Journals starting with acad

Academic Press * *Active Perception
* *Advances in Imaging and Electronic Physics
* *Automatic Interpretation and Classification of Images
* *Computer Vision and Image Processing
* *Computer Vision Systems
* *Evaluation of Multicomputers in Image Processing
* *Frontiers of Pattern Recognition
* *Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 1. Sensors and Imaging
* *Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 2. Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
* *Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 3. Systems and Applications
* *Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing: Computer Vision
* *Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* *Human and Machine Vision
* *Machine Vision Algorithms, Architectures, and Systems
* *Machine Vision for Three-Dimensional Scenes
* *Map Data Processing
* *Neural Networks for Human and Machine Perception
* *Parallel Computer Vision
* *Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* *Picture Processing and Psychopictorics
* *Visual Navigation
* Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS)
* Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach
* Computational Vision
* Computer Image Processing and Recognition
* Computer Techniques in Image Processing
* Computer Vision and Applications: A Guide for Students and Practitioners
* Computing Structures for Image Processing
* Connectionist Robot Motion Planning: A Neurally-Inspired Approach to Visually-Guided Reaching
* Data Fusion in Robotics and Machine Intelligence
* Digital Image Processing of Remotely Sensed Data
* Digital Picture Processing
* Digital Picture Processing
* Discrete Cosine Transform: Algorithms, Advantages, Applications
* Handbook of Image and Video Processing
* Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology
* Integration of Visual Modules: An Extension of the Marr Paradigm
* Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Introduction To Wavelets
* Languages and Architectures for Image Processing
* Machine Vision for Inspection and Measurement
* Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities
* Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Second Edition
* Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications
* Metric Affine Geometry
* Modern Image Processing: Warping, Morphing and Classical Techniques
* Multicomputer Vision
* Pattern Recognition, 3rd Edition
* Picture Language Machines
* Picture Languages: Formal Models for Picture Recognition
* Picture Processing by Computer
* Structured Computer Vision: Machine Perception through Hierarchical Computational Structures
* Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition
* Understanding Vision
* Visual Detection of Motion
* Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, A
* Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, A
* Wavelets-A Tutorial in Theory and Applications
58 for Academic Press

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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