Journals starting with icds

ICDSC07 * *International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras
* Application-Oriented Design of Smart Camera Networks
* Architecture for Cluster-Based Automated Surveillance Network for Detecting and Tracking Multiple Persons
* Audiovisual Tracking Using STAC Sensors
* Automated Face Recognition System for Intelligence Surveillance: Smart Camera Recognizing Faces in the Crowd, An
* Automatic Estimation of Pedestrian Flow
* Automatically Determining Dominant Motions in Crowded Scenes by Clustering Partial Feature Trajectories
* Camera Mote with a High-Performance Parallel Processor for Real-Time Frame-Based Video Processing
* Coordinated Distributed Power Management with Video Sensor Networks: Analysis, Simulation, and Prototyping
* Diminished Reality Via Multiple Hand-Held CAMERAS
* Distributed Coding-Based Content-Aware Multi-View Video System, A
* Distributed EM Learning for Appearance Based Multi-Camera Tracking
* Distributed Outdoor Video Surveillance System for Detection of Abnormal People Trajectories, A
* Embedded Low Power High Efficient Object Tracker for Surveillance Systems, An
* Embedded Smart Camera for High Speed Vision
* Exploring Tradeoffs in Accuracy, Energy and Latency of Scale Invariant Feature Transform in Wireless Camera Networks
* Face and Eye Detection for Person Authentication in Mobile Phones
* Facenet: Tracking People and Acquiring Canonical Face Images in a Wireless Camera Sensor Network
* Feature Fusion for Robust Object Tracking Using Fragmented Particles
* Geometric Tools for Multicamera Surveillance Systems
* Hardware, Design and Implementation Issues on a FPGA-Based Smart Camera
* How to Dispatch Observers to Track an Evolving Boundary
* Improved Agent-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Smart Cameras
* Interactive Reception Desk with Face Recognition-Based Access Control
* Light-Weight Event-Driven Protocol for Sensor Clustering in Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Lightweight People Counting and Localizing in Indoor Spaces Using Camera Sensor Nodes
* Linear Dynamic Data Fusion Techniques for Face Orientation Estimation in Smart Camera Networks
* Low-Cost, Tiled Embedded Smart Camera System for Computer Vision Applications, A
* Mapping Vision Algorithms on SIMD Architecture Smart Cameras
* Multi-camera Control through Constraint Satisfaction for Persistent Surveillance
* Multi-Camera Surveillance with Visual Tagging and Generic Camera Placement
* Multi-Camera Topology Recovery from Coherent Motion
* Multi-Camera Visual Surveillance System for Tracking of Reoccurrences of People, A
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Tracking Using Visual Information and WI-Fl Location Estimation
* Multiple View Camera Calibration for Localization
* Network-Adaptive Image and Video Transmission in Camera-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
* Networked High-Speed Vision System for 1,000-FPS Visual Feature Communication, A
* Nonstationary Background Removal Via Multiple Camera Collaboration
* Object Reacquisition and Tracking in Large-Scale Smart Camera Networks
* QoS Evaluation Testbed for Mac Protocols for Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Real-Time Human Motion Detection with Distributed Smart Cameras
* Robust Homography-Based Trajectory Transformation for Multi-Camera Scene Analysis
* ROCAS: A Robust Online Algorithm for Spatial Partitioning in Distributed Smart Camera Systems
* Skeleton-Based Compression of 3-D Tele-Immersion Data
* SMARTCLASSYSURV: A Smart Camera Network for Distributed Tracking and Activity Recognition and its Application to Assisted Living
* Topology Estimation for Thousand-Camera Surveillance Networks
* Using Smart Cameras to Localize Self-Assembling Modular Robots
* Vehicle Classification on Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras Using Feature- and Decision-Fusion
* Volumetric Reconstruction with Compressed Data
49 for ICDSC07

ICDSC08 * *International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras
* 3D tracking and dynamic analysis of human head movements and attentional targets
* Abnormal behavior detection and behavior matching for networked cameras
* Abnormal behavior-detection using sequential syntactical classification in a network of clustered cameras
* Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person tracking
* Automated visual analysis in large scale sensor networks
* Bypassing BigBackground: An efficient hybrid background modeling algorithm for embedded video surveillance
* CITRIC: A low-bandwidth wireless camera network platform
* Color-based 3D particle filtering for robust tracking in heterogeneous environments
* Content-aware ranking of video segments
* Coopertive surveillance in video sensor networks
* Coordinate-free calibration of an acoustically driven camera pointing system
* Decentralized camera network control using game theory
* Decentralized discovery of camera network topology
* Decision and Communication Management Methodology for embedded Multi-smart Camera systems, applied to real-time inspection in lamps production, A
* Design and implementation of a cluster based smart camera array application framework
* Design of a Wireless Vision Sensor for object tracking in Wireless Vision Sensor Networks
* Distributed pose averaging in camera networks via consensus on SE(3)
* distributed solution to detect targets in crowds using visual sensor networks, A
* DMCtrac: Distributed multi camera tracking
* DSCAgents: A lightweight middleware for distributed smart cameras
* Efficiency improvement of human body detection with histograms of oriented gradients
* efficient algorithm for the extraction of contours and curvature scale space on SIMD-powered Smart Cameras, An
* Empirical evaluation of the exclusion approach to estimating camera overlap
* Estimating camera overlap in large and growing networks
* evolution from single to pervasive smart cameras, The
* Feature-based calibration of distributed smart stereo camera networks
* FPGA-based Smart Camera for 3D wavelet-based image segmentation
* Fusion of visual and thermal images using complex extension of EMD
* Fusion-based localization for a Heterogeneous camera network
* Global trajectory reconstruction from distributed visual sensors
* Head pose and trajectory recovery in uncalibrated camera networks: Region of interest tracking in smart home applications
* high resolution smart camera with GigE Vision extension for surveillance applications, A
* Hive: A distributed system for vision processing
* Human body modelling and tracking using volumetric representation: Selected recent studies and possibilities for extensions
* Image matching robust to changes in imaging conditions with a car-mounted Camera
* Implementation and evaluation of a reaction-diffusion based coding rate control mechanism for camera sensor networks
* Light-weight salient foreground detection for embedded smart cameras
* Mapping facial expression recognition algorithms on a low-power smart camera
* markerless approach for consistent action recognition in a multi-camera system, A
* Measurement study on wireless camera networks
* MIDSCA: Towards a Smart Camera architecture of mobile internet devices
* Model-based robust and pecise tracking embedded in smart cameras: The PFAAM-CAM
* Modeling background activity for behavior subtraction
* multi-agent architecture to support active fusion in a visual sensor network, A
* Multi-camera collision detection between known and unknown objects
* Multi-person tracking from sparse 3D trajectories in a camera sensor network
* Multi-target tracking through opportunistic camera control in a resource constrained multimodal sensor network
* Multiple camera-based chamfer matching for pedestrian detection
* novel evidence accumulation framework for robust multi-camera person detection, A
* Online distributed calibration of a large network of wireless cameras using dynamic clustering
* Optimising resource allocation for background modeling using algorithm switching
* Person re-identification in multi-camera system by signature based on interest point descriptors collected on short video sequences
* Principal view determination for camera selection in distributed smart camera networks
* Probabilistic camera hand-off for visual surveillance
* Real-time clothes comparison based on multi-view vision
* Real-time estimation of geometrical transformation between views in distributed smart-cameras systems
* Real-time implementations of Hough Transform on SIMD architecture
* Real-time multi-view event detection in soccer games
* Scallop: An open peer-to-peer framework for distributed sensor networks
* Self-rectification and depth estimation of stereo video in a real-time smart camera system
* Utility-based dynamic camera assignment and hand-off in a video network
* ViHASi: Virtual human action silhouette data for the performance evaluation of silhouette-based action recognition methods
* VISNET: A distributed vision testbed
* Visual on-line learning in distributed camera networks
* Wide-area external multi-camera calibration using vision graphs and virtual calibration object
66 for ICDSC08

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Last update:28-Aug-24 17:05:20
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