Index for tave

Taveira da Silva, A.M.[Angelo M.] Co Author Listing * Computer-aided grading of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) using HRCT
Includes: Taveira da Silva, A.M.[Angelo M.] Taveira-da Silva, A.M.[Angelo M.]

Taveira Pinto, F.[Francisco] Co Author Listing * Coastal Flood Mapping with Two Approaches Based on Observations at Furadouro, Northern Portugal
Includes: Taveira Pinto, F.[Francisco] Taveira-Pinto, F.[Francisco]

Taveira, G.[Giancarlo] Co Author Listing * Automatic alignment and reconstruction of facial depth images

Taveira, V.B. Co Author Listing * Novel Method for Inspection Defects in Commercial Eggs Using Computer Vision, A

Tavenard, R.[Romain] Co Author Listing * End-to-end learned early classification of time series for in-season crop type mapping
* Time-sensitive topic models for action recognition in videos

Taveneau, A.[Adelaide] Co Author Listing * Observing and Predicting Coastal Erosion at the Langue de Barbarie Sand Spit around Saint Louis (Senegal, West Africa) through Satellite-Derived Digital Elevation Model and Shoreline
Includes: Taveneau, A.[Adelaide] Taveneau, A.[Adélaďde]

Tavera, A.[Antonio] Co Author Listing * Augmentation Invariance and Adaptive Sampling in Semantic Segmentation of Agricultural Aerial Images
* Contrastive Distillation Approach for Incremental Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images, A
* Cross-Domain Transfer Learning with CoRTe: Consistent and Reliable Transfer from Black-Box to Lightweight Segmentation Model
* Incremental Learning in Semantic Segmentation from Image Labels
* Learning Across Domains and Devices: Style-Driven Source-Free Domain Adaptation in Clustered Federated Learning
* Learning Semantics for Visual Place Recognition Through Multi-scale Attention
* Pixel-by-Pixel Cross-Domain Alignment for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
7 for Tavera, A.

Tavera, L.D. Co Author Listing * SFM Photogrammetry As a Tool for The Conservation of The Cultural Heritage of Bogotá (Colombia), Within The Framework of The Adopt A Monument Program

Tavernarakis, N. Co Author Listing * Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography

Taverner, J.[Joaquin] Co Author Listing * Multidimensional Culturally Adapted Representation of Emotions for Affective Computational Simulation and Recognition, A

Taverner, T.[Tarnia] Co Author Listing * Case Study: Chronic Pain Patients' Preferences for Virtual Reality Games for Pain Distraction, A

Tavernier, A.[Adrien] Co Author Listing * Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Scheduling with a Sentinel-2 Like Time Series (SPOT4-Take5) in Morocco, A

Tavernier, C.[Cedric] Co Author Listing * Internal 3D Printing of Intricate Structures
* Preservative Approach to Study Encased Archaeological Artefacts
Includes: Tavernier, C.[Cedric] Tavernier, C.[Cédric]

Tavernier, J.[Joris] Co Author Listing * Fast semi-supervised discriminant analysis for binary classification of large data sets

Tavernini, M.[Mattia] Co Author Listing * Garment-based motion capture (GaMoCap): High-density capture of human shape in motion

Taves, B. Co Author Listing * moving image genre-form guide, The

Index for "t"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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