Shie, A.J.
Co Author Listing * Design Methodology for Highly Reliable Character Recognition Systems, A
Shie, B.C.A.[Bo Chi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Motion-tolerance contextual visual saliency preserving for video retargeting
Includes: Shie, B.C.A.[Bo Chi Ang] Shie, B.C.A.[Bo-Chi-Ang]
Shie, C.K.[Chuen Kai]
Co Author Listing * Human action recognition using Action Trait Code
Includes: Shie, C.K.[Chuen Kai] Shie, C.K.[Chuen-Kai]
Shie, C.L.[Chung Lin]
Co Author Listing * NASA Global Satellite and Model Data Products and Services for Tropical Meteorology and Climatology
Includes: Shie, C.L.[Chung Lin] Shie, C.L.[Chung-Lin]
Shie, H.
Co Author Listing * Fast Landmark Localization With 3D Component Reconstruction and CNN for Cross-Pose Recognition
Shie, H.C.
Co Author Listing * Face recognition by facial attribute assisted network
* Robust cross-pose face recognition using landmark oriented depth warping
Includes: Shie, H.C. Shie, H.C.[Hung-Cheng]
Shie, J.D.
Co Author Listing * Dynamic search-window adjustment and interlaced search for block-matching algorithm
Shie, M.C.[Mon Chau]
Co Author Listing * Center of Mass-Based Adaptive Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Markov model fuzzy-reasoning based algorithm for fast block motion estimation
Includes: Shie, M.C.[Mon Chau] Shie, M.C.[Mon-Chau]
Shie, S.C.[Shih Chieh]
Co Author Listing * Image coding based on wavelet feature vector
* Image Compression Based on Side-Match VQ and SOC
* Secret image transmission based on VQ and data embedding
* Secret Image Transmission Scheme Using Secret Codebook
* suitable image hiding scheme for jpeg images, A
* technique of object-adaptive vertex-based shape coding for MPEG-4 videos, A
* Trademark image retrieval by distance-angle pair-wise histogram
Includes: Shie, S.C.[Shih Chieh] Shie, S.C.[Shih-Chieh]
7 for Shie, S.C.
Shiebel, P.[Patrick]
Co Author Listing * Modeling Deformable Filament Bundles by Means of Mass-Spring Systems for the Design of Carbon Reinforced Materials
Shieh, B.J.
Co Author Listing * High-Throughput Memory-Based VLC Decoder with Codeword Boundary Prediction, A
* new approach of group-based VLC codec system with full table programmability, A
* New Soft Variable Length Decoder for Wireless Video Transmission, A
Includes: Shieh, B.J. Shieh, B.J.[Bai-Jue]
Shieh, C.K.
Co Author Listing * Access Point-Based FEC Mechanism for Video Transmission Over Wireless LANs, An
* framework for end-to-end video quality prediction of MPEG video, A
* integrated rate control scheme for TCP-friendly MPEG-4 video transmission, An
Shieh, C.S.[Chin Shiuh]
Co Author Listing * Genetic watermarking based on transform-domain techniques
Includes: Shieh, C.S.[Chin Shiuh] Shieh, C.S.[Chin-Shiuh]
Shieh, E.
Co Author Listing * High-speed computation of the Radon transform and backprojection using an expandable multiprocessor architecture
Shieh, H.M.[Hsin M.]
Co Author Listing * Image reconstruction from limited Fourier data
* Image reconstruction: a unifying model for resolution enhancement and data extrapolation. Tutorial
* Iterative image reconstruction using prior knowledge
* Resolution enhancement of imaging small-scale portions in a compactly supported function
* Resolution enhancement of nondestructive testing from B-scans
Shieh, J.L.
Co Author Listing * Discovering Traffic Bottlenecks in an Urban Network by Spatiotemporal Data Mining on Location-Based Services
* Monocular 3D Object Detection Utilizing Auxiliary Learning With Deformable Convolution
* Positive-weighting feature enhancement for weakly supervised object localization
Includes: Shieh, J.L. Shieh, J.L.[Jeng-Lun]
Shieh, J.S.
Co Author Listing * Approach of Multiscale Complexity in Texture Analysis of Lymphomas, An
Shieh, J.W.
Co Author Listing * Constructing Optimized Prototypes for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Prototype optimization for nearest-neighbor classification
Shieh, J.Y.
Co Author Listing * Motion Estimation From A Sequence Of Stereo Images: A Direct Method
Shieh, K.[Kevin]
Co Author Listing * Performance of focus measures in the presence of nondefocus aberrations
Shieh, M.
Co Author Listing * Depth-Reliability-Based Stereo-Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture Design
Shieh, M.C.[Ming Chang]
Co Author Listing * Flood Prevention and Emergency Response System Powered by Google Earth Engine
* Rapid Response to a Typhoon-Induced Flood with an SAR-Derived Map of Inundated Areas: Case Study and Validation
Includes: Shieh, M.C.[Ming Chang] Shieh, M.C.[Ming-Chang]
Shieh, M.D.[Meng Dar]
Co Author Listing * Learning Effectiveness Evaluation of Lesson Plan on Streamline in Model Design Course
* Low-complexity multi-standard variable length coding decoder using tree-based partition and classification
* Low-power context-based adaptive binary arithmetic encoder using an embedded cache
Includes: Shieh, M.D.[Meng Dar] Shieh, M.D.[Meng-Dar] Shieh, M.D.
Shieh, T.M.[Tung Ming]
Co Author Listing * Automated Entry System for Chinese Printed Documents
Includes: Shieh, T.M.[Tung Ming] Shieh, T.M.[Tung-Ming]
Shieh, W.
Co Author Listing * Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Coding for Multi-Tb/s Optical Transport
Shieh, W.R.[Wen R.]
Co Author Listing * heuristic method for separating clusters from noisy background, A
Shieh, W.S.[Wern Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Plume extraction using entropic thresholding and region growing
* Plume segmentation using local entropic thresholding
Includes: Shieh, W.S.[Wern Sheng] Shieh, W.S.[Wern-Sheng]
Shieh, W.Y.
Co Author Listing * Design of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems With Extended Communication Areas and Performance of Data Transmission
* Design of light-emitting-diode array for solving problems of irregular radiation pattern and signal attenuation for infrared electronic-toll-collection systems
* Novel Architecture for Multilane-Free-Flow Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems in the Millimeter-Wave Range, A
* Problem of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems: The Irregularity of LED Radiation Pattern and Emitter Design, A
* Vehicle Positioning and Trajectory Tracking by Infrared Signal-Direction Discrimination for Short-Range Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Systems
Includes: Shieh, W.Y. Shieh, W.Y.[Wern-Yarng]
Shieh, Y.S.[Yaw Shih]
Co Author Listing * Memory-Efficiency and High-Speed Architectures for Forward and Inverse DCT with Multiplierless Operation
Includes: Shieh, Y.S.[Yaw Shih] Shieh, Y.S.[Yaw-Shih]
Shiekh, B.A.[Bashir Ahmad]
Co Author Listing * Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Catastrophic Floods in the Jhelum Basin, Kashmir, NW Himalaya, India
Shields, A.J.B.[Ashley J. B.]
Co Author Listing * Identifying Critical Infrastructure in Imagery Data Using Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks
Shields, F.J.[Frank J.]
Co Author Listing * Multisensor Fusion Methodologies Compared
Shields, P.G.[Peter G.]
Co Author Listing * Imaging biomarker analysis of rat mammary fat pads and glandular tissues in MRI images
Shields, T.[Timothy]
Co Author Listing * Deep Multimodal Fusion: A Hybrid Approach
Shields, T.J.[Timothy J.]
Co Author Listing * Action-Affect-Gender Classification Using Multi-task Representation Learning
* Facial Attributes Classification Using Multi-task Representation Learning
Shiell, D.[Derek]
Co Author Listing * DNA Microarray Image Intensity Extraction using Eigenspots
Shiell, D.J.[Derek J.]
Co Author Listing * Feature space video stream consistency estimation for dynamic stream weighting in audio-visual speech recognition
* Vector quantization with memory and multi-labeling for isolated video-only automatic speech recognition
Shier, W.A.
Co Author Listing * Mass Evidence Accumulation and Traveler Risk Scoring Engine in e-Border Infrastructure