Index for mahd

Mahdade, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Le Moine, N.: Preliminary Assessment of a Newly-Defined Multispectral ...

Mahdavi Amiri, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alderson, T.: Offsetting spherical curves in vector and raster form
     with: Arora, H.: Multimodal Shape Completion via Implicit Maximum Likelihood...
     with: Chen, Q.M.: UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network
     with: Chen, Z.Q.: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primi...
     with: Cohen Or, D.: CLiC: Concept Learning in Context
     with: Cohen Or, D.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: D'Alessandro, A.: Afreeca: Annotation-free Counting for All
     with: d'Alessandro, A.C.: Learning-to-Count by Learning-to-Rank
     with: Fatemi, A.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Sce...
     with: Hamarneh, G.: Afreeca: Annotation-free Counting for All
     with: Hamarneh, G.: Learning-to-Count by Learning-to-Rank
     with: Jin, J.C.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes
     with: Leng, B.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes
     with: Li, K.: Multimodal Shape Completion via Implicit Maximum Likelihood Es...
     with: Li, M.: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primitive...
     with: Lira, W.: Slice3D: Multi-Slice, Occlusion-Revealing, Single View 3D Re...
     with: Lira, W.M.P.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street S...
     with: Liu, J.Y.: CAGE: Controllable Articulation GEneration
     with: Liu, J.Y.: PARIS: Part-level Reconstruction and Motion Analysis for Ar...
     with: Ma, R.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes
     with: Merz, J.: UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network
     with: Mikaeili, A.: CLiC: Concept Learning in Context
     with: Mikaeili, A.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Mishra, S.: Multimodal Shape Completion via Implicit Maximum Likelihoo...
     with: Patashnik, O.: CLiC: Concept Learning in Context
     with: Peng, S.C.: Multimodal Shape Completion via Implicit Maximum Likelihoo...
     with: Perel, O.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Safaee, M.: CLiC: Concept Learning in Context
     with: Safaee, M.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Samavati, F.F.: Offsetting spherical curves in vector and raster form
     with: Sanghi, A.: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primi...
     with: Sanghi, A.: UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network
     with: Savva, M.: CAGE: Controllable Articulation GEneration
     with: Savva, M.: PARIS: Part-level Reconstruction and Motion Analysis for Ar...
     with: Shayani, H.: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Prim...
     with: Shayani, H.: UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network
     with: Tam, H.I.I.: CAGE: Controllable Articulation GEneration
     with: Tanveer, M.: DS-Fusion: Artistic Typography via Discriminated and Styl...
     with: Wang, W.Q.: Slice3D: Multi-Slice, Occlusion-Revealing, Single View 3D ...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: DS-Fusion: Artistic Typography via Discriminated and Styli...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Slice3D: Multi-Slice, Occlusion-Revealing, Single View 3D ...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Sweepnet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neur...
     with: Yu, F.G.: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primiti...
     with: Yu, F.G.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes
     with: Yu, F.G.: Sweepnet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neural...
     with: Zhang, H.: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primit...
     with: Zhang, H.: DS-Fusion: Artistic Typography via Discriminated and Styliz...
     with: Zhang, H.: RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes
     with: Zhang, H.: Slice3D: Multi-Slice, Occlusion-Revealing, Single View 3D R...
     with: Zhang, H.: UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network
     with: Zhao, M.R.: Sweepnet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neur...
     with: Zou, C.Q.: Sweepnet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neura...
52 for Mahdavi Amiri, A.

Mahdavi Nasab, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Irannejad, M.: Sparse representation based intraframe and semi-intrafr...

Mahdavi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borujeni, S.E.: Modification in spatial, extraction from transform: Ke...
     with: Darvish Morshedi Hosseini, M.: Modification in spatial, extraction fro...
     with: Sabeti, V.: Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel ...
     with: Samavi, S.: Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel ...
     with: Shirani, S.: Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel...
     with: Sun, L.: Visual Parsing with Query-Driven Global Graph Attention (QD-G...
     with: Zanibbi, R.: Visual Parsing with Query-Driven Global Graph Attention (...
7 for Mahdavi, M.

Mahdavi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afshar, M.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The ...
     with: Akhoondzadeh, M.: Wildfire Damage Assessment over Australia Using Sent...
     with: Amani, M.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform...
     with: Amani, M.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The F...
     with: Amani, M.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Marine H...
     with: Amani, M.: Flood Hazard Mapping Using Fuzzy Logic, Analytical Hierarch...
     with: Amani, M.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the Gr...
     with: Amani, M.: Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery with...
     with: Amani, M.: Iranian Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat-8 Imagery and Rand...
     with: Amani, M.: PolSAR Change Detection Index Based on Neighborhood Informa...
     with: Amani, M.: Spectral analysis of wetlands using multi-source optical sa...
     with: Amani, M.: Wildfire Damage Assessment over Australia Using Sentinel-2 ...
     with: Banks, S.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The F...
     with: Bourgeau Chavez, L.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses...
     with: Brisco, B.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platfor...
     with: Brisco, B.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The ...
     with: Brisco, B.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the G...
     with: Brisco, B.: PolSAR Change Detection Index Based on Neighborhood Inform...
     with: Brisco, B.: Spectral analysis of wetlands using multi-source optical s...
     with: Davidson, A.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platf...
     with: Fisette, T.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platfo...
     with: Ghorbanian, A.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Pla...
     with: Ghorbanian, A.: Flood Hazard Mapping Using Fuzzy Logic, Analytical Hie...
     with: Ghorbanian, A.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in t...
     with: Ghorbanian, A.: Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery...
     with: Ghorbanian, A.: Iranian Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat-8 Imagery and...
     with: Gullage, M.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Marine...
     with: Hasanlou, M.: Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery w...
     with: Hopkinson, C.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: T...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The...
     with: Huang, W.M.: PolSAR Change Detection Index Based on Neighborhood Infor...
     with: Kakooei, M.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platfo...
     with: Kakooei, M.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the ...
     with: Kakooei, M.: Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery wi...
     with: MacDonald, C.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Mari...
     with: Mirzadeh, S.M.J.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine...
     with: Moghimi, A.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platfo...
     with: Moghimi, A.: Flood Hazard Mapping Using Fuzzy Logic, Analytical Hierar...
     with: Moghimi, A.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the ...
     with: Mohammadzadeh, A.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing ...
     with: Mohammadzadeh, A.: Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imag...
     with: Mohammadzadeh, A.: Iranian Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat-8 Imagery ...
     with: Montgomery, J.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: ...
     with: Parsian, S.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Marine...
     with: Parsian, S.: Flood Hazard Mapping Using Fuzzy Logic, Analytical Hierar...
     with: Paudel, A.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the G...
     with: Post, R.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the Gre...
     with: Ranjgar, B.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platfo...
     with: Rollin, P.: Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platfor...
     with: Salehi, B.: PolSAR Change Detection Index Based on Neighborhood Inform...
     with: Salehi, B.: Spectral analysis of wetlands using multi-source optical s...
     with: Seydi, S.T.: Wildfire Damage Assessment over Australia Using Sentinel-...
     with: So, J.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Marine Habi...
     with: Sulaiman, A.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the...
     with: Teasdale, M.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Marin...
     with: Toure, S.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the Gr...
     with: Warren, R.: Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the G...
     with: White, L.: Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The F...
     with: Zhang, F.: Combination of Remote Sensing Datasets for Coastal Marine H...
59 for Mahdavi, S.

Mahdavi, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abolmaesumi, P.: Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate...
     with: Aleef, T.A.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography...
     with: Baghani, A.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography...
     with: Eskandari, H.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastograp...
     with: Goldenberg, S.L.: Fusion of Ultrasound B-Mode and Vibro-Elastography I...
     with: Goldenberg, S.L.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastog...
     with: Lobo, J.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography (S...
     with: Mohammed, S.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastograph...
     with: Moradi, H.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography ...
     with: Moradi, M.: Fusion of Ultrasound B-Mode and Vibro-Elastography Images ...
     with: Morris, W.J.: Fusion of Ultrasound B-Mode and Vibro-Elastography Image...
     with: Morris, W.J.: Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate Br...
     with: Morris, W.J.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastograph...
     with: Nouranian, S.: Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate B...
     with: Rohling, R.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography...
     with: Salcudean, S.E.: Fusion of Ultrasound B-Mode and Vibro-Elastography Im...
     with: Salcudean, S.E.: Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate...
     with: Salcudean, S.E.: Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastogr...
     with: Spadinger, I.: Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate B...
19 for Mahdavi, S.S.

MahdaviMoghadam, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Coulombe, S.: Enhancing TMIV Performance Through Proximity-Aware Group...
     with: Jamali, M.: Enhancing TMIV Performance Through Proximity-Aware Groupin...
     with: Vakili, A.: Enhancing TMIV Performance Through Proximity-Aware Groupin...
     with: Vazquez, C.: Enhancing TMIV Performance Through Proximity-Aware Groupi...

Mahdhaoui, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chetouani, M.: Emotional Speech Classification Based on Multi View Cha...
     with: Chetouani, M.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods...
     with: Chetouani, M.: Motherese detection based on segmental and supra-segmen...
     with: Cohen, D.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods acr...
     with: Delaherche, E.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Method...
     with: Saint Georges, C.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Met...
     with: Viaux, S.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods acr...
     with: Zong, C.: Motherese detection based on segmental and supra-segmental f...
8 for Mahdhaoui, A.

Mahdhi, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Augusseau, X.: Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Cha...
     with: Berndtsson, R.: Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Ch...
     with: Jebari, S.: Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Change...
     with: Kadri, N.: Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Change ...
     with: Lestrelin, G.: Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Cha...

Mahdi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atito, S.: LT-ViT: A Vision Transformer for Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Cl...
     with: Awais, M.: LT-ViT: A Vision Transformer for Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Cl...
     with: Marikkar, U.: LT-ViT: A Vision Transformer for Multi-Label Chest X-Ray...
     with: Qin, J.: extensive evaluation of deep features of convolutional neural...

Mahdi, A.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Picovici, D.: New single-ended objective measure for non-intrusive spe...

Mahdi, D.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.: Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-Str...
     with: Liu, S.: Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-St...
     with: Wang, G.: Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-S...
     with: Wu, F.: Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-Str...
     with: Zeng, J.: Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-S...

Mahdi, F.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullah Al Wadud, M.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiob...
     with: Kallimani, V.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective ...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective c...
     with: Vasant, P.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective com...
     with: Watada, J.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective com...

Mahdi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abd el Munim, H.E.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodu...
     with: Al Jafary, S.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Al Shukri, H.: Attribute analyses of GPR data for heavy minerals explo...
     with: Al Shukri, H.: Texture analysis of GPR data as a tool for depicting so...
     with: Atta, R.: Feature extraction based on the embedded zero-tree DCT for f...
     with: Catakli, A.: Attribute analyses of GPR data for heavy minerals explora...
     with: Catakli, A.: Texture analysis of GPR data as a tool for depicting soil...
     with: El Din, Y.S.: Deep convolutional neural networks for face and iris pre...
     with: El Mogy, M.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: El Mogy, S.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Elshazly, S.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Falk, R.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Farag, A.: Feature extraction based on the embedded zero-tree DCT for ...
     with: Farag, A.A.: Image registration in multispectral data sets
     with: Farag, A.A.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Graham, J.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Milam, R.: Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
     with: Moustafa, M.N.: Deep convolutional neural networks for face and iris p...
19 for Mahdi, H.

Mahdi, O.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullah, N.F.: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Alg...
     with: Ahmed, S.H.: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algori...
     with: Al Mayouf, Y.R.B.: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing ...
     with: Guizani, M.: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algori...
     with: Ismail, M.: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorit...
     with: Khan, S.: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm...

Mahdi, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akrout, B.: Spatio-temporal features for the automatic control of driv...
     with: Ben Abdallah, H.: Video Grammar-Based Approach for TV News Localizatio...
     with: Ben Hamadou, A.: Colour and Geometric based Model for Lip Localisation...
     with: Ben Hamadou, A.: New Video Images Text Localization Approach Based on ...
     with: Ben Hamadou, A.: New Visual Speech Recognition Approach for RGB-D Came...
     with: Bouaziz, B.: Deep leaf: Mask R-CNN based leaf detection and segmentati...
     with: Bouaziz, B.: New Video Images Text Localization Approach Based on a Fa...
     with: Gaikwad, J.: Deep leaf: Mask R-CNN based leaf detection and segmentati...
     with: Rekik, A.: New Visual Speech Recognition Approach for RGB-D Cameras, A
     with: Triki, A.: Deep leaf: Mask R-CNN based leaf detection and segmentation...
     with: Werda, S.: Colour and Geometric based Model for Lip Localisation: Appl...
     with: Zlitni, T.: Video Grammar-Based Approach for TV News Localization and ...
12 for Mahdi, W.

Mahdian, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Novozamsky, A.: Determination of Stop-Criterion for Incremental Method...
     with: Novozamsky, A.: Identification of aliasing-based patterns in re-captur...
     with: Novozamsky, A.: IMD2020: A Large-Scale Annotated Dataset Tailored for ...
     with: Saic, S.: bibliography on blind methods for identifying image forgery, A
     with: Saic, S.: cyclostationarity analysis applied to image forensics, A
     with: Saic, S.: Determination of Stop-Criterion for Incremental Methods Cons...
     with: Saic, S.: Identification of aliasing-based patterns in re-captured LCD...
     with: Saic, S.: IMD2020: A Large-Scale Annotated Dataset Tailored for Detect...
     with: Saic, S.: Using noise inconsistencies for blind image forensics
9 for Mahdian, B.

Mahdian, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akbari, V.: Image Enhancement and Speckle Reduction of Full Polarimetr...
     with: Fazel, M.A.: Agricultural Land Classification Based on Statistical Ana...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Agricultural Land Classification Based on Statistical A...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Agricultural Land Classification Based on Statist...
     with: Motagh, M.: Image Enhancement and Speckle Reduction of Full Polarimetr...

Mahdian, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fayyad, J.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient o...
     with: Gruyer, D.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient o...
     with: Gupta, K.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient ou...
     with: Najjaran, H.: Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient...

Mahdianpari, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adebisi, N.: Assessing the Impacts of Rising Sea Level on Coastal Morp...
     with: Adeli, S.: Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A meta-a...
     with: Adeli, S.: Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and Comp...
     with: Bahrami, H.: Meta-Analysis of Remote Sensing Technologies and Methodol...
     with: Balogun, A.L.: Assessing the Impacts of Rising Sea Level on Coastal Mo...
     with: Beier, C.M.: Mapping Two Decades of New York State Forest Aboveground ...
     with: Brisco, B.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Sca...
     with: Brisco, B.: Comparing Solo Versus Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networ...
     with: Brisco, B.: Dual-Branch Fusion of Convolutional Neural Network and Gra...
     with: Brisco, B.: Full and Simulated Compact Polarimetry SAR Responses to Ca...
     with: Brisco, B.: Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A meta-...
     with: Brisco, B.: Hybrid Compact Polarimetric SAR for Environmental Monitori...
     with: Brisco, B.: Meta-analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery for...
     with: Brisco, B.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensi...
     with: Brisco, B.: Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization co...
     with: Brisco, B.: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First Re...
     with: Brisco, B.: Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools to Support Wetla...
     with: Brisco, B.: Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and Com...
     with: Dabboor, M.: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First R...
     with: Davidson, A.: Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, an...
     with: DeLancey, E.R.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large...
     with: Eskandari, R.: Meta-analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery ...
     with: Gill, E.: Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Classifiers for Classification...
     with: Gill, E.: First Wetland Inventory Map of Newfoundland at a Spatial Res...
     with: Gill, E.: Full and Simulated Compact Polarimetry SAR Responses to Cana...
     with: Gill, E.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensing...
     with: Gill, E.: new fully convolutional neural network for semantic segmenta...
     with: Gill, E.W.: CVTNet: A Fusion of Convolutional Neural Networks and Visi...
     with: Gill, E.W.: Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools to Support Wetla...
     with: Granger, J.: Comparing Solo Versus Ensemble Convolutional Neural Netwo...
     with: Granger, J.E.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Se...
     with: Habibollahi, R.: TCD-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Fully Po...
     with: Hasanlou, M.: Systematic Review of Landsat Data for Change Detection A...
     with: Hasanlou, M.: TCD-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Fully Polar...
     with: Hemati, M.: Integrating SAR and Optical Data for Aboveground Biomass E...
     with: Hemati, M.: Systematic Review of Landsat Data for Change Detection App...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Classifiers for Classific...
     with: Homayouni, S.: First Wetland Inventory Map of Newfoundland at a Spatia...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Meta-Analysis of Remote Sensing Technologies and Method...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Meta-analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery ...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Se...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, a...
     with: Homayouni, S.: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Unsupervised Wishart Classfication Of Wetlands In Newfo...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Eastern Arctic Sea Ice Sensing: First Results from the RA...
     with: Huberty, B.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sens...
     with: Igwe, V.: Rapid Large-Scale Wetland Inventory Update Using Multi-Sourc...
     with: Jafarzadeh, H.: Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Classifiers for Classifi...
     with: Jafarzadeh, H.: Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools to Support W...
     with: Jamali, A.: Comparing Solo Versus Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networ...
     with: Jamali, A.: Comparison of Tree-based Algorithms for Complex Wetland Cl...
     with: Jamali, A.: Swin Transformer and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks fo...
     with: Johnson, L.: Mapping Two Decades of New York State Forest Aboveground ...
     with: Karas, I.R.: Comparison of Tree-based Algorithms for Complex Wetland C...
     with: Kariyeva, J.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-S...
     with: Khan, R.M.: Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detection and M...
     with: Lang, M.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensing...
     with: Lyu, H.: Eastern Arctic Sea Ice Sensing: First Results from the RADARS...
     with: Mahoney, C.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Sc...
     with: Marjani, M.: CNN-BiLSTM: A Novel Deep Learning Model for Near-Real-Tim...
     with: Marjani, M.: CVTNet: A Fusion of Convolutional Neural Networks and Vis...
     with: Marjani, M.: PRISMethaNet: A novel deep learning model for landfill me...
     with: McNairn, H.: Meta-Analysis of Remote Sensing Technologies and Methodol...
     with: McNairn, H.: Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, and...
     with: Min, T.H.: Assessing the Impacts of Rising Sea Level on Coastal Morpho...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Classifiers for Cla...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: CNN-BiLSTM: A Novel Deep Learning Model for Near-...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Comparing Solo Versus Ensemble Convolutional Neur...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: CVTNet: A Fusion of Convolutional Neural Networks...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Dual-Branch Fusion of Convolutional Neural Networ...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: First Wetland Inventory Map of Newfoundland at a ...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Full and Simulated Compact Polarimetry SAR Respon...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Hybrid Compact Polarimetric SAR for Environmental...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Integrating SAR and Optical Data for Aboveground ...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Meta-analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Im...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Rem...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detect...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compa...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polari...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: new fully convolutional neural network for semant...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: PRISMethaNet: A novel deep learning model for lan...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications:...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Random forest wetland classification using ALOS-2...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools to Supp...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Systematic Review of Landsat Data for Change Dete...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Unsupervised Wishart Classfication Of Wetlands In...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Compl...
     with: Mohammadimanesh, F.: Wet-ConViT: A Hybrid Convolutional-Transformer Mo...
     with: Molinier, M.: new fully convolutional neural network for semantic segm...
     with: Motagh, M.: Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization co...
     with: Motagh, M.: Random forest wetland classification using ALOS-2 L-band, ...
     with: Mountrakis, G.: Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detection a...
     with: Olthof, I.: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First Re...
     with: Quackenbush, L.J.: Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: ...
     with: Quackenbush, L.J.: Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detectio...
     with: Quackenbush, L.J.: Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis ...
     with: Radman, A.: Dual-Branch Fusion of Convolutional Neural Network and Gra...
     with: Radman, A.: PRISMethaNet: A novel deep learning model for landfill met...
     with: Radman, A.: Wet-ConViT: A Hybrid Convolutional-Transformer Model for E...
     with: Rezaee, M.: Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, and ...
     with: Rezaee, M.: Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Complex Land C...
     with: Salehi, B.: Comparing Solo Versus Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networ...
     with: Salehi, B.: Dual-Branch Fusion of Convolutional Neural Network and Gra...
     with: Salehi, B.: First Wetland Inventory Map of Newfoundland at a Spatial R...
     with: Salehi, B.: Full and Simulated Compact Polarimetry SAR Responses to Ca...
     with: Salehi, B.: Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A meta-...
     with: Salehi, B.: Mapping Two Decades of New York State Forest Aboveground B...
     with: Salehi, B.: Meta-analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery for...
     with: Salehi, B.: Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensi...
     with: Salehi, B.: Meta-Analysis on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Detection and M...
     with: Salehi, B.: Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, and ...
     with: Salehi, B.: Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization co...
     with: Salehi, B.: new fully convolutional neural network for semantic segmen...
     with: Salehi, B.: Random forest wetland classification using ALOS-2 L-band, ...
     with: Salehi, B.: Rapid Large-Scale Wetland Inventory Update Using Multi-Sou...
     with: Salehi, B.: Unsupervised Wishart Classfication Of Wetlands In Newfound...
     with: Salehi, B.: Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Complex Land C...
     with: Salehi, B.: Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and Com...
     with: Seydi, S.T.: TCD-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Fully Polari...
     with: Shaw, S.: Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and Compr...
     with: Shiri, H.: Integrating SAR and Optical Data for Aboveground Biomass Es...
     with: Shokr, M.: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First Res...
     with: Simms, J.F.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Sc...
     with: Tamiminia, H.: Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A me...
     with: Tamiminia, H.: Mapping Two Decades of New York State Forest Abovegroun...
     with: Tamiminia, H.: Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and ...
     with: Varon, D.J.: PRISMethaNet: A novel deep learning model for landfill me...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Complex Land Co...
128 for Mahdianpari, M.

Mahdikhanlou, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ebrahimnezhad, H.: 3D hand pose estimation from a single RGB image by ...

Mahdil, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bokhnyak, S.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learni...
     with: Bouritsas, G.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learn...
     with: Bronstein, M.M.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Lea...
     with: Claes, P.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning ...
     with: Gong, S.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning a...
     with: Joris, P.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning ...
     with: Nauwelaers, N.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Lear...
     with: Shriver, M.D.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learn...
     with: Walsh, S.: 3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning ...
9 for Mahdil, S.S.

Mahdipour, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dooly, G.: Vector Fuzzy c-Spherical Shells (VFCSS) over Non-Crisp Numb...
     with: Kazerouni, I.A.: Vector Fuzzy c-Spherical Shells (VFCSS) over Non-Cris...
     with: Toal, D.: Vector Fuzzy c-Spherical Shells (VFCSS) over Non-Crisp Numbe...

Mahdiraji, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baleghi, Y.: Skin lesion images classification using new color pigment...
     with: Sakhaei, S.M.: Skin lesion images classification using new color pigme...

Mahdisoltani, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fleet, D.J.: Hierarchical Video Understanding
     with: Memisevic, R.: Hierarchical Video Understanding

Mahdizade, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrishami Moghaddam, H.: Lung HRCT pattern classification for cystic f...
     with: Modarresi, M.: Lung HRCT pattern classification for cystic fibrosis us...
     with: Naseri, Z.: Lung HRCT pattern classification for cystic fibrosis using...
     with: Nezamabadi, K.: Lung HRCT pattern classification for cystic fibrosis u...
     with: Pak, N.: Lung HRCT pattern classification for cystic fibrosis using co...

Mahdizadeh Gharakhanlou, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mesgari, M.S.: Developing a Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Rai...

Mahdizadehaghdam, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dai, L.: Deep Dictionary Learning: A PARametric NETwork Approach
     with: Fan, Z.P.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressive...
     with: Gu, Y.C.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressive ...
     with: Krim, H.: Deep Dictionary Learning: A PARametric NETwork Approach
     with: Krim, H.: Sparse Generative Adversarial Network
     with: Ma, H.Y.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressive ...
     with: Panahi, A.: Deep Dictionary Learning: A PARametric NETwork Approach
     with: Panahi, A.: Sparse Generative Adversarial Network
     with: Shapira, L.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressi...
     with: Wu, B.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressive Ma...
     with: Xie, X.H.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressive...
     with: Zhao, W.L.: MaskINT: Video Editing via Interpolative Non-autoregressiv...
12 for Mahdizadehaghdam, S.

Mahdjoub, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goncalves, L.: Small Red Lesions Detection Using a MAS Approach
     with: Guessoum, Z.: Small Red Lesions Detection Using a MAS Approach
     with: Pereira, C.: Small Red Lesions Detection Using a MAS Approach
     with: Veiga, D.: Small Red Lesions Detection Using a MAS Approach

Mahdjoubi, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boguslawski, P.: Indoor Navigation From Point Clouds: 3d Modelling And...
     with: Diaz Vilarino, L.: Indoor Navigation From Point Clouds: 3d Modelling A...
     with: Khoshelham, K.: Indoor Navigation From Point Clouds: 3d Modelling And ...
     with: Lorenzo, H.: Indoor Navigation From Point Clouds: 3d Modelling And Obs...

Mahdy, L.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ezzat, K.A.: Automatic segmentation system for liver tumors based on t...
     with: Hassanien, A.E.: Automatic segmentation system for liver tumors based ...
     with: Torad, M.: Automatic segmentation system for liver tumors based on the...

Mahdy, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abd Elhamid, H.F.: Historical Trend Analysis and Forecasting of Shorel...
     with: Baranczuk, J.: Historical Trend Analysis and Forecasting of Shoreline ...
     with: Gergelova, M.B.: Historical Trend Analysis and Forecasting of Shorelin...
     with: Zelenakova, M.: Historical Trend Analysis and Forecasting of Shoreline...

Mahdy, Y.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hassaballah, M.: Fast Fractal Image Compression Method Based Entropy, A
     with: Hussain, K.F.: Multi-Bin search: improved large-scale content-based im...
     with: Kamel, A.: Multi-Bin search: improved large-scale content-based image ...
     with: Makky, M.M.: Fast Fractal Image Compression Method Based Entropy, A

Mahdzur, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amat, A.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impac...
     with: Aziz, K.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impac...
     with: Cob, S.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impact...
     with: Din, A.H.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impa...
     with: Forsberg, R.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise I...
     with: Ibrahim, Z.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Im...
     with: Jensen, T.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
     with: Johann, F.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
     with: Kadir, M.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impa...
     with: Majid, F.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impa...
     with: Naeije, M.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
     with: Nordin, S.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
     with: Ses, S.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impact...
     with: Simons, W.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
     with: Teitsson, H.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise I...
     with: Yaacob, N.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
     with: Yacob, H.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impa...
     with: Yahaya, A.: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Imp...
18 for Mahdzur, D.

Index for "m"

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