Hormaechea, J.L.[Jose Luis]
Co Author Listing * Rapid and Steady Mass Loss of the Patagonian Icefields throughout the GRACE Era: 2002-2017, The
Includes: Hormaechea, J.L.[Jose Luis] Hormaechea, J.L.[José Luis]
Hormann, G.[Georg]
Co Author Listing * Random Forest-Based CA-Markov Model to Examine the Dynamics of Land Use/Cover Change Aided with Remote Sensing and GIS, A
Includes: Hormann, G.[Georg] Hörmann, G.[Georg] (Maybe also Hoermann, G.)
Hormann, K.
Co Author Listing * Interactive Repositioning of Bone Fracture Segments
* LFS-Aware Surface Reconstruction From Unoriented 3D Point Clouds
* Mesh massage: A versatile mesh optimization framework
* Sub-Atomic Subdivision Approach, A
Includes: Hormann, K. Hormann, K.[Kai]
Hormann, S.[Stefan]
Co Author Listing * Attention Fusion for Audio-Visual Person Verification Using Multi-Scale Features
* Attention-Based Partial Face Recognition
* Coarse-to-Fine Dual Attention Network for Blind Face Completion, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks with Layer Reuse
* Cross-Quality LFW: A Database for Analyzing Cross- Resolution Image Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments
* Dissected 3D CNNs: Temporal skip connections for efficient online video processing
* Explainable Model-Agnostic Similarity and Confidence in Face Verification
* Face Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
* Face Texture Generation and Identity-Preserving Rectification
* Frustration Recognition Using Spatio Temporal Data: A Novel Dataset and GCN Model to Recognize In-Vehicle Frustration
* Gait Energy Image Restoration Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Gaitgraph: Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Gait Recognition
* Lightweight Multi-Branch Network for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Task Comparator Framework for Kinship Verification, A
* Octuplet Loss: Make Face Recognition Robust to Image Resolution
* Outlier-Robust Neural Aggregation Network for Video Face Identification
* Synthehicle: Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking in Virtual Cities
* Towards a Deeper Understanding of Skeleton-based Gait Recognition
Includes: Hormann, S.[Stefan] Hörmann, S.[Stefan] (Maybe also Hoermann, S.)Hörmann, S. (Maybe also Hoermann, S.)
18 for Hormann, S.
Hormazabal, J.[Joaquin]
Co Author Listing * Measuring Coastal Subsidence after Recent Earthquakes in Chile Central Using SAR Interferometry and GNSS Data
Includes: Hormazabal, J.[Joaquin] Hormazábal, J.[Joaquín]
Hormazabal, S.[Samuel]
Co Author Listing * Coastal Upwelling Front Detection off Central Chile (36.5-37°S) and Spatio-Temporal Variability of Frontal Characteristics
* Improving the Remote Sensing Retrieval of Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions: A Case Study in a Coastal Upwelling Region
* Phytoplankton Size Structure in Association with Mesoscale Eddies off Central-Southern Chile: The Satellite Application of a Phytoplankton Size-Class Model
* Time-Space Variability of Chlorophyll-a and Associated Physical Variables within the Region off Central-Southern Chile
Hormigo, J.[Javier]
Co Author Listing * New SIMD instructions set for image processing applications enhancement
* Texture segmentation through eigen-analysis of the Pseudo-Wigner distribution
Hormigo, T.
Co Author Listing * Micro-UAV System for Forest Management, A
Hormuth, D.A.[David A.]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Inference of Tissue Heterogeneity for Individualized Prediction of Glioma Growth
* Patient-Specific Characterization of Breast Cancer Hemodynamics Using Image-Guided Computational Fluid Dynamics
Includes: Hormuth, D.A.[David A.] Hormuth, D.A.