Raha, A.[Anjuman]
Co Author Listing * MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mobile Device
Raha, P.[Poulami]
Co Author Listing * Age Prediction From Face Images Via Contrastive Learning
Raha, S.
Co Author Listing * Rollover-Preventive Force Synthesis at Active Suspensions in a Vehicle Performing a Severe Maneuver With Wheels Lifted Off
Rahadianti, L.[Laksmita]
Co Author Listing * Time-to-Contact in Scattering Media
Rahadianto, M.A.E.[Muhammad Ario Eko]
Co Author Listing * Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas
* School Location Analysis by Integrating the Accessibility, Natural and Biological Hazards to Support Equal Access to Education
Rahadiati, A.[Ati]
Co Author Listing * Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Concept and Modeling of Prone Shoreline Retreat Areas
* Urban Coastal Flood-Prone Mapping under the Combined Impact of Tidal Wave and Heavy Rainfall: A Proposal to the Existing National Standard
Rahaghi, F.N.
Co Author Listing * Pulmonary Artery-Vein Classification in CT Images Using Deep Learning
Rahal, M.
Co Author Listing * Hallucinating A Cleanly Labeled Augmented Dataset from A Noisy Labeled Dataset Using GAN
* Learning with A Generative Adversarial Network From a Positive Unlabeled Dataset for Image Classification
Rahal, M.C.[Mohamed Cherif]
Co Author Listing * Counter-examples generation from a positive unlabeled image dataset
* Self-Supervised Learning for Autonomous Vehicles Perception: A Conciliation Between Analytical and Learning Methods
Includes: Rahal, M.C.[Mohamed Cherif] Rahal, M.C.[Mohamed-Cherif] Rahal, M.C.
Rahal, N.[Najoua]
Co Author Listing * Entity Extraction and Correction Based on Token Structure Model Generation
Rahal, R.[Rahaf]
Co Author Listing * Human-Inspired Haptic-Enabled Learning From Prehensile Move Demonstrations
Rahali, M.
Co Author Listing * Theoretical Improvement of the Image Compression Method Based on Wavelet Transform
Rahali, R.
Co Author Listing * B-Spline Level Set For Drosophila Image Segmentation
Rahaman, D.M.M.[D.M. Motiur]
Co Author Listing * Features of ICU Admission In X-Ray Images of Covid-19 Patients
* Identifying Individual Nutrient Deficiencies of Grapevine Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Improved depth coding for HEVC focusing on depth edge approximation
* Joint texture and depth map coding for error-resilient 3-D video transmission
Includes: Rahaman, D.M.M.[D.M. Motiur] Rahaman, D.M.M.[D. M. Motiur] Rahaman, D.M.M.
Rahaman, G.M.A.[G. M. Atiqur]
Co Author Listing * Collection, Analysis and Representation of Memory Color Information
* Efficient Binary Descriptor to Describe Retinal Bifurcation Point for Image Registration, An
* Enhanced color visualization by spectral imaging: An application in cultural heritage
* Experimental Analysis for Modeling Color of Halftone Images
* Fiber dye classification by spectral imaging
* innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentation using mixture of supervised and unsupervised methods, An
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Approach
* Retinal Spectral Image Analysis Methods Using Spectral Reflectance Pattern Recognition
Includes: Rahaman, G.M.A.[G. M. Atiqur] Rahaman, G.M.A. Rahaman, G.M.A.[G.M. Atiqur]
8 for Rahaman, G.M.A.
Rahaman, H.
Co Author Listing * Facts and Narrative: The Concept of 4D Capturing of Heritage Building; A Case Study of Sompur Mahavihara, Bangladesh
* FPGA implementation of semi-fragile reversible watermarking by histogram bin shifting in real time
* Time-layered Gamic Interaction with a Virtual Museum Template
Includes: Rahaman, H. Rahaman, H.[Hafizur]
Rahaman, K.R.[Khan Rubayet]
Co Author Listing * Pan-Sharpening of Landsat-8 Images and Its Application in Calculating Vegetation Greenness and Canopy Water Contents
* Using Satellite-Borne Remote Sensing Data in Generating Local Warming Maps with Enhanced Resolution
Rahaman, M.[Masfiqur]
Co Author Listing * To Lane or Not to Lane?: Comparing On-Road Experiences in Developing and Developed Countries Using a New Simulator RoadBird
Rahaman, M.A.[Muhammad Aminur]
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Bangla Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Contour Analysis and Prediction Algorithm
Rahaman, M.F.
Co Author Listing * Low-Complexity Optimal Hard Decision Fusion Under the Neyman-Pearson Criterion
Rahaman, M.M.[Md Mamunur]
Co Author Listing * CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptron
* GasHis-Transformer: A multi-scale visual transformer approach for gastric histopathological image detection
* Improving the Resolution of GRACE Data for Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Storage Assessment
Includes: Rahaman, M.M.[Md Mamunur] Rahaman, M.M.[Md. Mafuzur]
Rahaman, N.[Nasim]
Co Author Listing * Mutex Watershed and its Objective: Efficient, Parameter-Free Graph Partitioning, The
* Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning, The
Rahaman, R.[Rahul]
Co Author Listing * C2F-TCN: A Framework for Semi- and Fully-Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation
* Generalized and Robust Framework for Timestamp Supervision in Temporal Action Segmentation, A
* Pretrained Equivariant Features Improve Unsupervised Landmark Discovery
Rahaman, S.A.
Co Author Listing * Land Use/land Cover Changes in Semi-arid Mountain Landscape in Southern India: A Geoinformatics Based Markov Chain Approach
Rahamathunnisa, U.
Co Author Listing * neural network aided attuned scheme for gun detection in video surveillance images, A
Rahamim, D.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Vector Sensor Configuration for Source Localization, An
Rahangdale, S.
Co Author Listing * MBSEM image acquisition and image processing in LabView FPGA
Rahardja, K.[Krisnawan]
Co Author Listing * email: Rahardja, K.[Krisnawan]: rahardja AT ecn purdue edu
Rahardja, L.S.
Co Author Listing * Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding
Rahardja, S.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive frame skipping based on spatio-temporal complexity for low bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive rate control for H.264
* Alternating Direction Method for Balanced Image Restoration
* Alternative to Bilinear and Nearest-Neighbour Enlarging for Monitor Displays, An
* Anti-ghost of differently exposed images with moving objects
* Chroma intra prediction using template matching with reconstructed luma components
* Classification of Interbeat Interval Time-Series Using Attention Entropy
* Complexity Scalable H.264/AVC Encoding
* Complexity scalable rate-distortion optimization for H.264/AVC
* Contrastive learning for deep tone mapping operator
* De-ghosting of HDR images with double-credit intensity mapping
* Detail-Enhanced Exposure Fusion
* Detecting and composing near-identical HDR images without exposure information
* Dynamic threshold-based keyframe detection and its application in rate control
* Edge Weighted Spatio-Temporal Search for Error Concealment
* Ellipse Detection with Hough Transform in One Dimensional Parametric Space
* Fast Intermode Decision in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast movement detection for high dynamic range imaging
* Geometrically determining the leaky bucket parameters for video streaming over constant bit-rate channels
* High dynamic range compression by half quadratic regularization
* High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping Based on Layer Decomposition and Image Fusion
* Hybrid Patching for a Sequence of Differently Exposed Images With Moving Objects
* Image tone mapping based on clustering and human visual system models
* Implicit Bit Allocation for Combined Coarse Granular Scalability and Spatial Scalability
* Integration of Physics-Based and Data-Driven Models for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing: A summary of current methods
* Intra Coding With Adaptive Partial Reconstruction
* Intra-prediction with adaptive sub-sampling
* Joint rate allocation for statistical multiplexing of SVC
* Joint Selective State Space Model and Detrending for Robust Time Series Anomaly Detection
* Joint Selective State Space Model and Detrending for Robust Time Series Anomaly Detection
* Kernel-Based Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing with Dictionary Pruning
* Learning Deep Representations for Photo Retouching
* locally adaptive algorithm for measuring blocking artifacts in images and videos, A
* Mean-shift outlier detection and filtering
* MiPo: How to Detect Trajectory Outliers with Tabular Outlier Detectors
* Mode-Dependent Transforms for Coding Directional Intra Prediction Residuals
* Movement detection for the synthesis of high dynamic range images
* Natural and Seamless Image Composition With Color Control
* New Multi-Focus Image Fusion Algorithm and Its Efficient Implementation, A
* Object Class Recognition using Quadrangles
* Object recognition by discriminative combinations of line segments and ellipses
* Object Recognition by Discriminative Combinations of Line Segments, Ellipses, and Appearance Features
* Optimized Quantization Constraints Set for Image Restoration and its GPU Implementation, An
* Outlier detection: How to Select k for k-nearest-neighbors-based outlier detectors
* Perceptual quality and objective quality measurements of compressed videos
* Perceptually Relevant MSE-Based Image Quality Metric, A
* Pure Number Discrete Fractional Complex Hadamard Transform
* Rate Control for Videophone Using Local Perceptual Cues
* Realistic HDR tone-mapping based on contrast perception matching
* Residual U-Net for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* robust and fast anti-ghosting algorithm for high dynamic range imaging, A
* Simplified Motion-Refined Scheme for Fine-Granularity Scalability
* Sparse random projection isolation forest for outlier detection
* Sparse Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images using Expectation-Propagation
* Speaker Diarization Using Direction of Arrival Estimate and Acoustic Feature Information: The I2R-NTU Submission for the NIST RT 2007 Evaluation
* Split and Merge Based Ellipse Detector With Self-Correcting Capability, A
* split and merge based ellipse detector, A
* Structural Descriptors for Category Level Object Detection
* Transformer-Based End-to-End Speech Translation With Rotary Position Embedding
* Walsh-Like Functions And Their Relations
Includes: Rahardja, S. Rahardja, S.[Susanto] Rahardja, S.[Sylwan]
61 for Rahardja, S.
Rahardjo, D.A.B.[David Akas Bedjo]
Co Author Listing * Masked face recognition using domain adaptation
Raharijaona, T.[Thibaut]
Co Author Listing * Shape-Adjusted Tridimensional Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using a Miniature Quadrotor, A
Raharjo, B.
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of ASTER GDEM2 in Comparison with GDEM1, SRTM DEM and Topographic-Map-Derived DEM Using Inundation Area Analysis and RTK-dGPS Data
Raharjo, T.[Tri]
Co Author Listing * Using Multi-Spectral UAV Imagery to Extract Tree Crop Structural Properties and Assess Pruning Effects
Rahat, A.[Alma]
Co Author Listing * Deep Visual Place Recognition for Waterborne Domains
Rahayu, R.W.[Ririn Wuri]
Co Author Listing * Co-Seismic Ionospheric Disturbances Following the 2016 West Sumatra and 2018 Palu Earthquakes from GPS and GLONASS Measurements