Journals starting with gmp0

GMP06 * *Geometric Modeling and Processing
* 3D Facial Image Recognition Using a Nose Volume and Curvature Based Eigenface
* Adaptive Fourier-Based Surface Reconstruction
* Approximate mu-Bases of Rational Curves and Surfaces
* Automatic Extraction of Surface Structures in Digital Shape Reconstruction
* Composite SQRT2 Subdivision Surfaces
* Computation of Normals for Stationary Subdivision Surfaces
* Computing a Family of Skeletons of Volumetric Models for Shape Description
* Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models
* Control Point Removal Algorithm for T-Spline Surfaces
* Density-Controlled Sampling of Parametric Surfaces Using Adaptive Space-Filling Curves
* Detection of Closed Sharp Feature Lines in Point Clouds for Reverse Engineering Applications
* Efficient Implementation of RBF-Based Progressive Point-Sampled Geometry, An
* Efficient Piecewise Linear Approximation of Bézier Curves with Improved Sharp Error Bound
* Ensembles for Normal and Surface Reconstructions
* Feature Detection Using Curvature Maps and the Min-cut/Max-flow Algorithm
* Finding All Undercut-Free Parting Directions for Extrusions
* Finding Mold-Piece Regions Using Computer Graphics Hardware
* Geometric Accuracy Analysis for Discrete Surface Approximation
* Geometric Modeling of Nano Structures with Periodic Surfaces
* Geometrical Mesh Improvement Properties of Delaunay Terminal Edge Refinement
* Hierarchically Partitioned Implicit Surfaces for Interpolating Large Point Set Models
* Insight for Practical Subdivision Modeling with Discrete Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
* Interactive Face-Replacements for Modeling Detailed Shapes
* Inverse Adaptation of Hex-dominant Mesh for Large Deformation Finite Element Analysis
* Least-Squares Approximation by Pythagorean Hodograph Spline Curves Via an Evolution Process
* Manifold T-Spline
* Matrix Based Subdivision Depth Computation for Extra-Ordinary Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface Patches
* Method for FEA-Based Design of Heterogeneous Objects, A
* Minimal Mean-Curvature-Variation Surfaces and Their Applications in Surface Modeling
* New Class of Non-stationary Interpolatory Subdivision Schemes Based on Exponential Polynomials, A
* Parametric Design Method for Shapes with Aesthetic Free-Form Surfaces
* Piecewise Developable Surface Approximation of General NURBS Surfaces, with Global Error Bounds
* Preserving Form-Features in Interactive Mesh Deformation
* Quadric Surface Extraction by Variational Shape Approximation
* Representing Topological Structures Using Cell-Chains
* Robust Three-Dimensional Registration of Range Images Using a New Genetic Algorithm
* Segmentation of Scanned Mesh into Analytic Surfaces Based on Robust Curvature Estimation and Region Growing
* Separated Medial Surface Extraction from CT Data of Machine Parts
* Shape Representations with Blossoms and Buds
* Shape-Based Retrieval of Articulated 3D Models Using Spectral Embedding
* Simultaneous Precise Solutions to the Visibility Problem of Sculptured Models
* Smoothing of Meshes and Point Clouds Using Weighted Geometry-Aware Bases
* Spectral Sequencing Based on Graph Distance
* Step Towards Automated Design of Side Actions in Injection Molding of Complex Parts, A
* Straightest Paths on Meshes by Cutting Planes
* Subdivision Termination Criteria in Subdivision Multivariate Solvers
* Surface Creation and Curve Deformations Between Two Complex Closed Spatial Spline Curves
* Surface Displaced from a Manifold, A
* Surface Reconstruction for Efficient Colon Unfolding
* Theoretically Based Robust Algorithms for Tracking Intersection Curves of Two Deforming Parametric Surfaces
* Time-Varying Volume Geometry Compression with 4D Lifting Wavelet Transform
* Towards Unsupervised Segmentation of Semi-Rigid Low-Resolution Molecular Surfaces
* Tracking Point-Curve Critical Distances
* Tuned Ternary Quad Subdivision
* Two-Dimensional Selections for Feature-Based Data Exchange
* Verification of Engineering Models Based on Bipartite Graph Matching for Inspection Applications
* Voxelization of Free-Form Solids Represented by Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
58 for GMP06

GMP08 * *Geometric Modeling and Processing
* 3D Mesh Segmentation Using Mean-Shifted Curvature
* Automatic PolyCube-Maps
* Bicubic G1 Interpolation of Irregular Quad Meshes Using a 4-Split
* Bounding the Distance between a Loop Subdivision Surface and Its Limit Mesh
* Carving Framework for Topology Simplification of Polygonal Meshes, A
* Comment on Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models, A
* Comparing Small Visual Differences between Conforming Meshes
* Continuous Collision Detection between Two 2-D Curved-Edge Polygons under Rational Motions
* Controlling Torsion Sign
* Convex Surface Interpolation
* Cutting and Fracturing Models without Remeshing
* Deformation and Smooth Joining of Mesh Models for Cardiac Surgical Simulation
* Detection of Planar Regions in Volume Data for Topology Optimization
* Determining Directional Contact Range of Two Convex Polyhedra
* Digital Design for Functionally Graded Material Components Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing
* Efficient Collision Detection Using a Dual Bounding Volume Hierarchy
* Fast and Local Fairing of B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
* Finite Element Methods for Geometric Modeling and Processing Using General Fourth Order Geometric Flows
* Geodesic as Limit of Geodesics on PL-Surfaces
* Geometric Calibration of Projector Imagery on Curved Screen Based-on Subdivision Mesh
* Hausdorff and Minimal Distances between Parametric Freeforms in R2 and R3
* Layer-Based Mannequin Reconstruction and Parameterization from 3D Range Data
* Lepp Terminal Centroid Method for Quality Triangulation: A Study on a New Algorithm
* Manifoldization of beta-Shapes by Topology Operators
* Mean Value Bézier Maps
* Meaningful Mesh Segmentation Guided by the 3D Short-Cut Rule
* Mesh Simplification Method Using Noble Optimal Positioning, A
* Mesh Simplification with Vertex Color
* Multistep Approach to Restoration of Locally Undersampled Meshes, A
* Narrow-Band Based Radial Basis Functions Implicit Surface Reconstruction
* Noise Removal Based on the Variation of Digitized Energy
* Note on Industrial Applications of Hu's Surface Extension Algorithm
* On Interpolation by Spline Curves with Shape Parameters
* Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Neighbor Coordinates
* Parametric Polynomial Minimal Surfaces of Degree Six with Isothermal Parameter
* Physically-Based Surface Texture Synthesis Using a Coupled Finite Element System
* Planar Shape Matching and Feature Extraction Using Shape Profile
* Progressive Interpolation Using Loop Subdivision Surfaces
* Protein Surface Modeling Using Active Contour Model
* Quasi-interpolation for Data Fitting by the Radial Basis Functions
* Reconstructing a Mesh from a Point Cloud by Using a Moving Parabolic Approximation
* Revisit to Least Squares Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Parametric Curves and Surfaces, A
* Shape Feature Based Simplification Method for Deforming Meshes, A
* Shape Representation and Invariant Description of Protein Tertiary Structure in Applications to Shape Retrieval and Classification
* Shifting Planes to Follow a Surface of Revolution
* Slit Map: Conformal Parameterization for Multiply Connected Surfaces
* Solving Systems of 3D Geometric Constraints with Non-rigid Clusters
* Space-Time Curve Analogies for Motion Editing
* Structure of V-System over Triangulated Domains, The
* Tool Path Planning for 5-Axis Flank Milling Based on Dynamic Programming Techniques
* Trimming Bézier Surfaces on Bézier Surfaces Via Blossoming
* Variational Skinning of an Ordered Set of Discrete 2D Balls
* Volumetric Framework for the Modeling and Rendering of Dynamic and Heterogeneous Scenes, A
54 for GMP08

Index for "g"

Last update:10-Apr-24 10:46:22
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