Kaza, S.[Srinivas]
Co Author Listing * DreamBooth3D: Subject-Driven Text-to-3D Generation
* Topological Analysis of Criminal Activity Networks: Enhancing Transportation Security
Includes: Kaza, S.[Srinivas] Kaza, S.
Kazachevskaya, T.V.[Tamara V.]
Co Author Listing * Solar Extreme and Far Ultraviolet Radiation Modeling for Aeronomic Calculations
Kazadi, S.
Co Author Listing * Identification of Shapes Using A Nonlinear Dynamic System
Kazadzis, S.[Stelios]
Co Author Listing * 15-Year Analysis of Direct Effects of Total and Dust Aerosols in Solar Radiation/Energy over the Mediterranean Basin
* Assessing Lidar Ratio Impact on CALIPSO Retrievals Utilized for the Estimation of Aerosol SW Radiative Effects across North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe
* Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt
* Effect of Aerosol Vertical Distribution on the Modeling of Solar Radiation
* Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on the Levels of Surface Solar Radiation and Solar Energy in Cyprus
* Solar Energy Estimations in India Using Remote Sensing Technologies and Validation with Sun Photometers in Urban Areas
* Twenty-Year Climatology of Solar UV and PAR in Cyprus: Integrating Satellite Earth Observations with Radiative Transfer Modeling
7 for Kazadzis, S.
Kazahaya, R.[Ryunosuke]
Co Author Listing * Two Independent Light Dilution Corrections for the SO2 Camera Retrieve Comparable Emission Rates at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
Kazai, G.[Gabriella]
Co Author Listing * ICDAR 2009 Book Structure Extraction Competition
* ICDAR 2011 Book Structure Extraction Competition
* ICDAR 2013 Competition on Book Structure Extraction
* Setting up a competition framework for the evaluation of structure extraction from OCR-ed books
Kazak, J.K.[Jan K.]
Co Author Listing * Use of Common Knowledge in Fuzzy Logic Approach for Vineyard Site Selection, The
Kazak, N.[Nihan]
Co Author Listing * Some variants of spiral LBP in texture recognition
Kazakevich, E.
Co Author Listing * Stereoscopic imaging by alternately blocking light
Kazakevich, Y.E.[Yuri E.]
Co Author Listing * Stereoscopic autofocusing based on comparing the left and right eye images
Kazakeviciute Januskeviciene, G.[Giruta]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Segmentation of RGB Remote Sensing Images: A Subjective Approach
Includes: Kazakeviciute Januskeviciene, G.[Giruta] Kazakeviciute-Januskeviciene, G.[Giruta]
Kazakeviciute, A.
Co Author Listing * Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging Artifact Removal and Denoising Using Time Series Model-Based Spectral Noise Estimation
Kazakhmedov, K.
Co Author Listing * Real-time Semantic SLAM with DCNN-based Feature Point Detection, Matching and Dense Point Cloud Aggregation
* Semantic Scene Understanding for the Autonomous Platform
Kazakis, N.[Nerantzis]
Co Author Listing * Snowfall Variation in Eastern Mediterranean Catchments
Kazakopoulos, P.[Pavlos]
Co Author Listing * Is Spatial Resolution Critical in Urbanization Velocity Analysis? Investigations in the Pearl River Delta
Kazakos, D.
Co Author Listing * New Results on Robust Quantization
* On an optimal linear pattern classification procedure
Includes: Kazakos, D. Kazakos, D.[Dimitri]
Kazakos, E.
Co Author Listing * EPIC-Fusion: Audio-Visual Temporal Binding for Egocentric Action Recognition
* EPIC-KITCHENS Dataset: Collection, Challenges and Baselines, The
* Inferring Human Activities Using Robust Privileged Probabilistic Learning
* On the Fusion of RGB and Depth Information for Hand Pose Estimation
* Rescaling Egocentric Vision: Collection, Pipeline and Challenges for EPIC-KITCHENS-100
* Scaling Egocentric Vision: The Epic Kitchens Dataset
* TIM: A Time Interval Machine for Audio-Visual Action Recognition
Includes: Kazakos, E. Kazakos, E.[Evangelos]
7 for Kazakos, E.
Kazakov, E.[Eduard]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Data Gap-Filling with Open-Source Implementation: An Example Regarding Land Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo and NDVI, A
* Sea Ice Drift Tracking From Sequential SAR Images Using Accelerated-KAZE Features
Includes: Kazakov, E.[Eduard] Kazakov, E.
Kazakov, M.[Maxim]
Co Author Listing * DeepMark++: Real-time Clothing Detection at the Edge
* DeepMark: One-Shot Clothing Detection
* Efficient grouping for keypoint detection
Includes: Kazakov, M.[Maxim] Kazakov, M.
Kazana, E.
Co Author Listing * Topcon's PI-3000 in the Inventory of Data Relating to Sculptural and Portable Artifacts
Kazanci, H.O.[Huseyin Ozgur]
Co Author Listing * Differential photon waves imaging
Kazanis, S.
Co Author Listing * Developing A Virtual Museum for the Ancient Wine Trade in Eastern Mediterranean
Kazanov, M.
Co Author Listing * Modification of watershed transformation for images, containing small objects
* new color image segmentation algorithm based on watershed transformation, A
Kazanov, M.D.[Marat D.]
Co Author Listing * ANA HEp-2 cells image classification using number, size, shape and localization of targeted cell regions
* Classification of ANA HEp-2 slide images using morphological features of stained patterns
* Evaluation and Comparison of Current Fetal Ultrasound Image Segmentation Methods for Biometric Measurements: A Grand Challenge
Includes: Kazanov, M.D.[Marat D.] Kazanov, M.D.
Kazanskiy, N.
Co Author Listing * Comparative evaluation of deblurring techniques for Fresnel lens computational imaging
* Deep Learning-Based Imaging using Single-Lens and Multi-Aperture Diffractive Optical Systems
* Evaluating imaging quality of the offner hyperspectrometer
* First Earth-Imaging CubeSat with Harmonic Diffractive Lens
Includes: Kazanskiy, N. Kazanskiy, N.[Nikolay]
Kazanskiy, N.L.[Nikolay L.]
Co Author Listing * Using a Binary Diffractive Optical Element to Increase the Imaging System Depth of Field in UAV Remote Sensing Tasks
Kazansky, A.B.[Alexander B.]
Co Author Listing * Reconstruction of the Dynamics of Drosophila Genes Expression from Sets of Images Sharing a Common Pattern
Kazantsev, D.
Co Author Listing * Iterative CT Reconstruction Algorithm for Fast Fluid Flow Imaging, An
Kazantsev, I.
Co Author Listing * New Formula of the Radon Transform Inversion, A
Kazantsev, I.G.
Co Author Listing * Fourier-Based Reconstruction for Fully 3-D PET: Optimization of Interpolation Parameters
* Iterative tomographic image reconstruction using Fourier-based forward and back-projectors
* On the accuracy of line-, strip- and fan-based algebraic reconstruction from few projections
* Radon transform-based analysis of bidirectional structural textures, The
* Statistical detection of defects in radiographic images in nondestructive testing
* Tomographic artefacts suppression via backprojection operator optimization
* weighted backprojection techniques of image reconstruction, The
Includes: Kazantsev, I.G. Kazantsev, I.G.[Ivan G.]
7 for Kazantsev, I.G.
Kazantsev, V.S.
Co Author Listing * Solving of optimization and identification problems by the committee methods
Kazantzaki, E.
Co Author Listing * Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation
* Wize Mirror: A smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system
Includes: Kazantzaki, E. Kazantzaki, E.[Eleni]
Kazantzidis, A.[Andreas]
Co Author Listing * Analyzing Spatial Variations of Cloud Attenuation by a Network of All-Sky Imagers
* Machine Learning Approach to Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth Using Solar Radiation Measurements, A
* Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Derived Irradiance Nowcasts
Kazantzidis, I.
Co Author Listing * Profile Hidden Markov Models for Foreground Object Modelling
* Vide-omics: A genomics-inspired paradigm for video analysis
Includes: Kazantzidis, I. Kazantzidis, I.[Ioannis]
Kazanzides, P.
Co Author Listing * Image-Directed Robotic System For Precise Orthopedic-Surgery, An
* Intraoperative Image-based Multiview 2D/3D Registration for Image-Guided Orthopaedic Surgery: Incorporation of Fiducial-Based C-Arm Tracking and GPU-Acceleration
Kazar, T.M.[Tamas Marton]
Co Author Listing * Quantifying Cyber Risks: The Impact of DoS Attacks on Vehicle Safety in V2X Networks
Includes: Kazar, T.M.[Tamas Marton] Kazár, T.M.[Tamás Márton]
Kazarin, S.N.
Co Author Listing * Stereoscopic Navigation System, A
Kazasidis, O.[Orestis]
Co Author Listing * Aberration balancing using an image-sharpness metric
Kazaura, K.
Co Author Listing * High-speed image detector appliance in free space optical communication