Index for bada

Badachi, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guillaume, E.B.a.L.: Lifecycle of a Neural Network in the Wild: A Mult...
     with: Mandache, D.: Lifecycle of a Neural Network in the Wild: A Multiple In...
     with: Meas Yedid, V.: Lifecycle of a Neural Network in the Wild: A Multiple ...
     with: Olivo Marin, J.C.: Lifecycle of a Neural Network in the Wild: A Multip...

Badakhshannoory, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aminlou, A.: Pattern-Based Error Recovery of Low Resolution Subbands i...
     with: Fatemi, O.: Pattern-Based Error Recovery of Low Resolution Subbands in...
     with: Hajari, N.: Pattern-Based Error Recovery of Low Resolution Subbands in...
     with: Hashemi, M.R.: Pattern-Based Error Recovery of Low Resolution Subbands...
     with: Qayumi, K.: Liver segmentation based on deformable registration and mu...
     with: Saeedi, P.: Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Scans Using Multi-lay...
     with: Saeedi, P.: Liver segmentation based on deformable registration and mu...
7 for Badakhshannoory, H.

Badal, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badano, A.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a T...
     with: Banh, D.P.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a T...
     with: Kyprianou, I.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in ...
     with: Sempau, J.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a T...

Badal, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Draper, B.A.: Practical Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System, A
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Practical Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System, A
     with: Ravela, S.: Practical Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System, A

Badalian, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andert, J.: Adaptive Traffic Light Control With Deep Reinforcement Lea...
     with: Brinkmann, T.: Adaptive Traffic Light Control With Deep Reinforcement ...
     with: Koch, L.: Adaptive Traffic Light Control With Deep Reinforcement Learn...
     with: Wegener, M.: Adaptive Traffic Light Control With Deep Reinforcement Le...

Badamasi, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ajeigbe, H.A.: Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Bi...
     with: Deevi, K.C.: Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biop...
     with: Gumma, M.K.: Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biop...
     with: Panjala, P.: Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biop...
     with: Tabo, R.: Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophys...

Badamdorj, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, L.: Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Video Highlight Detec...
     with: Cheng, L.: Joint Visual and Audio Learning for Video Highlight Detection
     with: Rochan, M.: Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Video Highlight Dete...
     with: Rochan, M.: Joint Visual and Audio Learning for Video Highlight Detect...
     with: Wang, Y.: Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Video Highlight Detect...
     with: Wang, Y.: Joint Visual and Audio Learning for Video Highlight Detection

Badami, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiao, X.F.: all-inclusive computer-aided melanoma diagnosis based on s...
     with: Li, J.: all-inclusive computer-aided melanoma diagnosis based on soft ...
     with: Liu, T.T.: Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep lea...
     with: Wu, L.: Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep learni...
     with: Yuan, Z.: Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep lear...
     with: Zhao, Z.L.: all-inclusive computer-aided melanoma diagnosis based on s...

Badami, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leibe, B.: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Modular Furniture Using rjMCMC
     with: Leibe, B.: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
     with: Mathias, M.: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Modular Furniture Using rjMCMC
     with: Mathias, M.: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
     with: Pohlen, T.: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
     with: Tom, M.: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Modular Furniture Using rjMCMC

Badami, V.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Birk, J.R.: Workpiece Orientation Correction with a Robot Arm Using Vi...
     with: Kelley, R.B.: Workpiece Orientation Correction with a Robot Arm Using ...

Badano, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badal, A.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a Tr...
     with: Banh, D.P.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a T...
     with: Beams, R.: Objective Image Quality Optimization in Augmented Reality U...
     with: Freed, M.: Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Computed To...
     with: Gallas, B.D.: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of vo...
     with: Gallas, B.D.: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D ...
     with: Gallas, B.D.: Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observ...
     with: Goossens, B.: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of vo...
     with: Goossens, B.: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D ...
     with: Jennings, R.J.: Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Comput...
     with: Kyprianou, I.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in ...
     with: Kyprianou, I.S.: Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Compu...
     with: Lago, M.A.: Objective Image Quality Optimization in Augmented Reality ...
     with: Myers, K.J.: Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observe...
     with: Park, S.: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of volume...
     with: Park, S.: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D sign...
     with: Park, S.: Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observers ...
     with: Philips, W.: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of vol...
     with: Philips, W.: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D s...
     with: Platisa, L.: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of vol...
     with: Platisa, L.: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D s...
     with: Sempau, J.: Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Computed T...
     with: Sempau, J.: penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a T...
     with: Vansteenkiste, E.: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment ...
     with: Vansteenkiste, E.: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection o...
     with: Zhao, C.: Objective Image Quality Optimization in Augmented Reality Us...
26 for Badano, A.

Badard, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leroux, M.: Recognition of Cursive Script Words in a Small Lexicon
     with: Salome, J.C.: Recognition of Cursive Script Words in a Small Lexicon

Badard, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blais, P.: From Massive Trajectory Data to Traffic Modeling for Better...
     with: Cote, M.P.: From Massive Trajectory Data to Traffic Modeling for Bette...
     with: Cote, M.P.: Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from Veh...
     with: Daniel, S.: 3D point clouds simplification based on geometric primitiv...
     with: Daniel, S.: Context-based mobile GeoBI: enhancing business analysis wi...
     with: Diallo, B.A.A.: Context-based mobile GeoBI: enhancing business analysi...
     with: Duchesne, T.: From Massive Trajectory Data to Traffic Modeling for Bet...
     with: Duchesne, T.: Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from V...
     with: Edoh Alove, E.: Web Spatial Context Service (WSCS) dedicated to Seriou...
     with: Erramaline, A.: Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from...
     with: Guinard, S.A.: 3D point clouds simplification based on geometric primi...
     with: Hubert, F.: Context-based mobile GeoBI: enhancing business analysis wi...
     with: Hubert, F.: Web Spatial Context Service (WSCS) dedicated to Serious Ga...
     with: Mercier, O.: Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from Ve...
14 for Badard, T.

Badasen, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nikolenko, A.: Accounting For Variance In Hyperspectral Data Coming Fr...
     with: Shestakova, M.: Accounting For Variance In Hyperspectral Data Coming F...
     with: Shurygin, B.: Accounting For Variance In Hyperspectral Data Coming Fro...
     with: Strakhov, P.: Accounting For Variance In Hyperspectral Data Coming Fro...

Badawi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, E.E.: See-through-wall imaging using ultra wideband pulse systems
     with: Fathy, A.: See-through-wall imaging using ultra wideband pulse systems
     with: Islam, M.: Adaptive Saliency-Weighted 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
     with: Mahfouz, M.: See-through-wall imaging using ultra wideband pulse systems
     with: Rushdi, M.: Adaptive Saliency-Weighted 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
     with: Taher, H.: Adaptive Saliency-Weighted 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
     with: Yang, Y.Q.: See-through-wall imaging using ultra wideband pulse systems
7 for Badawi, A.

Badawi, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Farag, A.A.: Classification algorithms for quantitative tissue charact...
     with: Kadah, Y.M.: Classification algorithms for quantitative tissue charact...
     with: Youssef, A.B.M.: Classification algorithms for quantitative tissue cha...
     with: Zurada, J.M.: Classification algorithms for quantitative tissue charac...

Badawi, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Additive neural network for forest fire detection
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Deep Neural Network with Walsh-Hadamard Transform Layer F...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Smooth-Thresholding Bas...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Fourier Domain Pruning of MobileNet-V2 with Application t...
     with: Chen, C.: Deep Neural Network with Walsh-Hadamard Transform Layer For ...
     with: Koyuncu, E.: Deep Neural Network with Walsh-Hadamard Transform Layer F...
     with: Pan, H.Y.: Additive neural network for forest fire detection
     with: Pan, H.Y.: Deep Neural Network with Walsh-Hadamard Transform Layer For...
     with: Pan, H.Y.: Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Smooth-Thresholding Based...
     with: Pan, H.Y.: Fourier Domain Pruning of MobileNet-V2 with Application to ...
     with: Watts, A.: Deep Neural Network with Walsh-Hadamard Transform Layer For...
     with: Zhang, X.: Additive neural network for forest fire detection
12 for Badawi, D.

Badawi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Helder, D.: Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance ...
     with: Jing, X.: Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance Va...
     with: Leigh, L.: Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance V...

Badawi, R.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bowen, S.L.: Supplemental Transmission Aided Attenuation Correction fo...
     with: Chaudhari, A.J.: Registration-Based Morphometry for Shape Analysis of ...
     with: Gong, K.: Neural KEM: A Kernel Method With Deep Coefficient Prior for ...
     with: Joshi, A.A.: Registration-Based Morphometry for Shape Analysis of the ...
     with: Kim, E.J.: Neural KEM: A Kernel Method With Deep Coefficient Prior for...
     with: Leahy, R.M.: Registration-Based Morphometry for Shape Analysis of the ...
     with: Li, S.Q.: Neural KEM: A Kernel Method With Deep Coefficient Prior for ...
     with: Park, M.A.: Supplemental Transmission Aided Attenuation Correction for...
     with: Qi, J.Y.: Neural KEM: A Kernel Method With Deep Coefficient Prior for ...
     with: Wang, G.: Neural KEM: A Kernel Method With Deep Coefficient Prior for ...
     with: Zaha, V.G.: Supplemental Transmission Aided Attenuation Correction for...
11 for Badawi, R.D.

Badawi, W.K.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chibelushi, C.C.: Specular-based illumination estimation using blind s...
     with: Moniri, M.: Specular-based illumination estimation using blind signal ...
     with: Patwary, M.N.: Specular-based illumination estimation using blind sign...

Badawy, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alsubaie, N.M.: Terrestrial Method for Airborne Lidar Quality Control ...
     with: El Sheimy, N.: Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data i...
     with: El Sheimy, N.: Terrestrial Method for Airborne Lidar Quality Control a...
     with: Elhabiby, M.M.: Terrestrial Method for Airborne Lidar Quality Control ...
     with: Moussa, A.: Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in u...

Badawy, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alksas, A.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Estima...
     with: Ayyad, S.M.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Estim...
     with: Balaha, H.M.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Esti...
     with: Beache, G.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Prom...
     with: Contractor, S.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Es...
     with: Dwyer, A.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Promi...
     with: El Baz, A.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Prom...
     with: El Baz, A.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Estima...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: P...
     with: El Ghar, M.A.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Est...
     with: El Melegy, M.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: P...
     with: Elsorougy, A.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Est...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Prom...
     with: Ghazal, M.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Estima...
     with: Giridharan, G.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: ...
     with: Keynton, R.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Pro...
     with: Mahmoud, A.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Estim...
     with: Shalaby, A.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Pro...
     with: Shehata, M.: Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Pro...
     with: Shehata, M.: Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using Parametric Estim...
20 for Badawy, M.A.

Badawy, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alam, M.: New Time Distributed DCT Architecture for MPEG-4 Hardware Re...
     with: Amer, I.: proposed hardware reference model for spatial transformation...
     with: Bayoumi, M.: Algorithm-based low-power VLSI architecture for 2-D mesh ...
     with: Du, S.: Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-the-Art...
     with: Ibrahim, M.: Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-th...
     with: Jullien, G.: Low-complexity algorithm for fractional-pixel motion esti...
     with: Jullien, G.: New Time Distributed DCT Architecture for MPEG-4 Hardware...
     with: Jullien, G.: proposed hardware reference model for spatial transformat...
     with: Radmanesh, A.: real time vehicle's license plate recognition system, A
     with: Rahman, C.A.: real time vehicle's license plate recognition system, A
     with: Sayed, M.: Affine-Based Algorithm and SIMD Architecture for Video Comp...
     with: Sayed, M.: Low-complexity algorithm for fractional-pixel motion estima...
     with: Shehata, M.: Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-th...
     with: Wei, Y.: On reducing the inter frame rate: An embedded residual image ...
14 for Badawy, W.

Badawy, W.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burr, T.W.: Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart Roads: ...
     with: Cai, J.: Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart Roads: The...
     with: Johannesson, R.J.: Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart ...
     with: Pervez, M.S.: Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart Roads...
     with: Radmanesh, A.: Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart Road...
     with: Shehata, M.S.: Video-Based Automatic Incident Detection for Smart Road...

Badawyy, A.H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdelmageedyy, W.W.: Comparing one-class and two-class SVM classifiers...
     with: Chouikhaz, M.F.: Comparing one-class and two-class SVM classifiers for...
     with: Elshinawyz, M.Y.: Comparing one-class and two-class SVM classifiers fo...

Index for "b"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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