome, The
* Review of the As-Built BIM Approaches
* Robust extraction of image correspondences exploiting the image scene geometry and approximate camera orientation
* Semi-Automatic Modelling of Building Façades with Shape Grammars Using Historic Building Information Modelling
* Shadows of Previous Days: A Journey into Digital Reconstruction
* Solid Image Extraction FROM LIDAR Point Clouds
* Validation of a Parametric Approach for 3D Fortification Modelling: Application to Scale Models
38 for 3DARCH13

3DARCH15 * *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures

3DARCH17 * *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* 3-dimensional Geometric Survey And Structural Modelling of the Dome Of Pisa Cathedral
* 3d Modeling for the Knowledge of Architectural Heritage And Virtual Reconstruction of Its Historical Memory
* 3d Modelling And Mapping for Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeology Assets
* 3d Modelling of the Lusatian Borough in Biskupin Using Archival Data
* 3d Modelling the Invisible Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* 3D Modelling with the Samsung Gear 360
* 3d Recording And Modelling of Mining Heritage: the Monserrat Mine, Sierra Minera of Cartagena-la UniÓn, Southeast of Spain
* 3d Surveying And Geometric Assessment of A Gothic Nave Vaulting From Point Clouds
* 3d Visualization And Photo-realistic Reconstruction of the Great Temple Of Bel
* 4d Reconstruction And Visualization of Cultural Heritage: Analyzing Our Legacy Through Time
* Accuracy Assessment of A Complex Building 3D Model Reconstructed From Images Acquired with A Low-cost UAS
* Augmented Reality in Architecture: Rebuilding Archeological Heritage
* Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Engeneering Purposes
* Automatic Rectification of Building Façades
* Automatic Tree Data Removal Method for Topography Measurement Result Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Camera Calibration Accuracy at Different UAV Flying Heights
* Close Range UAV Accurate Recording And Modeling of St-Pierre-le-Jeune Neo-Romanesque Church in Strasbourg (France)
* Comparing Multi-source Photogrammetric Data During the Examination Of Verticality in A Monumental Tower
* Comparison Among Different Optimization Levels in 3D Multi-sensor Models. A Test Case in Emergency Context: 2016 Italian Earthquake, A
* Comparison of Commercial Structure-from-motion Photogrammety Software Used for Underwater Three-dimensional Modeling of Coral Reef Environments
* Critical Analysis And Digital Reconstructions of Alberti's Architectures By the Use of 3D Morphometric Integrated Survey Database
* Cultural Heritage Through Time: A Case Study At Hadrian's Wall, United Kingdom
* Depth Cameras On UAVS: A First Approach
* Detection And Purging of Specular Reflective And Transparent Object Influences in 3D Range Measurements
* Development of A Virtual Museum Including A 4d Presentation of Building History in Virtual Reality
* Digital Invasions: From Point Clouds to Historical Building Object Modeling (H-BOM) of a UNESCO WHL Site
* Digitalization Culture Vs Archaeological Visualization: Integration Of Pipelines And Open Issues
* Discovering And Sharing of Secret Architectures: The Hidden Tomb of The Pharaoh of El-Khasneh, Jordan
* Documental Studio And 3D Recreation of the San Ildefonso's School Facade, Alcala De Henares
* Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri On Thera Using Laser Scanning, Image-based Modelling And Geophysical Prospection
* Dynamic 3D Modeling of A Canal-tunnel Using Photogrammetric And Bathymetric Data
* Effect of Underwater Imagery Radiometry On 3D Reconstruction And Orthoimagery, The
* Evaluating the Potential of Imaging Rover for Automatic Point Cloud Generation
* Example of Using Intensity Orthoimages in TLS Data Registration: A Case Study, The
* Extending the Life of Virtual Heritage: Reuse of Tls Point Clouds In Synthetic Stereoscopic Spherical Images
* Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documentation In Nepal
* First Experiences with the Trimble Sx10 Scanning Total Station For Building Facade Survey
* Fisheye Lenses for 3D Modeling: Evaluations And Considerations
* Fisheye Photogrammetry: Tests And Methodologies for the Survey Of Narrow Spaces
* Flat Versus Hemispherical Dome Ports in Underwater Photogrammetry
* Folk Dance Pattern Recognition Over Depth Images Acquired Via Kinect Sensor
* From OSS CAD to BIM for Cultural Heritage Digital Representation
* From TLS Point Clouds to 3D Models of Trees: A Comparison of Existing Algorithms for 3D Tree Reconstruction
* Geometric Processing Workflow for Transforming Reality-based 3d Models in Volumetric Meshes Suitable for FEA, A
* Geometrical Similarity Pattern As An Experimental Model for Shapes In Architectural Heritage: A Case Study of the Base of the Pillars in The Cathedral of Seville And the Church of Santiago in Jerez, Spain, A
* Ground And Aerial Digital Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Providing Tools for 3D Exploitation of Archaeological Data
* Hijazi Architectural Object Library (HAOL)
* Image-based 3D Reconstruction Data As An Analysis And Documentation Tool for Architects: the Case of Plaka Bridge in Greece
* Improving Google's Cartographer 3D Mapping By Continuous-time Slam
* Influence of Flight Planning And Camera Orientation in Uavs Photogrammetry. A Test in the Area of Rocca San Silvestro (LI), Tuscany, The
* Integrated Data Capturing Requirements for 3D Semantic Modelling Of Cultural Heritage: the Inception Protocol
* Integration of Point Clouds Dataset From Different Sensors
* Interdisciplinary Data Fusion for Diachronic 3D Reconstruction Of Historic Sites
* Interoperability Matter: Levels of Data Sharing, Starting from a 3D Information Modelling
* Investigating the Effect of Focus Stacking on SFM-MVS Algorithms
* Localization of Pathology On Complex Architecture Building Surfaces
* Low-cost 3D Laser Scanning in Air Orwater Using Self-calibrating Structured Light
* Low-cost Markerless Tracking System for Trajectory Interpretation, A
* Modelling and Accuracy in a BIM Environment for Planned Conservation: The Apartment of Troia of Giulio Romano
* Multi-Source 3D Models Supporting Ultrasonic Test to Investigate An Egyptian Sculpture of the Archaeological Museum in Bologna
* Multiple 3D Approaches for the Architectural Study of the Medieval Abbey of Cormery in the Loire Valley
* Multispectral Photogrammetric Data Acquisition and Processing Forwall Paintings Studies
* New Perspectives of Point Clouds Color Management: the Development Of Tool in Matlab for Applications in Cultural Heritage
* Online 3D Database System for Endangered Architectural and Archaeological Heritage in the South-eastern Mediterranean, An
* Parametric Modelling of As-built Beam Framed Structure in BIM Environment
* Photogrammetric Analysis of Historical Image Repositories for Virtual Reconstruction in the Field of Digital Humanities
* Photogrammetry Driven Tools to Support the Restoration of Open-air Bronze Surfaces of Sculptures: An Integrated Solution Starting From The Experience of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna
* Point Cloud Analysis for Conservation and Enhancement of Modernist Architecture
* Point Cloud Derived From Video Frames: Accuracy Assessment in Relation To Terrestrial Laser Scanningand Digital Camera Data
* Probabilistic Reconstruction of Orthodox Churches From Precision Point Clouds Using Bayesian Networks And Cellular Automata
* Procedural 3D Modelling for Traditional Settlements. the Case Study Of Central Zagori
* Prompt Methodology to Georeference Complex Hypogea Environments, A
* Recovering Old Stereoscopic Negatives and Producing Digital 3D Models of Former Appearances of Historic Buildings
* Return of the Siegesburg: 3d-reconstruction of A Disappeared And Forgotten Monument, The
* Review of Point Clouds Segmentation And Classification Algorithms, A
* RPAS and TLS Tecniques for Archaeological Survey: The Case Study of the Archaeological Site of Eraclea Minoa (Italy)
* Semi-global Matching with Self-adjusting Penalties
* Smartphone-based 3D Pipeline for the Creative Industry: the Replicate EU Project, A
* Survey And Modelling for the Bim of Basilica of San Marco in Venice
* Surveying Medieval Archaeology: A New Form for Harris Paradigm Linking Photogrammetry and Temporal Relations
* Surveying the Underwater Archaeological Site of Cape Glaros At Pagasetikos Gulf
* Surveying, Modeling And 3D Representation of A Wreck for Diving Purposes: Cargo Ship Vera
* Three-dimensional Mapping of An Ancient Cave Paintings Using Close-range Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technologies
* Towards Guided Underwater Survey Using Light Visual Odometry
* Towards Radiometrical Alignment of 3D Point Clouds
* Towards Reconstructing A Doric Column in A Virtual Construction Site
* Towards the Enhancement of minor Archaeological Heritage
* Underground Surveying: 16th Century Cellar Vaults in the GalerÍa De Convalecientes, Monastery of San Lorenzo Del Escorial
* Underwater Photogrammetry, Coded Target And Plenoptic Technology: A Set Of Tools for Monitoring Red Coral in Mediterranean Sea in the Framework Of the perfect Project
* Use of 3D Scanning And Photogrammetry Techniques in the Case Study Of the Roman Theatre of Nikopolis. Surveying, Virtual Reconstruction And Restoration Study., The
* Virtual Diving in the Underwater Archaeological Site of Cala Minnola
* Visualization of the Construction of Ancient Roman Buildings in Ostia Using Point Cloud Data
93 for 3DARCH17

3DARCH19 * *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* 3d and 4d Modelling in Building Site Working Control
* 3d Cameras Acquisitions for the Documentation of Cultural Heritage
* 3d Data Processing Toward Maintenance and Conservation. the Integrated Digital Documentation of Casa De Vidro
* 3D Detection and Reconstruction Experiments in River Basins
* 3D Digital Models for A Widespread Museum: the Renon's BauernhÖfe
* 3d Image Based Geometric Documentation of A Medieval Fortress
* 3d Modeling for Rock Art Documentation Using Lightweight Multispectral Camera
* 3d Modeling of Girifalco Fortress
* 3d Modelling and Medieval Lighting Reconstruction for Rupestrian Churches
* 3d Modelling and Virtual Reality Applied to Complex Architectures: An Application to Hospitals' Design
* 3D Structure Analysis: Architecture as an Expression of the Ties Between Geometry and Philosophy
* Access and Web-sharing of 3D Digital Documentation of Environmental And Architectural Heritage
* Accuracy Assessment of 3D Models Generated from Google Street View Imagery
* Aleppo - Before and After
* Archaeological Analysis of Masonry for the Restoration Project In HBIM, The
* As-built Reliability in Architectural HBIM Modeling
* Augmented Experience to Disseminate Cultural Heritage: House of Commons Windows, Parliament Hill National Historic Site (Canada)
* Augmented Turin Baroque Atria: AR Experiences for Enhancing Cultural Heritage
* Automated Detection and Layout Regularization of Similar Features In Indoor Point Cloud
* Automating the Verification of Heritage Building Information Models Created from Point Cloud Data
* BIM Approach for the Analysis of An Archaeological Monument, A
* Capture and Documentation: Kaga Park
* Clustering of Wall Geometry from Unstructured Point Clouds
* Combined Approach for Surveying Complex Coastal Sites, A
* Comparative Study Among Three Registration Algorithms: Performance, Quality Assurance and Accuracy, A
* Comparison Between TLS and UAV Technologies for Historical Investigation, A
* Comparison of 2D and 3D Detectors for TLS Data Registration: Preliminary Results, The
* Comparison With Accuracy of Terrestrial Laser Scanner By Using Point Cloud Aligned With Shape Matching and Best Fitting Methods
* Complete Framework Operating Spatially-oriented RTI in A 3D/2D Cultural Heritage Documentation and Analysis Tool, A
* Connecting Inside and Outside Through 360° Imagery for Close-range Photogrammetry
* Considerations On the Use of Digital Tools for Documenting Ancient Wall Graffiti
* Creating, Visualizing and Sharing High-poly and Multi-textures Models On the Web
* Data Modeling for Museum Collections
* Development of Virtual Reality Application for Cultural Heritage Visualization from Multi-source 3D Data
* diagnostic Survey: A Methodology for the Knowledge of A Complex Architectural Palimpsest, The
* Digital Contents for Enhancing the Communication of Museum Exhibition: The Pervival Project
* Digital Surveys and 3D Reconstructions for Augmented Accessibility of Archaeological Heritage
* European Research Night: New Ways for Communicating Science With ICT and Videomapping, The
* Evaluating the Structural Integrity of the Saint Antonio Barrel Vault In the Fortress of Almeida By Combining Laser Scanner and Limit Analysis
* Existing-BIM: Integrated Survey Procedures for the Management of Modern Architecture
* Extraction of Primitives and Objects from Hshapes
* Fast Indoor Mapping to Feed an Indoor DB for Building and Facility Management
* Forensic Engineering Surveys with UAV Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Techniques
* Foveon Vs Bayer: Comparison of 3D Reconstruction Performances
* From Survey to Model, Return. the Case of the Parma Baptistery
* From the Integrated Survey of Historic Settlements to the Pattern Book Within the BIM
* Fully Automated Incremental Photogrammetric Processing Dedicated For Collaborative Remote-computing Workflow, A
* Generation of Gigapixel Orthophoto for the Maintenance of Complex Buildings. Challenges and Lesson Learnt
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Photo 3D Reconstruction
* HBIM and the 20th Century Steel Building Heritage: A Procedure Suitable for the Construction History in Italy
* HBIM for Archaeological Sites: From Sfm Based Survey to Algorithmic Modeling
* High Quality Texture Mapping Process Aimed At the Optimization of 3d Structured Light Models
* Image Recording Challenges for Photogrammetric Construction Site Monitoring
* Immersive Wayfinding: Virtual Reconstruction and Eye-tracking For Orientation Studies Inside Complex Architecture
* Information Modeling and Landscape: Intervention Methodology For Reading Complex Systems
* Integrated 3D Survey and Diagnostic Analysis for the Building Engineering: the Former Kindergarten San Filippo Neri in Dalmine
* Integrated 3D Survey for Planned Conservation: the Former Church and Convent of Sant'agostino in Bergamo, The
* Integrated 3D Survey for Underground Archaeological Environment, The
* Integrated Survey of Narrow Spaces and Underground Architecture: The Case Study of Campana Caves Bas-reliefs, The
* Integration and Comparison of Close-range SFM Methodologies for The Analysis and the Development of the Historical City Center of Bethlehem
* Integration of Surveying Techniques to Detect the Ideal Shape of A Dome: the Case of the Escuelas Pías Church in Valencia
* Interactive Image Geolocalization in An Immersive Web Application
* Interactive Online Visualization of Complex 3D Geometries
* Knowledge-based Framework for Automatic Semantisation And Reconstruction of Military Architecture On City-scale Models
* Layered-web Interface Based on HBIM and 360° Panoramas For Historical, Material and Geometric Analysis, A
* Macro Photogrammetry in Inventory of Historical Engravings At the Royal Castle in Warsaw
* Modelling Building Costs from 3D Building Models: Estimating The Construction Effort from Image-based Surface Models of Dry-stone Shepherd Shelters (kras, Slovenia)
* Palazzo Ducale of Sabbioneta Architectural Survey of Some Decorated Rooms
* Parametric Surfaces for Augmented Architecture Representation
* Parametrical Analysis and Digital Fabrication of Thin Shell Structures: The Impact of Construction Technique On the Resulting Geometry of The Gaussian Vaults of Eladio Dieste
* Photogrammetric Survey With Fisheye Lens for the Characterization Of The La Sassa Cave
* Point Cloud Segmentation and Semantic Annotation Aided by GIS Data for Heritage Complexes
* Quality Assessment of UAV Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey
* Quality Features for the Integration of Terrestrial and UAV Images
* Real in the Virtual. the 3D Model in the Cultural Heritage Sector: The Tip of the Iceberg, The
* Reassembly of Rock Segments, the Case of Areopagus Hill
* Reconstruction of Lost Architectural Volumes By Integration Of Photogrammetry from Archive Imagery With 3-d Models of the Status Quo
* Reconstruction of Urban Sites from Photos
* Recreate the Ancient Urban Landscape. Multimedia and Interactive Tools To Improve Accessibility and Enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage Of Milan
* Recreating Cultural Heritage Environments for VR Using Photogrammetry
* Representation of Synthetic Shadows On 3D Digital Models for The Volumetric Interpretation On Concave-convex Archaeological Artifacts
* Reverse Modeling of Cultural Heritage: Pipeline and Bottlenecks
* Review of 3D GIS for Use in Creating Virtual Historic Dublin, A
* Review of Recording Technologies for Digital Fabrication in Heritage Conservation, A
* Scan-to-BIM vs 3D Ideal Model Hbim: Parametric Tools to Study Domes Geometry
* Semantic Photogrammetry: Boosting Image-based 3D Reconstruction With Semantic Labeling
* Semantic Web Technologies Meet BIM for Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage
* Suitability of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Building Survey and Mapping Applications, The
* Survey of the San Francesco Bridge By Santiago Calatrava In Cosenza, Italy, The
* Survey, Stratigraphy of the Elevations, 3D Modelling for the Knowledge And Conservation of Archaeological Parks: the Castle of Avella
* Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Fast Characterization of Superficial Lesions in Architectural Diagnosis
* Three-dimensional Recording and Photorealistic Model Reconstruction For Virtual Museum Application: An Experience in Malaysia
* To Achieve Real Immersion: the 3D Virtual and Physical Reconstruction of Cave 3 and Cave 12 of Yungang Grottoes
* Tomb of Ipi: 3D Documentation in A Middle Kingdom Theban Necropolis (Egypt, 2000 Bce), The
* Towards A Digital Archaeological Archive: the Case Study of The Artefacts of the Area of Fori Imperiali
* Towards Deep Learning for Architecture: A Monument Recognition Mobile App
* UAV for Mapping Historic Buildings: from 3D Modelling to BIM
* UAV Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Preservation Modeling And Mapping Venetian Walls of Bergamo
* Uncertainty Visualization Approaches for 3D Models of Castles Restituted from Archeological Knowledge
* Use of Digital Tools for the Preservation of Architectural, Artistic and Cultural Heritage, Through Three-dimensional Scanning And Digital Manufacturing, The
* Value of Knowledge Through H-BIM Models: Historic Documentation with a Semantic Approach, The
* Vault Modeling With Neural Networks
* Virtual Batcave: A Project for the Safeguard of A UNESCO WHL Fragile Ecosystem, The
* Virtual Heritage for the Dissemination of the Baratti in 3D Project
* Virtual Reality for Historical Architecture
* Virtual Reality to Allow Wheelchair Users Touring Complex Archaeological Sites in A Realistic Manner. Towards Their Actual Social Integration
* Virtual Tours for Smart Cities: A Comparative Photogrammetric Approach For Locating Hot-spots in Spherical Panoramas
* Virtualising An Ottoman Fortress: Laser Scanning and 3D Modelling For The Development of An Interactive, Immersive Virtual Reality Application
* Wooden Trusses Reconstruction and Analysis Through Parametric 3d Modeling
110 for 3DARCH19

Index for "3"

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