* *FG
* 3D human face recognition using point signature
* Algorithm for Real-time Stereo Vision Implementation of Head Pose and Gaze Direction Measurement, An
* Analysis and Synthesis of Pose Variations of Human Faces by a Linear PCMAP Model and its Application for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition System
* Audio-visual speaker detection using dynamic Bayesian networks
* Automatic face modeling from monocular image sequences using a modified non parametric regression and an affine camera model
* Automatic Handwriting Gestures Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Bimodal Emotion Recognition
* Classifying Facial Attributes using 2-D Gabor Wavelets and Discriminant Analysis
* Comparative Evaluation of Face Sequence Matching for Content-based Video Access
* Comparative Performance of Different Skin Chrominance Models and Chrominance Spaces for the Detection of Human Faces in Color Images
* Comparison of Confidence Measures for Face Recognition
* Comprehensive Database for Facial Expression Analysis
* Constraint-conscious Smoothing Framework for the Recovery of 3D Articulated Motion from Image Sequences
* Continuous Chinese Sign Language Recognition System, A
* Crane Gesture Recognition using Pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Models
* Detection and estimation of pointing gestures in real-time stereo sequences
* Detection and Tracking of Facial Features in Real Time Using a Synergistic Approach of Spatio-Temporal Models and Generalized Hough-Transform Techniques
* Determining Correspondences for Statistical Models of Facial Appearance
* Dual-state Parametric Eye Tracking
* Dynamic Facial Caricaturing System Based on the Gaze Direction of Gallery
* Estimation of the Illuminant Colour from Human Skin Colour
* Evaluation of Sensor Calibration in a Biometric Person Recognition Framework based on Sensor Fusion
* Exploiting Speech/Gesture Co-occurrence for Improving Continuous Gesture Recognition in Weather Narration
* Extraction of parametric human model for posture recognition using genetic algorithm
* Face Analysis for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking Heads
* Face Detection Using Mixtures of Linear Subspaces
* Face Detection using Multi-modal Information
* Face Matching through Information Theoretical Attention Points and Its Applications to Face Detection and Classification
* Face Recognition Algorithms as Models of Human Face Processing
* Face Recognition Based on Multiple Facial Features
* Face Recognition by Support Vector Machines
* Face Recognition in a Meeting Room
* Face shape extraction and recognition using 3D morphing and distance mapping
* Facial Tracking and Animation Using a 3D Sensor
* Fast and Accurate Face Detector for Indexation of Face Images, A
* Fast Tracking of Hands and Fingertips in Infrared Images for Augmented Desk Interface
* Focus of attention for face and hand gesture recognition using multiple cameras
* Framework for Modeling the Appearance of 3D Articulated Figures, A
* From Few to Many: Generative Models for Recognition Under Variable Pose and Illumination
* Gender Classification with Support Vector Machines
* Gesture Modeling and Recognition Using Finite State Machines
* Global Dimensionality of Face Space, The
* Hallucinating Faces
* Hand Gesture recognition using Input-Output Hidden Markov Models
* Human Action Tracking Guided by Key-Frames
* Human Body Postures from Trinocular Camera Images
* Human Head Tracking using Adaptive Appearance Models with a Fixed-Viewpoint Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
* Improving Face Tracking with 2D Template Warping
* Incremental Learning Method for Face Recognition under Continuous Video Stream, An
* Learning and synthesizing human body motion and posture
* Learning Support Vectors for Face Verification and Recognition
* Learning-Based Approach to Real Time Tracking and Analysis of Faces
* Memory-based Face Recognition for Visitor Identification
* Method for Recognizing a Sequence of Sign Language Words Represented in a Japanese Sign Language Sentence, A
* Multiple Cues for Model-Based Human Motion Capture
* Performance assessment of a face verification based access control system
* Person Tracking in Real-World Scenarios Using Statistical Methods
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition
* probabilistic Framework for Rigid and Non-rigid Appearance Based Tracking and Recognition, A
* Probabilistic Sensor for the Perception of Activities, A
* Real-time Detection of Nodding and Head-shaking by Directly Detecting and Tracking the Between-eyes
* Real-Time Multiple Face Detection Using Active Illumination
* Real-Time Stereo Tracking for Head Pose and Gaze Estimation
* Recognizing Lower Face Action Units in Facial Expression
* Relevant Features for Video-Based Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Robust 3D Head Tracking Under Partial Occlusion
* Robust Face Tracking using Color
* Robust Facial Feature Localization by Coupled Features
* Robust Model-Based Approach for 3D Head Tracking in Video Sequences, A
* Segmenting Hands of Arbitrary Color
* Self-Organized Integration of Adaptive Visual Cues for Face Tracking
* SFS Based View Synthesis for Robust Face Recognition
* Support Vector Regression and Classification Based Multi-view Face Detection and Recognition
* Toward Real-time Human-computer Interaction with Continuous Dynamic Hand Gestures
* Towards Automatic Face Identification Robust to Ageing Variation
* Towards Model-Based Gesture Recognition
* Tracking a Person with 3-D Motion by Integrating Optical Flow and Depth
* Tracking Interacting People
* Understanding Purposeful Human Motion
* Video Annotation for Content-based Retrieval using Human Behavior Analysis and Domain Knowledge
* View-based active appearance models
* Viewpoint-Invariant Learning and Detection of Human Heads
* Virtual 3D Blackboard: 3D Finger Tracking using a Single Camera, A
* Virtual View Face Image Synthesis Using 3D Spring-based Face Model from A Single Image
* Wide-Range, Person- and Illumination-Insensitive Head Orientation Estimation
86 for AFGR00
* *FG
* Adaptive color space switching for face tracking in multi-colored lighting environments
* adaptive fusion architecture for target tracking, An
* Algorithms for inference in specialized maps for recovering 3d hand pose
* appearance-based framework for 3d hand shape classification and camera viewpoint estimation, An
* Approach Based on Phonemes to Large Vocabulary Chinese Sign Language Recognition, An
* approach to automatic recognition of spontaneous facial actions, An
* automatic method for determining quaternion field boundaries for ball-and-socket joint limits, An
* Baseline results for the challenge problem of human ID using gait analysis
* Clustering contextual facial display sequences
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) Database of Human Faces, The
* comparison of gabor filter methods for automatic detection of facial landmarks, A
* Consistency and coupling in human model likelihoods
* Detection of people carrying objects: A Motion-Based Recognition Approach
* efficient method for recognition of human faces using higher orders pseudo Zernike moment invariant, An
* Eigen light-fields and face recognition across pose
* Evaluation of gabor-wavelet-based facial action unit recognition in image sequences of increasing complexity
* Exemplar-Based Face Recognition from Video
* Face Database Retrieval Using Pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Models
* Face identification across different poses and illuminations with a 3D morphable model
* Face Recognition from Video: A Condensation Approach
* Face recognition using kernel based Fisher discriminant analysis
* Facial asymmetry quantification for expression invariant human identification
* Facial component extraction and face recognition with support vector machines
* Fast stereo-based head tracking for interactive environments
* Gait analysis for recognition and classification
* Gait-based recognition of humans using continuous HMMs
* Generative and discriminative face modelling for detection
* Hand gesture recognition following the dynamics of a topology-preserving network
* Hand gesture recognition using multi-scale colour features, hierarchical models and particle filtering
* Head tracking by active particle filtering
* Hierarchical wavelet networks for facial feature localization
* HMM-based temporal difference learning with model-updating capability for visual tracking of human communicational behaviors, An
* Human action recognition in smart classroom
* Human detection using geometrical pixel value structures
* Interacting with steerable projected displays
* investigation into the use of partial-faces for face recognition, An
* Kernel Eigenfaces vs. Kernel Fisherfaces: Face Recognition Using Kernel Methods
* Meta-analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms
* Mode-based multi-hypothesish head tracking using parametric contours
* Model-based face tracking for view-independent facial expression recognition
* Model-based head pose tracking with stereovision
* Modification of Kernel-Based Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Detection, A
* Motion-based recognition of people in eigengait space
* Multi-view face alignment using direct appearance models
* Multi-view face pose estimation based on supervised ISA learning
* new robust face detection in color images, A
* Non-contact eye gaze tracking system by mapping of corneal reflections
* On importance of nose for face tracking
* On modeling variations for face authentication
* On probabilistic combination of face and gait cues for identification
* PCA/MDA scheme for hand posture recognition, A
* Pose-invariant face recognition with parametric linear subspaces
* Real-time multi-view face detection
* Real-time tracking of multiple fingertips and gesture recognition for augmented desk interface systems
* Real-time, fully automatic upper facial feature tracking
* Recognition of arm movements
* Recognition of human body posture from a cloud of 3d data points using wavelet transform coefficients
* Robust face detection at video frame rate based on edge orientation features
* Robust facial expression recognition using a state-based model of spatially-localised facial dynamics
* Robust full-motion recovery of head by dynamic templates and re-registration techniques
* Silhouette-based human identification from body shape and gait
* Smiling faces are better for face recognition
* SRN/HMM system for signer-independent continuous sign language recognition, A
* Stride and cadence as a biometric in automatic person identification and verification
* Subpixel eye gaze tracking
* Two-handed gesture tracking incorporating template warping with static segmentation
* unified learning framework for real time face detection and classification, A
* Visual prosody: facial movements accompanying speech
69 for AFGR02
* *FG
* 3-D hand posture recognition by training contour variation
* 3-D hand trajectory recognition for Signing Exact English
* 3D model based expression tracking in intrinsic expression space
* 3D model-based hand tracking using stochastic direct search method
* 3D shape constraint for facial feature localization using probabilistic-like output
* 3D tracking for gait characterization and recognition
* 3D-tracking of head and hands for pointing gesture recognition in a human-robot interaction scenario
* Active morphable model: an efficient method for face analysis
* Adaboost with totally corrective updates for fast face detection
* Adaptive learning of an accurate skin-color model
* Advances in automatic gait recognition
* Affine correspondence based head pose estimation for a sequence of images by using a 3D model
* Affine-invariant face detection and localization using GMM-based feature detector and enhanced appearance model
* Affine-Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Momentums in Log-Polar Images
* Amplitude spectrum-based gait recognition
* Authentic facial expression analysis
* Authenticating corrupted face image based on noise model
* automated face reader for fatigue detection, An
* Automated gesture segmentation from dance sequences
* Automatic 3D Face Recognition Combining Global Geometric Features with Local Shape Variation Information
* Automatic 3D reconstruction for face recognition
* Bayesian fusion of Hidden Markov Models for understanding bimanual movements
* boosted classifier tree for hand shape detection, A
* Canonical sequence extraction and HMM model building based on hierarchical clustering
* Classification-based face detection using Gabor filter features
* Combining motion segmentation with tracking for activity analysis
* comparison of photometric normalisation algorithms for face verification, A
* comparison of shape constrained facial feature detectors, A
* Components for face recognition
* Conic-based algorithm for visual line estimation from one image
* Curse of Mis-Alignment in Face Recognition: Problem and a Novel Mis-Alignment Learning Solution
* Deciphering gestures with layered meanings and signer adaptation
* Decision Making in the LDA Space: Generalised Gradient Direction Metric
* Detecting dance motion structure through music analysis
* development and evaluation of reactive motion capture system with haptic feedback, A
* Eigen-harmonics faces: face recognition under generic lighting
* Empirical remarks on output coding methods for face recognition
* Enhanced human face image searching system using relevance feedback
* Estimating complicated and overlapped human body postures by wearing a multiple-colored suit using color information processing
* Estimating face pose by facial asymmetry and geometry
* Ethnicity estimation with facial images
* Evaluation of automatic 4D face recognition using surface and texture registration
* Evaluation of face alignment solutions using statistical learning
* Expand training set for face detection by GA re-sampling
* Extraction and manipulation of wrinkles and spots for facial image synthesis
* Face alignment under variable illumination
* Face contour construction with multiple information
* Face detection based on kernel fisher discriminant analysis
* Face detection using one-class-based support vectors
* Face detection with the modified census transform
* Face hallucination with pose variation
* Face Recognition Algorithm on the Basis of Truncated Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Synthetic Discriminant Functions
* Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions Using Self Quotient Image
* Face recognition using Ada-Boosted Gabor features
* Face verification using adapted generative models
* Facial expression recognition using fisher weight maps
* Facial feature extraction using PCA and wavelet multi-resolution images
* False alarm rate: a critical performance measure for face recognition
* fast and robust face detection based on module switching network, A
* Fast rotation invariant multi-view face detection based on real adaboost
* Finding optimal views for 3D face shape modeling
* Finding temporal patterns by data decomposition
* From Still Image to Video-Based Face Recognition: An Experimental Analysis
* Gabor feature based face recognition using kernel methods
* Gait Style and Gait Content: Bilinear Models for Gait Recognition Using Gait Re-Sampling
* Gesture Recognition Using Auto-Regressive Coefficients of Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlation Features
* Gesture recognition using laser-based tracking system
* Hand gesture recognition using depth data
* Hand shape estimation under complex backgrounds for sign language recognition
* Head pose estimation using stereo vision for human-robot interaction
* Hierarchical face tracking by using PTZ camera
* Hierarchical recognition of daily human actions based on Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* Human Face Orientation Detection Using Power Spectrum Based Measurements
* Human tracking using multiple-camera-based head appearance modeling
* Illuminating Light Field: Image-Based Face Recognition Across Illuminations and Poses
* Image-based photorealistic 3-D face modeling
* Impression transformation of a face based on discriminant analysis on separately coded representations of facial shape and texture
* Influence of the observation likelihood function on particle filtering performance in tracking applications
* Integrating independent components and linear discriminant analysis for gender classification
* Integration of 2D and 3D images for enhanced face authentication
* Interactive analysis and synthesis of facial expressions based on personal facial expression space
* Intra-personal kernel space for face recognition
* Kernel subspace LDA with optimized kernel parameters on face recognition
* Learning 3D appearance models from video
* Learning system of human facial expression for a family robot
* model of facial behaviour, A
* Model-based and image-based methods for facial image synthesis, analysis and recognition
* Modeling face appearance with nonlinear independent component analysis
* Monocular reconstruction of human motion by qualitative selection
* Mouth state estimation in mobile computing environment
* Multi-biometrics using facial appearance, shape and temperature
* Multimodal coordination of facial action, head rotation, and eye motion during spontaneous smiles
* Multiple face contour detection based on geometric active contours
* Multiple frame motion inference using belief propagation
* Multiple-person tracker with a fixed slanting stereo camera
* Nearest manifold approach for face recognition
* new instrumented approach for translating American Sign Language into sound and text, A
* Non-intrusive eye gaze estimation without knowledge of eye pose
* Null Space-Based Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* On automated model-based extraction and analysis of gait
* On efficient multi-angle face prototype collection
* Oriented filters for object recognition: an empirical study
* Parallelization between face localization and person identification
* Parametric tracking of human contour by exploiting intelligent edge
* Particle filtering with factorized likelihoods for tracking facial features
* Performance evaluation of face recognition algorithms on Asian face database
* Portable facial information measurement system and its application to human modeling and human interfaces
* proposal for a person/photograph distinction method with applications to security systems, A
* Real time hand tracking by combining particle filtering and mean shift
* Real-time face and head detection using four directional features
* Real-time pointing gesture recognition for an immersive environment
* Realistic 3D facial animation using parameter-based deformation and texture remapping
* Realistic multi-view face animation with aid of 3D PDM
* Recent advances in ear biometrics
* Recognition of isolated complex mono-and bi-manual 3D hand gestures
* Recognizing facial actions using gabor wavelets with neutral face average difference
* Recognizing Song-Based Blink Patterns: Applications for Restricted and Universal Access
* Red-handed: collaborative gesture interaction with a projection table
* Registration of infra-red and visible-spectrum imagery for face recognition
* Resolution enhancement of facial image using an error back-projection of example-based learning
* robust elliptical head tracker, A
* Robust face recognition by combining projection-based image correction and decomposed eigenface
* Robust hand detection
* Robust lip contour extraction using separability of multi-dimensional distributions
* Robust precise eye location under probabilistic framework
* Skin detection using neighborhood information
* Smart particle filtering for 3D hand tracking
* Sparse models for gender classification
* Subject-independent natural action recognition
* Subspace analysis and optimization for AAM based face alignment
* symmetric transformation for LDA-based face verification, A
* Synthesis and recognition of facial expressions in virtual 3D views
* Towards a one-way American Sign Language translator
* Towards race-related face identification: Research on skin color transfer
* Tracking humans using prior and learned representations of shape and appearance
* Trainable videorealistic speech animation
* Transition movement models for large vocabulary continuous sign language recognition
* Two-Step Approach to Multiple Facial Feature Tracking: Temporal Particle Filter and Spatial Belief Propagation, A
* Using component features for face recognition
* Using random subspace to combine multiple features for face recognition
* Video based face recognition using multiple classifiers
* Video-based tracking of user's motion for augmented desk interface
* Video-rate capture of dynamic face shape and appearance
* Visual hand motion capture for guiding a dexterous hand
145 for AFGR04
* *FG
* Learning Networks for Face Analysis and Synthesis
* Visual Recognition of American Sign Language Using Hidden Markov Models
* *FG
* Adaptive automatic facial feature segmentation
* Automatic interpolation and recognition of face images by morphing
* Automatic spoken affect classification and analysis
* Cardboard people: a parameterized model of articulated image motion
* Comparison of visible and infra-red imagery for face recognition
* Computer vision for computer games
* Computing 3-D head orientation from a monocular image sequence
* Coordination of perceptual processes for computer mediated communication
* Deformable model-based face shape and motion estimation
* Detection of human faces under scale, orientation and viewpoint variations
* Detection of human faces using decision trees
* Discriminant analysis and eigenspace partition tree for face and object recognition from views
* Dynamical system representation, generation, and recognition of basic oscillatory motion gestures
* Edge and keypoint detection in facial regions
* Eigen-points: control-point location using principal component analyses
* Example-based head tracking
* Face and facial feature extraction from color image
* Face and hand gesture recognition using hybrid classifiers
* Face detection using local maxima
* Face distinctiveness in recognition across viewpoint: an analysis of the statistical structure of face spaces
* Facial analysis and synthesis using image-based models
* Finding Skin in Color Images
* From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry
* Gestural interface to a visual computing environment for molecular biologists
* Hand sign recognition from intensity image sequences with complex backgrounds
* Happy patrons make better tippers: creating a robot waiter using Perseus and the Animate Agent architecture
* Inductive learning in hand pose recognition
* Information theoretic view-based and modular face detection
* Invariant features for 3-D gesture recognition
* investigation into face pose distributions, An
* Learning novel views to a single face image
* LISTEN: a system for locating and tracking individual speakers
* Locating faces using statistical feature detectors
* Locating facial features in image sequences using neural networks
* Manifold caricatures: on the psychological consistency of computer face recognition
* Maximum likelihood face detection
* Modelling the variability in face images
* Multi-modal system for locating heads and faces
* Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body
* probabilistic framework for perceptual grouping of features in human face detection, A
* Real-time facial motion analysis for virtual teleconferencing
* Real-time hand-arm motion analysis using a single video camera
* Real-time visual recognition of facial gestures for human-computer interaction
* Recognition of social dancing from auditory and visual information
* Recognizing articulated objects with information theoretic methods
* Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
* Robust classification of hand postures against complex backgrounds
* Robust face feature analysis for automatic speechreading and character animation
* Segmentation and tracking of faces in color images
* Speechreading: an overview of image processing, feature extraction, sensory integration and pattern recognition techniques
* Spotting recognition of human gestures from time-varying images
* theoretical consideration of pattern space trajectory for gesture spotting recognition, A
* Toward robust skin identification in video images
* Toward the use of gesture in traditional user interfaces
* Towards 3D hand tracking using a deformable model
* Towards unconstrained face recognition from image sequences
* Tracking and learning graphs and pose on image sequences of faces
* Tracking faces
* Understanding Manipulation in Video
* Visual filters for face recognition
* Visual interaction with lifelike characters
62 for AFGR96
* *FG
* 1ms VLSI Vision Chip System and Its Applications
* 3-D Facial Pose and Gaze Point Estimation Using a Robust Real-Time Tracking Paradigm
* 3-D Human Motion Sensing by Artificial Retina Chips
* 3D Face Modeling from Stereo and Differential Constraints
* 3D Head Pose Estimation without Feature Tracking
* Active Hand Tracking
* Automated Facial Expression Recognition Based on FACS Action Units
* Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Natural Scene Images by Use of a Skin Color Model and of Invariant Moments
* Automatic Pose Estimation System for Human Faces Based on Bunch Graph Matching Technology
* Beyond Eigenfaces: Probabilistic Matching for Face Recognition
* Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets
* Color-Based Hands Tracking System for Sign Language Recognition
* Comparison Between Geometry-Based and Gabor-Wavelets-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Multi-Layer Perceptron
* Comparisons between Human and Computer Recognition of Faces
* Cue Circles: Image Feature for Measuring 3-D Motion of Articulated Objects Using Sequential Image Pair
* Curvature-Based Face Surface Recognition Using Spherical Correlation-Principal Directions for Curved Object Recognition
* Description and Recognition of Human Gestures Based on the Transition of Curvature from Motion Images
* Design and Evaluation of Gesture Interface of an Immersive Walk-through Application for Exploring Cyberspace
* Detecting Head Pose from Stereo Image Sequence for Active Face Recognition
* Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components for Face Recognition
* Dynamic Models of Human Motion
* Evolution of Optimal Projection Axes (OPA) for Face Recognition
* Expression Recognition from Time-Sequential Facial Images by Use of Expression Change Model
* Extracting Gestural Motion Trajectories
* Face Detection Based on Color and Local Symmetry Information
* Face Identification Using a 3D Gray-Scale Image: A Method for Lessening Restrictions on Facial Directions
* Face Indexing on Video Data: Extraction, Recognition, Tracking and Modeling
* Face Recognition from Unfamiliar Views: Subspace Methods and Pose Dependency
* Face Recognition Using Binary Image Metrics
* Face Recognition Using Temporal Image Sequence
* Face Similarity Space as Perceived by Humans and Artificial Systems
* Face Verification based on Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Facial Contour Extraction Model
* Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications
* Facial Image Reconstruction by Estimated Muscle Parameter
* Feature-Point Tracking by Optical Flow Discriminates Subtle Differences in Facial Expression
* FERET Verification Testing Protocol for Face Recognition Algorithms, The
* Finding Pose of Hand in Video Images: A Stereo-Based Approach
* Gaze Estimation Using Morphable Models
* Gender and Ethnic Classification of Face Images
* Generalizing Capacity of Face Database for Face Recognition
* Geometric-Imprints: A Significant Points Extraction Method for the Scan&Track Virtual Environment
* Gesture Interface for Human-Robot-Interaction, A
* Gesture Recognition Using HLAC Features of PARCOR Images and HMM Based Recognizer
* Hand Gesture Estimation and Model Refinement Using Monocular Camera: Ambiguity Limitation by Inequality Constraints
* Hatched Image Representation of Human Faces Based on a Cognitive Model
* Head Pose Determination from One Image Using a Generic Model
* Human Face Structure Estimation from Multiple Images Using the 2D Affine Space
* Iamascope: A Musical Application for Image Processing
* Integration of Eigentemplate and Structure Matching for Automatic Facial Feature Detection
* Interpreting Face Images Using Active Appearance Models
* Learning to Identify and Track Faces in Image Sequences
* Lip Motion Capture and Its Application to 3-D Molding
* Lip Movement Synthesis from Speech Based on Hidden Markov Models
* Locating Facial Region of a Head-and-Shoulders Color Image
* Locating Salient Facial Features Using Image Invariants
* Manipulative Hand Gesture Recognition Using Task Knowledge for Human Computer Interaction
* Meaningful Gestures for Human Computer Interaction: Beyond Hand Postures
* MMID: Multimodal Multi-view Integrated Database for Human Behavior Understanding
* Multi-Scale Morphological Method for Human Posture Recognition, A
* Multimodal Human Emotion/Expression Recognition
* Multiple-Human Tracking Using Multiple Cameras
* New Robust Real-Time Method for Extracting Human Silhouettes from Color Images
* Nonverbal Information Recognition and Its Application to Communications
* Object Oriented Face Detection Using Range and Color Information
* Online Facial Expression Recognition Based on Personalized Galleries
* Panorama: A What I See Is What I Want Contactless Visual Interface
* Partial Face Recognition Using Radial Basis Function Networks
* PersonSpotter: Fast and Robust System for Human Detection, Tracking and Recognition
* Physical Facial Model Based on 3D-CT Data for Facial Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Priority and Segmentation Algorithm for the 3-D Motion Estimation of Two Heads Partly Overlapped
* Prototype System for Intuitive Film Planning, A
* Qualitative Approach to Classifying Gaze Direction, A
* Reach Out and Touch Space (Motion Learning)
* Real Time Gesture Recognition Using Eigenspace from Multi Input Image Sequence
* Real-Time Continuous Gesture Recognition System for Sign Language, A
* Real-Time Face Recognition Using Feature Combination
* Real-Time Human Posture Estimation Using Monocular Thermal Images
* Realtime Gesture Recognition under the Multi-Layered Parallel Recognition Framework of QVIPS
* Recognizing Temporal Trajectories Using the CONDENSATION Algorithm
* Robust Face Identification against Lighting Fluctuation for Lock Control
* Scale Invariant Face Detection Method Using Higher-Order Local Autocorrelation Features Extracted from Log-Polar Image
* Similarity-Based Method for the Generalization of Face Recognition over Pose and Expression
* Skill Recognition
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Face Profiles: Detection, Segmentation, and Registration
* Spotting Segments Displaying Facial Expression from Image Sequences Using HMM
* Statistical Analysis of Gabor-Filter Representation
* Synthesis of Facial Images with Lip Motion from Several Real Views
* Temporal Differences in Eye and Mouth Movements Classifying Facial Expressions of Smiles
* Toward Automation of Learning: The State Self-Organization Problem for a Face Recognizer
* Tracking and Segmenting People in Varying Lighting Conditions Using Colour
* Tracking Facial Features Using Probabilistic Network
* Tracking Hand Dynamics in Unconstrained Environments
* User Localisation for Visually-Based Human-Machine-Interaction
* View Alignment with Dynamically Updated Affine Tracking
* View-Based Interpretation of Real-Time Optical Flow for Gesture Recognition
* Virtual Mirror Interface Using Real-Time Robust Face Tracking, A
* W4: Who? When? Where? What? A Real Time System for Detecting and Tracking People
* Wavelet-Domain Principal Component Analysis Applied to Facial Similarity Trees, Caricaturing, and Nonlinear Illumination-Invariant Processing
100 for AFGR98