Index for aloi

Aloia, A.[Aniello] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Landforms and Processes Detection Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data: The Case Study of the Palinuro Pine Grove (Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, Southern Italy), A

Aloimonos, J. Co Author Listing * Direct perception of three-dimensional motion from patterns of visual motion

Aloimonos, J.Y.[John Y.] Co Author Listing * Perspective Approximations
* Shading into texture and texture into shading: An active approach
Includes: Aloimonos, J.Y.[John Y.] Aloimonos, J.Y.[John Yiannis]

Aloimonos, Y.[Yiannis] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Aloimonos, Y.[Yiannis]: Early listings under J Aloimonos
* email: Aloimonos, Y.[Yiannis]: yiannis AT cfar umd edu
* 3D Motion and Shape Representations in Visual Servo Control
* 3D Motion Representations in Visual Servo Control
* Active Egomotion Estimation: A Qualitative Approach
* Active Perception
* Active scene recognition with vision and language
* Active Segmentation with Fixation
* Active Vision
* Active Vision Revisited
* Active Visual Segmentation
* Algorithm-Independent Stability Analysis of Structure from Motion
* Ambiguity in Structure from Motion: Sphere Versus Plane
* Analysis of Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Behavioral Visual Motion Analysis
* Beyond the Epipolar Constraint: Integrating 3D Motion and Structure Estimation
* Changes in Surface Convexity and Topology Caused by Distortions of Stereoscopic Visual Space
* Closed Form Solution to the Structure from Motion Problem from Line Correspondences
* Code: Active Segmentation With Fixation
* Cognitive Dialogue: A new model for vision implementing common sense reasoning, The
* Combining Information In Low-Level Vision
* Complete Calibration of a Multi-camera Network
* Computer Vision
* Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing: Recent Approaches in Multimedia and Robotics
* Confounding of Translation and Rotation in Reconstruction from Multiple Views, The
* Contour Orientation and Motion
* Coordinated Motion Planning: The Warehousman's Problem with Constraints on Free Space
* Correspondenceless Stereo and Motion: Planar Surfaces
* Deformation and Viewpoint Invariant Color Histograms
* Designing Visual Systems: Purposive Navigation
* Detecting Reflectional Symmetries in 3D Data Through Symmetrical Fitting
* Detection and Segmentation of 2D Curved Reflection Symmetric Structures
* Determining the 3-D Motion of a Rigid Planar Patch Without Correspondence, under Perspective Projection
* Determining the 3-D Motion of a Rigid Planar Patch Without Correspondence, under Perspective Projection, I. Planar Surfaces, II. Curved Surfaces
* DiffPoseNet: Direct Differentiable Camera Pose Estimation
* Direct Motion Perception
* Direct Processing of Curvilinear Sensor Motion from a Sequence of Perspective Images
* Directions of Motion Fields Are Hardly Ever Ambiguous
* Early Detection of Independent Motion from Active Control of Normal Image Flow Patterns
* Effects of Errors in the Viewing Geometry on Shape Estimation
* Estimating The Heading Direction Using Normal Flow
* Experimental Study of Color-Based Segmentation Algorithms Based on the Mean-Shift Concept, An
* Exploratory Active Vision
* Exploratory Active Vision: Theory
* Eye design in the plenoptic space of light rays
* Eyes from Eyes
* Eyes from Eyes: Analysis of Camera Design Using Plenoptic Video Geometry
* Eyes from Eyes: New Cameras for Structure from Motion
* Fast 2D border ownership assignment
* Finding Motion Parameters from Spherical Flow Fields (or the Advantages of Having Eyes in the Back of Your Head)
* Geometry and Statistics of Visual Space-Time
* Geometry of Eye Design: Biology and Technology
* geometry of visual interception, The
* Global Rigidity Constraints in Image Displacement Fields
* Harmonic Computational Geometry: A new tool for visual correspondence
* hierarchy of cameras for 3D photography, A
* How Normal Flow Constrains Relative Depth for an Active Observer
* Image Transformations and Blurring
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland (January 1988-February 1989)
* Image Understanding using vision and reasoning through Scene Description Graph
* influence of shape on image correspondence, The
* Information in the Direction of Image Flow, The
* Integration of Visual and Inertial Information for Egomotion: A Stochastic Approach
* Integration of Visual Modules: An Extension of the Marr Paradigm
* Interaction Between 3D Shape and Motion: Theory and Applications
* Is Correspondence Necessary for the Perception of Structure from Motion?
* Iso-Distortion Contours and Egomotion Estimation
* Language for Human Action, A
* Learning Early-Vision Computations
* Learning Visual Motion Segmentation Using Event Surfaces
* Maryland Progress in Image Understanding
* Motion segmentation using occlusions
* Multi-Camera Networks: Eyes from Eyes
* Multi-frame Approach to Visual Motion Perception, A
* Multi-Modality Stereo with Varying Spatial, Temporal, and Spectral Resolution
* Multiple View Image Reconstruction: A Harmonic Approach
* Non-) Rigid Motion Interpretation: A Regularized Approach
* Object Recognition by a Robotic Agent: The Purposive Approach
* Observability of 3D Motion
* Obstacle Avoidance Using Flow Field Divergence
* On the Geometry of Visual Correspondence
* On the Kinetic Depth Effect
* Optimal Computing of Structure from Motion Using Point Correspondences in Two Frames
* Optimal Motion Estimation
* Optimal Visual Motion Estimation: A Note
* Ordinal Representations of Visual Space
* Perception of Structure from Motion: I: Optic Flow vs. Discrete Displacements, II: Lower Bound Results
* Perceptual Computational Advantages of Tracking
* Polydioptric camera design and 3D motion estimation
* Polydioptric Cameras: New Eyes for Structure from Motion
* Principles of Computer Vision
* Probabilistic Analysis of Some Navigation Strategies in a Dynamic Environment
* Probabilistic Framework for Correspondence and Egomotion, A
* Probabilistic Notion of Camera Geometry: Calibrated vs. Uncalibrated, A
* Probabilistic Notion of Correspondence and the Epipolar Constraint, A
* Progress on Vision Through Learning
* Purposive and Qualitative Active Vision
* Purposive, Qualitative, Active Vision
* Qualitative Egomotion
* Qualitative Vision
* Relationship Between Optical Flow and Surface Orientation, The
* Relative Depth from Motion Using Normal Flow: An Active and Purposive Solution
* Response to Ignorance, Myopia, and Naivete in Computer Vision Systems by R. C. Jain and T. O. Binford, A
* Roadmap to the Integration of Early Visual Modules, A
* Robust Computations of Intrinsic Images from Multiple Cues
* Robust contrast invariant stereo correspondence
* Robust, Correspondenceless, Translation-Determining Algorithm, A
* Role of Fixation in Visual-Motion Analysis, The
* Rotations, Lines, and Multilinear Constraints
* Seeing and Understanding: Representing the Visual World
* Shadow free segmentation in still images using local density measure
* Shape and 3-D Motion from Contour without Point to Point Correspondences: General Principles
* Shape and the Stereo Correspondence Problem
* Shape for Video: Beyond the Epipolar Constraint
* Shape from Patterns: Regularization
* Shape from Texture
* Shape from Video
* Simultaneous estimation of viewing geometry and structure
* Spatio-Temporal Stereo Using Multi-Resolution Subdivision Surfaces
* Spatiotemporal Representations for Visual Navigation
* Spherical Eye from Multiple Cameras (Makes Better Models of the World), A
* Statistical Biases in Optic Flow
* Statistics Explains Geometrical Optical Illusions
* Statistics of Optical Flow, The
* Statistics of Optical Flow: Implications for the Process of Correspondence in Vision, The
* Stereo Correspondence with Slanted Surfaces: Critical Implications of Horizontal Slant
* Structure from Motion Using Line Correspondences
* Structure from Motion: Beyond the Epipolar Constraint
* Talking Heads: Introducing the tool of 3D motion fields in the study of action
* Texture, Contour, Shape, and Motion
* Towards a Theory of Direct Perception
* Unification and Integration of Visual Modules: An Extension of the Marr Paradigm
* Unified Theory of Structure from Motion, A
* Unifying Shading and Texture Through an Active Observer
* Using Flow Field Divergence for Obstacle Avoidance: Towards Qualitative Vision
* Vision and Action
* Visual Motion Analysis under Interceptive Behavior
* Visual Navigation
* Visual Navigation: Flies, Bees, and UGV's
* Visual Navigation: From Biological Systems to Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Visual Shape Computation
* Visual Space Distortion
* Visual space-time geometry: A tool for perception and the imagination
* What I Have Learned: Reply
* What Is Computed by Structure from Motion Algorithms?
* Which Shape from Motion?
Includes: Aloimonos, Y.[Yiannis] Aloimonos, Y. Aloimonos, Y.[Yannis] Aloimonos, Y.[Yi-Fannis (John)]
147 for Aloimonos, Y.

Aloimonos, Y.F.[Yi Fannis] Co Author Listing * Action Attribute Detection from Sports Videos with Contextual Constraints
* Attribute-Based Transfer Learning for Object Categorization with Zero/One Training Example
* CodedEvents: Optimal Point-Spread-Function Engineering for 3D-Tracking with Event Cameras
* Context in Human Action through Motion Complementarity
* Contour Detection and Characterization for Asynchronous Event Sensors
* Contour Motion Estimation for Asynchronous Event-Driven Cameras
* Detecting Independent Motion: The Statistics of Temporal Continuity
* Detection of Manipulation Action Consequences (MAC)
* Families of Stationary Patterns Producing Illusory Movement: Insights into the Visual System
* Forecasting Action Through Contact Representations From First Person Video
* Grasp type revisited: A modern perspective on a classical feature for vision
* Incorporating Visual Grounding In GCN For Zero-shot Learning Of Human Object Interaction Actions
* Independent Motion: The Importance of History
* Joint direct estimation of 3D geometry and 3D motion using spatio temporal gradients
* Learning shift-invariant sparse representation of actions
* Medusa Synthesized
* Motion Segmentation for a Binocular Observer
* Motion Segmentation: A Synergistic Approach
* On the Visual Mathematics of Tracking
* Ray Carving with Gradients and Motion
* Signals on Pencils of Lines
* Structure from Motion of Parallel Lines
* Therbligs in Action: Video Understanding through Motion Primitives
* Topology-Aware Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
* Tracking in a complex visual environment
* View-Invariant Modeling and Recognition of Human Actions Using Grammars
* Who killed the directed model?
Includes: Aloimonos, Y.F.[Yi Fannis] Aloimonos, Y.F.[Yi-Fannis]
27 for Aloimonos, Y.F.

Aloimonous, Y.F.[Yi Fannis] Co Author Listing * SeaDroneSim: Simulation of Aerial Images for Detection of Objects Above Water
Includes: Aloimonous, Y.F.[Yi Fannis] Aloimonous, Y.F.[Yi-Fannis]

Aloise, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * NP-Hardness of balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering
* On Transfer Learning for Building Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery in Emergency Contexts
* VNS heuristic for escaping local extrema entrapment in normalized cut clustering, A

Aloisi, M.[Marco] Co Author Listing * 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Reveal Hidden Features of the Unexpected 3 July Paroxysm, The

Aloisio, G.[Giovanni] Co Author Listing * Near real-time parallel processing and advanced data management of SAR images in grid environments

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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