Index for zhug

Zhuge, C. Co Author Listing * Attribute-guided Feature Extraction and Augmentation Robust Learning for Vehicle Re-identification

Zhuge, F.[Feng] Co Author Listing * Performance Evaluation of the CFAR Vehicle Detection Algorithm

Zhuge, H. Co Author Listing * Assessment of Service Protocol Adaptability Based on Novel Walk Computation

Zhuge, J.C.[Jing Chang] Co Author Listing * Airplane wing deformation and flight flutter detection method by using three-dimensional speckle image correlation technology
* Self-calibration method for rotating laser positioning system using interscanning technology and ultrasonic ranging
Includes: Zhuge, J.C.[Jing Chang] Zhuge, J.C.[Jing-Chang]

Zhuge, J.J.[Jing Jing] Co Author Listing * Multi-level and multi-scale deep saliency network for salient object detection
Includes: Zhuge, J.J.[Jing Jing] Zhuge, J.J.[Jing-Jing]

Zhuge, M.[Mingchen] Co Author Listing * Learning to Identify Critical States for Reinforcement Learning from Videos

Zhuge, M.C.[Ming Chen] Co Author Listing * CubeNet: X-shape connection for camouflaged object detection
* Fast Camouflaged Object Detection via Edge-based Reversible Re-calibration Network
* Kaleido-BERT: Vision-Language Pre-training on Fashion Domain
* NewsNet: A Novel Dataset for Hierarchical Temporal Segmentation
* Salient Object Detection via Integrity Learning
Includes: Zhuge, M.C.[Ming Chen] Zhuge, M.C.[Ming-Chen]

Zhuge, Q. Co Author Listing * Quality-of-Experience-Oriented Autonomous Intersection Control in Vehicular Networks

Zhuge, Q.C.[Qi Chuan] Co Author Listing * Control study of low tube voltage computed tomography angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in diagnosing intracranial micro-aneurysm
Includes: Zhuge, Q.C.[Qi Chuan] Zhuge, Q.C.[Qi-Chuan]

Zhuge, S.[Sheng] Co Author Listing * On-Orbit Calibration for Spaceborne Line Array Camera and LiDAR

Zhuge, W.Z.[Wen Zhang] Co Author Listing * Absent Multiview Semisupervised Classification
* Multi-view subspace learning via bidirectional sparsity
* Unsupervised feature extraction using a learned graph with clustering structure
Includes: Zhuge, W.Z.[Wen Zhang] Zhuge, W.Z.[Wen-Zhang]

Zhuge, X. Co Author Listing * Contour-Based Algorithm for Automated Detection of Overshooting Tops Using Satellite Infrared Imagery, A
* Determining AHI Cloud-Top Phase and Intercomparisons With MODIS Products Over North Pacific
* Modified Kirchhoff Migration for UWB MIMO Array-Based Radar Imaging
* Sparse Aperture MIMO-SAR-Based UWB Imaging System for Concealed Weapon Detection, A
* Three-Dimensional Near-Field MIMO Array Imaging Using Range Migration Techniques
* TVR-DART: A More Robust Algorithm for Discrete Tomography From Limited Projection Data With Automated Gray Value Estimation

Zhuge, X.D.[Xiao Dong] Co Author Listing * Accurate Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Imaging of Concave Objects: A Case Study of Dihedral Structures Under Monostatic Array Configurations
* High-Level Algorithm Prototyping: An Example Extending the TVR-DART Algorithm
Includes: Zhuge, X.D.[Xiao Dong] Zhuge, X.D.[Xiao-Dong]

Zhuge, X.Y.[Xiao Yong] Co Author Listing * AHI-Derived Daytime Cloud Optical/Microphysical Properties and Their Evaluations With the Collection-6.1 MOD06 Product
* Applications of the Advanced Radiative Transfer Modeling System (ARMS) to Characterize the Performance of Fengyun-4A/AGRI
* Fast Cloud Detection Algorithm Applicable to Monitoring and Nowcasting of Daytime Cloud Systems, A
* Geostationary Satellite-Based Overshooting Top Detections and Their Relationship to Severe Weather over Eastern China
* New Satellite-Based Indicator for Estimation of the Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Current Intensity, A
* New Type of Red-Green-Blue Composite and Its Application in Tropical Cyclone Center Positioning, A
* Preliminary Analysis of Typical Structures and Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation in Northeastern China Cold Vortexes, A
* Regional Variability in Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Features with Lightning across China: Observations from GPM
* Seasonal and Diurnal Variations in Cloud-Top Phase over the Western North Pacific during 2017-2019
* Statistical Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems Initiated over the Tibetan Plateau in Summer by Fengyun Satellite and Precipitation Estimates
Includes: Zhuge, X.Y.[Xiao Yong] Zhuge, X.Y.[Xiao-Yong] Zhuge, X.Y.
10 for Zhuge, X.Y.

Zhuge, Y.[Ying] Co Author Listing * 3D automatic anatomy segmentation based on graph cut-oriented active appearance models
* Intensity standardization simplifies brain MR image segmentation
* Iterative relative fuzzy connectedness for multiple objects with multiple seeds
* Joint Learning of Saliency Detection and Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Medical Image Segmentation by Combining Graph Cuts and Oriented Active Appearance Models
* Vectorial scale-based fuzzy-connected image segmentation
Includes: Zhuge, Y.[Ying] Zhuge, Y.

Zhuge, Y.C.[Yi Chao] Co Author Listing * N-YOLO: A SAR Ship Detection Using Noise-Classifying and Complete-Target Extraction
Includes: Zhuge, Y.C.[Yi Chao] Zhuge, Y.C.[Yi-Chao]

Zhuge, Y.Z.[Yun Zhi] Co Author Listing * Boundary-Guided Feature Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection
* CTVIS: Consistent Training for Online Video Instance Segmentation
* Multi-granularity Transformer for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Source Weak Supervision for Saliency Detection
Includes: Zhuge, Y.Z.[Yun Zhi] Zhuge, Y.Z.[Yun-Zhi]

Zhuge, Z.Y.[Zheng Yang] Co Author Listing * Eesrnet: A Network for Energy Efficient Super-resolution
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
Includes: Zhuge, Z.Y.[Zheng Yang] Zhuge, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yang]

Index for "z"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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