* *Sensor Fusion III
* 3D interpretation system based on consistent labeling of a set of propositions. Application to the interpretation of straight line correspondences, A
* 3D-vision-based robot navigation: First steps
* Adapting computer vision systems to the visual environment: Topographic mapping
* Airplane collision avoidance system
* Algorithms and Architectures for a Class of Non-Linear Hybrid Filters
* analysis of time varying image sequences, The
* Biased anisotropic diffusion: A unified regularization and diffusion approach to edge detection
* bit plane architecture for an image analysis processor implemented with P.L.C.A. gate array, A
* Chain Pyramid: Hierarchical Contour Processing, The
* Charting surface structure
* Color Image Processing for Navigation: Two Road Trackers
* Combinatorial characterization of perspective projections from polyhedral object scenes
* Coping with Discontinuities in Computer Vision: Their Detection, Classification and Measurement
* Deformable templates for feature extraction from medical images
* Derivation of Qualitative Information in Motion Analysis, The
* Design and Evaluation of a Multistage Object Detection Approach
* Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Spill Cleaning Robotic System
* Digital halftoning with minimum visual modulation patterns
* Direct Evidence for Occlusion in Stereo and Motion
* Distributed learning of texture classification
* dynamic generalized Hough transform, The
* Edge Contours using Multiple Scales
* Efficient Algorithms for Obstacle Detection Using Range Data
* Electronic graphic arts screener
* Electronic graphic arts screener that suppresses Moire patterns using pseudo-random font selection
* Estimation of Curvature in 3D Images Using Tensor Field Filtering
* Estimation of Geometry and Motion of a Surface from Image Sequences by Means of Linearization of a Parametric Model, The
* Extraction of deformable part models
* Final steps towards real time trinocular stereovision
* Frequency Domain Algorithm for Multiframe Detection and Estimation of Dim Targets, A
* heterogeneous vision architecture, A
* High-Speed Triangulation-Based 3-D Imaging with Orthonormal Data Projections and Error Detection
* Imaging range finder and method
* incremental rigidity scheme for structure from motion: The line-based formulation, The
* Interobject Distance Measure Based on Medial Axes Retrieved from Discrete Distance Maps, An
* Inverse perspective of a triangle: New exact and approximate solutions
* Learning a Near-Optimal Estimator for Surface Shape from Shading
* Local cross-modality image alignment using unsupervised learning
* Method and apparatus for electro-optical distance measurement
* model for the estimate of local velocity, A
* Modeling Light Reflection for Computer Color Vision
* Non-Separable Extensions of Quadrature Mirror Filters to Multiple Dimensions
* Object detection and identification by hierarchical segmentation
* On the Estimation of Depth from Motion Using an Anthropomorphic Visual Sensor
* On the use of motion concepts for top-down control in traffic scenes
* Optimal filter for edge detection methods and results
* optimal solution for mobile camera calibration, An
* Orientation Estimation of 3D Surface Patches
* Projectively Invariant Representations Using Implicit Algebraic Curves
* Reconstructing Convex Sets from Support Line Measurements
* Scene Registration in Aerial Image Analysis
* Set Operations for Unaligned Linear Quadtrees
* Shading into texture and texture into shading: An active approach
* Shape and mutual cross-ratios with applications to exterior, interior and relative orientation
* Shape Reconstruction on a Varying Mesh
* SIMD geometric matching
* Snake growing
* Special Issue On Multidimensional Signal Processing: Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing: Problems, Progress, And Future Scopes
* Specular Surface Inspection Using Structured Highlight and Gaussian Images
* Stereo correspondence from optic flow
* Stereo integration, mean field theory and psychophysics
* Stereo matching based on a combination of simple features used for matching in temporal image sequences
* Tracking in a complex visual environment
* Transparent-motion analysis
* Using neural networks to learn shape decomposition by successive prototypication
* Using occluding contours for 3D object modeling
* Vertical and Horizontal Disparities from Phase
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