Desobry, D.
Standard Author Listing
with: Corman, E.: Frame Fields for CAD Models
with: Protais, F.: Frame Fields for CAD Models
with: Ray, N.: Frame Fields for CAD Models
with: Sokolov, D.: Frame Fields for CAD Models
Desolda, G.
Standard Author Listing
with: Ardito, C.: Interaction with Large Displays: A Survey
with: Balducci, F.: Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heri...
with: Buono, P.: Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heritag...
with: Buono, P.: Interaction with Large Displays: A Survey
with: Costabile, M.F.: Interaction with Large Displays: A Survey
with: Impedovo, D.: Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heri...
with: Piccinno, A.: Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heri...
7 for Desolda, G.
Desoli, G.
Standard Author Listing
with: Boesch, T.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural...
with: Chawla, N.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural...
with: d'Alto, V.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural...
with: de Ambroggi, F.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded N...
with: Guidetti, E.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neur...
with: Majo, T.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural N...
with: Pau, D.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural Ne...
with: Plebani, E.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neura...
with: Singh, S.P.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neura...
with: Tomaselli, V.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neu...
with: Urlini, G.: Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural...
11 for Desoli, G.
Desoli, G.S.
Standard Author Listing
with: Accame, M.: Adaptive 3D interpolation and two-source video coding
with: de Natale, F.G.B.: Adaptive 3D interpolation and two-source video coding
with: Giusto, D.D.: Adaptive 3D interpolation and two-source video coding
Desolneux, A.
Standard Author Listing
with: Abraham, I.: Significant edges in the case of non-stationary Gaussian ...
with: Abraham, R.: Significant edges in the case of non-stationary Gaussian ...
with: Almansa, A.: Vanishing point detection without any a priori information
with: Almansa, A.: Vanishing Points are Meaningful Gestalts
with: Almecija, T.: 3D Mathematical Breast Texture Model With Parameters Aut...
with: Cao, F.: Unified Framework for Detecting Groups and Application to Sha...
with: Carton, A.K.: 3D Mathematical Breast Texture Model With Parameters Aut...
with: Coupier, D.: Image Denoising by Statistical Area Thresholding
with: Davy, A.: Detection of Small Anomalies on Moving Background
with: de Bortoli, V.: Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis
with: de Bortoli, V.: Patch Redundancy in Images: A Statistical Testing Fram...
with: de Carvalho, P.M.: 3D Mathematical Breast Texture Model With Parameter...
with: Delon, J.: Color Image Segmentation Using Acceptable Histogram Segment...
with: Delon, J.: Nonparametric Approach for Histogram Segmentation, A
with: Delon, J.: Optimal Transport Between GMM for Multiscale Texture Synthe...
with: Delon, J.: PARIGI: a Patch-based Approach to Remove Impulse-Gaussian N...
with: Delon, J.: Patch-Based Approach for Removing Impulse or Mixed Gaussian...
with: Delon, J.: RNLp: Mixing Nonlocal and TV-Lp Methods to Remove Impulse N...
with: Delon, J.: Stabilization Of Flicker-Like Effects in Image Sequences Th...
with: Delon, J.: Unified Framework for Detecting Groups and Application to S...
with: Delon, J.: Wasserstein-Type Distance in the Space of Gaussian Mixture ...
with: Dore, F.: Anisotropic A Contrario Framework for the Detection of Conve...
with: Facq, L.: Optimal Transport Between GMM for Multiscale Texture Synthesis
with: Galerne, B.: Determinantal Point Processes for Image Processing
with: Galerne, B.: Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis
with: Galerne, B.: Patch Redundancy in Images: A Statistical Testing Framewo...
with: Guillemot, T.: PARIGI: a Patch-based Approach to Remove Impulse-Gaussi...
with: Hachama, M.: Bayesian Technique for Image Classifying Registration
with: Hachama, M.: Combining Registration and Abnormality Detection in Mammo...
with: Ladjal, S.: Dequantizing image orientation
with: Launay, C.: Determinantal Point Processes for Image Processing
with: Leclaire, A.: Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis
with: Leclaire, A.: Optimal Transport Between GMM for Multiscale Texture Syn...
with: Leclaire, A.: Patch Redundancy in Images: A Statistical Testing Framew...
with: Leclaire, A.: Stochastic Image Models from SIFT-Like Descriptors
with: Leclaire, A.: Stochastic Image Reconstruction from Local Histograms of...
with: Li, Z.J.: 3D Mathematical Breast Texture Model With Parameters Automat...
with: Lisani, J.L.: Color Image Segmentation Using Acceptable Histogram Segm...
with: Lisani, J.L.: Nonparametric Approach for Histogram Segmentation, A
with: Moisan, L.: Dequantizing image orientation
with: Moisan, L.: Edge Detection by Helmholtz Principle
with: Moisan, L.: From Gestalt Theory to Image Analysis: A Probabilistic App...
with: Moisan, L.: grouping principle and four applications, A
with: Moisan, L.: Meaningful Alignments
with: Morel, J.M.: Conditional Gaussian Models for Texture Synthesis
with: Morel, J.M.: Conditional Multiscale Locally Gaussian Texture Synthesis...
with: Morel, J.M.: Dequantizing image orientation
with: Morel, J.M.: Detection of Small Anomalies on Moving Background
with: Morel, J.M.: Edge Detection by Helmholtz Principle
with: Morel, J.M.: From Gestalt Theory to Image Analysis: A Probabilistic Ap...
with: Morel, J.M.: grouping principle and four applications, A
with: Morel, J.M.: Locally Gaussian exemplar based texture synthesis
with: Morel, J.M.: Meaningful Alignments
with: Morel, J.M.: Multiscale Exemplar Based Texture Synthesis by Locally Ga...
with: Muller, S.: 3D Mathematical Breast Texture Model With Parameters Autom...
with: Muse, P.: Unified Framework for Detecting Groups and Application to Sh...
with: Petro, A.B.: Color Image Segmentation Using Acceptable Histogram Segme...
with: Petro, A.B.: Nonparametric Approach for Histogram Segmentation, A
with: Raad, L.: Conditional Gaussian Models for Texture Synthesis
with: Raad, L.: Conditional Multiscale Locally Gaussian Texture Synthesis Al...
with: Raad, L.: Locally Gaussian exemplar based texture synthesis
with: Raad, L.: Multiscale Exemplar Based Texture Synthesis by Locally Gauss...
with: Richard, F.J.P.: Bayesian Technique for Image Classifying Registration
with: Richard, F.J.P.: Combining Registration and Abnormality Detection in M...
with: Sur, F.: Unified Framework for Detecting Groups and Application to Sha...
with: Sutour, C.: RNLp: Mixing Nonlocal and TV-Lp Methods to Remove Impulse ...
with: Te, S.L.T.: Significant edges in the case of non-stationary Gaussian n...
with: Vamech, S.: Vanishing point detection without any a priori information
with: Vamech, S.: Vanishing Points are Meaningful Gestalts
with: Viano, A.: RNLp: Mixing Nonlocal and TV-Lp Methods to Remove Impulse N...
with: Ycart, B.: Image Denoising by Statistical Area Thresholding
71 for Desolneux, A.
DeSoto, L.
Standard Author Listing
with: Anderson, P.: Stereo and Multiplanar Video Display of 3-D Magnetic Res...
with: Haralick, R.M.: Stereo and Multiplanar Video Display of 3-D Magnetic R...
with: Johnson, R.: Stereo and Multiplanar Video Display of 3-D Magnetic Reso...
with: Kim, Y.: Stereo and Multiplanar Video Display of 3-D Magnetic Resonanc...
with: Nelson, A.: Stereo and Multiplanar Video Display of 3-D Magnetic Reson...
DeSouza Machado, S.
Standard Author Listing
with: Buczkowski, S.: Climate Hyperspectral Infrared Radiance Product (CHIRP...
with: Hepplewhite, C.: Climate Hyperspectral Infrared Radiance Product (CHIR...
with: Motteler, H.: Climate Hyperspectral Infrared Radiance Product (CHIRP) ...
with: Strow, L.L.: Climate Hyperspectral Infrared Radiance Product (CHIRP) C...
DeSouza, G.
Standard Author Listing
with: Demby's, J.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Atten...
with: Farag, R.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Attenti...
with: Gao, Y.X.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Attenti...
with: Montoya, K.G.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Att...
with: Omotara, G.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Atten...
with: Tousi, S.M.A.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Att...
with: Upadhay, P.: EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Atten...
7 for DeSouza, G.