Behera, A.[Abhijit]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Irrigation Demands Based on Soil Moisture Deficits Using a Satellite-Based Hydrological Model
* Attend and Guide (AG-Net): A Keypoints-Driven Attention-Based Deep Network for Image Recognition
* Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition
* Coarse Temporal Attention Network (CTA-Net) for Driver's Activity Recognition
* Context-driven Multi-stream LSTM (M-LSTM) for Recognizing Fine-Grained Activity of Drivers
* Deep CNN, Body Pose, and Body-Object Interaction Features for Drivers' Activity Monitoring
* Driving Through Graphs: a Bipartite Graph for Traffic Scene Analysis
* Egocentric Activity Monitoring and Recovery
* Enhancement of layout-based identification of low-resolution documents using geometrical color distribution
* Exploiting Label Uncertainty for Enhanced 3D Object Detection From Point Clouds
* Key Landmarks Detection of Cleft Lip-Repaired Partially Occluded Facial Images for Aesthetics Outcome Assessment
* Orderly Disorder in Point Cloud Domain
* Perception of autonomous vehicles by the modern society: a survey
* Real-time Activity Recognition by Discerning Qualitative Relationships Between Randomly Chosen Visual Features
* Remote sensing image fusion via compressive sensing
* Retinal Structure Detection in OCTA Image via Voting-Based Multitask Learning
* Robust abandoned object detection integrating wide area visual surveillance and social context
* Rotation Axis Focused Attention Network (rafa-net) for Estimating Head Pose
* Shape Analysis Approach Towards Assessment of Cleft Lip Repair Outcome
* SR-GNN: Spatial Relation-Aware Graph Neural Network for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time Images Using Adversarial Domain Feature Adaptation
* Workflow Activity Monitoring Using Dynamics of Pair-Wise Qualitative Spatial Relations
Includes: Behera, A.[Abhijit] Behera, A.[Ardhendu] Behera, A.
22 for Behera, A.
Behera, A.R.[Aditya Ranjan]
Co Author Listing * framework for breast cancer prediction and classification using deep learning, A
Behera, B.[Bibek]
Co Author Listing * Using Webcam to Enhance Fingerprint Recognition
Behera, B.K.[Bikash K.]
Co Author Listing * Solving Vehicle Routing Problem Using Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
Behera, D.[Duryadhan]
Co Author Listing * Novel Approach for Ex Situ Water Quality Monitoring Using the Google Earth Engine and Spectral Indices in Chilika Lake, Odisha, India, A
Behera, L.[Laxmidhar]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Facial Expression Recognition System Using Deep Network-Based Data Fusion
* EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection With Fuzzy Independent Phase-Locking Value Representations Using Lagrangian-Based Deep Neural Networks
* EEG-Based Mobile Robot Control Through an Adaptive Brain-Robot Interface
* Emotion recognition from geometric facial features using self-organizing map
* Facial Expression Recognition with Regional Features Using Local Binary Patterns
* Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Following Mobile Robot, A
* on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based dynamic object model, An
* Pick-or-Mix: Dynamic Channel Sampling for ConvNets
Includes: Behera, L.[Laxmidhar] Behera, L.
8 for Behera, L.
Behera, M.D.[Mukunda D.]
Co Author Listing * Automated Mapping for Long-Term Analysis of Shifting Cultivation in Northeast India
* Canopy Height Estimation Using Sentinel Series Images through Machine Learning Models in a Mangrove Forest
* Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India
* Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SFIRE Model
* Plugging the Gaps in the Global PhenoCam Monitoring of Forests: The Need for a PhenoCam Network across Indian Forests
* Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Sensor Data Using Machine Learning over India
* Resilience of the Central Indian Forest Ecosystem to Rainfall Variability in the Context of a Changing Climate
* Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Is Congruent with Plant Diversity in India
* Significant Inverse Influence of Tropical Indian Ocean SST on SIF of Indian Vegetation during the Summer Monsoon Onset Phase
* Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove Forest Using Random Forest: Utilisation of AVIRIS-NG and Sentinel Data
Includes: Behera, M.D.[Mukunda D.] Behera, M.D.[Mukunda Dev] Behera, M.D.[Mukunda-Dev]
10 for Behera, M.D.
Behera, N.K.S.[Nayan Kumar Subhashis]
Co Author Listing * Futuristic person re-identification over internet of biometrics things (IoBT): Technical potential versus practical reality
* Person re-identification for smart cities: State-of-the-art and the path ahead
* Person re-identification: A taxonomic survey and the path ahead
Behera, P.[Pritiranjan]
Co Author Listing * Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India
* Robust binarization of degraded documents using adaptive-cum-interpolative thresholding in a multi-scale framework
Includes: Behera, P.[Pritiranjan] Behera, P.[Priyaranjan]
Behera, P.K.[Pravat Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Push recovery system and balancing of a biped robot on steadily increasing slope of an inclined plane
Behera, R.K.
Co Author Listing * Unified Attentive Cycle-Generative Adversarial Framework for Deriving Electrocardiogram From Seismocardiogram Signal, A
Behera, S.[Shreetam]
Co Author Listing * Crowd Characterization in Surveillance Videos Using Deep-Graph Convolutional Neural Network
* On Iris Spoofing Using Print Attack
* Understanding crowd flow patterns using active-Langevin model
Includes: Behera, S.[Shreetam] Behera, S.[Shipra]
Behera, S.K.
Co Author Listing * Air Signature Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Sequential Model
* Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
* Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Sensor Data Using Machine Learning over India
* Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-writing using leap motion
* Significant Inverse Influence of Tropical Indian Ocean SST on SIF of Indian Vegetation during the Summer Monsoon Onset Phase
* Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove Forest Using Random Forest: Utilisation of AVIRIS-NG and Sentinel Data
Includes: Behera, S.K. Behera, S.K.[Soumit K.] Behera, S.K.[Swadhin K.] Behera, S.K.[Soumit Kumar]
Behera, S.S.[Sushree S.]
Co Author Listing * Variance-guided attention-based twin deep network for cross-spectral periocular recognition
Behera, T.K.[Tanmay Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Futuristic person re-identification over internet of biometrics things (IoBT): Technical potential versus practical reality
Behere, S.
Co Author Listing * Development of a Cooperative Heavy-Duty Vehicle for the GCDC 2011: Team Scoop, The
Beheshti jou, M.
Co Author Listing * general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data, A
Beheshti, A.[Amin]
Co Author Listing * DeepCog: A Trustworthy Deep Learning-Based Human Cognitive Privacy Framework in Industrial Policing
* Image registration based on physical forces
* Knowledge graph construction in hyperbolic space for automatic image annotation
* Mixed Graph Neural Network-Based Fake News Detection for Sustainable Vehicular Social Networks
* Novel Deep Learning-Enabled LSTM Autoencoder Architecture for Discovering Anomalous Events From Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Presentation Attack Detection: A Systematic Literature Review
Includes: Beheshti, A.[Amin] Beheshti, A.
Beheshti, I.[Iman]
Co Author Listing * statistical region selection and randomized volumetric features selection framework for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, A
Beheshti, M.
Co Author Listing * Bio-Cell Image Segmentation Using Bayes Graph-Cut Model
Beheshti, N.
Co Author Listing * Squeeze U-Net: A Memory and Energy Efficient Image Segmentation Network
Beheshti, S.
Co Author Listing * Joint Preprocessing of Multiple Datasets to Enhance Source Separation
* Mean Square Error Estimation in Thresholding
* Signature test as statistical testing in clustering
* Similarity Validation Based Nonlocal Means Image Denoising
* Simultaneous Denoising and Intrinsic Order Selection in Hyperspectral Imaging
* Spatial analysis of EEG signals for Parkinson's disease stage detection
* Subband-dependent compressed sensing in local CT reconstruction
Includes: Beheshti, S. Beheshti, S.[Soosan]
7 for Beheshti, S.
Beheshti, S.A.[Seyed Aliasghar]
Co Author Listing * Tensor Laplacian Regularized Low-Rank Representation for Non-Uniformly Distributed Data Subspace Clustering
Beheshti, S.M.R.S.
Co Author Listing * How humans can help computers to solve an artificial problem?
* VICAP: Using the mechanisms of trans-saccadic memory to distinguish between humans and machines
Includes: Beheshti, S.M.R.S. Beheshti, S.M.R.S.[S. M. Reza Saadat]