Index for zoll

Zollanvari, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdirash, M.: Asymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discrim...
     with: Abibullaev, B.: Asymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discr...
     with: Abibullaev, B.: Bias correction for linear discriminant analysis
     with: Abibullaev, B.: Jackknife-Inspired Deep Learning Approach to Subject-I...
     with: Abibullaev, B.: Systematic Deep Learning Model Selection for P300-Base...
     with: Braga Neto, U.M.: On the sampling distribution of resubstitution and l...
     with: Dadlani, A.: Asymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discrimi...
     with: Dolzhikova, I.: Jackknife-Inspired Deep Learning Approach to Subject-I...
     with: Dougherty, E.R.: Analytical study of performance of linear discriminan...
     with: Dougherty, E.R.: Classifier design given an uncertainty class of featu...
     with: Dougherty, E.R.: Moments and root-mean-square error of the Bayesian MM...
     with: Dougherty, E.R.: On the sampling distribution of resubstitution and le...
     with: Esfahani, M.S.: Classifier design given an uncertainty class of featur...
     with: Hua, J.P.: Analytical study of performance of linear discriminant anal...
     with: Knight, J.: Classifier design given an uncertainty class of feature di...
     with: Yoon, B.J.: Classifier design given an uncertainty class of feature di...
16 for Zollanvari, A.

Zollei, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alegro, M.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resoluti...
     with: Alho, E.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resolution...
     with: Amaro, E.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resolutio...
     with: Fischl, B.: Combined Volumetric and Surface Registration
     with: Fisher, J.: Unified Statistical and Information Theoretic Framework fo...
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: 2D-3D Rigid Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT ...
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of w...
     with: Grinberg, L.T.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Reso...
     with: Heinsen, H.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resolut...
     with: Kapur, T.: Variational Framework for Joint Segmentation and Registrati...
     with: Learned Miller, E.G.: Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data
     with: Loring, B.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resoluti...
     with: Maddah, M.: Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of white ...
     with: Norbash, A.: 2D-3D Rigid Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT Imag...
     with: Postelnicu, G.: Combined Volumetric and Surface Registration
     with: Ushizima, D.: Multimodal Whole Brain Registration: MRI and High Resolu...
     with: Wells, W.M.: 2D-3D Rigid Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT Imag...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data
     with: Wells, W.M.: Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of white...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Multi-modal Image Registration Using Dirichlet-Encoded Pr...
     with: Wells, W.M.: On the optimality of mutual information as an image regis...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Unified Statistical and Information Theoretic Framework f...
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: Variational Framework for Joint Segmentation and Registra...
24 for Zollei, L.

Zoller, D.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bolton, T.A.W.: Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network Ac...
     with: Eliez, S.: Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network Activit...
     with: Karahanoglu, F.I.: Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network...
     with: Schaer, M.: Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network Activi...
     with: van de Ville, D.: Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network ...

Zoller, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Active Learning for Hierarchical Pairwise Data Clustering
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Combined color and texture segmentation by parametric d...
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Parametric Distributional Clustering for Image Segmenta...
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Path Based Pairwise Data Clustering with Application to...
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Perceptual Grouping by Path Based Clustering
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Robust Image Segmentation Using Resampling and Shape Co...
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Selforganized Clustering of Mixture Models for Combined...
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: Shape constrained image segmentation by parametric dist...
     with: Fischer, B.: Path Based Pairwise Data Clustering with Application to T...
     with: Fischer, B.: Perceptual Grouping by Path Based Clustering
     with: Hermes, L.: Combined color and texture segmentation by parametric dist...
     with: Hermes, L.: Parametric Distributional Clustering for Image Segmentation
12 for Zoller, T.

Zollhoefer, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bansal, A.: COAP: Compositional Articulated Occupancy of People
     with: Bansal, A.: Neural Pixel Composition for 3D-4D View Synthesis from Mul...
     with: Chabra, R.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Mo...
     with: Goesele, M.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Green, S.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Habermann, M.: DeepCap: Monocular Human Performance Capture Using Weak...
     with: Habermann, M.: Deeper Look into DeepCap, A
     with: Kim, C.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Lassner, C.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Lassner, C.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance M...
     with: Li, T.Y.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Lovegrove, S.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Lv, Z.Y.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Ma, L.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Models
     with: Mihajlovic, M.: COAP: Compositional Articulated Occupancy of People
     with: Newcombe, R.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Newcombe, R.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance ...
     with: Pons Moll, G.: DeepCap: Monocular Human Performance Capture Using Weak...
     with: Pons Moll, G.: Deeper Look into DeepCap, A
     with: Rusinkiewicz, S.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appeara...
     with: Saito, S.: COAP: Compositional Articulated Occupancy of People
     with: Schmidt, T.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Slavcheva, M.: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
     with: Slavcheva, M.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance...
     with: Sweeney, C.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance M...
     with: Tang, S.: COAP: Compositional Articulated Occupancy of People
     with: Theobalt, C.: DeepCap: Monocular Human Performance Capture Using Weak ...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Deeper Look into DeepCap, A
     with: Wei, F.: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Models
     with: Xu, W.P.: DeepCap: Monocular Human Performance Capture Using Weak Supe...
     with: Xu, W.P.: Deeper Look into DeepCap, A
31 for Zollhoefer, M.

Zollhofer, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Attal, B.: HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned S...
     with: Attal, B.: Learning Neural Light Fields with Ray-Space Embedding
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: AutoAvatar: Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic ...
     with: Bagautdinov, T.: Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Hum...
     with: Bai, Z.Q.: AutoAvatar: Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic Avatar...
     with: Bansal, A.: KeypointNeRF: Generalizing Image-Based Volumetric Avatars ...
     with: Bernard, F.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Bernard, F.: High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an U...
     with: Bernard, F.: MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for...
     with: Bernard, F.: Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monoc...
     with: Bernard, F.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait I...
     with: Bharaj, G.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Bharaj, G.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait Im...
     with: Bozic, A.: DeepDeform: Learning Non-Rigid RGB-D Reconstruction With Se...
     with: Bozic, A.: Local Appearance Model for Volumetric Capture of Diverse Ha...
     with: Bozic, A.: Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rigid...
     with: Bozic, A.: SceNeRFlow: Time-Consistent Reconstruction of General Dynam...
     with: Cao, C.: Local Appearance Model for Volumetric Capture of Diverse Hair...
     with: Cao, C.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Capture a...
     with: Casas, D.: Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object f...
     with: Chatterjee, A.: LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
     with: Dai, A.: Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rigid R...
     with: de la Torre, F.: MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-M...
     with: Elgharib, M.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Elgharib, M.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait ...
     with: Gafni, G.: Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Monocular 4D Facial Avat...
     with: Gall, J.: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
     with: Garrido, P.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Garrido, P.: High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an U...
     with: Garrido, P.: MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for...
     with: Garrido, P.: Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monoc...
     with: Golyanik, V.: Demea: Deep Mesh Autoencoders for Non-rigidly Deforming ...
     with: Golyanik, V.: Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Nov...
     with: Golyanik, V.: Patchnets: Patch-based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3d Sh...
     with: Golyanik, V.: SceNeRFlow: Time-Consistent Reconstruction of General Dy...
     with: Greiner, G.: Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Geo...
     with: Habermann, M.: NRST: Non-rigid Surface Tracking from Monocular Video
     with: Hays, J.: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars
     with: Heide, F.: DeepVoxels: Learning Persistent 3D Feature Embeddings
     with: Hodgins, J.: HVH: Learning a Hybrid Neural Volumetric Representation f...
     with: Hodgins, J.: Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human H...
     with: Hodgins, J.: Local Appearance Model for Volumetric Capture of Diverse ...
     with: Hodgins, J.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Captu...
     with: Huang, J.B.: HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned...
     with: Huang, J.B.: Learning Neural Light Fields with Ray-Space Embedding
     with: Innmann, M.: VolumeDeform: Real-Time Volumetric Non-rigid Reconstruction
     with: Kanazawa, A.: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
     with: Kim, C.: HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned Sam...
     with: Kim, C.: Learning Neural Light Fields with Ray-Space Embedding
     with: Kim, H.: InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering
     with: Kim, H.: Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monocular...
     with: Kim, H.W.: High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an Uns...
     with: Kim, H.W.: MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for U...
     with: Kopf, J.: HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned Sa...
     with: Kopf, J.: Learning Neural Light Fields with Ray-Space Embedding
     with: Kurz, A.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural...
     with: Lassner, C.: HVH: Learning a Hybrid Neural Volumetric Representation f...
     with: Lassner, C.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Captu...
     with: Lassner, C.: Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Nove...
     with: Lassner, C.: Pulsar: Efficient Sphere-based Neural Rendering
     with: Lassner, C.: SceNeRFlow: Time-Consistent Reconstruction of General Dyn...
     with: Lassner, C.: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
     with: Li, R.L.: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
     with: Lombardi, S.: HVH: Learning a Hybrid Neural Volumetric Representation ...
     with: Lombardi, S.: Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human ...
     with: Lombardi, S.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Capt...
     with: Lombardi, S.: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars
     with: Lv, Z.Y.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural...
     with: Maximov, M.: LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
     with: Meka, A.: LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
     with: Mihajlovic, M.: KeypointNeRF: Generalizing Image-Based Volumetric Avat...
     with: Mueller, F.: Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object...
     with: Nam, G.: HVH: Learning a Hybrid Neural Volumetric Representation for D...
     with: Nam, G.: Local Appearance Model for Volumetric Capture of Diverse Hair...
     with: Nam, G.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Capture a...
     with: Neff, T.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural...
     with: Niessner, M.: DeepVoxels: Learning Persistent 3D Feature Embeddings
     with: Nießner, M.: DeepDeform: Learning Non-Rigid RGB-D Reconstruction With ...
     with: Nießner, M.: Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Monocular 4D Facial Av...
     with: Nießner, M.: Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB ...
     with: Nießner, M.: Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rig...
     with: Nießner, M.: VolumeDeform: Real-Time Volumetric Non-rigid Reconstruction
     with: O'Toole, M.: HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned...
     with: Oulasvirta, A.: Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Obj...
     with: Palafox, P.: Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rig...
     with: Perez, P.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Perez, P.: High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an Uns...
     with: Perez, P.: MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for U...
     with: Perez, P.: Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monocul...
     with: Perez, P.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait Ima...
     with: Pons Moll, G.: NRST: Non-rigid Surface Tracking from Monocular Video
     with: Raj, A.: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars
     with: Rhodin, H.: NRST: Non-rigid Surface Tracking from Monocular Video
     with: Richard, A.: MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modal...
     with: Richardt, C.: HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditione...
     with: Richardt, C.: InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering
     with: Richardt, C.: LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
     with: Richardt, C.: Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Ge...
     with: Romero, J.: AutoAvatar: Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic Avata...
     with: Saito, S.: AutoAvatar: Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic Avatar...
     with: Saito, S.: KeypointNeRF: Generalizing Image-Based Volumetric Avatars U...
     with: Saito, S.: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars
     with: Saragih, J.: Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human H...
     with: Saragih, J.: Local Appearance Model for Volumetric Capture of Diverse ...
     with: Saragih, J.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Captu...
     with: Saragih, J.: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars
     with: Seidel, H.: LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
     with: Seidel, H.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait Im...
     with: Seidel, H.P.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Sheikh, Y.: MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modali...
     with: Simon, T.: Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human Heads
     with: Simon, T.: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars
     with: Sitzmann, V.: DeepVoxels: Learning Persistent 3D Feature Embeddings
     with: Sridhar, S.: Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object...
     with: Stamminger, M.: Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of R...
     with: Stamminger, M.: VolumeDeform: Real-Time Volumetric Non-rigid Reconstru...
     with: Steinberger, M.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of...
     with: Stoll, C.: Patchnets: Patch-based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3d Shape...
     with: Stuyck, T.: HVH: Learning a Hybrid Neural Volumetric Representation fo...
     with: Stuyck, T.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Captur...
     with: Tan, P.: AutoAvatar: Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic Avatar M...
     with: Tang, S.: KeypointNeRF: Generalizing Image-Based Volumetric Avatars Us...
     with: Tanke, J.: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
     with: Tewari, A.: Demea: Deep Mesh Autoencoders for Non-rigidly Deforming Ob...
     with: Tewari, A.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Tewari, A.: High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an Un...
     with: Tewari, A.: InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering
     with: Tewari, A.: MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for ...
     with: Tewari, A.: Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Novel...
     with: Tewari, A.: Patchnets: Patch-based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3d Shap...
     with: Tewari, A.: Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monocu...
     with: Tewari, A.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait Im...
     with: Theobalt, C.: DeepDeform: Learning Non-Rigid RGB-D Reconstruction With...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Demea: Deep Mesh Autoencoders for Non-rigidly Deforming ...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB...
     with: Theobalt, C.: FML: Face Model Learning From Videos
     with: Theobalt, C.: High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction Based on an ...
     with: Theobalt, C.: InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering
     with: Theobalt, C.: LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
     with: Theobalt, C.: MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder fo...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Nov...
     with: Theobalt, C.: NRST: Non-rigid Surface Tracking from Monocular Video
     with: Theobalt, C.: Patchnets: Patch-based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3d Sh...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Ge...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Objec...
     with: Theobalt, C.: SceNeRFlow: Time-Consistent Reconstruction of General Dy...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Mono...
     with: Theobalt, C.: StyleRig: Rigging StyleGAN for 3D Control Over Portrait ...
     with: Theobalt, C.: VolumeDeform: Real-Time Volumetric Non-rigid Reconstruct...
     with: Thies, J.: DeepVoxels: Learning Persistent 3D Feature Embeddings
     with: Thies, J.: Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Monocular 4D Facial Avat...
     with: Thies, J.: Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Vi...
     with: Thies, J.: InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering
     with: Thies, J.: Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rigid...
     with: Thies, L.: Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Geome...
     with: Tretschk, E.: Demea: Deep Mesh Autoencoders for Non-rigidly Deforming ...
     with: Tretschk, E.: Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Nov...
     with: Tretschk, E.: Patchnets: Patch-based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3d Sh...
     with: Tretschk, E.: SceNeRFlow: Time-Consistent Reconstruction of General Dy...
     with: Vo, M.: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: HVH: Learning a Hybrid Neural Volumetric Representation fo...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human He...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Local Appearance Model for Volumetric Capture of Diverse H...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: NeuWigs: A Neural Dynamic Model for Volumetric Hair Captur...
     with: Wen, Y.D.: MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modalit...
     with: Wetzstein, G.: DeepVoxels: Learning Persistent 3D Feature Embeddings
     with: Xu, W.P.: NRST: Non-rigid Surface Tracking from Monocular Video
177 for Zollhofer, M.

Zolliker, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baranczuk, Z.: Conjoint Analysis for Evaluating Parameterized Gamut Ma...
     with: Giesen, J.: Conjoint Analysis for Evaluating Parameterized Gamut Mappi...
     with: Giesen, J.: Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem
     with: Lichtenauer, M.S.: Classification of Paper Images to Predict Substrate...
     with: Lichtenauer, M.S.: Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
     with: Lissner, I.: Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
     with: Mourad, S.: Classification of Paper Images to Predict Substrate Parame...
     with: Preiss, J.: Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
     with: Schuberth, E.: Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem
     with: Simon, K.: Classification of Paper Images to Predict Substrate Paramet...
     with: Simon, K.: Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem
     with: Simon, K.: Retaining Local Image Information in Gamut Mapping Algorithms
     with: Sprow, I.: Conjoint Analysis for Evaluating Parameterized Gamut Mappin...
     with: Urban, P.: Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
     with: Zweifel, O.: Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem
15 for Zolliker, P.

Zollini, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alicandro, M.: Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multidi...
     with: Alicandro, M.: Fast and Accurate Registration of Terrestrial Point Clo...
     with: Alicandro, M.: UAV Photogrammetry for Concrete Bridge Inspection Using...
     with: Candigliota, E.: Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multi...
     with: di Angelo, L.: Fast and Accurate Registration of Terrestrial Point Clo...
     with: di Stefano, P.: Fast and Accurate Registration of Terrestrial Point Cl...
     with: Dominici, D.: Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multidis...
     with: Dominici, D.: Fast and Accurate Registration of Terrestrial Point Clou...
     with: Dominici, D.: UAV Photogrammetry for Concrete Bridge Inspection Using ...
     with: Giallonardo, M.: UAV Photogrammetry for Concrete Bridge Inspection Usi...
     with: Guardiani, E.: Fast and Accurate Registration of Terrestrial Point Clo...
     with: Immordino, F.: Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multidi...
     with: Quaresima, R.: Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multidi...
     with: Quaresima, R.: UAV Photogrammetry for Concrete Bridge Inspection Using...
14 for Zollini, S.

Zollmann, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baker, L.: Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for ...
     with: Baker, L.: Softposit for Augmented Reality in Complex Environments: Li...
     with: Birchbauer, J.A.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping...
     with: Bischof, H.: Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and Do...
     with: Bischof, H.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV ...
     with: Boult, R.: Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for ...
     with: Dickson, A.: Benchmarking Monocular Depth Estimation Models for VR Con...
     with: Gruber, L.: Optimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature Tracking
     with: Gul, S.: Benchmarking Localization for Augmented Reality in Large Scal...
     with: Gul, S.: Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for AR...
     with: Hollerer, T.: Optimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature Track...
     with: Hoppe, C.: Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and Docu...
     with: Hoppe, C.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV im...
     with: Irschara, A.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV...
     with: Junghanns, S.: Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Da...
     with: Kluckner, S.: Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and D...
     with: Kluckner, S.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV...
     with: Knott, A.: Benchmarking Monocular Depth Estimation Models for VR Conte...
     with: Langlotz, T.: Softposit for Augmented Reality in Complex Environments:...
     with: Lo, W.H.: Benchmarking Localization for Augmented Reality in Large Sca...
     with: Lo, W.H.: From off-site to on-site: A Flexible Framework for XR Protot...
     with: Mills, S.: Benchmarking Localization for Augmented Reality in Large Sc...
     with: Mills, S.: Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for ...
     with: Mills, S.: Softposit for Augmented Reality in Complex Environments: Li...
     with: Poglitsch, C.: Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and ...
     with: Poglitsch, C.: VISGIS: Dynamic situated visualization for geographic i...
     with: Regenbrecht, H.: From off-site to on-site: A Flexible Framework for XR...
     with: Reitmayr, G.: Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and D...
     with: Reitmayr, G.: Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Dat...
     with: Reitmayr, G.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV...
     with: Schall, G.: Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data ...
     with: Schmalstieg, D.: Optimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature Tr...
     with: Skinner, P.: Localisation for Augmented Reality at Sport Events
     with: Ventura, J.: VISGIS: Dynamic situated visualization for geographic inf...
     with: Wagner, D.: Optimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature Tracking
     with: Wendel, A.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV i...
     with: Windisch, C.: Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV...
37 for Zollmann, S.

Zollner, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kummert, F.: Classification of Segmented Regions in Brightfield Micros...
     with: Tscherepanow, M.: Classification of Segmented Regions in Brightfield M...

Zollner, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Davids, M.: Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal k-Space Trajectorie...
     with: Ruttorf, M.: Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal k-Space Trajectori...
     with: Schad, L.R.: Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal k-Space Trajectori...

Zollner, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sablatnig, R.: Method for Determining Geometrical Distortion of off-th...

Zollner, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bandera, C.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 201...
     with: Bar, T.: Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive Vehi...
     with: Bender, S.: Cycle-consistent World Models for Domain Independent Laten...
     with: Bieshaar, M.: Description of Corner Cases in Automated Driving: Goals ...
     with: Bieshaar, M.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corner C...
     with: Bogdoll, D.: Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
     with: Bogdoll, D.: Description of Corner Cases in Automated Driving: Goals a...
     with: Bogdoll, D.: One Ontology to Rule Them All: Corner Case Scenarios for ...
     with: Bogdoll, D.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corner Ca...
     with: Breitenstein, J.: Description of Corner Cases in Automated Driving: Go...
     with: Breitenstein, J.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corn...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Description of Corner Cases in Automated Driving: Goa...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corne...
     with: Guneshka, S.: One Ontology to Rule Them All: Corner Case Scenarios for...
     with: Heidecker, F.: Description of Corner Cases in Automated Driving: Goals...
     with: Heidecker, F.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corner ...
     with: Hubschneider, C.: Using Mixture of Expert Models to Gain Insights into...
     with: Huger, F.: Using Mixture of Expert Models to Gain Insights into Semant...
     with: Joseph, T.: Cycle-consistent World Models for Domain Independent Laten...
     with: Kohlhaas, R.: Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive...
     with: Lyssenko, M.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corner C...
     with: Maier, N.: Plausibility Verification for 3d Object Detectors Using Ene...
     with: Moritz, R.: Using Mixture of Expert Models to Gain Insights into Seman...
     with: Nitsche, M.: Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
     with: Pavlitskaya, S.: Adversarial Vulnerability of Temporal Feature Network...
     with: Pavlitskaya, S.: Is Neuron Coverage Needed to Make Person Detection Mo...
     with: Pavlitskaya, S.: Using Mixture of Expert Models to Gain Insights into ...
     with: Peter, D.: Realism Metric for Generated LiDAR Point Clouds, A
     with: Poggenhans, F.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the ...
     with: Polley, N.: Adversarial Vulnerability of Temporal Feature Networks for...
     with: Rist, C.B.: Realism Metric for Generated LiDAR Point Clouds, A
     with: Salscheider, N.O.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to t...
     with: Schamm, T.: Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive V...
     with: Schlicht, P.: Using Mixture of Expert Models to Gain Insights into Sem...
     with: Schwab, S.: Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive V...
     with: Sick, B.: Description of Corner Cases in Automated Driving: Goals and ...
     with: Sick, B.: What Does Really Count? Estimating Relevance of Corner Cases...
     with: Stiller, C.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 201...
     with: Strauss, T.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 201...
     with: Tas, O.S.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2016 ...
     with: Triess, L.T.: Realism Metric for Generated LiDAR Point Clouds, A
     with: Vivekanandan, A.: Plausibility Verification for 3d Object Detectors Us...
     with: Weber, M.: Adversarial Vulnerability of Temporal Feature Networks for ...
     with: Weber, M.: Using Mixture of Expert Models to Gain Insights into Semant...
     with: Wirges, S.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2016...
     with: Yikmis, S.: Is Neuron Coverage Needed to Make Person Detection More Ro...
     with: Zofka, M.R.: Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 201...
     with: Zofka, M.R.: Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive ...
48 for Zollner, J.M.

Zollner, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Enzweiler, M.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal T...
     with: Enzweiler, M.: Improved Semantic Stixels via Multimodal Sensor Fusion
     with: Korner, M.: BreizhCrops: A Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Mapping
     with: Lefevre, S.: BreizhCrops: A Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Mapping
     with: Pelletier, C.: BreizhCrops: A Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Mapping
     with: Peter, D.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Train...
     with: Pfeiffer, D.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Tr...
     with: Pfeiffer, D.: Improved Semantic Stixels via Multimodal Sensor Fusion
     with: Piewak, F.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Trai...
     with: Piewak, F.: Improved Semantic Stixels via Multimodal Sensor Fusion
     with: Pinggera, P.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Tr...
     with: Pinggera, P.: Improved Semantic Stixels via Multimodal Sensor Fusion
     with: Rußwurm, M.: BreizhCrops: A Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Mapping
     with: Schafer, M.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Tra...
     with: Schneider, N.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal T...
     with: Schwarz, B.: Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Tra...
16 for Zollner, M.

Zollner, R.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dillmann, R.: Incremental Learning of Tasks From User Demonstrations, ...
     with: Knoop, S.: Incremental Learning of Tasks From User Demonstrations, Pas...
     with: Pardowitz, M.: Incremental Learning of Tasks From User Demonstrations,...

Zollo, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agostini, A.: Communicative System of Touch. Alphabet, Lexicon, and No...
     with: Cirella, F.: Communicative System of Touch. Alphabet, Lexicon, and Nor...
     with: Poggi, I.: Communicative System of Touch. Alphabet, Lexicon, and Norms...

Zollo, A.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adirosi, E.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pro...
     with: Annella, C.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pro...
     with: Antonini, A.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pr...
     with: Baldini, L.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pro...
     with: Bechini, R.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pro...
     with: Bracci, A.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Prod...
     with: Bucchignani, E.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution...
     with: Budillon, G.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pr...
     with: Camisani, G.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pr...
     with: Capozzi, V.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pro...
     with: Cazzuli, O.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pro...
     with: Cremonini, R.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution P...
     with: Montopoli, M.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution P...
     with: Ortolani, A.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Pr...
     with: Porcu, F.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Produ...
15 for Zollo, A.L.

Zollo, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cordella, F.: Robust Hand Pose Estimation Algorithm for Hand Rehabilit...
     with: di Corato, F.: Robust Hand Pose Estimation Algorithm for Hand Rehabili...
     with: Siciliano, B.: Robust Hand Pose Estimation Algorithm for Hand Rehabili...

Index for "z"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:10:18
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