Index for durr

Durr, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blein, T.: Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
     with: Brox, T.: Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
     with: Fischer, P.: Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
     with: Mai, D.: Accurate Detection in Volumetric Images Using Elastic Registr...
     with: Mai, D.: Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
     with: Palme, K.: Accurate Detection in Volumetric Images Using Elastic Regis...
     with: Palme, K.: Discriminative Detection and Alignment in Volumetric Data
     with: Ronneberger, O.: Accurate Detection in Volumetric Images Using Elastic...
8 for Durr, J.

Durr, N.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali Simsek, M.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Almalioglu, Y.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Ararat, K.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Baras, A.: Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentati...
     with: Bengisu Ozyoruk, K.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endosc...
     with: Borders, D.: Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmenta...
     with: Chen, M.T.: GANPOP: Generative Adversarial Network Prediction of Optic...
     with: Chen, R.: Unsupervised Reverse Domain Adaptation for Synthetic Medical...
     with: Chen, R.J.: Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentat...
     with: Chen, R.J.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Gokce, A.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Incetan, K.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Irem Gokceler, G.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Mahmood, F.: Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmenta...
     with: Mahmood, F.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Mahmood, F.: GANPOP: Generative Adversarial Network Prediction of Opti...
     with: Mahmood, F.: Unsupervised Reverse Domain Adaptation for Synthetic Medi...
     with: Mckay, G.N.: Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmenta...
     with: Salimian, K.J.: Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segme...
     with: Sweer, J.A.: GANPOP: Generative Adversarial Network Prediction of Opti...
     with: Turan, M.: EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
21 for Durr, N.J.

Durr, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hathorn, T.: Deep transformation models: Tackling complex regression p...
     with: Herzog, L.: Deep and interpretable regression models for ordinal outco...
     with: Hothorn, T.: Deep and interpretable regression models for ordinal outc...
     with: Kook, L.: Deep and interpretable regression models for ordinal outcomes
     with: Sick, B.: Deep and interpretable regression models for ordinal outcomes
     with: Sick, B.: Deep transformation models: Tackling complex regression prob...

Durrani, M.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tahir, M.A.: Ensemble Learning Using Bagging And Inception-V3 For Anom...
     with: Zahid, Y.: Ensemble Learning Using Bagging And Inception-V3 For Anomal...

Durrani, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kennedy, R.A.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: Khalid, Z.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: McEwen, J.D.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
     with: Wiaux, Y.: Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group

Durrani, T.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barni, M.: intelligent perception system for food quality inspection u...
     with: Cao, X.Z.: Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification via Contex...
     with: Cao, X.Z.: Multimodal Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification...
     with: Cappellini, V.: intelligent perception system for food quality inspect...
     with: Dong, Q.: Cross-modality person re-identification using hybrid mutual ...
     with: Dooley, S.R.: Efficient Implementation of Accurate Geometric Transform...
     with: Duan, L.L.: Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification via Conte...
     with: Duan, L.L.: Multimodal Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classificatio...
     with: Goh, K.H.: Multi-resolution based algorithms for low bit-rate image co...
     with: He, D.: Completed Part Transformer for Person Re-Identification
     with: He, D.: Integration graph attention network and multi-centre constrain...
     with: Li, F.: Throughput Maximization for RIS-UAV Relaying Communications
     with: Li, M.: Multi-Evidence and Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Ground-Based...
     with: Liu, S.: Bilateral Convolutional Activations Encoded with Fisher Vecto...
     with: Liu, S.: Completed Part Transformer for Person Re-Identification
     with: Liu, S.: Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification Using Heterogeneous Con...
     with: Liu, S.: Cross-modality person re-identification using hybrid mutual l...
     with: Liu, S.: Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification via Context ...
     with: Liu, S.: Integration graph attention network and multi-centre constrai...
     with: Liu, S.: Multi-Evidence and Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Ground-Base...
     with: Liu, S.: Multimodal Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification v...
     with: Liu, S.: Part-guided graph convolution networks for person re-identifi...
     with: Liu, X.: Throughput Maximization for RIS-UAV Relaying Communications
     with: Martin, S.: New Divergence Measure for Medical Image Registration, A
     with: Mecocci, A.: intelligent perception system for food quality inspection...
     with: Mussa, A.W.: intelligent perception system for food quality inspection...
     with: Setarehdan, S.K.: Efficient Implementation of Accurate Geometric Trans...
     with: Sharman, D.B.: Goal Driven Parameter Evaluation for the Detection of O...
     with: Soraghan, J.J.: Efficient Implementation of Accurate Geometric Transfo...
     with: Soraghan, J.J.: Multi-resolution based algorithms for low bit-rate ima...
     with: Stewart, R.W.: Efficient Implementation of Accurate Geometric Transfor...
     with: van Wyk, B.J.: RKHS Interpolator-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
     with: van Wyk, M.A.: Framework for Multi-Scale and Hybrid RKHS-Based Approxi...
     with: van Wyk, M.A.: RKHS Interpolator-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
     with: Wang, H.: Bilateral Convolutional Activations Encoded with Fisher Vect...
     with: Wang, S.: Cross-modality person re-identification using hybrid mutual ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification Using Heterogeneous Co...
     with: Xiao, B.H.: Completed Part Transformer for Person Re-Identification
     with: Xiao, B.H.: Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification Using Heterogeneous ...
     with: Xiao, B.H.: Cross-modality person re-identification using hybrid mutua...
     with: Xiao, B.H.: Multi-Evidence and Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Ground-B...
     with: Xie, Y.: Part-guided graph convolution networks for person re-identifi...
     with: Yu, Y.F.: Throughput Maximization for RIS-UAV Relaying Communications
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Part-guided graph convolution networks for person re-iden...
     with: Zhang, J.R.: Integration graph attention network and multi-centre cons...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Bilateral Convolutional Activations Encoded with Fisher Vec...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Completed Part Transformer for Person Re-Identification
     with: Zhang, Z.: Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification Using Heterogeneous C...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Cross-modality person re-identification using hybrid mutual...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification via Contex...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Integration graph attention network and multi-centre constr...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Multi-Evidence and Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Ground-Ba...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Multimodal Ground-Based Remote Sensing Cloud Classification...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Part-guided graph convolution networks for person re-identi...
58 for Durrani, T.S.

Durrant Whyte, H.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cameron, A.: Bayesian Approach to Optimal Sensor Placement, A
     with: Clark, S.: Solution to the Simultaneous Location and Map Building (SLA...
     with: Cox, I.J.: Dynamic Map Building for an Autonomous Mobile Robot
     with: Csorba, M.: Solution to the Simultaneous Location and Map Building (SL...
     with: Dissanayake, G.: Map-Building and Map-Based Localization in an Undergr...
     with: Dissanayake, G.: Solution to the Simultaneous Location and Map Buildin...
     with: Douillard, B.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Frank, O.: Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-angle imag...
     with: Hicks, R.A.: optical navigation sensor for micro aerial vehicles, An
     with: Katz, R.: Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-angle imagi...
     with: Kumar, S.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Leonard, J.J.: Directed Sonar Sensing for Mobile Robot Navigation
     with: Leonard, J.J.: Dynamic Map Building for an Autonomous Mobile Robot
     with: Leonard, J.J.: Mobile Robot Location by Tracking Geometric Beacons
     with: Madhavan, R.: Map-Building and Map-Based Localization in an Undergroun...
     with: Newman, P.M.: Solution to the Simultaneous Location and Map Building (...
     with: Ramos, F.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Rao, B.S.Y.: Decentralized Bayesian Algorithm for Identification of Tr...
     with: Rao, B.S.Y.: Fully Decentralized Multi-Sensor System for Tracking and ...
     with: Ridley, M.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Sheen, J.A.: Fully Decentralized Multi-Sensor System for Tracking and ...
     with: Tisse, C.L.: Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-angle im...
     with: Tisse, C.L.: optical navigation sensor for micro aerial vehicles, An
23 for Durrant Whyte, H.F.

Durrant, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leontidis, G.: Hyperspherically regularized networks for self-supervis...

Durrant, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kaban, A.: Bound on the Performance of LDA in Randomly Projected Data ...
     with: Kaban, A.: tight bound on the performance of Fisher's linear discrimin...
     with: Luo, X.: Maximum Gradient Dimensionality Reduction

Durrieu de Madron, X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourrin, F.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and T...
     with: Cauchy, P.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Tu...
     with: Gentil, M.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Tu...
     with: Many, G.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Turb...
     with: Pairaud, I.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and T...
     with: Testor, P.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Tu...
     with: Verney, R.: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Tu...
7 for Durrieu de Madron, X.

Durrieu, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alleaume, S.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand att...
     with: Alleaume, S.: Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA M...
     with: Bouvier, M.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand attr...
     with: Bouvier, M.: Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA Mo...
     with: Bretar, F.: Processing Full-Waveform Lidar Data: Modelling Raw signals
     with: Cajgfinger, T.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for M...
     with: Cazanave, G.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Mod...
     with: Chauve, A.: Processing Full-Waveform Lidar Data: Modelling Raw signals
     with: Cook, B.D.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Model...
     with: Dayal, K.R.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand attr...
     with: Dayal, K.R.: Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA Mo...
     with: Dedieu, G.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Model...
     with: Deseilligny, M.P.: Processing Full-Waveform Lidar Data: Modelling Raw ...
     with: Dupuy, J.L.: Enhanced Measurements of Leaf Area Density with T-LiDAR: ...
     with: Feret, J.B.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Mode...
     with: Gastellu Etchegorry, J.P.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DA...
     with: Grau, E.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Modelin...
     with: Gregoire, T.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Mod...
     with: Guilleux, J.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Mod...
     with: Lahssini, K.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand att...
     with: Larmanou, E.: Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA M...
     with: Lauret, N.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Model...
     with: Lopes, M.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Modeli...
     with: Malenovsky, Z.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for M...
     with: Mallet, C.: Processing Full-Waveform Lidar Data: Modelling Raw signals
     with: Martin, E.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Model...
     with: Monnet, J.M.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand att...
     with: Morton, D.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Model...
     with: Pimont, F.: Enhanced Measurements of Leaf Area Density with T-LiDAR: E...
     with: Puech, W.: Processing Full-Waveform Lidar Data: Modelling Raw signals
     with: Renaud, J.P.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand att...
     with: Renaud, J.P.: Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA M...
     with: Revers, F.: investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand attri...
     with: Revers, F.: Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA Mod...
     with: Ristorcelli, T.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for ...
     with: Rubio, J.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Modeli...
     with: Soma, M.: Enhanced Measurements of Leaf Area Density with T-LiDAR: Eva...
     with: Yin, T.G.: Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Modeli...
40 for Durrieu, S.

Durrleman, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Allassonniere, S.: Bayesian Mixed Effect Atlas Estimation with a Diffe...
     with: Allassonniere, S.: Gaussian Graphical Model Exploration and Selection ...
     with: Allassonniere, S.: Learning the Clustering of Longitudinal Shape Data ...
     with: Allassonniere, S.: Sparse Adaptive Parameterization of Variability in ...
     with: Ayache, N.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structura...
     with: Ayache, N.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in W...
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of C...
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal ...
     with: Baron, S.: Gaussian Graphical Model Exploration and Selection in High ...
     with: Beaudet, A.: How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably I...
     with: Bone, A.: Auto-Encoding Meshes of any Topology with the Current-Splatt...
     with: Bone, A.: Learning Distributions of Shape Trajectories from Longitudin...
     with: Bone, A.: Learning the spatiotemporal variability in longitudinal shap...
     with: Bottani, S.: Gaussian Graphical Model Exploration and Selection in Hig...
     with: Boudjemline, Y.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction o...
     with: Braga, J.: How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably Inc...
     with: Braga, J.: Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal Sta...
     with: Cash, D.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data for D...
     with: Charlier, B.: Geodesic Discriminant Analysis for Manifold-Valued Data
     with: Chavez, M.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in W...
     with: Colliot, O.: Auto-Encoding Meshes of any Topology with the Current-Spl...
     with: Colliot, O.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structur...
     with: Colliot, O.: Gaussian Graphical Model Exploration and Selection in Hig...
     with: Colliot, O.: Learning Distributions of Shape Trajectories from Longitu...
     with: Colliot, O.: Learning the spatiotemporal variability in longitudinal s...
     with: Colliot, O.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in ...
     with: Cury, C.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data for D...
     with: de Vico Fallani, F.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajecto...
     with: Debavelaere, V.: Learning the Clustering of Longitudinal Shape Data Se...
     with: Delingette, H.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of...
     with: Dumoncel, J.: How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably ...
     with: Gerig, G.: Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal Sta...
     with: Gori, P.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structural ...
     with: Gori, P.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in Whi...
     with: Gris, B.: Sub-Riemannian Modular Framework for Diffeomorphism-Based An...
     with: Hartmann, A.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structu...
     with: Hartmann, A.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in...
     with: Initiative, T.A.D.N.: Learning Distributions of Shape Trajectories fro...
     with: Initiative, T.A.D.N.: Learning the Clustering of Longitudinal Shape Da...
     with: Initiative, T.A.D.N.: Learning the spatiotemporal variability in longi...
     with: Jessel, J.P.: How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably ...
     with: Joshi, S.C.: Sparse Adaptive Parameterization of Variability in Image ...
     with: Kacem, L.M.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structur...
     with: Kuhn, E.: Bayesian Mixed Effect Atlas Estimation with a Diffeomorphic ...
     with: Lartigue, T.: Gaussian Graphical Model Exploration and Selection in Hi...
     with: Leonardi, B.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of C...
     with: Lorenzi, M.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data fo...
     with: Louis, M.: Geodesic Discriminant Analysis for Manifold-Valued Data
     with: Mansi, T.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Card...
     with: Marrakchi Kacem, L.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajecto...
     with: Modat, M.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data for ...
     with: Nicholas, J.M.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data...
     with: Ourselin, S.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data f...
     with: Pennec, X.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Car...
     with: Pennec, X.: Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal St...
     with: Pongiglione, G.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction o...
     with: Poupon, C.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structura...
     with: Poupon, C.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in W...
     with: Rohrer, J.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data for...
     with: Routier, A.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structur...
     with: Routier, A.: Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data fo...
     with: Sermesant, M.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of ...
     with: Subsol, G.: How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably In...
     with: Taylor, A.M.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of C...
     with: Trouve, A.: Sub-Riemannian Modular Framework for Diffeomorphism-Based ...
     with: Trouve, A.: Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal St...
     with: Voigt, I.: Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Card...
     with: Worbe, Y.: Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structural...
     with: Worbe, Y.: Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in Wh...
69 for Durrleman, S.

Index for "d"

Last update:22-Oct-24 22:36:59
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