* *Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, III
* *Remote Sensing and Reconstruction for Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes
* 3-Dimensional Description of Scenes Observed in Aerial-Photography
* 3-Dimensional Invariants and Their Application to Object Recognition
* Accurate 3D Localization of a Camera Using a Guide-Mark, An
* Adaptive Approach to Scale Selection for Line and Edge-Detection, An
* Adaptive Scale Filtering: A General-Method For Obtaining Shape From Texture
* Affinity-Weighted Neural Network Motion Estimation for MPEG Coding
* Automatic Calibration and Removal of Distortion from Scenes of Structured Environments
* Automatic Target Segmentation by Locally Adaptive Image Thresholding
* Automatic tracking camera control system
* Bayesian-Approach To Model-Matching With Geometric Hashing, A
* Bounds on Shape-Recognition Performance
* Building 3-D Models from Unregistered Range Images
* Catching Moving-Objects with Snakes for Motion Tracking
* Class-Dependent Discretization for Inductive Learning from Continuous and Mixed-Mode Data
* Complete 3D Boundary Representation from Multiple Range Images: Exploiting Geometric Constraints
* Computer Vision System for Extravehicular Activity Helper Retriever, A
* Computer Vision: Compress to Comprehend
* Curve Description Based on Directional Features and Quasi-Convexity Concavity
* Device for monitoring disregard of a traffic signal
* Direct Extraction of Topographic Features for Gray Scale Character Recognition
* Document Image Binarization Preserving Stroke Connectivity
* Dynamic Window-Based Runlength Coding Algorithm Applied to Gray-Level Images, A
* Efficient Color Histogram Indexing for Quadratic Form Distance Functions
* Endoscopic image processing device for estimating three-dimensional shape of object based on detection of same point on a plurality of different images
* Experiments in Active Vision with Real and Virtual Robot Heads
* Extended Class of Scale-Invariant and Recursive Scale Space Filters, An
* Finding Shape Numbers in Parallel
* Fuzzy-Syntactic Approach to Allograph Modeling for Cursive Script Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Integration of Sensor Data and Contextual Information for Automatic Target Recognition
* Hierarchical Stereo and Motion Correspondence Using Feature Groupings
* Human face tracking system
* Hypercube Algorithms for Parallel-Processing of Pointer-Based Quadtrees
* Identification And Inspection Of 2-D Objects Using New Moment-Based Shape Descriptors
* Identification card verification system
* Image segmenting apparatus and methods
* Image Thresholding Method Using a Minimum Weighted Squared-Distortion Criterion, An
* Implementation of Some Image Thresholding Algorithms on a Connection Machine-200
* Integration of Shape from Shading and Stereo
* Intensity-Based Cooperative Bidirectional Stereo Matching with Simultaneous Detection of Discontinuities and Occlusions, An
* Localization of Dominant Points for Object Recognition: A Scale-Space Approach
* Machine vision stereo matching
* Modeling Brightness Perception and Syntactical Image Coding
* Multisensor Integration for Underwater Scene Classification
* New Single-Pass Algorithm for Parallel Thinning
* Object Pose from 2-D to 3-D Point and Line Correspondences
* On the Efficient Allocation of Resources for Hypothesis Evaluation: A Statistical Approach
* Optical character recognition method and apparatus
* Optical-Flow by Nonlinear Relaxation
* Optical-Flow Estimation and the Interaction Between Measurement Errors at Adjacent Pixel Positions
* Optimal Gabor Filters for Texture Segmentation
* Optimal Single-Stage Restoration of Subtractive Noise Corrupted Images by a Morphological Closing
* Paraperspective and Projective Factorization Methods for Recovering Shape and Motion, The
* Pattern-Recognition by Graph Matching Using the Potts MFT Neural Networks
* Pattern-Recognition in the Presence of Noise
* Perfect Hash Table Algorithm for Image Databases Using Negative Associated Values
* Pose Estimation Of 3-Dimensional Objects From Single Camera Images
* Rational-Ruled Surfaces: Implicitization and Section Curves
* Recognizing S-Star Polygons
* Relationship Between Monocular and Binocular Depth Cues for Judgments of Spatial Information and Spatial Instrument Design
* Residual Uncertainty in 3-Dimensional Reconstruction Using 2-Planes Calibration and Stereo Methods
* Robot Performance-Measurement and Calibration Using a 3D Computer Vision System
* Robust Algebraic Invariant Methods with Applications in Geometry and Imaging
* Robust Algorithm for Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Role of Fixation and Visual Attention in Object Recognition, The
* Selection of Features and Evaluation of Visual Measurements During Robotic Visual Servoing Tasks
* Sensor driven global motion compensation
* Shapes, Shocks, and Deformations I: The Components of Two-Dimensional Shape and the Reaction-Diffusion Space
* Spherical Representation for Recognition of Free-Form Surfaces, A
* Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects Using Dynamic Disparity Search
* Structural Feature-Extraction Using Multiple Bases
* System and method for storing and retrieving three dimensional shapes using two dimensional contrast images
* System for changing perspective of 3-D images obtained from reflected energy signals
* Theoretical Aspects of Syntactic Pattern-Recognition
* Topology-Oriented Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Voronoi Diagrams
* Tracking Level Sets by Level Sets: A Method for Solving the Shape from Shading Problem
* Unified 3D Models for Multisensor Image Synthesis
* Using Perceptual Inference Networks To Manage Vision Processes
* Variational Approach to Multisensor Fusion of Images, A
* Video contour measurement system employing moire interferometry having a beat frequency pattern
* Video Skimming for Quick Browsing based on Audio and Image Characterization
* Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading
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