* Algorithm for Finding Intrinsic Dimensionality of Data, An
* Automatic Ship Photo Interpretation by the Method of Moments
* Computer Analysis of Chromosome Patterns
* Computer Image Segmentation: First Partitions Using Shared Near Neighbor Clustering
* Contextual Word Recognition Using Binary Digrams
* Edge and Curve Detection for Visual Scene Analysis
* Feature Extraction by Golay Hexagonal Pattern Transforms
* Feature Extraction in an Optical Character Recognition Machine
* Graph-Theoretical Methods for Detecting and Describing Gestalt Clusters
* Local Properties of Binary Image in Two Dimensions
* Multidimensional Rotations in Feature Selection
* Picture Processing and Overlapping Blobs
* Special Issue on Feature Extraction and Selection in Pattern Recognition
* Survey of Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Techniques for Radiographic Images, A
* Use of Contextual Constraints in Recognition of Contour-Traced handprinted Characters
15 for TC(20)
* Analysis of Cells
* Asymptotic Analysis of a Nonparametric Clustering Technique
* Automated Cloud Tracking Using Precisely Aligned Digital ATS Pictures
* Automatic Generation of Texture Feature Detectors
* Bayesian Recursive Image Estimation
* Class of Algorithms for Fast Digital Image Registration, A
* Clustering Heuristic for Line-Drawing Analysis, A
* Edge and Curve Detection: Further Experiments
* Encoding and Decoding of Color Information Using Two-Dimensional Spatial Filtering
* Extraction of Connected Edges from Knee Radiographs
* Fourier Descriptors for Plane Closed Curves
* Fourier Preprocessing for Hand Print Character Recognition
* Layered Recognition Cone Networks That Preprocess Classify and Describe
* Measuring Concavity on a Rectangular Mosaic
* Minimizing the Computation Time for Using the Technique of Sectioning for Digital Filtering of Pictures
* Minimum Perimeter Polygons of Digitized Silhouettes
* Nonparametric Valley-Seeking Technique for Cluster Analysis, A
* Objective Methods for Registering Landmarks and Determining Cloud Motions from Satellite Data
* Parallel Mechanism for Describing Silhouettes, A
* Property Encoding: Application in Binary Picture Encoding and Boundary Following
* Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Topological Feature Extraction and Multilevel Categorization
* Remarks on the Ordering of Walsh Functions
* Results Obtained Using a Simple Character Recognition Procedure on Munson's Handprinted Data
* Segmentation Technique Through Waveform Analysis, A
* Self-organization in a perceptual network
* Signal-Dependent Error Arising in Digitally Processed Images Due to Quantization, A
* Smoothing Data by Least Squares Procedures and by Filtering
* Techniques for Change Detection
* Texture Measures for Automatic Classification of Pulmonary Disease
* Variable-Valued Logic System as Applied to Picture Description and Recognition, A
* Visible Surface Algorithms for Quadric Patches
31 for TC(21)
* Analysis of Radiographic Images, An
* Angle Detection on Digital Curves
* Application of Constrained Least Squares Estimation to Image Restoration by Digital Computer, The
* Edge Detection in Simple Scenes Using a Priori Information
* Hybrid Walsh Transform Computer, A
* Parallel Picture Processing Machine, A
* Representation and Matching of Pictorial Structures, The
* Waveform Segmentation Through Functional Approximation
8 for TC(22)
* Black-White Representation of a Gray-Scale Picture, A
* Computer Methods for Creating Photomosaics
* Contextual Postprocessing System for Error Correction Using Binary N-Grams, A
* Digital Straight Line Segments
* Discrete Cosine Transform
* Experimental Procedure for Handwritten Character Recognition, An
* Image Restoration, Modelling, and Reduction of Dimensionality
* New Algorithm for Computing Correlations, A
* Segmentation of Plane Curves
* Threshold Selection Technique, A
10 for TC(23)
* Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbor, An
* Building a Distance Function for Gestalt Grouping
* Character Recognition With a Coherent Optical Multichannel Correlator
* Computer Analysis of Moving Polygonal Images
* Decomposition of Polygons into Simpler Components
* Detection of Step Edges in Noisy One-Dimensional Data
* Digital Image Registration Method Using Boundary Maps
* Discrete Equation of the Straight Line, The
* Experiments in the Contextual Recognition of Cursive Script
* Group Averaged Linear Functions that Detect Corners and Lines
* Hybrid Optical Computer Processing Technique for Fingerprint Identification, A
* Improved Method of Angle Detection on Digital Curves, An
* Note on Automatic Detection of Texture Gradients, A
* On the Measurement of Curvature in a Quantized Environment
* On the Quantitative Evaluation of Edge Detection Schemes and Their Comparisons with Human Performance
* Optimal Piecewise Polynomial L2 Approximation of Functions of One and Two Variables
* optimal set of discriminant vectors, An
* Parallel Mechanism for Detecting Curves in Pictures, A
* Picture Segmentation by Texture Discrimination
* Stochastic Syntactic Decoding for Pattern Classification
* Stochastic Syntax-Directed Translation Schemata for Correction of Errors in Context-Free Languages
* Syntactic Recognition of Imperfectly Specified Patterns
* Unified Approach to Feature Selection and Learning in Unsupervised Environments, A
* Visual Learning from Multiple Views
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* Automatic Threshold Setting for the Sequential Similarity Detection Algorithm
* Computer Description of Curved Objects
* Curvature and Creases: A Primer on Paper
* Distance on a Hexagonal Grid
* Finding Picture Edges Through Collinearity of Feature Points
* Graph-Theoretic Approach to Nonparametric Cluster Analysis, A
* Ladder-Structured Decision Tree for Recognizing Tumors in Chest Radiographs, A
* Locating Object Boundaries in Textured Environments
* Multilevel Approach to Sequential Detection of Pictorial Features, A
* On the Computational Cost of Approximating and Recognizing Noise-Perturbed Straight Lines and Quadratic Arcs in the Plane
* Parallel Detection of Concavities in Cellular Blobs
* Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* Programmable Industrial Automation
* Tree System Approach for Fingerprint Pattern Recognition, A
14 for TC(25)
* Adaptive Techniques for Photomosaicking
* Aircraft Identification by Moment Invariants
* Application of Relaxation Labeling to Line and Curve Enhancement, An
* Application of Relaxation Labeling to Line and Curve Enhancement, An
* Automatic Signature Verification
* Bayesian Methods in Nonlinear Digital Image Restoration
* Branch and Bound Algorithm for Feature Subset Selection, A
* Computer Analysis of Planar Curvilinear Moving Images
* Computer Recognition of Partial Views of Curved Objects
* Corner Finding Algorithm for Chain Coded Curves, A
* Curve Segmentation by Relaxation Labeling
* Cyclic Order Property of Bodies with Three-Face Vertices, A
* Detecting Natural Plateaus in One-Dimensional Patterns
* Detection of Global Edges in Textured Images
* Fast Boundary Detection: A Generalization and a New Algorithm
* Image Boundary Estimation
* Least Squares Image Restoration Using Spline Basis Functions
* Max-Min Measure for Image Texture Analysis, A
* Maximum Entropy Image Reconstruction
* New Concepts for Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis
* Pattern Matching Under Affine Transformations
* Stochastic Error-Correcting Syntax Analysis for Recognition of Noisy Patterns
* Texture Boundary Analysis
* Two-Stage Template Matching
* Understanding Shape: Angles and Sides
* Versatile Machine Vision System for Complex Industrial Parts, A
26 for TC(26)
* Computer Description of Bodies Bounded by Quadric Surfaces from a Set of Imperfect Projections
* Decomposition of Polygons into Convex Sets
* Detection of Ellipses by a Modified Hough Transformation
* Distribution of Runs in Binary Words
* Error Correcting Tree Automata for Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification in (gray level, edge value) space
* Improved Methods of Maximum a posteriori Image Restoration
* Model-Based Vision System for Industrial Parts, A
* On the Hough Technique for Curve Detection
* Optimal Algorithm for Computing Fourier Texture Descriptors, An
* Piecewise Approximation of Pictures Using Maximal Neighborhoods
* Quantitative Study of the Orientational Bias of Some Edge Detector Schemes, A
* Sequential Hierarchical Scene Matching
* Texture Characterization and Texture-Based Image Partitioning Using Two-Dimensional Linear Estimation Techniques
* Topoglyphs
* Transform Method of Curve Detection for Textured Image Data
16 for TC(27)
* Algorithm for Generating a Digital Straight Line on a Triangular Grid
* Progressive Refinement of Raster Images
* Word-Level Recognition of Cursive Script
* Optimal Worst-Case Algorithm for Reporting Intersections of Rectangles, An
* Parallel Recognition of Classes of Graphs, The
* Recent Developments in Pattern Recognition