Hare, C.
Co Author Listing * comparison of techniques to optimize measurement of voltage changes in electrical impedance tomography by minimizing phase shift errors, A
Hare, J.[Jonathon]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic-OFA: Runtime DNN Architecture Switching for Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms
* hybrid MLP-CNN classifier for very fine resolution remotely sensed image classification, A
* Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An open-source platform and testbed
* Iterative Deconvolution of Linearly Blurred Images Using Non-parametric Stabilizing Functions, The
* Opportunities for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence In National Mapping Agencies: Enhancing Ordnance Survey Workflow
* TinyOps: ImageNet Scale Deep Learning on Microcontrollers
* VPRS-Based Regional Decision Fusion of CNN and MRF Classifications for Very Fine Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
Includes: Hare, J.[Jonathon] Hare, J.
7 for Hare, J.
Hare, J.A.[Jonathan A.]
Co Author Listing * Automated Thematic Registration of NOAA, CoastWatch, and AVHRR Images
Hare, J.S.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Semantic Face Recognition
* Detecting heel strikes for gait analysis through acceleration flow
* Detection of social events in streams of social multimedia
* Efficient clustering and quantisation of SIFT features: exploiting characteristics of the SIFT descriptor and interest region detectors under image inversion
* ImageTerrier: an extensible platform for scalable high-performance image retrieval
* Linear-Algebraic Technique with an Application in Semantic Image Retrieval, A
* On Image Retrieval Using Salient Regions with Vector-Spaces and Latent Semantics
* On parameterizing higher-order motion for behaviour recognition
* Salient Regions for Query by Image Content
* Semantic Facets: An In-Depth Analysis of a Semantic Image Retrieval System
* Semantic spaces revisited: investigating the performance of auto-annotation and semantic retrieval using semantic spaces
Includes: Hare, J.S. Hare, J.S.[Jonathon S.]
11 for Hare, J.S.
Hare, J.Z.[J. Zach]
Co Author Listing * Mixed Reality Visualization of Friendly vs Hostile Decision Dynamics
* StarCraftImage: A Dataset For Prototyping Spatial Reasoning Methods For Multi-Agent Environments
Includes: Hare, J.Z.[J. Zach] Hare, J.Z.[James Z.]
Hare, M.P.[Matthew P.]
Co Author Listing * Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simulation of policy scenarios in spatially-distributed systems
Hare, S.[Sam]
Co Author Listing * Efficient online structured output learning for keypoint-based object tracking
* Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
Hare, T.[Timothy]
Co Author Listing * High-Density LiDAR Mapping of the Ancient City of Mayapán
* Utility of Viking Orbiter Images and Products for Mars Mapping
Includes: Hare, T.[Timothy] Hare, T.[Trent]
Hare, T.A.[Todd A.]
Co Author Listing * On the reproducibility of in vivo temporal signal-to-noise ratio and its utility as a predictor of subject-level t-values in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Hare, T.M.[Trent M.]
Co Author Listing * Current Status of the Community Sensor Model Standard for the Generation of Planetary Digital Terrain Models
* Evaluating Stereo Digital Terrain Model Quality at Mars Rover Landing Sites with HRSC, CTX, and HiRISE Images
* Evaluating Stereo DTM Quality At Jezero Crater, Mars with Hrsc, Ctx, And Hirise Images
* Further Adventures in Mars DTM Quality: Smoothing Errors, Sharpening Details
* Towards a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
Includes: Hare, T.M.[Trent M.] Hare, T.M.
Haredasht, F.N.[Fateme Nateghi]
Co Author Listing * Supervised fuzzy partitioning
Hareesh, A.S.[A. Sai]
Co Author Listing * fast and simple gradient function guided filling order prioritization for exemplar-based color image inpainting, A
Hareesh, G.
Co Author Listing * Nyquist Pulses for Sub-Nyquist Sampling: Application to Underwater Imaging
Harel, J.[Jonathan]
Co Author Listing * Image Signature: Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions
Harel, M.
Co Author Listing * Perturbed Variation, The
Harel, N.[Nadav]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Post-Model-Selection Estimation
* Clinical deep brain stimulation region prediction using regression forests from high-field MRI
* TAPS: Temporal Attention-based Pruning and Scaling for Efficient Video Action Recognition
Includes: Harel, N.[Nadav] Harel, N.[Noam] Harel, N.[Nimrod]
Harel, O.
Co Author Listing * Extension of the MFLRT to Detect an Unknown Deterministic Signal Using Multiple Sensors, Applied for Precipitation Detection
Harel, P.[Peleg]
Co Author Listing * Crossing cuts polygonal puzzles: Models and Solvers
* Pictorial and Apictorial Polygonal Jigsaw Puzzles from Arbitrary Number of Crossing Cuts
Harel, S.[Shai]
Co Author Listing * Effective face frontalization in unconstrained images
* Face recognition using deep multi-pose representations
* Learning Pose-Aware Models for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
* Pooling Faces: Template Based Face Recognition with Pooled Face Images
Includes: Harel, S.[Shai] Harel, S.
Harell, A.[Alon]
Co Author Listing * Base Layer Efficiency in Scalable Human-Machine Coding
Harenda, K.M.[Kamila M.]
Co Author Listing * Impact of Atmospheric Optical Properties on Net Ecosystem Productivity of Peatland in Poland
* Modification of Local Urban Aerosol Properties by Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol
* Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Optical Properties (VIS/NIR) over Wetland Environment: POLIMOS-2018 Field Campaign
Harenstam Nielsen, L.[Linus]
Co Author Listing * Diffcd: A Symmetric Differentiable Chamfer Distance for Neural Implicit Surface Fitting
* Online Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Ever-Changing Conditions
* Optimal least-squares solution to the hand-eye calibration problem
* Semidefinite Relaxations for Robust Multiview Triangulation
* To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Harenstam Nielsen, L.[Linus] Härenstam-Nielsen, L.[Linus] (Maybe also Haerenstam-Nielsen, L.)Härenstam-Nielsen, L. (Maybe also Haerenstam-Nielsen, L.)
Haresh, S.[Sanjay]
Co Author Listing * Articulated 3D Human-Object Interactions From RGB Videos: An Empirical Analysis of Approaches and Challenges
* Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives
* Habitat Synthetic Scenes Dataset (HSSD-200): An Analysis of 3D Scene Scale and Realism Tradeoffs for ObjectGoal Navigation
* Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
* Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation Learning and Online Clustering
Haresign, T.
Co Author Listing * Composition of Biosonar Images for Target Recognition by Echolocating Bats
Harezlak, K.[Katarzyna]
Co Author Listing * Judging Qualification, Gender, and Age of the Observer Based on Gaze Patterns When Looking at Faces