Yen Chen, L.[Lin]
Co Author Listing * Vision Transformer for NeRF-Based View Synthesis from a Single Input Image
Includes: Yen Chen, L.[Lin] Yen-Chen, L.[Lin]
Yen, A.[Alex]
Co Author Listing * Application of Digital Integration Strategy for Cultural Heritage Conservation: the Case Study of Qionglin Settlement in Kinmen County, The
Yen, A.Y.N.[Alex Ya Ning]
Co Author Listing * Disaster-Risk Indicators and Their Evaluation, Communication for Traditional Settlement
* Future Development Plans for Conservation Areas in Taiwan
* Research on the GIS as a Communication Platform in the Risk Management of Traditional Settlement
Includes: Yen, A.Y.N.[Alex Ya Ning] Yen, A.Y.N.[Alex Ya-Ning]
Yen, B.L.
Co Author Listing * Determining 3-D Motion and Structure of a Rigid Body Over 3 Frames Using Straight Line Correspondence
* Determining 3-D Motion and Structure of a Rigid Body Using Straight Line Correspondence
* Determining 3-D Motion and Structure of a Rigid Body Using the Spherical Projection
* Determining 3-D Motion Parameters of a Rigid Body: A Vector-Geometrical Approach
* Determining 3D Motion/Structure of a Rigid Body over 2 Frames Using Correspondences of Straight Lines Lying on Parallel Planes
Yen, C.
Co Author Listing * Local Correlation Measures for Motion Analysis: A Comparative Study
* Minimum Error Rate Training for PHMM-Based Text Recognition
* Multi-attribute sparse representation with group constraints for face recognition under different variations
* Multi-attributed Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding
* Multi-Resolution Flow - Through Motion Analysis
* Reconstruction of 3D Vertebrae and Spinal Cord Models from CT and STIR-MRI Images
Includes: Yen, C. Yen, C.[Chih]
Yen, C.C.[Chin Ching]
Co Author Listing * Degraded Gray-Scale Text Recognition Using Pseudo-2D Hidden Markov-Models and N-Best Hypotheses
* On the use of duration-corrected N-best hypotheses for text recognition in gray-scale document images
* Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Backpressure-Based Traffic Signal Control at an Isolated Intersection
* Solvability of the Zero-Pinning Technique to Orthonormal Wavelet Design
* two-phase hybrid codebook generation technique for vector quantization, A
Includes: Yen, C.C.[Chin Ching] Yen, C.C.[Chin-Ching] Yen, C.C.[Chia-Cheng] Yen, C.C. Yen, C.C.[Chia-Chen]
Yen, C.H.[Chao Hsuan]
Co Author Listing * Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images
Includes: Yen, C.H.[Chao Hsuan] Yen, C.H.[Chao-Hsuan]
Yen, C.L.
Co Author Listing * Speckle reduction with edges preservation for ultrasound images: Using Function Spaces Approach
Yen, C.S.
Co Author Listing * Object Isolation in FLIR Images using Fisher's Linear Discriminant
Yen, C.W.[Chen Wen]
Co Author Listing * vector quantization method for nearest neighbor classifier design, A
Includes: Yen, C.W.[Chen Wen] Yen, C.W.[Chen-Wen]
Yen, D.W.L.
Co Author Listing * Eliminating Memory Overflow in Connected Component Labeling Applications
* Handling Memory Overflow in Connected Component Labeling Applications
* Two-Level Pipelined Systolic Array for Multidimensional Convolution
Yen, G.G.
Co Author Listing * Automatically Designing CNN Architectures Using the Genetic Algorithm for Image Classification
* Integration of Global and Local Metrics for Domain Adaptation Learning Via Dimensionality Reduction
* Mission Planning for Energy-Efficient Passive UAV Radar Imaging System Based on Substage Division Collaborative Search
Includes: Yen, G.G. Yen, G.G.[Gary G.]
Yen, H.C.[Hsu Chun]
Co Author Listing * omega-automata approach to the representation of bilevel images, An
Includes: Yen, H.C.[Hsu Chun] Yen, H.C.[Hsu-Chun]
Yen, H.L.[Hung Lin]
Co Author Listing * Learning Continuous Exposure Value Representations for Single-Image HDR Reconstruction
Includes: Yen, H.L.[Hung Lin] Yen, H.L.[Hung-Lin]
Yen, H.T.
Co Author Listing * Color image coding by using the technique of surface fitting
* Compression of Color Image via the Technique of Surface Fitting
Yen, H.X.[Hong Xuan]
Co Author Listing * Genrc: Generative 3d Room Completion from Sparse Image Collections
Includes: Yen, H.X.[Hong Xuan] Yen, H.X.[Hong-Xuan]
Yen, I.L.
Co Author Listing * Robust real-time UAV based power line detection and tracking
Yen, J.
Co Author Listing * 3-D High-Frequency Array Based 16 Channel Photoacoustic Microscopy System for In Vivo Micro-Vascular Imaging, A
* efficient automatic redeye detection and correction algorithm, An
* Graphical Indicia
* Hardcopy Image Barcodes Via Block-Error Diffusion
Includes: Yen, J. Yen, J.[Jonathan]
Yen, J.C.[Jui Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Calculation Of Moment Invariants Via Hadamard Transform
* Efficient hierarchical chaotic image encryption algorithm and its VLSI realisation
* new architecture for motion-compensated image coding, A
* New Criterion for Automatic Multilevel Thresholding, A
* Zero waiting-cycle hierarchical block matching algorithm and its array architectures
Includes: Yen, J.C.[Jui Cheng] Yen, J.C.[Jui-Cheng] Yen, J.C.
Yen, J.Y.[Jiun Yee]
Co Author Listing * Coherence Difference Analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR Interferogram to Identify Earthquake-Induced Disasters in Urban Areas
* Integrating wavelet transformation with Markov random field analysis for the depth estimation of light-field images
* Inverse Error-Diffusion Using Classified Vector Quantization
* Space-Time Evolutions of Land Subsidence in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan (Taiwan) from Multiple-Sensor Observations
Includes: Yen, J.Y.[Jiun Yee] Yen, J.Y.[Jiun-Yee] Yen, J.Y.[Jia-Yush] Yen, J.Y.
Yen, K.C.[Kuang Chen]
Co Author Listing * Endoscopic Feature Enhancement for Stomach 3D Reconstruction without Dyeing
Includes: Yen, K.C.[Kuang Chen] Yen, K.C.[Kuang-Chen]
Yen, K.K.[Kuo Kuang]
Co Author Listing * Integrating Non-Repetitive LT Encoders With Modified Distribution to Achieve Unequal Erasure Protection
* Neural Network-Based Active Fault-Tolerant Control Design for Unmanned Helicopter with Additive Faults
Includes: Yen, K.K.[Kuo Kuang] Yen, K.K.[Kuo-Kuang] Yen, K.K.[Kang K.]
Yen, K.W.[Kuo Wei]
Co Author Listing * Research Gap Analysis of Remote Sensing Application in Fisheries: Prospects for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Includes: Yen, K.W.[Kuo Wei] Yen, K.W.[Kuo-Wei]
Yen, L.[Luh]
Co Author Listing * Sum-over-Paths Covariance Kernel: A Novel Covariance Measure between Nodes of a Directed Graph, The
Yen, L.K.[Li Kang]
Co Author Listing * Target Detection in UWB SAR Images Using Temporal Fusion
Includes: Yen, L.K.[Li Kang] Yen, L.K.[Li-Kang]
Yen, M.F.[Meng Feng]
Co Author Listing * Grid-Based Crime Prediction Using Geographical Features
Includes: Yen, M.F.[Meng Feng] Yen, M.F.[Meng-Feng]
Yen, N.T.B.[Nguyen Thi Bich]
Co Author Listing * Telecouplings in the East-West Economic Corridor within Borders and Across
Yen, N.Y.[Nguwi Yok]
Co Author Listing * Emotion indexing using hidden Markov expert rule model (HMER) for autism children
* Two-tier Emergent Self-Organizing (TtEsom) approach of understanding emotions
Yen, P.L.[Ping Lang]
Co Author Listing * Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using a Machine Learning Approach and Genetic Optimization
Includes: Yen, P.L.[Ping Lang] Yen, P.L.[Ping-Lang]
Yen, P.S.
Co Author Listing * automatic road sign recognition system based on a computational model of human recognition processing, An
* road sign recognition system based on dynamic visual model, A
Yen, R.
Co Author Listing * Interference Detection and Collision Avoidance Among Three Dimensional Objects
Yen, S.
Co Author Listing * Optimizing Fixation Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks for 360° Video Streaming in Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
Yen, S.C.[Shih Chang]
Co Author Listing * Identification of Salient Contours in Cluttered Images
* Impact of image appeal on visual attention during photo triaging
* On the Optimal Encoding Ladder of Tiled 360° Videos for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
Includes: Yen, S.C.[Shih Chang] Yen, S.C.[Shih-Cheng] Yen, S.C.
Yen, S.H.[Shwu Huey]
Co Author Listing * scene-based video watermarking technique using SVMs, A
Includes: Yen, S.H.[Shwu Huey] Yen, S.H.[Shwu-Huey]
Yen, S.J.[Show Jane]
Co Author Listing * New Passage Ranking Algorithm for Video Question Answering, A
Includes: Yen, S.J.[Show Jane] Yen, S.J.[Show-Jane]
Yen, S.K.
Co Author Listing * Neural Classification of SPOT Imagery Through Integration of Intensity and Fractal Information
Yen, S.W.T.[Simon Wong Too]
Co Author Listing * Luminescent Microspheres Resolved from Strong Background on an Automated Time-Gated Luminescence Microscopy Workstation
Yen, S.Y.
Co Author Listing * Longitudinal sampling and aliasing in spiral CT
* Reconstruction algorithm for polychromatic CT imaging: Application to beam hardening correction
Yen, T.C.[Tzu Chieh]
Co Author Listing * Maintaining Temporal Coherence in Video Retargeting Using Mosaic-Guided Scaling
Includes: Yen, T.C.[Tzu Chieh] Yen, T.C.[Tzu-Chieh]
Yen, T.F.[Ting Fang]
Co Author Listing * Fast and versatile algorithm for nearest neighbor search based on a lower bound tree
Includes: Yen, T.F.[Ting Fang] Yen, T.F.[Ting-Fang]
Yen, T.Y.[Ting Yu]
Co Author Listing * DQ-HorizonNet: Enhancing Door Detection Accuracy in Panoramic Images via Dynamic Quantization
Includes: Yen, T.Y.[Ting Yu] Yen, T.Y.[Ting-Yu]
Yen, W.C.[Wen Chien]
Co Author Listing * Design a deblocking filter with three separate modes in DCT-based coding
* Smart: A Sensor-Triggerred Interactive MR Display
Includes: Yen, W.C.[Wen Chien] Yen, W.C.[Wen-Chien] Yen, W.C.
Yen, W.T.[Wei Ting]
Co Author Listing * Enhance light efficiency for slim light-strip array backlight on autostereoscopic display
Includes: Yen, W.T.[Wei Ting] Yen, W.T.[Wei-Ting]
Yen, Y.[Yat]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Urban Drivable and Walkable Street Networks of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
Yen, Y.N.[Ya Ning]
Co Author Listing * Application of G.I.S on Integrative Management for Cultural Heritage- An Example for Digital Management on Taiwan Kinmen Cultural Heritage, An
* Application of Photogrammetry on Digitization and Promotion for Monuments and Temples in Taiwan: Taking Chua Family Ancestral Temple as an Example, The
* BIM applied in historical building documentation and refurbishing
* Digital Interpretation and Presentation for Monuments Built by Arches - Take Kinmen Area Heritage as an Example
* Digital Preservation and Record of War Fortifications - A Case Study of Qiong-Lin Defense Tunnel in Taiwan
* Framework for Semantic Interoperability in 3D Tangible Cultural Heritage in Taiwan, A
* HBIM in Cultural Heritage Conservation: Component Library for Woodwork in Historic Buildings in Taiwan
* Research On HBIM and Level of Information for The Life Cycle Of Traditional Chinese Built Heritage in Taiwan
Includes: Yen, Y.N.[Ya Ning] Yen, Y.N.[Ya-Ning] Yen, Y.N.
8 for Yen, Y.N.
Yen, Y.T.[Yu Ting]
Co Author Listing * 3D-PL: Domain Adaptive Depth Estimation with 3D-Aware Pseudo-Labeling
* Inverse Halftone Colorization: Making Halftone Prints Color Photos
Includes: Yen, Y.T.[Yu Ting] Yen, Y.T.[Yu-Ting]