Akin, A.
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Multiaperture Omnidirectional Visual Sensor Based on an Interconnected Network of Smart Cameras, A
* Spatio-temporal Urban Change Analysis and the Ecological Threats Concerning The Third Bridge in Istanbul City
* Spatiotemporal Land use/cover Change of Adana City, The
Akin, B.[Berkin]
Co Author Listing * Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Search
* MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for Mobile Accelerators
* Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
* Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device ML on Edge TPUs
Akin, E.
Co Author Listing * Image processing based traffic sign detection and recognition with fuzzy integral
* IMU based adaptive blur removal approach using image processing for railway inspection
* Monitoring of pantograph-catenary interaction by using particle swarm based contact wire tracking
* New Approach Based on Predictive Maintenance Using the Fuzzy Classifier in Pantograph-Catenary Systems, A
Includes: Akin, E. Akin, E.[Erhan]
Akin, O.[Osman]
Co Author Listing * Deformable part-based tracking by coupled global and local correlation filters
* Integration of Building Information Modeling and Agent-based Modeling For Evacuation Simulation
* Knowledge Acquisition for Image Understanding Research
* Medical Image Tampering Detection: A New Dataset and Baseline
* Online Learning and Detection with Part-Based, Circulant Structure
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Akin, O.[Osman] Akin, Ö. Akin, O.[Omer] Akin, O.[Oguz]
7 for Akin, O.
Akinci, B.[Burcu]
Co Author Listing * ASDMCon Project: The Challenge of Detecting Defects on Construction Sites, The
* Comparative Analysis of Depth-Discontinuity and Mixed-Pixel Detection Algorithms, A
* Toward Automated Modeling of Floor Plans
Akinci, H.[Halil]
Co Author Listing * Random Forest-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Coastal Regions of Artvin, Turkey
Akinci, O.
Co Author Listing * Artificial Learning-Based Proctoring Solution for Remote Online Assessments: VProctor
Akinci, Y.
Co Author Listing * character recognizer for Turkish language, A
Akingba, G.A.[George A.]
Co Author Listing * Collaboration With a Robotic Scrub Nurse
Akinin, A.
Co Author Listing * Silicon-Integrated High-Density Electrocortical Interfaces
Akinin, M.V.
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Segmentation of Aerial Photography Data Obtained Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Akinina, N.V.
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Segmentation of Aerial Photography Data Obtained Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Akinlar, C.[Cuneyt]
Co Author Listing * ColorED: Color edge and segment detection by Edge Drawing (ED)
* Counting Turkish Coins with a Calibrated Camera
* Design and Implementation of a Bandwidth Sensitive Distributed Continuous Media File System Using the Fibre Channel Network
* EDCircles: A Real-Time Circle Detector with a False Detection Control
* Edge Drawing: A combined real-time edge and segment detector
* Edge Drawing: A Heuristic Approach to Robust Real-Time Edge Detection
* EDLines: A Real-Time Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control
* Edlines: Real-time line segment detection by Edge Drawing (ed)
* Occlusion-Resistant Ellipse Detection Method by Joining Coelliptic Arcs, An
* parallel Huffman coder on the CUDA architecture, A
* PEL: A Predictive Edge Linking algorithm
* STag: A stable fiducial marker system
Includes: Akinlar, C.[Cuneyt] Akinlar, C.
12 for Akinlar, C.
Akinniyi, F.A.
Co Author Listing * New Product Graph Based Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism, A
Akinniyi, O.[Oluwatunmise]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Classification of Retinal Diseases Using a Pyramidal Ensemble Deep Framework
Akinsete, A.M.[Adeseye M]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Features Associated with Pneumonia
Akintayo, A.[Adedotun]
Co Author Listing * LLNet: A deep autoencoder approach to natural low-light image enhancement
Akintola, A.[Adeyinka]
Co Author Listing * AI Robustness Against Attacks in City-Scale Autonomous Drone Deployments
Akintola, O.O.
Co Author Listing * Potential of GIS as a Management Tool for Avenue Trees Population In Small Communities; A Case Study Of Idi-shin Community, Ibadan, Nigeria, The
Akinwande, V.[Victor]
Co Author Listing * Pattern detection in the activation space for identifying synthesized content
Akinyede, J.O.
Co Author Listing * Development of a Cartographic Strategy and Geospatial Services for Disaster Early Warning and Mitigation in the ECOWAS Subregion
* Hydrologic Modelling Of Katsina-ala River Basin: An Emerging Scenario From Lake Nyos Threat
Akinyemi, F.O.[Felicia O.]
Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing-Based Inventory of West Africa Tropical Forest Patches: A Basis for Enhancing Their Conservation and Sustainable Use, A
* Vegetation Trends, Drought Severity and Land Use-Land Cover Change during the Growing Season in Semi-Arid Contexts
Akinyemi, J.D.[Joseph Damilola]
Co Author Listing * Facial Age Estimation Using Compact Facial Features
Akinyemi, T.O.[Toluwanimi Oluwadra]
Co Author Listing * Analyzing Surgeon-Robot Cooperative Performance in Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization
* Weighting-Based Deep Ensemble Learning for Recognition of Interventionalists' Hand Motions During Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization
Includes: Akinyemi, T.O.[Toluwanimi Oluwadra] Akinyemi, T.O.[Toluwanimi Oluwadara]