Update Dates 9305

9305 * 3D Structure and Motion Estimation from 2D Image Sequences
* Accuracy of the Computation of Optical Flow and the Recovery of Motion Parameters, The
* Active Robot Vision and Primary Ocular Processes
* Adaptable Edge Quality Metric
* Airborne system for determining the position of an aerial vehicle and its applications
* Algorithms for Automatic Sensor Placement to Acquire Complete and Accurate Information
* Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces, The
* AR Models and Bidimensional Discrete Moments Applied to Texture Modelling and Recognition
* Classification of Lattice Transformations in Image Processing
* Color correction system employing reference pictures
* Compact Chord Property for Digital Arcs, A
* Computing 2-D Min, Median, and Max Filters
* Digital Analysis of Rotated Images
* Digital halftoning with correlated minimum visual modulation patterns
* Distance detecting apparatus for a vehicle
* Edge Detection and Surface Reconstruction Using Refined Regularization
* Effective Detection of Digital Bar Segments with Hough Transform
* Effective Search Approach to Camera Parameter Estimation Using an Arbitrary Planar Calibration Object, An
* Extraction of Binary Character/Graphics Images from Grayscale Document Images
* Finding and Recovering SHGC Objects in an Edge Image
* Framework for the Construction of Reflectance Maps for Machine Vision, A
* Fusion of Monocular Cues to Detect Man-Made Structures in Aerial Imagery
* Identifying High Level Features of Texture Perception
* Illuminance critical points on generic smooth surfaces
* Image processing device and method for sensing moving objects and rangefinder employing the same
* Image Recovery from Data Acquired with a Charge-Coupled Device Camera
* Image Tracking in Real-Time: A Transputer Emulation of Some Early Mammalian Vision Processes
* Improved Moment Invariants For Shape Discrimination
* Junction Detection Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Line Detection in Noisy and Structured Backgrounds Using Graeco-Latin Squares
* Linear Programming Approach fo the Weighted Graph Matching Problem, A
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Feature Segmentation, A
* Method and apparatus for determining motion vectors for image sequences
* Motion Parameter Estimation from Global Flow Field Data
* Motion Segmentation and Qualitative Dynamic Scene Analysis from an Image Sequence
* Moving video image estimation system
* Normalization and Shape Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects by 3D Moments
* Occlusions as a Guide for Planning the Next View
* On Idempotence and Related Requirements in Edge Detection
* Pixel quantization with adaptive error diffusion
* Planar Region Detection and Motion Recovery
* Possibilistic Approach to Clustering, A
* Preclassification for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition by a Peripheral Shape Coding Method
* Principles and Techniques for Sensor Data Fusion
* Probabilistic Indexing: Recognizing 3D Objects from 2D Images Using Probabilistic Peaking Effect
* Recognizing polyhedral objects from a single perspective view
* Review of Recent Texture Segmentation and Feature Extraction Techniques, A
* Rotation, Scaling, and Translation Invariant Pattern Classification System, A
* Segmentation of 3-D Range Images Using Pyramidal Data Structures
* Solving Satisfiability via Boltzmann Machines
* Sparse, Opaque Three-Dimensional Texture. I. Arborescent Patterns
* Statistical Detection of Independent Movement from a Moving Camera
* Symmetry Identification of a 3-D Object Represented by Octree
* System and method for ranking and extracting salient contours for target recognition
* Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Similar Triangles and Decision Trees
* Topological Segmentation of Discrete Surfaces
* Towards Absolute Invariants of Images Under Translation, Rotation, and Dilation
* Trinocular Active Range-Sensing
* Vanishing Point Detection
59 for 9305

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.