Semedi, B.[Bambang]
Co Author Listing * Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Feeding Ground of Immature Albacore in the Southern Indian Ocean Using Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Data
Semedo, A.[Alvaro]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of HF Radar Wave Measurements in Iberian Peninsula by Comparison with Satellite Altimetry and in Situ Wave Buoy Observations
* Intertidal Bathymetry Extraction with Multispectral Images: A Logistic Regression Approach
Includes: Semedo, A.[Alvaro] Semedo, Á.[Álvaro]
Semedo, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Temporal Convolutional Networks for Robust Face Liveness Detection
Semedo, H.[Helio]
Co Author Listing * Satellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace the Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014-2015 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde)
Includes: Semedo, H.[Helio] Semedo, H.[Hélio]
Semeikina, E.V.[Ekaterina V.]
Co Author Listing * Efficient sampling strategy and refinement strategy for randomized circle detection
Semeki, J.
Co Author Listing * WIMUAS: Developing a Tool to Review Wildlife Data from Various UAS Flight Plans
Semela, M.[Marek]
Co Author Listing * Multimodal Features for Detection of Driver Stress and Fatigue: Review
Semella, S.[Sebastian]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning Framework for the Classification of Natura 2000 Habitat Types at Large Spatial Scales Using MODIS Surface Reflectance Data, A
Semenikhina, D.V.[Diana V.]
Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Cylindrical Markers Using Metamaterials
Semenishchev, E.
Co Author Listing * Thermal Image Enhancement Algorithm Using Local And Global Logarithmic Transform Histogram Matching With Spatial Equalization
Semeniuk, I.
Co Author Listing * New Approaches for Monitoring Image Data
Semeniuta, S.
Co Author Listing * Facial expression recognition under a wide range of head poses
* Robust Real-Time Extreme Head Pose Estimation
Includes: Semeniuta, S. Semeniuta, S.[Stanislau]
Semenkov, I.[Illya]
Co Author Listing * NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
Semenoglou, A.A.[Artemios Anargyros]
Co Author Listing * Data augmentation for univariate time series forecasting with neural networks
Includes: Semenoglou, A.A.[Artemios Anargyros] Semenoglou, A.A.[Artemios-Anargyros]
Semenov, A.A.
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Function and Restoration of Remotely Sensed Images
Semenov, A.V.[Aleksander V.]
Co Author Listing * Spatio-Temporal Variability of Wind Energy in the Caspian Sea: An Ecosystem Service Modeling Approach
Semenov, B.
Co Author Listing * Spice Tools Supporting Planetary Remote Sensing
Semenov, I.[Ilya]
Co Author Listing * ArcGeo: Localizing Limited Field-of-View Images using Cross-view Matching
Semenov, P.[Piotr]
Co Author Listing * Toward Accurate Feature Detectors Performance Evaluation
Semenov, S.Y.
Co Author Listing * Dielectrical spectroscopy of canine myocardium during acute ischemia and hypoxia at frequency spectrum from 100 khz to 6 ghz
Semenov, T.A.[Timofey A.]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning Based on Minimizing Robust Mean Estimates
Semenovich, D.[Dimitri]
Co Author Listing * Geometry Aware Local Kernels for Object Recognition
* Predicting onsets of genocide with sparse additive models
* spectral method for context based disambiguation of image annotations, A
* Tensor Power Method for Efficient MAP Inference in Higher-order MRFs
Sementille, A.C.[Antonio Carlos]
Co Author Listing * ARISupport: Interaction Support for Augmented Reality Systems
* Efficient parallelization on GPU of an image smoothing method based on a variational model
* Mutual occlusion between real and virtual elements in Augmented Reality based on fiducial markers
* Techniques of medical image processing and analysis accelerated by high-performance computing: a systematic literature review
Includes: Sementille, A.C.[Antonio Carlos] Sementille, A.C.[Antonio C.]
Sementilli, P.J.
Co Author Listing * Lossy and lossless image compression using reversible integer wavelet transforms
* Progressive Image Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantization
* Progressive Transmission in Trellis Coded Quantization-Based Image Coders
* Scalable Image Coding Using Reversible Integer Wavelet Transforms
* unified space decomposition formulation of iterative methods in image deconvolution, A
Sementsov, K.A.[Kirill A.]
Co Author Listing * Interpretation of Signals Recorded by Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauges during the Passage of Atmospheric Lamb Wave on 15 January 2022
Semenza, F.[Filippo]
Co Author Listing * Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorithms for Revealing Soil Texture
* Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation
Semenzato, A.[Andrea]
Co Author Listing * Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Mercury, as a Starting Point for Stratigraphic Analysis, An
* Mapping and Monitoring Urban Environment through Sentinel-1 SAR Data: A Case Study in the Veneto Region (Italy)
Semeraro, A.[Angelo]
Co Author Listing * Playing into the wild: A gesture-based interface for gaming in public spaces
Semeraro, F.
Co Author Listing * RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
Semeraro, G.
Co Author Listing * Automated Acquisition of Rules for Document Understanding
* Classification in Noisy Environments Using a Distance Measure Between Structural Symbolic Descriptions
* Comparative-Analysis of Methods for Pruning Decision Trees, A
* Experimental Page Layout Recognition System for Office Document Automatic Classification: An Integrated Approach for Inductive Generalization, An
* Flexible Matching for Noisy Structural Descriptions
* Information Capture and Semantic Indexing of Digital Libraries Through Machine Learning Techniques
* Knowledge-Based Approach to the Layout Analysis, A
* Machine learning methods for automatically processing historical documents: from paper acquisition to XML transformation
8 for Semeraro, G.
Semeraro, T.[Teodoro]
Co Author Listing * Recurrence Analysis of Vegetation Indices for Highlighting the Ecosystem Response to Drought Events: An Application to the Amazon Forest
* Urban Morphology and Surface Urban Heat Island Relationship During Heat Waves: A Study of Milan and Lecce (Italy)
Semerci, O.
Co Author Listing * Parametric Level-Set Approach to Simultaneous Object Identification and Background Reconstruction for Dual-Energy Computed Tomography, A
* Tensor-Based Formulation and Nuclear Norm Regularization for Multienergy Computed Tomography
Semerdzhieva, L.[Lidiya]
Co Author Listing * Methodological Framework for High-Resolution Surface Urban Heat Island Mapping: Integration of UAS Remote Sensing, GIS, and the Local Climate Zoning Concept, A
Semerjian, B.[Ben]
Co Author Listing * New Variational Framework for Multiview Surface Reconstruction, A
Semertzidis, T.
Co Author Listing * 3D content generation for autostereoscopic displays
* Automated Visual Traffic Monitoring and Surveillance Through a Network of Distributed Units
* evolve2vec: Learning Network Representations Using Temporal Unfolding
* Improved 3D video synthesis combining graph cuts and chroma key technology
* influence of image descriptors' dimensions' value cardinalities on large-scale similarity search, The
* Reliability Object Layer for Deep Hashing-Based Visual Indexing, A
* RobusterNet: Improving Copy-Move Forgery Detection with Volterra-based Convolutions
* Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographies and Multi-Hypothesis Tracking
* Video and Signal Based Surveillance for Airport Applications
Includes: Semertzidis, T. Semertzidis, T.[Theodoros]
9 for Semertzidis, T.
Semertzidou, A.[Anastasia]
Co Author Listing * harAGE: A Novel Multimodal Smartwatch-based Dataset for Human Activity Recognition
Semeter, J.[Joshua]
Co Author Listing * Reconstruction of Fine-Scale Auroral Dynamics