Index for szab

Szabelska, A.[Alicja] Co Author Listing * Analysis of AmpliSeq RNA-Sequencing Enrichment Panels

Szablowska Midor, A.[Aneta] Co Author Listing * Making of a Joint E-Learning Platform for Remote Sensing Education: Experiences and Lessons Learned, The
Includes: Szablowska Midor, A.[Aneta] Szablowska-Midor, A.[Aneta]

Szablowski, E.[Evan] Co Author Listing * GOAALLL!: Using sentiment in the world cup to explore theories of emotion

Szabo, A.[Attila] Co Author Listing * Appearance-based object recognition using weighted longest increasing subsequence
* Building the View Graph of a Category by Exploiting Image Realism
* Disentangling Factors of Variation by Mixing Them
* Lens flare prediction based on measurements with real-time visualization
* Lookahead adversarial learning for near real-time semantic segmentation
* Tilted Cross-Entropy (TCE): Promoting Fairness in Semantic Segmentation
* Understanding Degeneracies and Ambiguities in Attribute Transfer
Includes: Szabo, A.[Attila] Szabo, A. Szabó, A.[Attila]
7 for Szabo, A.

Szabo, B.[Brigitta] Co Author Listing * In Situ Observation-Constrained Global Surface Soil Moisture Using Random Forest Model
* Mapping Water Infiltration Rate Using Ground and UAV Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study of Alento, Italy
Includes: Szabo, B.[Brigitta] Szabó, B.[Brigitta]

Szabo, G.[Gyorgy] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Status of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of Bangladesh
* Building Extraction Using Orthophotos and Dense Point Cloud Derived from Visual Band Aerial Imagery Based on Machine Learning and Segmentation
* Data Acquisition Possibilities for Face Reconstruction Purpose
* Measure Landscape Diversity With Logical Scout Agents
* Mitigating the Bias of Centered Objects in Common Datasets
* Novel Composite Index to Measure Environmental Benefits in Urban Land Use Optimization Problems, A
* Possibilities for Assessment and Geovisualization of Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Data Using a WebGIS Application
* Receptive Field Size Optimization with Continuous Time Pooling
* Sustainable Urban Land-Use Optimization Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision-Making (GIS-MCDM) Approach
Includes: Szabo, G.[Gyorgy] Szabó, G.[György] Szabó, G.[Gergely] Szabň, G. Szabó, G.
9 for Szabo, G.

Szabo, H.M.[Helga M.] Co Author Listing * Motion Capture System for Sign Language Synthesis: Overview and Related Issues, A
Includes: Szabo, H.M.[Helga M.] Szabó, H.M.[Helga M.]

Szabo, J. Co Author Listing * Advanced point cloud generation for photogrammetric modeling of complex 3D objects

Szabo, L.[Lehel] Co Author Listing * Efficient 3D Curve Skeleton Extraction from Large Objects
* NDVI as a Proxy for Estimating Sedimentation and Vegetation Spread in Artificial Lakes: Monitoring of Spatial and Temporal Changes by Using Satellite Images Overarching Three Decades
Includes: Szabo, L.[Lehel] Szabó, L.[Lehel] Szabó, L.[Loránd]

Szabo, L.Z.[Laszlo Zsolt] Co Author Listing * Information revealed from scrolling interactions on mobile devices
Includes: Szabo, L.Z.[Laszlo Zsolt] Szabó, L.Z.[László Zsolt]

Szabo, P.[Peter] Co Author Listing * CNN-Based Framework for Enhancing 360° VR Experiences With Multisensorial Effects, A
Includes: Szabo, P.[Peter] Szabó, P.[Péter]

Szabo, S.[Szilard] Co Author Listing * Building Extraction Using Orthophotos and Dense Point Cloud Derived from Visual Band Aerial Imagery Based on Machine Learning and Segmentation
* Classification Efficacy Using K-Fold Cross-Validation and Bootstrapping Resampling Techniques on the Example of Mapping Complex Gully Systems
* Effects of Category Aggregation on Land Change Simulation Based on Corine Land Cover Data
* IQPC 2015 TRACK: Water Detection and Classification on Multisource Remote Sensing and Terrain Data
* Machine Learning for Gully Feature Extraction Based on a Pan-Sharpened Multispectral Image: Multiclass vs. Binary Approach
* NDVI as a Proxy for Estimating Sedimentation and Vegetation Spread in Artificial Lakes: Monitoring of Spatial and Temporal Changes by Using Satellite Images Overarching Three Decades
* Real-Time Computer Vision Platform for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* Suitability of UAS for Mass Movement Monitoring Caused by Torrential Rainfall: A Study on the Talus Cones in the Alpine Terrain in High Tatras, Slovakia, The
* Uncertainty and Overfitting in Fluvial Landform Classification Using Laser Scanned Data and Machine Learning: A Comparison of Pixel and Object-Based Approaches
* Validation of Visually Interpreted CORINE Land Cover Classes with Spectral Values of Satellite Images and Machine Learning
Includes: Szabo, S.[Szilard] Szabó, S.[Szilárd] Szabó, S. Szabo, S. Szabo, S.[Stanislav]
10 for Szabo, S.

Szabo, T.L. Co Author Listing * Improved Color Doppler for Cerebral Blood Flow Axial Velocity Imaging

Szabo, Z.[Zoltan] Co Author Listing * 3D shape estimation in video sequences provides high precision evaluation of facial expressions
* Effects of Category Aggregation on Land Change Simulation Based on Corine Land Cover Data
* Emotional Expression Classification Using Time-Series Kernels
* Online group-structured dictionary learning
* Quantification and Segmentation of Brain Tissues from MR-Images: A Probabilistic Neural Network Approach
* Separation theorem for independent subspace analysis and its consequences
* Spatio-temporal Event Classification Using Time-Series Kernel Based Structured Sparsity
Includes: Szabo, Z.[Zoltan] Szabó, Z.[Zoltán] Szabó, Z.[Zsuzsanna] Szabo, Z.
7 for Szabo, Z.

Szabo, Z.C.[Zsuzsanna Csatarine] Co Author Listing * Uncertainty and Overfitting in Fluvial Landform Classification Using Laser Scanned Data and Machine Learning: A Comparison of Pixel and Object-Based Approaches
* Validation of Visually Interpreted CORINE Land Cover Classes with Spectral Values of Satellite Images and Machine Learning
Includes: Szabo, Z.C.[Zsuzsanna Csatarine] Szabó, Z.C.[Zsuzsanna Csatáriné]

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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